The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1921, Image 3

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50god cigarettes
ror iuc Trom
one sack or
a a m iw aai aai ,.- inM .r , i " t laiiiiiaiiiatfin.. m ( i t i i
iiiwijv uiinuinuu,
g7 LjJZ- V&M
Hy Unltpil
N.IJW; Y'OIIK, Aluy i4. Amorlon'.i
hydraulic electric .planus arc to
BOrve t.H ii, model tor Italy's slKantlc
undoi taking of lliu clccli.Titu Hon of
her Blato i all ways.
Kr the' lmi'itcKc of stuilylitg tlio
prlndlpnl Ai'iK-rican fnjtalint'ons -m
a bufils Tor th;r llallan puij-ct a
RoinnlKaion cf loaiHns Rjvli;m tcc'.v
nlclnnti an- now traveling in tlio
United Stale.-).
Italy 'a dtclDion ty elcc'iif.y ljcr
rHllwuyu nnd all tntlur.liinl plantu
poHHllile, in to Voifult or the first i iirrl;U(l , innrtn nut lnro.iiur.u'.J: ie
f (Ohronklo'i) Snlbiri Bureau.), ,
,SXK,"Oro, taty 24.' (iSpocUlV
Far pca'tcr cicvo'.ni.ment ot Oregon
n,Ki lcnltui;nl lands nnd'grca'cr otrldo.-,
In roclanmtjon 4thnn. ordinarily are
'dreamed of aro possible tliroiiQli
drnlnnco, doc!arPRJ,oci' A. Guppor,
slwto ciiRlnooh, .t'raclieally every payt
ct iho atntc, aysiMr, Onuiier, has land
cufjCCutlble to reciaiilatlpii of JmproVe-
mer.t by drainage.
It 1ms ben estimated that from
300,000 lo 40O.0C0 acr5 arc at'ncoptt-
! I;lc to coninloto lcclaniatlon by ihl
method, though' thin docs r.oi caver-
tiltlmatp iicsBlblllttec through drain
ago and, diking.
50' Dlstrltto Forme J,
SInco the enactment of tlio drain.'
ago dltilct lav In 1015 about 50 drain.'
ago and diking dlalrlelR have baon
formed, envcring about ICQ.000 acre::
.Mr, Cupper aiantloii3 localities both in.
tlio cstrcmo voaicru and cJctvcJnc-
caclern cocllona of the s'.ate that can
bo Jniprovcl by drnin'igo, and ohov3
that development by drainage would
ho good bushtcrs for the n?a!o airt
Ub poop'lo.-
"Ono of. tlio jnnnt Imporlnnt fea
ture:? of .Oregon's agricultural devel
opment l the drainage of th0ma"3h
and ovotflcw lands," naya Mr. 3up
per. "It has been estimated, that be
tween 300,000 nnd 400,000' acrei of
land of thlii class arc siisccpf ible mT
complete rccliimalion a' a reajc:ia)i'o
cohl. This doe?; not .lnearutc tin' ns
tent, or ultuii'ito drainagp and d'lkVi
in this Htato. Some of the lan l that h
now cultivated l,o va.'jtly itum-ovo.l
by an adequate system of ccitrpllin';
the water content of tho r.c'.l, vhllo
i, , i
C0T3IDG,or VAU d'eHTS, UNITE ti 6T.At6 CEplfO-,
f-' ' - ,
' n!f.l' tford CcmcIia Jjt.l,!jT
ilttd t;rw?g Hl-itt dorriirtpmiduaUja;'' '
. ,v
the ttli!incdvoA,gqfH53 f)lir.o;,tiijii(ya1t,'
foro"gn-Jnyn,'fjilii'h'i'. ' it, ha iStf'CltooiaJ.
...At thb-kc3l3tiln;r,"6f tStr- grcut v.a?,
tiifi, Ujiiqd a'ta.lS 6fif lluropenh kr
vos'tita .-ri'lvriixluialoiy .ooo.oOp.OU').
oancu din irt;' tllli, '0I3 ( xfjiiu-iian. iic
riod thitt l.o,dmiiiiVi8D0, It was'rdpv
sonlo.l by utpymiltt -inhu'j, jaJInrjrxH
witt ninnuictt-.ilin p;anvv. - .Jf ' iialt
?SOiono,Ooo'rt 3 'cr.itoffiia m.-eJanivn.
great oc. nonih; lesaon l-.arnou oy
Italy tturingjho -war.
Ah rbaolutcly no coal exists in
Ituly, nhc is at the juetcnt lime t'.io
slave of whatever foivign eount"y
can provide her with coal. S'milarly
any country, such aa France, Una
land or (iorniany that ciued to cut
off Italy's coal stiipjy could roduco
her to HUbJuation in a few vcol;,i
without firing a alngl'o gun. Tho
effect on ,ltal'a r'naneea or baing
obliged to buy coal abroad la equally
dhmaterous especially tn he ex
change. Henco Italy's decialon to
establish at. tho earUi-st moment
possible lior ojonsralc lnde)onU-.ncu
by tho transformation of her al
moat unlimited hydraul'c pawillll
tluslio electrical eilcrgy.
Tlie-fiiut project "tor th? eect5-I-flcntion
of tho at ate rnlhvaysi pro
vides for six thousand kilometers.
As a mail r or fact tho great, bulk,
fif hiilwiivn In nor' born Itjly aro
already eiectrifletl and b c a-ryjng i Ulf l'PcuMon ot water for irrigation
oui-o.tho installation of asyi.tcm of
drainage to prevent a waier-k.ggol
District; are Sr.inll.
"Slneo enaclmrnt cf the drslna"
didtvict law In 1015, approximately 50
dniinifgo (ila'rlettj and diking dslrict
have been, JnoludrHg ap
proximately 150,000 r.crca or lrn:l.
Most of these districts rre compara
tively small and a largo number of,
them nrojJocatod along tho coast dr
along the Columbia river in tho vi
cinity of Portland, : lie along the riv
er' below.
"Many of these districts involve the
const: uctlpn of" t' to prevent- tht
ovorflow of lends during tlio Ji'gh
water and ths Installation of pumps
to relieve the districts -of wa'er which
finds itn way on to tho lands from
tho rurroundiug hills. Wo. find an en
tirely new typo of dralnago, tll3trlc.
in the eastern part of the state, whoro
out of tho above program ptaclical'y
tho entire sUttc system boyond the
menace' of ".'my foreign coal powt r.
The' principal eloct ileal plinl't in
the UnHod States will bo vlaltcd
and studied.
Therc'n a difference
ir you've been u ".ready made" man
In the past, be a "nuulo to order man'
In the) future. Kirsl class hand tjillor
nd imJ's to measure ?S5.o and up. W
It. Wbbor, on,o block east cf po"1
of lice;- ' Ctf
Havs Your Hair Renewed
Wo. cap givo yaw any ubado of hair
coloring with a famous, Kj unco-American
hair coloring which Is so prfect
that H cannot bo deleted-from tho
natural color,. Hennaing a!i a spi!
chilly, All lines of benuly ciiltmw at
tho Hotel Dalles Kcauly shop. 'llo
phono maJn 4051. J 17
work generally consists, of a druuge'
cuniU or pipe, line "to carry water olf
tha land ami maintain , tho under
"groua'd vater tablo at ih desire-:
depth b.low tho surface.
Lira?. Ate-J Available.
"This claus of development lor,
hardly begun. There aro largo
In practically everj' part of tho state
which may be reclaimed by drainage
or diking. I'(crhcp,j tht? most striking
instr.uco or this H the largo urea I
Ing immediately below Portland, gen
orally referred 1o as Sauvics iDland,
as'U adj'icont luntl(s. Tim construction
of a numhar of diking projests in tills
vicinity' has demonstrated net oinj
tho poai'ltill.y or i ccttfttaug tip
lands, bi.l has ali:o demons) mtsd th
lurtility of tho roil and its
lncrou;cd ulvo r.ficr reclam:.tlc!i.
Tar.l Mayiictti'i Tixl
I'clrphtmu main 501'!. !-'7t:
v!, . t toll
Vvt?lHT.'TO,N,'i Hay l.Privato
American luvo .lov;i jlownro "grab
stalling"' forctsn induclvy and foreign
KcJvernnipalif attho rito'bi $l,ofO,6w
a lv).v.' lliraugli' piu'cltaio of ' boh'ds.
stqcls unil ottief cocBi'itioi, aero tJtnfc rfhfe-wa inoaay.vhie'i Uui-ftpu-Mia
to estimate i made by Nov York, bant
ers which heve rcachbd yovcrnmaitt
pfflcjalu hc:-o. - s ,
Udllars aio flowing abror.d in- a
stordy. tit roam- ill r.OUrch of hope fqV
largo dividends, '3'h,o r.trcar.i lagan itn-
mediately al tor tho cu break -of the
groat war an.t has continued ; ov"v
'since lOmort without break. Daring
tho las;. IV. months, approximately
ftoOjorj.O.COO luts been loaned to for
eig'ii ' -'borovci?, tJoipKo tu na'lon
Wido ccof.c:::t3 tloprofca'on in the Unl
fd'Siutb. hisrlcaa libllara now. aro builttft.':
dockn and packing lt'ousi in Svdh
America, niimicip'Jt waltrworka autl
cika in in'.crc:tcha':g'ia uui n ' dfvl
tlenib: Soon ttft'or the w.-irTs'lJiopij li
jwn to Kml IteTnoir hi'M lir'nco-J
(United Woivn HKifrCtirtut'dtuUKiti,
JjSHLlN ith 2tll tOll'JAWi l;15v .
st tlralaa, A, U. liuvlbjloh, ' rorm ,
pVjdmatitei geatr.vl t'f 'Mhir Uiitfiil-
(tnabj.' tietv thweli&ri 1 .i "iJdiitti?.' j
hoUe3t'' official, ;t;'rii iti.o yb will. '-:'!
gfRht Ihlng-j lr 1M;1S lVeft the tippyi-
I "."Iir.m ;cay lnu);V,l.hOH',
A-. ''"IIS
cnari'touc (! otHtsUn' th.-' 1. Grad'ta?'
ly tbo ya.UOii.OO.OOo (!..:o jvack To
'thla country io ftblf)''pay Kmr'r.'a ra'
Mdly mcuntlitg-..- eh' hct 'j. 1 Koc.t tlu
.credit s.b iiiiJ. Tho 'Unllad
at'ato? hifd arnl .q-.t o n r,T i "to ' b'uj'
hack all tlib'foctn''Ir.t?rc,:ta In dtf-
Then Iho Uni"Kl::aH:' bosasi' to
" V 'or-iiicuaciitnasor-ciwrrwaif
i - mtrtf huh ah rrtaiiU-iUtiXtM
...,. M ti foods. SliM?.61
- b a tiw. r!Ah roK mmtWA. f W 'S
.Wirlh's cuarfijr.rt.attiittt5-. W m M:k?? " Wg
. "Ho Impressed ift, infeUoiofW f 5 -11
,youth,v absolho'-tUltl; I ffe g
,tion,l think ha vba Hbllf'cb , g
..j-xiiero is a r; cat. .rjiansu iioro in , u. 3-va.'"js;.-'-"'- ::tttu v'Trrr-. . ''wmsct . w??
ilflilii Hates i
To Eastern Points Through
Tickets on sale June 1st to
August 15th inclusive. Lim
it three months from dafe
of sale, with final return
limit October 31st. For full
particulars, write, telephone
or call at'ffice.
Cmim Pacitk
bbbbbTCK!;I ,
bbbbbkIIPw-I a -
IbbbbbbvK El E Ponn' Qen'1, fi-' -PaM' Peptl
BBBBBBaB;!li'-'I1iiiBBk &0 Third St., Portland ,Oreo.on
aaaB' 'at jfkiaBBB ji4aBaBaal
HHiaiiaiHft'VLv tfCHSHHEaiiH
tjam ,!i:)'S in' Svi'zcfland and I lean,, At(raP,loiiv'i s iMia M
other llaropoaii cotjno.j, oiovator-; ! mll'.icil.".; JNv7ff3ijlo!):l i; ntylai
lit Canarla, .anjl, fadoiiS.'. in Fiance, j !n!.o!y ?2,0s'00(!lfo. or tfnnfo'ifn
And tho dollarrf "that r.ra ' working j 'cleefy tho''intmitjyhl'jh r.o U:iU
iqiaTeatoViBil'ytiol "uVopciu (h.
i ,TiihS grind UralAmpricaM Invc'
ihta,jt'iihiVaUv'it0!d;,it-a :o nbo;3i,
i? J.l,00006opifo.;lo'nniii'. t - lareigr- cr'
Vvy au-i; by, Xttik . g'avf Vnj tit ! ,. i r. ,-
hOt'.f'PO.'JrtJ W:nJiiofid:r":i' v..-" iora-.
. . . ...'..''iS.L..
abroad' are.' httf the dollars .pf,,onl.7'
American capitiilpts, dn largo propor
tion ' (hc wbrh" paly ii f ter shov
ing Veen fcavc'l ffn) witgo nixi
tin volopon., Throygh Die lOitco law II;?:
foirlgu rade,' pii-J., bankiat? cor;;or:;-1
tioiii ftitv' hcJng ,organ;:o I in roan-j
:-r-!-( of tho country, pviry Annrjcaiuj'.nd .about !fJ,5'J0,fti
who can uuvo a Collar U b6:ug given j i)!u j war iSi;iKiiivl iiia
W.IRELEGD' TELEPHCMB5 ON ' fowith MtfJOr Claiieral Sir l-'rnd -P 1
LlNErtS r J E A n - HE A L ' T Y Byl'Ot, dhecreftof 6;i .-.'U-tl'n, in .j-"1
. '' vi ' : -ard to c;'jij'!yi:;i''n iiis.i
V.y. tjnltcil s'ewn j with to'ophCo ufjltifjont vhlcl; 1
IS, .May '-Sj'iVi e).- n t-.;!o-; nov. 1,0i:;,.;-.,B:rt j:l Amr-rl ;.: rn! v.-.'iic'
phones will ncotvf opc'i" 'Z on 'air tlo3l3roj'liJ notV. fhoro; yru:
great irans-AUuntb linns. ticalf " .
,.,,i.. .V,.i,."',-. 1.,.-' "I feel It.isiy duto' t ) rive t'i.'- K?: "
of the Maurotani'i by Viir-.m .inibil- f'"1' tq JJp5rr, &ay incr.l' a I d
JUt, the American' wircksa ivlisawt ! volap,"' ho saitCbc.cau- in cr!'j of tho".vp;Iff 'vl:;r. I cr-.iV
go'H . f inanciai r,tuijWt- at homo, the
n.-itish gave. me,s,"that su;!;o-'. I sc
badly needed 'actr-Vsvory kiml of, en
eotJra"cun'rri!.' Thcy'roal1.. ' mado Dor
siblo 'tha work 1 ac-.rt.r.i'.j he.
.Attioriea during 'thV . .:.''
nd developer or' the Hrvit 'wirIc-.t
telephone at r.ea JO :ea;a.a.70, lur .,
ho. declared, pucved completely that
tlio inatallntion and operation of the'.e
phor.ea is highly practical and ca:i e
accomplished at any time.
"Sciences has elimln.itci the laji
refuge of the Jircd- bualne3s man,"
declared uot; his arrival here. "WiU:
in a. maximum cf two years a'.l nni."
tatoroomc cf big shSin '11 bo cp:U
jPed with ra tfajfc tciephonj ,
Tho pasiengora will ?;imp!y lilt ir.:-1-
receiver and vonuost ccnn:i;!cn w'-1
his office telephone number in Lon
don or r-Jcv York and l;a vill get the
connection, just as ho "now goto th
connection on land, and ho won't re-
itlhe anj' diffemnce. My tcst3 have
moved Uuit it is a watitv r.a-.v d; or.!
Du'.i'licr cam to 13ir;:an.l to cct
'.':-ro :o moro
t!l!s SSPttui
tht- country tJ'iftii Mhtr itlueaoofi
w'Jt lOfT'rliyi'r. and ftii: Mj ir ii wai rup
flnri.'i li'i to InouilibJuljo.'-i Vj prescribed
'ocal rc:m,',!?'. tnifcl- t-o".-iMi-.ty j;aHtti:
to 'euro nliii .tr: r. -v.. xwawncenl
I iwiraljt. '-jtriirii )j u ia...f dweaso,
cr-ilitty ln.tunt-sij rdiwtlititionni ton
lltPma cii tlijitu-K-rp roj.ilie; f.oiiBtttii
t"!;,.l tr'itm-'rlf. Jldtl'y CfltuTh fifvdl
mo, riuw iifei'tm-cd I' )'. .1. CJiwiuy &
.7j.. 'r-iU)iov,Ohli, J'.i. a i .;i3l'tatlonal
omr-dy; trih-ft i"t!!:.- r.nd nets
ln-il til;! li'.-iftil' on tli, J!nt,-li ,S&
tho SJjtvni, (;r i li' Dullard
-trd Is nifh-
i y c:i;rt tJittt JUnll'3
,'atiitry Mrile;Pi'i i n.t tr
)!tifBr'i nfrMffi-i1i;i,1iii.t.. - ,
f-'. JkCHKKV.. v.O.. Totouo, Oliio.,
Hi. ill I,.v -li'.iv.Kt-., T.ti. r
Muil'ti (''umllv i'ltlj lor f.'vnstlpatton.
i, Sntktn, Orwr. ZMm
txc rfthe acrid s . :
tho-ftcrttlmohl of'UtiJ r.t5dl-Jf;r,lt)
the nlgning of the uU Imattnn. 'ihoso
Boemu . to, bo mono confidence;' moro
i'dolermlnntlon. .Whereas',. ovtJ'r'ybcrtV
fsotsmbil tthcasy.ntvl nervto'iv a;id res',
"loss during. f4'.b prevJotstj f'lx vvueit:t,
thla' lcell;t5 has ulbapiidafdOvaiiil'-ia
Rtoudi3 ilia ds.i'o.lo cct" uffWlUtO-
wont. . .- . - w, -
"Hvary.body is , working Jt-ftre" 1 You
ncrono 'Idlera Ijaagiag iarttadv -WiO'
3a tract .corners.!' ,' . . " H,'-
i Curlos,on is a .vory.,hti3y jsihUFfn ,t'l;tt.
Oermarl.'cayi'.al. Ua'.la h'ran3fii;'.;'t
criiq; cf .tho; .uii0rrjltirffe(rj-''
;l;erc- and wn:iaflkv;il any-
.Main 00(51- nennoft TtixI-r-araW OJL.'.tl
I a Y cu ret more out of the ifour.
tugar, eggs, eisortf: iun, eje, Tjecam'o '
mere are; no .laaurac aaj ,v3ta.
Jff 3il4'B:iti'4feft. I of 56 oaLcana. lie.siircffi
. i5ua"ce.a n.Vuntt when. you want
;i was. i
1 . It cost you loss whcnyoufusl ItW' fwJJ1"
II much of it-it haamorc than I'SSil
ft q 'crdinacr fcavcnine "strcngtlu IT' igfyS V' ,
t Receivea highesb atW'arlti:i.t--
i VforWs PutaFoort Es-ositlon; Chi, mM'iz 7
ii cam,r'B:S:posrti6n,PariSjTrairce.' f?JWftfeP f.V,"
I;' XHcWcblseKiasbrandlnCiewoflA jSSBmS0S K &
HI P'ir,ian c- C .hhnft contains fitlF I llwsftrfStetfkrrflMl"
IfToi S-tfltfO.iIifff PovJtierMconuyin' jfjfi;'5i"CT?V
rt.-.i- ZL x,... i r'.-l'Li'ii:?'
All kinds of. Tile and Cotrtsni VVorK. Fireplac
Estimates furnished free cf. charge
ana riaMErr . ,'frilis';
All Work. Guarantsc
jvfvrtiirjiritfv, ,i
Tcilcphona Main 6461 o. Call at Gates, BWcfe -.IVg.
r- r
cannot adequately
describe tho beauties of Crater
Lake. Ita sapphire-blue coloring,
its picturesque island and its gor
geous setting combine to maUe'it
ono of nature's vondor spots, 'J
Crater Lake ia in the southern
part of OVegon and ia accessible
by nutorr.obile from the Pacific
And motoripts may plan p. trip
to Crater Lako with assuranpb
because Red Crown Gasolinomoy
be obtained oil along the route
from north or south.
Mako your trip with "Red
Crow" the gasoline of quality
'the gasoline with q continuQua,
chain of bpiiing points.
Lookfcf the Red C&wn sign
p(n service stations and, garages,
(Clifonil)' ' if
I 7Wi'II.;;'JK''flVv i i - 1 ' '. ' - t
Ar'H.A.'.V' r ' i - ii ii i i i i imii mmwmmmmmmmmilkJm I' . '
AiSWWHUJ-- '53 lSirawH25S eyes' the. very bMt orearei.M'CftailHl'f. -m
iMnMiWMiiwWjMWWmCT 1 'i.,..ia.'iiiiin .i i .. ! ii i in I iMMMaawa( . ,-.'fiJM
I III s ' ' . .(. j. T if 'V.. - k MKr'.A'i .7 i.Fifn.V 1.-1 " sanr.2
a I a pleasant sight to seeing.
fell - H . ' most every city or town, the hosts. - " W - '-''Jl
Pi . ; - of mothers, with their children, WiiBWiB
Kiliffl t-;,' .' . enioying tho Sedan. ' ; gMSIISf
! J , . - '' It holds the family group together ... - ;rpS' MW'-'"fB
.1 I II , ill liouii Huamuugvi nvv.m iw iiuituw r iH'.-as ' 11-- EBIixr V,.,"' V ,W.iBaa
ai fei ' I l... r. -Tha eMoUna consumption hunuauilly low, V s , r.. ilwMMf: 'fmSi ?: , t ywlM
. M4:'.wci?--Ll