The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    . ' ..1
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Chronicle's New Duplex We'b Press Is'No'w In OperatioiC'. $0$
In proved printing equipment will produce 5,500 papers In hour, printing from roll 72 inches wide, and mere than four miles In length.
Tfco Chronicle gees to if. readers to- will be in the -hands of its readers as paper business, that most of the newa The new proas will print fi.r.OO pa- piece ,01' machinery in V;::c cumty,
day enlarged and iu new form. Af.c"'
itevera'l weeks 'of constru" ion. tlm Du
plex proas orderod las' .air.nior h: ;
))ei:n installed and is new in oper.i
Jion. - The C!ir3!cle is n:iv pubCshed ?ev
en cdltunns widq", inahin possible :i
.lar;er newspaper, .-ind allow ins nior
peflfllliilfrttrs in !he hstuUins t;f 1
ne.wn and'.:HHk(rfisfom!iitr!.
( 'I
-r tlmn lia:-. been the happrr.x iti the morniir . o: at le.iH prr.j an hour, of four six or eight ocotlpiuii n floor np:".o') lSxlGToot and
i -ht- vi.?;, is will go to pre?s in time tor the nfiernonn rdiuonr, io ptigrs. The prvpora .coi.'.e from the wo';,l" "SflflO pound.!.
.i'- to- :...i-iv i.ew ; get what i called the i-real;." Thi: : mc:,r foldod t-n.l rne-i',..! 'I!.- ur.m. " l
, , ,,.,,,, , ' ,mau "ml donpite it sretvi wolalit. '
p.n0J!, to b, jr.r... o- advantage will be eulargrd upon nic will be prin;ed rm:a a roll of ,u- s0 (,0(ittto,y b.,ianrC:1 tll!u l;(,:il.c.,h
h'.e ..: p,. a!" t n.--. hi 1 as potxibie lor Chi i-ad". per 2-I.firjn fie, lone, or over r:,.r. nny vibration is noticeable to on'i
" r ' "i f'ne -io-.v .Dui-lex : it vwi-v jr." j miles. The relli, are ?J :.: he.-, v.1-!-, alantliug nonr the niaoliiua. .
! r or Mil d.: - jh . m-;rc ecm:a-ni;- ;.i l; a j ami about li.ow) pii;iu ;; ui :.e print- ' C. iT. MwrhU, av. erector who hr:
! j; ; i ::..;,-!; v.h. eh o lae in tit v.;rt. n.-e b, bcar.r.-e th. . ;r i ,eu . j ed from each roll. The rolls , long been uRfiazed in I ha .W(U -it
m u;' ir.r nau. i :c lw. e. lr-r.-e rU. TT: u:: . v.Uh i wo:ght abntu 1.0(10 pri'.!;;V,.
use i rrij in ,ii! r.i ertior.n, in tune (he toilsome! lian l t( i
, netting ,up Duplex ciTac,'baii bfeu i t
tiio papru i'.f-p r.l n rat" worl on Tlit Ohtoniolo prow for i:e-
.Miinti tirao anu.'tai.or in snveil with f.i.- onij!,' at "mint:, to be publish,:.!. ;n5:!v;dii':l hIic.H :(. " .,,'U r h'.V,. of nearly 100 a minu'o. T!:c oral wool's Kdwarll'r iVil'l mrti-;!n In
V is. a curiaua th'-ng in the newj-, pres.: wbh b .hits h(c:i .:. .1 hi setuf u- which la the ntout ci-p' ii::'vo alntlti The Dalles in' ehsr'-'e'df tlieproM':
iho new in-o.'ii",-niia 'tfiiilo the paper
IJy linked J'rs
CIL. iX C:TV. n:., M.. :4. -CVn-
Hie calendar i!r. v. !;. ?c ate.- V.":l-
! Ham K. ' ui v.-i'.l en
tertain for Soere'rr ifi ,: : n '
ftt'.' .uuiiiiu, i itii liu- ... T'lill.-fi rr,'-
manian lulttiie:- anj Prinr, - tr.;l iUino::. n.. becum t- tiv.J i! .TOKlf), Slay 1 The .lap;.'.i :
L-ibeieo will give a lo th InauU in the p.-u .ueu..i. j-f !PjiSU.lf;.. vrMVl M.m-ly !i. ;..-.',t a
British cmba:-::idu- and I.:., iv r.n'.t -a ttsbacj. .,!auy f.rnjfrr, :r- wafli . r,r..- r-nm tth-nfiLi ,-,,1,,,.
Jly Unttea News .... .;,r . i,o t,,i,.,.n..,.,. i,... . ..." ' . . . .
WASH'OjCN, .May 24 Society I uv-jui:m. u,Rt uuoridn nun japani'?; on.
in the natlan's eapital baa donned it ' """ --';. -s ; v" J- ow'u: uninwa iu.;i i ., ,
rui.uM.Lii irum a ,r.,o ::,o we. - " . '' uitnsa, wnn otsvorai oaauajK.-
that took him ast far a; Tosfl3, lv." 1 bureo ir ,i: ivjCt; ju.- .Tls Jiuwueae Uftvy.pu-rtinen: tt-.iU
Jaaaed invitation:; for a dinner .Ttm lif;- cult ion. nj 0tff0:;ii .ppporl hail Ueea r
:i. This ovont will coleUruto ;h? b:r h- i:ui' ,,;K! ,,1,v :if'!( ; ,u Krow , eeivtui.
day of Klnrr tlni-fff jnl I.. h:. f- i.f. ... 'ooi'.ico yi ar an I liyuro . b.'i
Biimmer clothes and settled down for a
social life which promises to be all
the more strenuous for the reason
thnt congress threatens to remain m
hot weather session.
Summer society centers( of course,
around, the sories of garden parties at
the '.White :Hque, Tlie first one was
held last week when the "toddle '
and other modern daneea made their
fintt invasion of the White House
but these Kurdcn fetes
air,-? inhhot nMe Cc haajr a. n U.wic:' rtvc
J wwt.vH HUH, H UIUU1 IU 1
acconunodate the long list of Wash
ington's .social register.
.Somewhere among the H's the line
was drawn last Wednesday. One met
all the prominent representatives of
Ihn A. IJ.and C famlllea, but Presi
dent and Mrs. Harding will give an
other par,t,y Thursday for the I's and
J. The X y Z contingent will not
rpcelye their inning until Juno 1. 1
(White Houae society in the early
imrt of this week will bo suspended
until the president and .Mrs. Harding
return front their yachting trip to
Now York. j
Sevoral diplomatic dinners aro on
! aided w a brlltiunr affair Thl" w'P m , f' aB-; Orown'i, Out, 5;jflfcp Timo Tahle
.i , t i 1 ,1 tl., ili.lli, I ii.ii i, ..
coi.chle tiio rmbamuior'a summr en- " '" ' ::" c:"' ' " " - ' ' ' -""'-"''
tertainuient in Washtoon M he will H' r'"" ll tfi0 ;; ;,K' ' l"'""1' "' "' ,H' '' ,!l' U""
leave r.ncn aficrward lor his Hummer ,,f t,,G w" ,l T1,i' '" ' "" , T:!1" u m' i,,tiU "' M
embassy in Maine. ,t0 l-- n lo if ih ,"...,; "
Thursday niatit, '.he ociei&ry of i'i"""J 1 -
it.,i .,n,i 'r... ,. , .m i ,i ftcali- ; :.:c..- d.d .:. a mi!l or.:-,
btatc and .,if,;. tr.:gue:. will 1;'; ,iia
-. .
l.'.wn Movore Grsun-.'
by Dr'aa-'ior Crr.cra" C. I,. .Mct'.uvie,. I and rr--m:re;l a; ho . r
The Prince rnd i'-i-i'.e . UU j r.nd I pJv,.- t ':r,i n' l WnA ga r. ...
en e'luin T'r :1 ..v nil. I.. ' i ;:r.::i ( ; i!: m .;... l A. 1. i.wn. i'llnl Kim .; '
.Sect ; and !I-.'i'. ' Ti.J pit T.f r,- it. -M
"THii flC5dv
4 Dys
V.nrth.j r-'iit!..y, May fi7th
1 '.
ill. Sevoral diplomatic dinners aro on
t fW fi
till , isr .a-.,.. ftwajr5"
" mmr:dmv
r iriS amgam
u, V .
.walk MK
oai Ir
-wccr Tnh'(,7 ad v
pi.! fEH
I lifeySlJ W tl.,ir highe . earning' duL
01 ass do (o?y J3-iHi'iL 2
JOERALRESESl'CaSp' jai I of Ihch- incume for the do- WCSIOSKB
, Tiio pleasured worth ii. There's ho sub
BtUnte for -Camel quality and that mild,
:?r;igrant Camei Mend,
Tho fello v who smoltea Camelsj waiita . .
Camelc That'o because Camels hae a -usxootfeness,
a fragrance , and a' aiildness yoji "
.. caiift et in another cigarette.
., Don't lei: anyone tell you that any other '
v cigarette at any price is so good as Camels, ..
JffW Provide VOiUi do'jlinii;' yoiiivi hy Ci
iWByMaiiMy aitUns aaido somu oi' your oai'iiiriKa in Ihb SwJ
Lot yotir ovM taeto be the judg'a .; Try
Ctxi&tte foryoarsell Af ew smooth, refreshing
yiiffs and you'd. valfc.a inifeior a famel, tod, '
-., t. Jl'i
ii ' -v-
Si '
, .
f ".
'1 If
'l v'hMS
A,l i.t"j .1
T- 14 U j,,, IV i , ii. . Jj, 4., . j