VOLUME LXl. THE DALLE!, OREGON, TUC0DAY; C'JLWHQ, MAY 24, 921. if 4k DULLES WILL BE GALA CITY ON PAGEANT CHAMBER HOST TO MULTITUDE . ON AMATON FIELD; FREE FEED OFFERED. THOUSANDS EXPECTEL 8TATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ERS MAY ATTEND ROAD8 RALLY. All of VYiiir.o county wji! lioUbrnl ' Friday,. May -'7, In Avhal is iiMicutn to liu tho largest and most couprcho'i ulvp community holiday over ho1' It Tim Dalles. Thousands of visitors from I'o'l' land, Wltlanietio valley anil o.isUn. Oregon' towns, uro expected m iho ell,, on that day to view the truienn!, al ready advertised throttghoii' I hp state iiB going to no ono ol' the i'o-.t i.'nl!. wonderful -speclncleis lint .in In ore " gon during (ho year. Anticipating .that "hotels and ro.dau rants will ho mvampod, Tim lUl.c Wasco County Chamber oi '.'ominerci hi going to servo a froo lunch al noon on Amnion field, llol borf nandwleht". ami euirce will ho served from 12 urn til 1:M) o'clock, following which thv decles will ho ehiuio.l for a mount ei good roads moot Inc. also on Amnion fh'Id, Statu Highway Commissioner') Booth, Voon and narniit lulvo boon Invlled to attend and rpcnk' at I hi. meeting, and It 'is probable lhaltlicv will accept (ho Invltatlouj. Kvery an gle OT (ho proposed ?JiU0,G0(l loud I.h iiuo ;md-rt-:'Ultn,iU',(tfiV;Uvutt5l)it of Titr Dullce-California highway, will h.1 gone into and thoroughly oxplr-lnoi hy ilio speakers. After (hnx'Mtd bond meeting, n base hall fume between The nation nln.' and tho Warm Springs Indian team will occupy (bo comer of tho singo. The baseball game will start prompt ly at' !i o'clock. And then, alter the baseball gaino l. over, will come the big liont of the day I ho pageant. Tho actors wllj conio on the natural maw, In the new clfy auto purl!, piomptly at In tho evening,, and from then en. '-.cone by unjlta, will be unfolded a ro: production of Urn dovolopnienl of the northwest, from tho time of its In ception until (ho present. IflAYETA DENIES IE DIE TRIAL OF GLENWOOD HOTEL PROPRIETOR PROGRESSING IN CIRCUIT COURT. Trial of Tony Mnyolu, piopilolor of tho (Monwood liolel, upon a charge of violating .(ho prohibition law, oc cupied Mil of yesterday attoinooii and this morning hi tho circuit, court. RSH1P It In oxiiecteit thai the case will J cnr- civnled a trtiat fund of nor Into tho lunula-or ,llm Jury lato this r.lill,000 estate, luavlng tho Income to afternoon, Columbia University for (ho oMabllsh- Tho Hlato Is ualmi tho'immo H" ,u,mt or ,lt) I(y,iu & itobmta i;rad of attack Unit It followed In (In pre- ,m(o trtlV(,ln,; fellowslilpu. vlourt trial, In which; the Jmy wiih( ,m (;i.)U,mtU, followfilttm are to discharged nrier Doing umiblo to ,(, uvar(lu(l t0 wllUo mm im Womoti cuiiio lo an agrconwiit. District. Al- (J i(nv collego graduated, bom tornoy l y. Uiilloway contends Unit , ,(J 'wlne' H0l,ed in a raid on t .u len; ncl.olaiUU, Htaudlpg, ho. wood diotel uL WIUW wi w ' 1 , ll)mmi ; ((( ,0Mi wWlI cIllu,lQ;u(. W '..B'Ct!''!"L-. .1 , : Jal rU nucd of fluaUclnl Help.- it lo have, Tlia Honor 1n '(mention, upon which llin 'ulnto ia imsing lin oat-o, wuk noli! by Tom AHon, nlgltt flork nl Iho Ijutel,, lo itpoelal deolecltvoa t or fliu Oi;ukou Anll-Huloon Iwkioi wlio piutftiipatatl In Uio raid nn tho Jiotol, Tli lofiso con(endH tui(. Tom Allen Hold this lliuor wlUiont Iho kRim'lodN ft Tony Nnyln, plPadml iHlltyln U"1 Jutit'w ;otn t t , hla crime, was allied and iald his fine, (bun :dn(plojely. elitninitiinK .M.'tyoiu from rt'spoHlhllfty. ' Inlei'o&llritf testimony, avah Intro (lucetl ilila hmrtllnff w A, H, WoIIh, ' ' . ."'' -. I. HlHiH c t?miHt, 19 IH. ingiji.of Urn , rtft'AW' Waiiwn, HeiHiwUlo Hi 1 m vfni 'V-Mjlu,,; y AL two wl((; JACK PLANS TO ALL ma MERCHANT LEAVGB FOR OliUCij TIAL EMPlftE ON fiUOl NISS TRIP. Loo .luck, known a ''mayor" ot Tho Dalles Chinatown, left ycsloi duy for Hong Koiur, Ohlnii, whor.) he .-.poota to mnl.'o puichaiTH of goodie (i ho shipped to Ihl'i City for Halo y Chinese morchiuiis, ( Wbllo In CJlJna ho oxpoctij 'to viall .'anion and Shanghai. In addition to .nitely business motlvoH, Luc .lac'it i an a philanthropic mission v, lijcji io will attempt to carry out, lit, .vorldng With a number of local ai).(' t'ortland ChlnoKo niorolinfilU, lm9 ovolvod a plan for tli6. freer, rullmuv lion of' ChlncHO chlldri.ii In China' public BCllOolK, Al tho present time, onljMho H0(iil and dauuhlcra of wcaltliy (ihlneao; ocelvo tho bencflti: of an odacaton, o attempt to ROcuro an' iiudlohcu I lis pioponal, which -IV) IhuL tho Ulil lono Kovernmcnt and American Chi neso form n bis banking corporation, iri;nny..'d alons American linen, Thla corporation would loan' inon .y at S' percent interest, -1 pei'cont' of tliic Hum to be uued to cover tho jxpeuse of operating tho lianlciiu; coiporation and. (he' other ( ltorcent (o be liacd In the e.stabllHhins of public bcIiooIk In China, at which he pooreiit (hlldreii can attend, f;eo jf charKO. Lee Jack boar.4 credeii iial.i " flgned by the Port land ne.se con.sul. Cbb ACTOR'S WIFE SUICIDE Uy Uidled Nowm ,NHV YORK, May 21. Half an hottr after ho had Jcftjila wlfe cookiUti 'dinner, CyrJI coit, t'lto actor, return ed to hlH liomo In UaynliTo. (hieeno, hain;in;t from the tieeon'd lioor bantii Htrr,; Sho hail bernfilead five minule. SULT AVENGED fflf TE) MAN V,110 LURED 1CYEAR-OLD GIRL IS HORSEWHIP PED. Ily United Prtwi ' hAUhAS, Texttfl,, Muy'ai. ' 4Tio tunitli today nveimod an nlleijed. Insult ,lii 'a U-ycar-old f.irl. ' lolin T. Moore, white, well dresaod, wan taken to u heoludod apol In tho eounio'liy ten masked nion an.i wh en lifi hnihcM with a hlnciisnaUo mid then" dumped from the' automobile in the heart of the city. Moore was arrested on a cluirgo of rnlleliu; tho Rlrl to toiuo to Ufa hoiel room, lie was nolzod by the mob whoa he wiui releauocf on bond. illo Ik mild to have admitted that the Klrl w.ui in bin room. HALF MILLION TRUST FUND FOR IOWA STUDENT'S ' . Hy lmit'.ii New. N1W YUllK, May if. Mrs,- Lydl t O, ChamborJitln, formerly iif- Dm Molneo, lowa. Svho Iiiib, been li resi dent til, t'lto 'Hotel Woodward for, nianv BRICK SLIDE DIES RESCUE CAME TOO LATE FOR MAN UURIED UNDER WEIGHT. 10 HOURS.' llv .Uiiltd Press PQHTJ-ANU, May Wlllhun jfvUKoc, hrlclc imWdn rouiiliojl yostmv duy nft op 'bavins hHit lituleil for, J6 iour Ijoninillt an nvwhtncliq of : . , 'v. 1 . M-l iiiicKli l i U.o pHucnmni, .or ,ti fiouso t? 'wJtWi J( 'vifH ' wprlclntr ule, Am Hi lioillul hp Vni'ly Uxlwy the, ffjii't pf'.hfi Injuria , LEE" MA UN CHUSHtU IN ill' r a ro 10 BUM II DALLAS, TEX, IT FIBI GLAZE 0TART3 IN FURHITUR 0TORI2;. 50 AUTOS. DE 8TR0YED. s $500,1)38 HOTEL OCCUPANTS FORCED , TO FLEE IN NIGHT ' V CLOTHING. - ' ,IJy Dolltd l'njftH DALLiVfy MrAi( onilwi ilq!yftivfi;.flilvt,U of buHiueitfH Imusea W(il-"iliiTlia'sd by fii'e carJy .'today, The- 'low 'wauisaliimlul. iit; 300.000. orfjcltiln oai'll tho fh6 staftfid In a i'rtrtuuire iilort. No one won in j.irod. j ' only 1 t.ip furnituro uteri1 , tha Winn I'lutlHoro company turapod bt -Ini,' Riititil in'tlio block b(rt;deroJ by Jlnrwond, Oliv'e, Kim aiid J'aclfiv. KH'oety. Tl.0 Jl-.r-.ooJ-Paciflo Ktoniyj ar.Ti pany, where, in iiddllion to other Koods, IklO. aiilohiobilcs were d:niroy ed; siiff'irAl (ho .fjreittest loss; Other biis!ii98va wiped mil Jn oludid the Ilusfhes KmnlCu-e com pany, two hoteln -.njvd .1 branch of the Singer Sewing Machine company. OecupantR of- the bottle fled in II elr uisiit clothing:. The ' flro wan believed to nave1 Rtarleil in tb.o Iluslteft I'lirniiuc? company. PROGRAMS Mb IB UYNOPOir, OF SCENES IN SPEC TACLE PREPARED FOR PATRONS. ;i'a;'c,'iu;. vrojrainu, contjiii'n.; ,ts paKO;! ol desctlpiive lua.erhtl and hi.. lorlort data, are now oil' the pre:-.. and ai'o lining offered fo,- tale. Tho pt'oranis contain complete synop sis! (if ouch ncone in tho parjea;-.:, pr 'ittIUii$ Hpectatois !o bfcmuc l'ani llnV wlth-tjio Bclliiyy and plot infer nn itig It' iiecd. .''"io only money wliifh W'- will 'have4o flplrd) the expcise cf , mtia,; 'oh IhU "meA,it, will be derived lorn tlio:;alo.'or thepo tirogratiM," 1!. W Avb(U,V CouiJiH'.nlty S rvie dueMor, jinhlted out' tills mornln (. "l.iey tue suitable for uto m notivonir.' on'l then sanda, of copio'i idiotild bit mail-d b, residetl'a of this city to luelr irieno as proof ot the f.:et th.it Vli Dalien ia nllw whh hi ti ionic talen,." MAY GUARANTEE PROTECTION AMERICAN INTERESTS; NE , OO'VIATIONO NEAR END. Gy L. C. Drndford (Wilted Proas Stuff i;ire?poiiduii() W'A.'UUNtlTON, May 24 -'J ho lat ubjttmlo to'.Aincrlenn reeogulllo.i (hi) ' present Moduli government ban been removed, it in lr l oveil )mro today. ' TJil' tljiltcd plates bus been ill Bltiftut that any rptiOgnldcn ntost hlngn upuii df.fln,IJo ijaoumneen Hint Antorloan liven nuit'iuopeity In Mex ico, bo. udo;raiUly jn'ot'cted. Oliraon, 'had boon eiiVmlly IiihIs. (onf tlml.hu coul-l not. idgn flny wilt ton j-utniiiUv loo:iuso of tho Inv, jireHs'tPU ot' "eocreloiV Unit wuuUt reioilt in Jila country. ) ' ' lionmmnlci'tlon I'toni Cieeretiir of fjtnto Htighifs which Chuvrto U'Ar fall, 03 ticiirgp uuinmirlli la h'oarliijf .to MvnIco (illy, howtn-o-; Is aulho allvely titlited to cmuainft migg I Itm Umt cortftitv a.tqjiH he Inktm by Uio Muxlean ,goviUninet prelljulnary trt vecogniilon, Thoso (e(ii may lm inkoti ,.ny hosiih viumui . wrilton promW', . ' ' KorujiioH iummg llii'f(o atlmjlntlnna In Umt .Mhxiw siJi'ill tilW' ii, m)i)d;. a)rlu(lY 'lnoi'iirun,jilpiif tho c"h' HlUlt()Ulfi HVllQlo ; jlWYliUim "'' kV' Odl.ilnj tym Pi" 'hII 'milullH, SIP I ICBGIl OF 1EXIE0 IS NEAR - - - - '- - GRANT ASHBY KILLED I RUNAWAY ACCIDENT tIRJ nmnv erfLnz' erotheh r.U-XTO DSJATH NEAR MADRAS,, , Oranl Ashly,.5iJj'o;p.-.'i old, it broth or of, XI Hi lrpifijfteors of this ulty. wan ktlleJi-yoBlt'irtay on hid wnrh near Madras' WW i teatli. v?hich (WvJilr'bor mo frifsUteiift'I Md run jiwiiyv" rJm-. to infOi'nia- flon The Dalles Uil? f UUVl Y . "ill1 .jioinln ' ' 'ft- Dot.ijis. of tImrahr.T.'ay aro- Hot known -Aftitby'ii -'lUclK!'. body tiavins kh'.n foiind hcfiJdQi tho load st-Vtml .hours af(or tbo'lil'cident, Jfo U iW vived by Ufa'yAm CiWhs and two children. lin jiiaiJif loaves Ihren sl tcis, Mm. nonryifstefi-u, Mrs. Hat- Ho Ilurvrhreys, .wlfti ot L'ult.wl States Attorney UesEiif .5,. IlumphroyA', of. Toitland, attd" 'Mlra. Oir.ee (IIov-.t. Otui brother, J. ftti Afihby of Salem, aIaO.,Kurt'i'v,?c. - U Hoy rsfpr, ' i Madias "'1Mb morn! nephew, .left for Un.T lo make ar- sansemontji for tbi cue o.' sh" body, which avHI,Jjo "sent to Batcm " rjr buihll. Asltby waj boni iu Mil: ion county, comlnif 'J he Dulles with bio pardrits T'hiM y('. a. small' boy and -living most ul bin life in Ihfs city. If.4-" IcaYea jnany friends hem u .J! , . L FIRST .AIRKL'A'riU i nez-'T IN NEV YORK ' - nK'tJi'itifd I'ress NBW YOR K. ; M;iy U. The ff.f thoft of. aii'-ainiiunr ott-i- reported 'In New York led- to titr' arrest. Mondav of twli.. ypitths Avitlf thn uniforms of 'ost i'ftlnl "ca'dutfehjiini!-.'i to 1 ror mcr fitucifnlfr iff. ph Ur-ited SUita iiiHlaiy aidb"iu'i,viw lute been cm uovetl.at Octiaiv-i'alt', vaklps paisiwn ger.i nlqft fbr;i.9t-sePlng flights. , '.Olflcor;) at .'Mm'Iiell lTWib.'mi;'U-. Dilll IIJIIIILI UlCl, Vtj.U CI I, Luteal somo dlalaiiQO ' away, but lint bJwi'y damaged, j watch was Ket al-imt th3 oilier ninplthi-i am! liie-gne-rd repo''-s'-d that tjvo foen nttempied to stoat a second iilauo. WIUfatn'K. Doanuldn". of Uher s!dt'. t'al., and Sie:ihen V. C!usUrn!i:i. are (he n:tsi:c - c,.vm 1 Hie yotm:; inon ar:Tsed. l)-:octives said the prlncners cor.fe ted to Kte:;Ilua air Plano aoce.soiie.s but denied l-etoj f!io t'ii'ht uivplau" tliievcrt on record. -- EXPECT C0NFESS1S FROM IDAM ROBBER MN t ACCUSED OF ROBBING ' " OVERJLAND LIMITED ARREST ED IN SACRAMENTO. IU- Unltvd I'lW SACHAMUNTO, Aiuy lit -Despite ripeac,d donlala by Hoy Gardner, trtilp roblir suspect under arrort here, that ho' had anything to di ftth tJUo rolibcry of the mail car of' Die Overland Limited Friday nws. , lestal authorities ald today Uiet thoy loixk for a eonlplete cjntv-wloivi from htm, . " ' Unrdnor insists lib had noUilps tnj do with ,the rObhiry, but that Ii?.ha,d been In Roseville, (JiU alnuj Mis'y 'u;. UVhleuce agahut JUm idjlug; ."ifp. howovor, ' the amhot'Uics juy, nd thoy look for hia completo, break tlown. ' , t SE1N F E IN E R s"AN d"" , - POLICE IN LONG DATTlC ' iy United I'rcsn DUllLlNi, May 21--Nlnuleon piUc" and thlriy' UInu I'Vlnein' battUv.L fqr Uvp hours ' "today near Newport, Cotmly Mayo. ueootdJug to an, jiik im'uncomriit from l?ul)lln ciatie.1' The feelit, FoinerH wore drlvtm, oTf when paliuo relufoiccments . out llnke(,ti(om. op ' eotistubi wn, Ulljeil ,tuul several others woutuLd. nH- ----)r- V CHRONICLE WEARING . ' ' 'NEW CLOTHES -TODAY K K m 'j nro in our!' now. Inm. c K.ativonidumn papiir puhlilUihl m ' Uie iii;t impiox we'ii-preiiirwiiUi'i "a hiit) bet'ii undor pr);.Uon for Ut K j:if4 ,mim(h. ijom'oftifth ii Ohrorijcfo will jjo io n rwdorj whh Uio uowfl jtnd ilY0fUio -K x iniUfi.ijmro ronvonldiUly iivriin H etl unit iioppuflliij, 'i'ljoy will ro -ff cqIvo Mw 'howA' 'ft- wi cavllop j.iquv.''' ' H AAYom,.oilii1ttU''Viuil ihi5m;!tun -k oruhf PKKl lyWIoUl ou,imHoi.fi. T FRENCH AMBER EEfiS- SPE orcpu LUI! Of III'SIE UfllANU G ' UHAiMUb Or 1 I ' fv'fllNbo UNPRECEDENTED UPROAR. ENTENTE SAFE, HE ifS ' . ' n PREMIER DECLARES .LLOY GEORGE'S SPEECH WW HOT ' UNDERSTOOD'.' j'Aiiia, .nay, ii, riHuur unw I f;namoei: .vviicti jib uooami u$r many Had ttfewn4 Rood fnhh in. i$tsfc ins the ollU-d'donitind.i. Tlij setrrio'-'tt.'; iha cliaraber w-a one of the utovitfta,. ki it Iiistcry.'' - BrJaad, hvi foicc oro.vml hi wi? .stctid ' I'm j.rourttl, deciaring ' lint ' 'V.avv tVifl co no f;r(hor cscept un ,t. . ii'ip.'rloua not mil) .'' Am iii the ehonls and jcfl could hi heard such i)hra:es aa v. h,en do v.m occupy the Ruhr," "When will you p-rt yo.nr hand to Germany's lhrof?'r As th, noise ftubr.ifletl, Lirhind, hfa voico hoarse from Ike. ,.raln and Ijia1 hair dii.h'eveled, d"olnred H;at "UojM lifors's tsposch on I!m rtileniyii yruu-tioil--'witieh caused fu:ch bitter oom- ,' ,(Ciiiltmi(;il oil Piic S. GERMANS FORBID SHJESIAN SERVICE VOLUNTEERS WILL BE PUNISHED PRESIDENT EBERT Afi. ' t ' NOUNGES. Rr Tint ltd JYftrj UK?.LL,.May Ut.--Pres.aant haoii.. la a jiroctiitjialion. !iUy iinijourii.e.1. tint, she government will fc tm" ;ll se---rel. i volunUor cor)n organizvl t'u- . f'rvk'p in Silesia, , . V!iq piocluniatiou announced tha' thf Coivmtlou of sutii ooypr, .wan Uir b.tUUn a:ul Uvf.t Uier. mnbl bo iio ;K- f tejnpt to cross Lhft SJloflian fvonlleri , FOREIGN NATIC'.TOBE ASXED TO PORTLAND , FAIR l"y' U11ttt.1l I'rws AuYSlKNGTON, May 2i'. Prefs!de:it Harfllite was tod ty nuUiorlsied lo in-Vltn-I'o.'elno mil tons to tuko part to the exrositl'iu at. Porthuid th 1825. t,o CoKbiule Hie eouuilotfou of trnuHcouii nru'al highways, hi a, -ijeiiolutlon f;'.v iraM. n-i,oi ied to tho senate try Uv f.ir.'..i rel.it ien.i eommltteo. JUDGE LANDIS SEND3 TO PR1.S0N ,','MAN CITED FOR DIJAV' ERY. ' Hy Uhlterl I'n-si.' . (JUnCACO, Miiy 3l,--Judgo," K. M. Lftudls weiit lodit 'a. ItllntnWl ihvfW- former woldjeis tOfteUnworlh penitoDtiary, for r,ioaiinn'oiin' frow an f;iV'tate shipment. . ' " kuoss 1 have been on; t,ho',boneh too loiT& I liavvn't, modi sjjtfj forUv4 ro lv of tiling,", Uo jml Moljtio:!; ' - 'AlleUupVliealey, onpol tl)ft Uttise. pre ncnlotl a jt,tou fin' br'ij.vuV'l' fop p;i ry.'ng' umm,tlj)lftnl to tho'ironl,' line 'tuntchq-'i ,'l'lri'o'iwb a Germain, katraiv Juajsv T4ndls gave uvp -mcji h yo.ir and a hy. oa,th sir'l pvpnij?t?it to ob tain, a Job ,'for fiucji aftar. ilxo lw4 seV ve.U 1 lu ir noittonenjs tt!.'tiiey wpiH-l ptoiiilsi) (0 g? etra,igtt; ' . - nt ' OLD SQL, HARD ATtWOf;K; TODAV HOTTEST OF YEAtt Old Kyul8himo n,U:PV'ht4V0iV pidd fotWu-yenr n Thfe ?Ulto,i! 'thiy viU M vtjiuftt Umt jho. merefti-Y ellmModrt St. dCifnot3x iMw, 'mm it yet rocwilrU. (hln mAn 'ImH'eitt jivflvtmw it' ii'wi Hu,vfr v. .. . . . i- ... , ii conims iiuumomou'r nu, ui 'mmuvHr SENTENCES (l SOLDIER, CRIES iff vWilMUvrcil, UlV to It ,xin$ li'oe'4 !jUiHY,'hiioKUijy 'ui ol'uin. MEMORIAL OA! PUBIS 013 SHOULD FOR FIRST TIME,, AVOflLD VETEP.ATiS TAKE LfiAO ; ceRSMONta. j-. ' VU Dulles i)S.tt pT the '.: ,u VA IN 3en Vthh i'Ot lH'if t.t.ia. W j . p. lS .InU. charse OCtTftV-rtnlori 'l Dtu.v - - -jCOLOlf i'M. Pstlerijrm;. aliitearlrij ' the 'trnxst- tnjj'n; tb.B'iKtVrtay' v'wj:nlti v ,tiV $he j;iitib;if?ianisi5feVfeti-- jnr&ll "'Day- u'wrSiii1, ' deivarated'. nitttt'. irmZi h i-uo jjojcmnaire.f : Nbxt 'Jlfrlduy ktoiinobh ivfo, rcpr5 l-rtortfireS I ht$; t.f!iV!n!J wlir Visit eadi . L. .. : ... .Vy of' tho-j).' rjid- jt!lm-'r-Ilmrv, virrwrtMm-nlliir will, t.TlCIlt'at 'lie h:i'h school. ; ' isr. TIoiloV.'Ji 'Coho"'iir tiiV'Tli-., S. U!ul 1 -'-"S-jga iv n n ju. . t. i. ii j Forsytli, win speiiic at, wmiwor. ;caout. i Kd IJiirrisonIcha!nnan;of tlnrnno. rial ' Day cqmniittoe, and fiop'rge Schonor will ko lo Kust I till -school The post litis nlsof.'-'orilared 0,0 rcarlet popph)ii throukh, depar-tmisnl tiK-adauart'ons of tltij eBlfm, and Uieo will be worn, not -ouTy by ox-r,ervice .mcmaJid women ol'.lh'a httofW.tr, ISni also hy niembern of Uie u. .A. n. ami Uio Daughters of. tha American' Kov'o, lntfon. The rwl'por.py ha. boon'iuloi!i ed aa (hfs ofrfclnl.flowec of'lbe Legion. 'Dalla' pot la.Jalao .going after Uie law stalV.CQiyent!Qii, or, the Legion, and tat 'night took steps taward tK) lic.it injf'the'.trtipport, of eactesii: Oregon orgup'toHmmanwiU'd th.atitiil. A.taj-go, ilotogaU(UV'ifjll be 011,; here '1 Slavs f duly. ' , A :eriitif four tuiniit 'tpeetUe- nee to !. ;Tiven b, tlio l.eglon nif-mber? ut tire local., theatecs, ia. eaiincitm wb'h a ted UA-L ,is t be rbown next week in support ofthe Logo;! and loai; bfl' i-OHtins nji rfor a voie on, June- 7. DEPOT! ARRESTS ' SOUTHARD 111 ALLEGED WOMAN MURDRrEyS TURNED OVER TO IDAHO. OF .'' FICERS IN HONOLULU. ";. , . ' By UTnllea I'ross, ... IIUKUIjIIIU, I. V( .-"-V i 2,1- t- Deputy Sheriff; . .V. U. Ormnhx. .'p. Twin. Kalis, . l.t'la.j, attivjid' .tjirttiy . ;; the steamer. MatsQuia. , ffom'' Sh; Francisco, "its- 'V&H. mot" at, the tit irante of tho .harbor by- Chief o Detectives Arthur McD'ff.'Io( 'Vim toi-matly turned ov.er to his cttBtody. Mn. Lydia SaiiJtlnud, ullOSl, Wwv ter:.KS o four. ''hubands, bo r-ahtenod to ldiiy f.ou ;tt;.?aj;,.' gt)-1 is. sciflcnily .iHicUscd of. .yotjiMnr: tfldVurd V., 'Meyer, her fourth. 'hV l"'and'. . 700 . EXPECTED VHIS ., i - , ' "" SUMMER AT.OA.P. ' '' ' '''.''.'-.u .'. ,'. ' ' 0!KGo;,iAali LKOI3, GohviiUi&r'Mtir 2l.--:Siimt.riv. session reglatyiiloir uf at l.eL 000 or 700 I; liuli'stiled ty Urn volume ot'-cQriespoudonco bolug. reoAtyx'tl from, pronpectlvy ulud nt, lntoteSt la mtiQU 'Broa-ler than last ?wx nc. eprding to Oaqn M. wlwoil, $Wr iiifdotiir. .Many spoaUer Oit 1ii1U6n.1l reputation Jj-ivo be'n ivoutinwi havv' ii'oeri iteUe.iluWu!rf iiddiWa mill mn"ot .05, tmw mcmlicrti hdi bo;t.n arniomfcpd..", VlCTtM;r?sWASt INV"AM?A deition VmtaV' killed Ul 'lif wltk&W t ...it. pmiJaJifdd by, oii Jf;--.llj'i.il;tx mill "s!rs, Iterate ft; :l0v&s;.'(it (lip CliritiPnt oltluiV. Gclnot(),l,dv1, AGEDPDR!LAIDMA! flWI km. Wsm,-k t'.'.jy DAMAGE T'0" WlLL ft RIVER, AFTfi TIONARY, Tho Ccimnb hia aftarnoo'iV ed the .ofauc ; to the offlclaU3 ti.la houoe. vill have since B a, in. 8 a. m. Was 33 remcmped till are in tcnthVi'1 Tho river hef- ary ' until ycj when It start By PORTLAND ad waehoita Of j proacli to Uio' nlng tho Collua .uid Vaneoitvei ifknioim 'vyljej . 1 it incliot, Jriit io trattip, t'or. fie imt.ween. us The flood wi -j . '- tto -ami Obl'iii rising" The (l,ittf Uitt thoijsaridafl PORTLAND! Un-.i the iirilt .be ijiiratjitsp d nut by ifaffl Di. ami ni woiLin, infiljrffl Iu ur., utteinn-tj iM-!j,tn wa'eli'ol TOiiay, -mi mil 1 oIujnIHi'f! .i..H'd mpdy -rtt-i brtdgvj! ijffl it1 .he uvo Tlis Tin ifrUlgfl from lllu Or0a rr.ion avj-iuiu' .uiuc'iiatid. In?! win not w am WAR, CRJMU ONMENT FTC MeNt-oJ LI tPZlU,. .Ge! first ot Govitfajj ho tited, eonvu lievod lodtiy. It was tfti ir,tanl. lM ... . 'w- U) OO' U'l' mm nt tor ;t Aiir iit'isonoxs; H.I11KI, Ml vk--v. Aas ofi gl e favQV.ab't td 'ho cjdijrj tb.ildish c,vim iirmy t:iii)njy timt, aniiyM: ii.rree.t.ly .ij ah iwwMtM ticeltsftd olm Kof ijU Gift .to ;hi!t'i). L m :W,,'fl (Jtj8hWt'Vll' 1 i,.a:w. l. uiitum 1Y.VOTMI 'I'i X . Bit! CI Will .