The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(Continued From Pago 1.)
negation that Hev. M. McETmoyl
ml the minister of another Elkton
'church were running a race for "Grot
na Green" honors to see who could
'marry the most couples, and that the
j former was in the lead when the pres
1 bytory of 'Newcastle, the lowest court
stopped the alleged marrying mara
After grinding away at criminal
cases for the last five days tno T,o t
L'i-:mil Inrv lusL n unit, nxamlnnd the . . . .
, , , , ' church courts and Presbyterian an
" " ihorltles suggested that the pasto.'
UlUlCUllUIll, HlilUU ll IU1IUIL IU Ijll- ,
rfnl fmlfrr. I.Vnil W Wllunn nrwl wncl '
... , Decision by the judicial commission
il cr ill t' IlMI'IIHr f lw t(tlilr Mill
, , , ',, ,,' . will be on whether or not the lower
grand jury exammou -ii tiiuerent , , , , ...
courts had power to make such a "sug
iw-Mi iifqf ninni'ltl in 1:! Iimii. mllu
, , , . , . gestion." The findings of the court
d LIU 1UU1 llUb blUU UJilQ. I ... . ....
wm oo maue puuiic 10 the general as
sembly next Wednesday.
Dr. S. Durko Massoy, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf
Two indictments against Louis
Gllson of Tygh Valley, were brought
In last night by the grand jury. Uoth
indictments are based upon immoral
charges. Gllson Is held in the county
jail at the present time, having been
arrested several weeks ago upon a
Justice court warrant and bound
over for action by the grand jury.
The two indictments are based up
on accusations of two different girls,
one under 10 years of age.
Tho final indictment returned by
the grand jury last night was against
Leonard Hoorlng, charged with con- By United News
trlbuting to the delinquency of a: WASHINGTON, .May 21. Henry
minor. j Ford of Detroit lias wired members
if is interesting to note that of ' of the senate committee on privi
13 true bills returned by the grand j logos and elections demanding that
jury, l wo were highway robbery a thorough Investigation be made of
cases, three liquor cases and eight , the charge that Trumann II. New
cases Involving immoral orfc-nscs. berry was elected senator in 1918
Trial of the first case, thai of Tony ' through the "fraudulent expenditure
Mayota, proprietor of the Glenwood of vast sums of money."
hotel, will come up in the circuit Ford was a candidate against
court Monday afternoon. Mayeta was Newberry.
not indicted by the present grand i In "Is telegram Ford argued that
jury, ins case having been held over decision of the supreme court,
from the last lerm of court when a ' which recently freed Newberry
jury disagreed as to Ills guilt. He Is ' from the penalties of criminal pro
charged with violation of tlio pro-' ceeding, does not absolve the senate
lilbllion law. i "from the duty of protecting its
The following report was siibmlf- own honor."
toil by the grand jury to Circuit Nowborry took bin seat in the sen
Judge Fred W. Wilson: late following the decision - of the
We, the grand jury of the Fob- supreme court,
ninry term of court, reconvened in' There han been a disposition anions
special session on May 1C, 1921, re-' republicans to drop-further investl
tspocll'ully report that wo have been ' gallons upon the grounds that the
in continuous session for' fivo days, court's decision and work already
During that (line we have inter- done by the committee had .ostab
viewed, in all, H witnesses and have llshed Newber.ry's right to his seat.
ioi union into the court 13 truo bills Senator Dillingham of Vermont,
and 1 not true bills. Tho true hills chairman ot tho committee has
charge 13 soparato persons with called to meet Friday, when the
oi'hnes. ' I nuest ion' will recelvo further con-
Wo have been advised .Unit four, slderalion.
of the defendants indicted by us' Ford finds it "impossible to believe
have already pleaded guilty. We are that honorable senators shall oven
further advised that you have, son- seriously entertain" the proposal
lenced Henry Willis and Joe Hose to that tho investigation be dropped,
two years each in Ihe penitentiary, '"Hie gravest charges of fraudulent
We take tho liberty of saying In expenditures of vast sums to ac
tills report that wo consider your eompllsh an election are made,
sentence in those cases as conform- i,id Ford. "One jury acting on the
ing to our ideas of just punishment, ' vaii evidence lias found these
I .. ..I n. t i . . . .1
in new oi me evidence nu lo.iucea ' charges true. T'ae supreme court
Shannon gave a false namo and
they spent the night in separate
Duncan and the girl testified that
Blair had used vile l.tnguase in ac
costing them, and that they hud in
formed him if they were in the
south he would be hanged. Duncan
admitted that Blair had shoved his
fist into the knife. Blair and bro
ther officers gave somowhate differ
ent testimony while three Harvard
professors were among the nln'j
witnesses for the defenso who
vouched for their colleague's good
By United Press
LONDON, Ma) 21. An attempt to
amend American history will be
scheduled for next Tuesday with
Hill academy, of Portland, on The
Dalles diamond.
or extortionists. She apparently was
Families who have been robbed
within the last year by a "perfect
maid" formed a procession through
the Heil mansion today Identifying
By United Press articles as theirs which the Hen
SAN FRANCISCO, May 21 The family thought had been purchased
Coast league got very wet yesterday. 1 at auction by Mrs. Heil.
Of the four games scheduled only; "i don't know why she has done
one was played. The others were this terrible thing, but I will stick
postponed on account of rain. to her to the end," said her million-
Salt Lake beat Vernon, 10 to 9, aire husband.
A iirst class exhibition of the great in a real old-fashioned Salt Laxe Mrs. James Carolan, a 20-year-old
American national sport is assured Kfinie, in which tile ball was hit to daughter and a bride of a few weeks,
local fans who turn out tomorrow af- a11 corne,s of the lot. Salt Lake fainted when she heard her mother
Tll'irtffkrl Itn 1(1 cnfallaa nn 1 -mnnn l,nlr nxKnctnH Ac Ctnnn HQ sllfi
ternoon for the game between The u S;lU Lake uyed fom. p,tchera she harr,ed to her mother.B
uanes anu uoiuenuale town teams, ar- and Vernon three. side and refused to leave.
cording to 'Manager Fitzgerald, tho
sorrel topped leader of tho local swat- GLASON PICKS DEMPSEY
stcrs. For Fitzgerald has given every
Carpentering and building. C. H.
WIN BIG FIGHT Merrymnn, telephone reu oiti. at a conference of Anglo- member of the team close instructions
American Professors of History, to
be held here in July.
Among the subjects to bo dls-
crssed is a proposal that Americans
should eliminate from their public
school histories all passages which
exaggerate the old antagonisms be
tween Britain and the United States
md the causes of tho War of In
dependence. It is believed here that
most Americans are of the opinion
that the British example should be
followed. For several years British
public school histories have been
purged of all references likely to
cause offence.
Over thirty teachers of history
are expected to come from the
j United States to attend the confer
ence, and Professor Earle B. Bab
cock, head of the American Univer
sity Union in Paris, will represent
the Now York University.
By, United Press
as to the use of the hands in a base- NEW YORK, May 21 Jack Glea
ball game, and these instructions did son' former promoter and manager:
not include the nunchinir of an nn- uempsey ought to wm from Car
nosinir nlaver's nose pentier in about four rounds. The
The game will start promptly at rencl,man is a fast man and n good
2:30 on the old ball park. The Dalles
Taxi Mayfleld'sj-Taxl
I'elpphone main 5021.
boxer, but I don't believe he
strong enough to keep tho aggres
sive American away from him
"Dempsey is the harder puncher
and has a style of fighting that is
hard for a boxer to cope with."
ieum last aunaay ntiministcreu a
stinging defeat to the Goldendale nine,
coming home with the long end of a
6 to 1 score, and consequently Gold
endale is anxious to even things up.
The following players will comprise
the lineup of the local nine, when it
takes the field tomorrow:
ib, Fnr.;.n ,: ;. Err whlch she w
3b.; Callsom, r. f.; Gardner, 1. f.;' Duf
fy, c f.
(Continued Prom Page l.)
brought home.
before us.
Parts of two days that we have
been in session we have worked wich
John A. Collier as Special Deputy
District Attorney and we take this
opportunity of commending Mr Col
lier for his work with us. Wo each
individually enjoyed making his ac
iuafntanee. C. 11. Stouglilon, Foreman; 1'". C.
Clausen, .1. II. Fltzpntiiek, H. A. ld
kisaon, Geo. Woodruff, Oirln ,
Moore, J. M! Patlson.
Main llOOl lloniu'tt Taxi Main 01. tt
Biown's Durur c.iuc. Tune Tabic
Two louiid trips dally. Leavu Hank
lion'!, 9 a in. .md 4 in Leave
l) inn i .ui a in ana l p m it
Take a Glass of Salts if Your Onck
Hurts or Bladder
If you must lmo your meat evor
day. eat It, but flush your kidneys
with salts occasionally, says a noted
authority who tells us that meat
foinib ui'lo acid which almost para
lyzos tho kidneys in their efforts
to expel 'It from tho blood. They
1 . .1
IIUl'MIIIi; HUIhf,!"" illlll Ul'.lllUll, IHUll I
declared tho proper place to Inves
tigate those charges is in the United
States senate. I had no control
over the criminal proceedings" and
considerable evidence of force was
not Introduced,
"The honor of the United States
lu involved." Ford said lie presses
Ills fight not because ho is porson
ally desi-ous of sitting in tho sen
ate, but he wants it "for
over established that a seat in tho
United States senate may not bo
purchased and that scats are not
for sale to tho highest bidders."
Counsel for Ford, at tho same
time mailed to members of tho sen
ate a brief setting forth Ford's ar
guments. This brief declared they
repeatedly had been denied the
right to present evidence which,
thev asserted, would result In un
neating Nowborry if it were ovor
considered by the senate.
By United News
BOSTON. Mass., Jdny 21. -lames A.
Duncan, 23, an Instructor In physics
at Harvard university and "from
the south," was handed u sentence
l m mire iiiiuuiis in jau i uursuay,
i ... . ..... . . ... .. ...
you suffer v,ith a dull mlserv in " assaulting
t1u kidney region, sharp pains in David 15. Iilalr, a negro patrolman.
Ilio back or sick headache, dizzi- lie appealed and furnished ball of
hush, your stomach sours, tongue Is j 1000 00.
coated and when tho weather Is bad i
you have rl.e.inialle tw limes. Tho I M,8H -"" blumnon. IS, Dun
urine gets cloud), lull of sediment, ! l'a"'a fiancee "Iso "from th- south,"
Jho channels often get sore and lr-, and a student at a .school' of oxpres
::. c:. elM iu, .will u. seek i sln lu,vo VYa$l fomul ,U)t sullty of
not two or three times miring the at'saulilng the negro, and was ills-
To noutrallTie llieso Irritating acids,
to cleanse tho kidneys and flush
off the body's urinous waste got
for ourec of Jad Salts from any
pharmacy hero; take a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water before break
fast for a few days anil your kid
no) b will i lieu act fine. This fa
mous salts Is iniide from the acid
of grain's and lemon jalce, combined
with lltlita, and has been used for
generations to flush and stlmulato
sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize
the acids in urine, so it no longer
Irritates, thus ending bladder weak
ness. Jad Sails Is Inexpensive; cannot
Injure, and makes a delightful of
fervescent llthla-wutor drink. Adv,
The courtroom Wednesday was
crowded with Harvard undergradu
ates and Hostonlans ot southern
birth. Duncan comes from North
Carolina and Miss Shannon's homo
Is In Tennessee.
The trial was the aftermath of a
fight between Duncan and Blair
when the latter pulled tho Harvard
Inst motor from a doorway lu the
south end where he was kissing his
fiancee good night. Ulalr was
wounded in the hand by Duncan's
knife, but succeeded in arrestlm;
tho co-ple. At thu station Miss
By United Press
Letta Parsons, 13-year-old bride, ac
cused of killing her six-year-old
stenchild. today returned to her
humble home in -the Ozarks. Her
woodchopper husband took her home
when sho was paroled by Judgo
Peter Houck.
The court placed her in the cus
tody of her attorney, Jerry Burk,
on condition that she will report at
the jail to face a cliargo of man
slaughter in the fouith degree, when
tho case opens. The murder charge
was dismissed.
Notice for BJds for Shaniko-Ante-lope
Wasco County hereby calls for
spiiIpiI bids for reurading of the
Shaniko-Antelopo Road, from Ante
lnne northerly, to Shaniko.
A bids shall bo on a proposal
blank which will bo furnished upon
application by tho County Roadmas
ter. The specifications, plans anti es
timates for this improvement nro on
filo in the office of County Clork
of Wasco County, Oregon, and also
with P. W. Marx, County Roadmas
ter. at his office in Countv Court
IIouso. Tho Dalles, Oregon, and sjt
ject to inspection. The work will be
done in accordance with tho above
montioned plans and specification?
undor tho supervision and direction
bf tho County Roadmaster.
All bids must bo accompanied by
a certified check for 5 percent of
the amount of tho bid, to bo for
feited to Wasco County In case such
bid should bo accepted and tho bid
der should fail to enter into con
tract, and bond for the faithful per
formance of the work.
All bids should bo sealed and fil
ed with tho County Clerk on or be
foro tho 2Sth day of May. 1921. All
bids will bo opened by tho County
Court at 10 o'clock a. m. on said
Wasco County reservos tho rigl.
to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 18th day of May, A.
D., 1921.
d27w21 County Clork.
The arrest of Mrs. Heil followed
the rnhhprv nf tlm Immn p nr a
A Inmo n,K r ni.j.,i . " ""a. -ii
...... Ul uu.ucuu.uu luui- M ller on Wednesrlnv. Twn mon tl-1,
a.u eBCiu to ue on uie ground. had seen her loadl thjJ h
and Manager Fitzgerald is desirous hold 00(ls into nlnQlnn ,HonM
Of seeimr a bitr tum-nut nf innnt frmw ,' .i t
. neu ner later aiter tne roobery was
"I had no reason to steal." Mrs
UAt-L-tS) WINS l-HOM Weil nrlf.iI nitomiclv
UUt-UH BY 14-2 SCORE "Mv hnshnn.l p-.nvp trio ovni-vMilnw
I could possibly want.
ine uaues high school baseball " never knew I had taken the
team lived up to its record of no things until I would see them about
defeats yesterday, when the boys my home. I was so ashamed I wouia
journeyed to the town of Dufur and hide the things. I would He. I would
walloped the team of that place by steal again, though. I couldn't help
a score of 1-1 to 2. Deardorff, who it."
pitcneii tor tno local nine, was eas- The case was more dlstressin
ily the individual star of the game, because Mrs. Heil is soon to bscome
although the team play and head- a mother again.
work of the whole Dalles crew was Members, of the family said Mrs
of such merit as to draw frequent Hell was injured in an automobile
applausd and praise from even the accident and an infection set in. A
Dufur rooters. wound in her limb has never healed.
Ei.Tht of tho first nine men to face and they believed this had affected
Deardorff struck out, and seven her mentally. She was confined in
more followed the same route back U sanitarium for some time.
to the bench later in the contest. Heil paid an incomo tax on $150,
Dufur made only one hit in the 000 in 1920 and on $88,000 this year.
whole game, a single by Sigman in Authorities plied the unfortunate
tho sixth. For The Dalles, Orville woman with questions to determine
Mann, with a double and two sin- if she was in the hands of gamblers
gles in five times to bat, and Wayne
Wright, with two hits in three
times at b?.t, starred at batting,
while Wright, McLcod and Lam-
born played sterling ball in the
The Dalles scored four runs in
tho first on two hits, throe errors
and a squeeze play. Two moro were
added in the second on a pass to
Wilcox and long hits by .Mann ancr
Cochran. Another pair was added in
the third on two errors and a sln-
glo by Saunders. Three more camo
in on base-running in the fifth, with
out the aid of a hit, and tho final
throe galloped across tho plate in
the eighth on a couple of errors,
three solid wallops and a sacrifice.
A large crowd of Dufurites wit
nessed tho same.
Tho local diamond artists have
won every game plnyed this season,
tho two most notable victories be-i
inc yesterday's game, and that or n
week ago, in which Hood River was
walloped 16 to G. Tho season will
probably close with the big game
(Continued From Page 1.)
leave soon for Upper Silesia, although
the number and character of the con
tribution is not yet known. Officials
are awaiting further pronouncements
from Washington or Ambassador
Harvey before announcing the extent
their participation.
Freo Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Bantu, chiropractic, physician.
Third and Washington, main 501. if
we are yours
WHAT'S the plumbing you've
been planning? Don't make a
secret of it tell us about it,
because we are sure we can
be of servico to you. Ask
some folks you know what
they know about our prices
and our work. Wo know that
what they tell you about us
will send you to this shop.
Phone Red 991 The Dalles
Home of Supcrfeatures
The Screen's New Sensation
Buck Jones
above all other days, is a ttmo when we
pauso In our dally work to pay tribute to
our departed loved ones. On this day tho
cemoterles are tho scenes of core-monies.
Tho resting places of our departed loved
ones aro bedecked with flowers, and It is
appropriate that propor grave markers bo
1 I
To assist tho living In properly mark
ing graves, wo shall give, tree of cliargo,
grave markers to anyone calling at our
funeral homo.
The Homo- of Superior Sorrlco
Union at Third
"Just Pals
The stirring: story of a golden-hearted
Ne'er Do Well
A Drama of intensity that
will thrill and delight.
Sunshine Comedy "His Unlucky Job"
Lionel Barrymore
"The Devil's Garden"
One of the exceptional photoplays
of the year.
Hank Mann "Why Change Your Mrs"