.V-' 1 . hi- I r If. K-... tea s'- si ,h3 LlW .MN!' j Mriiinll ii i ' ' ' DAILY CHRONICLE ki.irtiMl lK3ft Tho Dalle. Ore. tnibllshia Kvtry JSvonlnjr Excopt .Sunday by llic "tihronliilo IMbllHhins ccmpAny Ino 'Bon 11. Lttuli . General Manager Cntrrud In Tho Dalles postofflce as tecaml lnss matter. United Pjtjw mid Unit.-. N.mvu strvlco Motribt-r t Aivlit llttroau of Circulations maii.v r.MHbMicLE nv cahrier Onu vtmr. In ndvonco $5.00 Six liionllis. In advnhec $3.00 Ono 111011II1 0 DAILY CHRONICLE UY MAIL Ono yoM In mlvimvo fS.OO Bfx month!) In 'advance. .JI.CT Ono tuunlli i tsr - - .W WEEKLY CHRONICLE Ono j-Kir, in ndvmiei"-. . $2.00 In ofdirinj: ihnttRe or address, sult icrlber shoillil always eIvo old na wdll new nddrtfi. TBLEPHONES Bdltorl.il Itofiiis mnnU 111 UuslniUS. iVdvar. U..PU. Ud 111 Ktilisnriljerfl!lto;th Chrontclc are uuar atituwl fWrWtfe. Pr'nut r.d retruUr de livery f every fml.NCiUt;r' pnp-T la tho Him of tins rciiKtl n dciurtm. ;il Thn L'hrofiKlo c-irrtirs an r-iufiiJ to ;ut tnu tupt-rs on tlx- p.'roh or 'a rr-vr til iui)5Cni,vr xvi8iica ho .i delivered. PAGEANT DAY .; l:.Jn Tho I Mill soiny. i ii i to i in rc;t c tii- county; n-jic. to all Mi. n-.. of the tr. I . Iia: . ViOi.il Mini carts to toioc. Tin iivl ftill sta.i til'ing along' eb;i! ni on. .mil frv:. iikp until an hoar you care to call it Saturday j ,llurt' iiro 1,0 f uli rai;un : .--i nionun;; somoiliini; vill ho dolna j f :' nt' in ttl1 nuri.'iwcsr. fvet minute. V( j ri5 BtaK" hiphwjsy commission There' ill be a bir ficc fcod at' :,Vl amlc1' T'1- c-mnti-sion Is noon, wi'it T!ie JD1- -V.c county now ainp the cn.n:y to coo;?r chatr.lcr of common - ttnding tho , isU' hl con.,tueiiou oi the yrcai coun.tr. T.'iti will in- Mllowtd by u,-othcm ro.ul It it. a ,:dn;; tho iotm ball panic ir. the -; U afternoon j f" lo 5ive t-omihin:; in ord.-r tha between the Independent team and 1 nl' ,l tlll vnll h.ao more lndnai leant litiai Winn Sprinps bustntvs. 1h.- hi t.ineal pd.T-.ur will folloT. j 'f!lerv is nr. (pir.'ion (h.u roadj. In tii- tarl-. rvcam. nu ,v tlo- auto ( ''"'II Ub hnrr; more I-i in. .; In mobile .mo srmun u .n.i iadi- ,iil,:ir'1 '"mntj. .!o i--,- knov.-. .qi,. isa , ccme. tho Kiks cirnr.-il. j :,!" ('oldmhia r.xcr hishvajr, and The Dalles woald like to have all rv'" 1!lnr-ii it wn't tuuctfonUig t.. tho county her.' n- u Knday, and r':ilc-sf H i- h"!;dng Mostcr. through tho t-hanu.. . i lommorcej 'llM 1;lik- ""lltl,iniJ hi -hwy te is oin.i.n;. Hie iuvation. pToin:, to bun; moiv 1u--imol AR Tlic hi-!lo:icaI ja0.-:io i',: he tin Ul, liavelei who a.v o::ii:ig from biggest ihint; of il kind ever given'1"0 s",,lUl anl who " tJ " SOUttt In eastern Orewn. iiendiMls of re si-, vfi" tlrive "'"fmg'h Moior, e0tt denU. of the city, an ! m tho count ,Kcy are soillS to j;o tlwoush TIu as well. -Kill iartici.ii. in a show ' Pallps '! a lot of olhcr p-Jace.: in sjTnholic of the Riov.th or tho .Moth-'ao or Count of Old ( logon. from the' days wiica the mount-iiu.? taut guard , the Columbia re .you-. -Jtitil today. Tho developmoni of an historical ' i-agottni for The Ualieo lias been . easy so far'ns msterml is oonper'nuth j Tho 'Dalles is rirti in the history df , - - 1 tho development of the northwest, Almost Ihe first while explorers to pierce the nort hires tern wilderness, f Lewis and Clark, stopped here. Tho little fortress city a; tho narrows of (Ito Columbia wa early a Irnvon for refuge ol the poople who came in the pniifie si.iioon r.- to make up iho Or-jgon ailsuix u' , for such are our pioneera 01 tho '4 us and '40s and.htus no othf.r 50k. No.tt Friday will I e on- of the Im portant daya in the h:-,tory of tho city. The lKigeam may he uucceas- fttl, siteerly Hirotth the Intorost manifeHUd, 01 it uuy not be'. If it is Butcesful. the pageant wltyjxK,rti9 of Wiwco count., an I Jia.- bQcomo. a permanent featuro. And if it 'become? n ponuanent fealUrci , it will bo niagnin-'i u. such a i taqjp is toe iMHi-on liounaiip, a true Qiii" pictun oi i . northwest. Ijaqt.wcok tju'inn !-.!.,- Adkiaon suggest h! that tin t",i. ir r of tlx; liirniiur commu'iiiy t the counly be hrouRht hi i.. if to Ml wjiy tif cotuniy folks want 'I ho Dalle-Culi-fornid ht-'.hv, n, i They arc coiitins. The -.ill i- h-rtj Friday. Tlurv will ta a ii hiss moetlns in home one oi i .. pari; , possibly, the '' Union , f i". i 1 .. i !.. It in h'ip-d Hi.. I Loi,inds can al- loud t!iia tn.-i: nu whut .these ni'-n I... l8"tie of tho fci.rr bond prorutiiii-ji tux and hear i.j t.ay. Thn 0.1 1- thii. toad .(1 one. Hard ii loliuly ha:.i 1 been J4nl- large groii n own Tr ly in the hi.-tot . . .1 .eu'ch 'uiiaiiinn. 1 mn fpsti-d on 1 im p 1 ot funueio an l 1. , -till toa.i ttaml u rhem ar' many 1 for the f it huiJ c . j ,-i 1 yon qui iM..-iiily d. . at jdnlio Friday, if clruo IU your aiiop or I'm. tin; piace uvorU,, untuirinK in ih' Ifnlio.t nuiel4 to tho-'iuied mi n tnul com- ill, Soo what yie p.nieiin CQlUplltvllbd. Hear oooiitUti ln nc tho nistniHii'iia that ha.d.lu drdi,,n wlo l,ave 8IvlW-h(;,'11, M"" eu the matter i.u,.n' oiiaiiiontllon "t-1 will put forth ff tho road bond 1' l'S"1 'Kvery ,nUieh- person In Iho county, fflj&JM neetlcd. und thero will ho row Sffifluiiil Vplneliqw lor all of thoju.. .a'h'o. VQIPR00ATI0N. Aff ; Intr lo do In " " ' "" " ! 111 M bond isoiift tileui ion Juno 7. Tuin It .down, moit people .will fay, if they hive le.tiii il in all the biiKiibon mtvn - thai lue h. on no ItiK around. Moslcrtti s are iltagru-ithd. wo aiv totd. They have not received enou'sh oat ot tho couniy for market rouils In comparison uiUt Ihe amount of (a&t paid, they say. so iV. -y Imvo ai-cifien to tuni inun Uio io;i I i gtto. Hut MY ..-lor nikrt shoalil roniem-bt-i in ii 11 fitirncsi ihav t!ils isn't al:. ,c::ioi .1 ooun;y lastrs. sve ilmn r IotumIIs t!i r.m.v m hi. . nienbo d?gree. This te a tsLtte Mfitiimy conimts ion propopl'lon l.u- rooro than it Is solely a asco county matter. w. i happen i. ho fuvorab)' - ! d. roily m the lino, of loaat s ,w 8l"",k- ot tlu' i iat i to ,o o on!r..! so(;n!Ttt Oregon, .mokini; n Irttera! east-ifUj2-7noiuuains ,-y. ' 'i ;i .-tuto. hi,;lrwty cmninisKlon Miwtcr i lie (oluiitbia rive; Ti:i in - vl Mi. L pjsaiM ilrou :i, th-ir clioicesi orchard';, of w '.v.. U w,uuti" t "nether or not the people ut eouii, thi.-s like the comity roiil1 is 10 llKir ow mtore.st, anJ it is t!,cir ,lut to rociprocaie. The Colunihin river higlrway only iiin kn$ the. frtee rd Wa&sd county, no as to apeak, v.-hercafc The Dales-Call , . . . .- r rornln highway goes right into its lifeart. .'Tire whole county has benefited from the Columbia rivet- htrhway. The whole nunty.wili b.nerit tine foJd from Mr? lateral ro.nl. One doe:; not have to he- on a b-:; road u benefit by it. The road r vs. era i, rtcvclopiiiK throughout Oregon iis itaii no otii'.:- on-; ihtn-; m.-k-o Hi "white man" chased out the Indians. 1 1 Slnrket roads are fcelns huih everywhere to link up wttn the maii "fterie.s so (hst in hardly a r-ommun't a shot' will he!,Vol!:j. isolated. Moider h. .r niuca a "'' t' perform in c.;ninio:i wltli 1 county. Juat now h v bluest zva-lomltic'a hi to help out iu The Waller California biyiiv. v. Hi' tll he jjiven n service proftvbb- returns will tlMHI ci. ',.e. which POVER OF DOLLAR Rv Tfr.ltcl N. ... WAKIIliVITdN. .Mi - T!i- prcBUit ii-iian dolhn 1 all u i.,r what America need., 1 a 1loll.11 put niwa. will hu, a doiln wo. 1 Of 'Hfe'tf necesiiily. With lUi.. d(K'i!'ie 1 .ilahlmlj. .1 ;( a proni-e. h :.din;-. Amen m lunk irrs, hUoine.,.; iik-h o 01101111 il.l will meet hen- ii"M K-iitudiv in ot-?.-ui-iz the "aitilile i.k,ik-. i .i-m'." Tito piirpwo of tin.- bs. u, . ,i ,( to ifUltlilize the pill' h 1.",. pn(, lit' the dolJ.U'. . -imj.- MORGANS ANNOUNCE NEW FRLNCH LOAN Rv tiiiltiil t.'. .w. 'iNWW.YfmK, May 21 u h'jo dred iiilljiiin doiln ln.m ti i: - )',.).. ! KOvernmenL tin- io(n-ij, oi ,;iih ,tro - (o lo tfifl U JVtii Fretioh obK- duiiiiir Ihe eitm'hl o.n- ami to cover pim-haseu ol law inat rial: and tood H.uffa hero, nat atiii'itni'-t ! S'rahn do Nhieoiiosoji lU.poc: r of Hnanoo of Franwo. . A COUtltr' V'Jde adi ale i:. In-jii- forjued to linndh: the noiv 1 ,i.-, iio'. will run for 20 jours 7i luictiu. 'J'ho hViinch j.'OvorniniMti aaroe. 10 p;t Into n sinhlnK fond if9.ooo.00t) a ynr In c(iul monthly inBtuJlmcmta, which ftlll bo ued to retire the bontla Tho itauo vJil ho oflorcd at a." aul IntonwL yleldlnir sUfihtly moro Iha-a $ percent, ....:.-'r.-.J THE FORUM May i)iM I'.iimir. tho chronicle; -The npvt rlim or llio river is n mutter of con Vein anil speculation to numerous 10. Son. For purposes ot comparison und ; rnrpenst Ihe subjoined readings mnv lie of '""'B'. Thoy nro a recotd of I 'rom "ainy lfllli, is4 Ir ".uho t,.ni noon, witcn (no oxtrcniv n ' Similarity of tho .prvaent rise a that t 1S9J duo. not ueewisnrUy indinttc lit fiooll of.llmt year will bo ro;at- 4 - ": ln " 'UtMU is littlo llkellJioort ',JC n'U'Qt wiih tuvornblo weather cohdlUons such n cntaropho can oc cur, U is a odtuolilPiit Hi ii I 111 d I Ft ViA of fot nt noon yoatordav wo Hourly ulonlfedl with" Ihe stage on Mnv 22, imk j 1)a,e Mtty t6' 89- -Mny 1C, ISM.. Mnv 17. 1S9L. ' MUV is, isfti., 5luy in. ifi'JI.. N' 20. 1S91., Mnv 1, 1S34. . lit. in Fee' 20 : s n ......... :.. s 'A'S u H V - )..: s ii G 12 7 .5 ! ... . .-IS 2 . ... ..'.( ;.;: 5;!.o .. B-i 55.0 rti i r.V4 . o 5J.n iji.r May 22, lSiM., May 33, JS91.. M.n 21. 1S' t . . Mav 25, IS! t .Mnv 20. 1S!4 M.n 27. 1S31 Miy. 2S, 1S0-1 Ma 2, 151M Mnv ;;t). iss-j May :U, M8!M .Tune J, 1NJH .Iiiue 2. IS!M June 3. 1S04 lni.c 1 I'.'l June l.s;M .lime i I v.. i This- I il;le will he use-till to those ile-iiiri,; to nialie lomparisonr- th' pro-em -o.iMin A .jt rf ."ill f--l v.;l lirinp the water within :.i inehfa o Ii" i .in on tho O.-W. K. . in itnnt i,r i mo di pot, .-'lid tin'. i.u wea!h- r remain iniiimialh i-ool that hot-jhi will be reached. With warm wc.tth-r .itnl con.Mant western wttu! it m po -i: lo fo.- the (h od rooonl t. Iasa from ISat to v.121. .1 the nlimt ot mountain iow is ai:uile. m; tjio probability Of a jcurr";i t l 1 in romote. - - ' .1. T. KORICK. AT THE LIBRARY Not Iohr aso lh" nav ilepartiuen! at V:'.hin;;lon tried to find nt what 1 I: In it nf ln.,-iliu . w i.x t ,,11011.01 - pea! to ;oimg men. Over 7i) j.onnrr niia htpuien eiuerinj? t':o n.-n':il acad emy wore asked to she the titles ot the two books that each like ! ' best. Their preference?, according to the number ol votes, for the fir.-1 ."u litloa were JisUd. Out -of this .Mi The Dalies pi library has 40 of the titles. The ! r i.ill. wj in the order n i.i the pr. fr-rrnoo list. .7.'-a Woll'-Jack London. Call o' th- V.'ild-.foi k Lon.li::;. Tiea.iiiiT! Island--Stoion n Tom y.-.-.vyor Mark T.ain. Over the Top (!uv fhiipo. lluckleher Finn - if. irk T.-.;.in. I'ocm-. by Uud.nrd K.plniK. Two Yeat.i 15efore Tin- .Mast Dana. The Virainian - Oven Wister. (Mr. Uri Lns Sees Ii Through 1 1 r. . iina'iro.i i.'.oij-anu -"Ian llr; S'.ie'l oi (',. Yukon -Hobc-t Sarvici T.-.'ont1- Th'tu.-'iind Lo.i.-rue.s llnde in S-1 Jules V inc. A. h Oil tun 111 SliellrirU lln;.,t..- c. ,.,,,, ,,. ( mm' el Mont. :st -Immar.. T; o ' 1-., W. ii. .ion 'jhurchill .'.'in Wnhoui A Co'iuirv Halo. Iva.'.liii. S'i Waller Hoolt. Foui Millimi -O. Henry. TakB ot Fd-rar All- n I'oe. J:..-t of lite Mohaan.-. Coij i r. M Putir Year. 111 ( rnitiii -tier at-. 1. l-eiirii.l IJoiiih Tui kiiir-.lon r.-me 10 .1 )., ' Cm. W411--Rubers 1 Si 1 . 1' i l.i'le Shepiieni (f Kin.vdom Come iiii.u I'.ix Jr. Kio.-kJe., Poflcr. Cr iiiii.'irfc Met.'iileheon. The 1 1 j r ' cull 1 l'oi lor Iiiiioc 11;.; Abroad Mark Twain Rieliaiil C irvi I V in .Inn Ciniiehfll ,' ill e 1 1. .p. Kes I'.e.n h. Jyiii1,1 1 1 nun hirtc'-.inore. Tale of Two Clio-: Dickens, lironii Ulghwai I'.unol. Tho Harriet Ilex Reach. David ('opiierfiolrl I )n-k' nu. laid. 01 l!oiiu camp llo.J Knrtc. A Conn" ijtut V'aiikeo in Ulna Ar- tfun Coin) Murk 'Ihvatn. Tin linn Tnul Hux llww.U Ne'01 Do 'Well Hex Uaeh. Rkler.-; to the Purple Si;?. 4110 tiroy. A Kaitoi V, Log - Admiral II. I) Kvan ,. Una Alworahli.11 -'lclor Hugo. The. buoli.-i i-.r llslod above htivo bun hrour.h' loeihoi- and placed on the dnpl.i rack in the library where Hi'- way Ixi looked over and liurrm cd for homo loading. CiirpnutoriiilmdtTlidTiifc'. C. II. Mottyiiiati. tolepliono tQtl'5741. .M30 Froo Clinic No Charge For Examina tionTuesdays and Thursdaya, Dr. Uauri), chiropractic phjHlelan, Third und Washington, innln 50i. tl Ti . , . " T " fRIGUE OF WORLDS S HEARD i ROME Ry Robert J. Bender (United .ttxytiff Rtnff (Vi wivii'doni ) . AvAslIlNtiflloN, M.-ty 21. Homo Siunt uliilffUUilIc llstonlnn poi of F-uropo, VlJl 1iitvp 1ft Richard Wi-sh bum C1UUI 'u Ametlc.tn ti"dansi4 dor who ti'ultbvOR lnn loli -ihou)d in toil n mnmtrfh of .o"imir hi ear. open avjti n 'minimum of Itcopm r up nppenr.ilmts. Child, thurefine, tmon KOlncr to Surope's IciUlluf; mt for lnttmn iional Intriaues and old world dl plomaoy, will Hinply puintie Ute tmlntni? rucotvod in jtmrn il'sm, which hits bean bin lil'e'w work, and dovotf hinumlf to record. n.? ovonU ui hS obaorVntlon utiitiou ovarlook Injtr scoucb of most of Ihtrope's molls, past mill present. Appointment of Chl'd is not onl important but Intero.ahi . in that !i constitutes stmtething o an oqier intent, in diplomacy. He is youn5;e. in years than nut it nun upon v-ho.i .molt an "honor is conferred, ami ; not p(a?,08QtI Of the political "p ill' or riches, 'tiBUdlb so necessary ir the chuo blJ.-iatidiU; d'ploma'tc hp pointincitts. Ito may he e.vpccleit It travel exttjiiilvely thrmr;it Italy stndyins Hi$ vjtrioits temomhi till" poltticul ihiwohipiucnlH with an oy to aendhijf Btttl liaa I, independent! mined uifoTruatiiin to tin Un'le sutler goveijimcnt. nithr .tmi:, nrnpaeiuQa 'tlmt 10 often ii -ristw , en! by tliu "jjrtJlhscat clitjiies Wlthli KurpiKan novriiiiie.'il--. It ix. mtjto (Uati ll'telv llnt.Cui'd clnractwWweSt " cou '0 d with m traimnsr, wWo ns m.tch renronslhl as r.uyihiwy olso for hl- S'lecio' . I.) Ilanime; to "re. .1" I In- old "n nor icntto." And h n at i tune when Kuiopo.n vents nr i-ach ai to lncfensi- n- ciwity fo cloao observation bv th - .Viurie"ii iVenituont. Already, according I autlio itio n ports. I'm '(ormnni. an ivachi-i ; on or Italian intlu. t- train. Tho pi war Herman hold on whi'-h result"-, in :vn uimmatliif! tin- tanious trip!' allian-e between Gonnany and Am tria-Ilifjriry and ltth. . and almu.c off. cttd Itijllan eiitranc Into lh v.-ai- n tho nido of (iernmny. Tho now move h Crmauy it Italy, of conrae, is 0 matter of in terest and imiMMtare to Ilie-Unitoi. States. IJ, fjOinw at a time whet Italy, probnhly more than at an iinie in hiatOty. i;. tuniing lo th United .HtAtwf vbh amines' I m -'b' willingi .to eo-cpir,ttv witu The Italian 'people h ie 110 parti" ular itfftftfUntf f tli-'trmau8 an the-Utjrmaifeslioaale.aicaftSjnijrj- at tii Italian or 'Jei.ouneii'm'Tlie trlpb c lianee. But ties is regarded Hire a polltrcal and wc-iii situation m. or tlian ecoiio!:i':c. lEeSliyoi DPnt TPFP H- 1 IIUIHLLU in nni Hy tliilled News l):-H)ON, Mh. 2-1 America did not tpiit Hie war u fltttincial iwlnner. hi causa berore It was over ahe had in '.eited in tho eotnmon viclorv all tin. I meuoy ih" had mude on war contiai ': 1 during hor neutrality und much uior besides, otto IL ICuhn. the Ameiic ti I banker, of Kubn, Loch and 'uttpii'i' !ifi!, Croat liriittin this poiiiinl j Hinder in an article on An,-do-Ame;-i 'iia l'Blatioua contributed lo tlcj .-an jd M Ml. j The he lief held by main I hii epeaiv thai Ihe Uniled HUUe. vmih porni'i nonlly entifh'd In collosaal .uikhimI. . .jitlr:.I.v iti'.irrcel, Kulin p., in. a on! f ir (lie n iiion . neat 2f.ooo,u''ii,i'jo on her nv.11 vi.'ir ii'llvllio, ami ail alio d $10 iiOlj.OOO.taiU In loan., hi;l .unoitniK.f ir o'. ' r-bilaticul the 101m i", 'i ea!ier piolitf) I'-iieiMlsbip between (ricyt Urilahi and tin Unite I ptaiea ! 1 in- i-n'tcr :-'o!i: ol uorld i.W)Ero'K and pi ho, the bnnker duclaro , fflr both natiom. lu-v'i .1. iiioualniiwl a fuiiw. capaclt lo tran-iiuuiiiiK no ma erial mid power ln'o a nervicoablt) .product. "Roth ae j;iioU tO ii-.e khuI pov, er nobeil' , ' Kulifl wrote. ''A lo the debtA owed Ani'-rie-i, lb" pre .cut aimoaphuro of the wnrhl i- : ijf-li that It vonbi not lie 11 piosnoi -011., liiinj? to do lo' utlompi a iinalii't llutiient now. The. time 10 deal with the ilebiji wub two and ono-haif ye trn uj-'o. MA"! Ami 1 ic.iini htv a vatfuo on ptossion that il")ll.i ilfo u lini.saiii'e, imwnvor, tlte protioii Is' not of ;miiii)o nolutlon. dt woulti ho mnie diffimili for Orent lit iialn. lo uccopt 'ancofiii. tlon of her debts thun for Ihe United Slnlpa to cotit edn IL" Call Iho I oiofDailoa Roatily Iiojn If your hair needs atlonllon or color in;;. Tolcphono main -lOfil. 21 "THE KID" EMPRE80 4 Days Startlno Friday, May 27th T - I t It's a' Common 11 What sale shall 1 visit lo secure some needed iu-ticlu of Wcar'toff Ap parel Dry Goods, Shoos or Clolhinj;? 1' ?ov vc know of. no more conviiicinj way to driv homo 'thofav't.JluJT ' T-,t-mv everyday prices arc, lower tlmn so colled spec'uu wale .prices. lor-Mj-L. cm chandis'c hau to bs WhilivnV Kvcry day affords money saving oppprtunitiyK to those who will but X visit our store. Com)arc prices an:l merchandise and take advantage jjl oi! the splendid savings offered. No matter how small the contemplate ,s cd purchase it will pay yon to com?. You are wcicomo tti'inspeut our () 1 1 . ... -i V. ' 'it. ...1! t.i: l! ITt 4. I II niercnannise aim prices wiinouc incurring .any 0Di;g;auHi. vvc witm, ,yuu to see the beautiful Cents, Suits, J)resfles, Dry Goods, Slices, Ciothing and Novelties we are showing for Spring. All at surprisingly low prices. . lift 0 I I 11 'styles. NEW TIfsS.UE . . GINGHAMS in, 49c yard Beautiful new sheer Plaidr. in thi excel lent summer dress fabric. Only '49e yd. NEW VOILES Fo: Summer Dresses 23c, 39c, 49c, 53e Light and, dark pat terns in a wide range of colors to choose from. Values you will not find (l equalied elsewhere. COLORED DRESS LINENS ' 73c yd. 36 in. wide, pure Linen, blue and pink. JAPANESE CREPE 33e yd. In plain shades o,f Blue, Rose, Pink, Yellow and Green. 30 in., wide. COLORED ORGANDIES 40 in. wide, Roue, Pink, Green and Blue. Ped yd. IWc. LADIES SHOES While Hid Pumps for Graduation Girls' White Kid -Pumps, military .... i :.. i t j..:.... , Ti..:.. t?is r.n JO (II JJtyiJJei iw.ni, mill iillW, i uir I White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps Priced from $2.fi!) to plM. WOMKN'S OXI-'ORDS ' 'Women's Brown Kid Ok Cordis, military heels. Priced from .?7.5(), , $5.50. to V,)S. Grmving girls'' Oxfoi.Tlsinahog any Kid, low heel. Priced at .$1.50 and $3.98. GRAY SUEDE PUMPS Ono strap, covered LouiB lioci, turn sole. 'Pair $8.91)'. ' " ' BUYING MOST WE UUY FOR LESS -mmm-v - - THE IMCm CHAIN I)'F.PArlTMEWTj STORE ORGANIZATION IN ,THE -WORLD u EH (weiy WE SAY- VISIT THEM ALL nuirked up before it can -be Diatmctivc Styles in "Women's Ap jttirol liigiit from Fashion's Center, lien; r.rc some oi' the 'nuw arrivals: nmy nciNOWETT-B coats In Sport colors. $14.75 Eue'i Mignonette, Striped Flajmdl, Striped 1 Mealed Serges. IVhst striking in ap pearance. . , $5.C0, $T.!(.)0, 1 j Oi 1 1 in Mojf Aviitirli-M'Tn': vmIiipw iti niuvi'1 $Ll.i)0, $;i!.7 and .?if).75 WOT SiaRi AT LOWEST PRICES Select your hat fyom the , nifty ;now Straps we are showing.. Newest Shaes Good Qualities Lowest Prices .$2.49, &!.49, Jft.OcV $d.50 tJJLl if (mml . ioFda. J'air'Jjl). Men's Mahogany Gaii! "EMiisii last, welt sole Slices. Pair $5,90. Men's Brown Jit Nl It v UfA'7J.'f 312 DEPARTMENT mssfiSSffltfin ill - HnsovboKitacl jrrLim: LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT l!ijk-VjW3 STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLI)-3 , TT Today I m run ft marked 'down. Why? A Hi 0 MEM'S UNDERWEAR ' 'Underwear B.-V. D. Union Suits if;j Or: pt ,-,'), & tiler Athletic 'Union 'Suit; $1.25 and 89c. Men's Fine Ribbed Union Suits .Long or short . sleeves, ah sizes, tfl.19 and $LG9. Men's Mesh Union Suits Short sleeves, ankle length suit, 98c. Men's Shirts and i Drawers Fine nbbed, summer weight. J'er garment 45c ynd )Sc . Men's Nigiil Shirts Made of good ual-.. iLies of Cambric. Pull out and well made. Priced at; $1 .25 and m. Xtoya' Night Shirts, Ah sizes. -Each 98c' mm Hi. 1 IR-I MEN'S 'SHOES- lWmi'i. iiommm. ,n..ip if,w,.i;t.i, :fu-L '.;t!f, .or (Black-Calf Skin .PJi," shoes, roiind toe, weit solo; '"Pair 'tfW MWite ,Wk and Mule Slun Work-jl S h'O'es. Pair $2.98; $2.fi" aid42.:l9, M. P SEUINC MOST WE SE& FpR LESS STOKES