T1fT'''-'lii'iiitiilii i S rrcsMEi,"ft PAGE EIGHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRfDAV, MAY 20, 1ff2f, $50 SEATS FOR BIG FIGHT GO IN RUSH TICKETS BOUGHT UP IN BLOCKS WORTH THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. By Westbrook Pcglcr (United Nows Staff Correspondent.) NEW YORK, May 20. Deforo the great arena on Boyle's 30 acres over in Jorsoy City Is one-third complet ed, most of the $C0 seats are sold some In hatches worth thousands of dollars and a lot of tlicm are reap pearing In (he scalper's agencies along Ilrondwny. Kx-servlcp men out of johs and young girls picked up In employment agencies have been used to represent scalpers In the ticket lines at the box office windows and buy seats for which the wealthy fans will have to pay a stiff premium over Hie price. Tex Ilickard and the company hand, ling the seat sales probably could not discriminate between purchasers of tickets but (here has been no rule to prevent the purchase of whole blocks of seats worth thousands of dollars. Only Thursday a Chicago man got off a train, bought several thousand dol lars worth of seats, and hopped the next one back home to spread (hem around. One block worth $25,000 was sent to Philadelphia. In most of these cases the supposition is that (lie seats have been ordered by individual.!, bat there is no guarantee of that. Sovoral extra rows of fifty dollar scats have been sandwiched into the plan since I lie original blueprint wero inado. At (ho present rate of sale those will all be gone in a short time. Tlio fighl looks liko a sure sell out for the reserved sections and the fivo dollar seats are bound to go like cut-price gold Ingots at a Caledonian convention. Georges Carpentior remained bo sieged in his old manse on the Man basset Turnpike. Hundreds of Now Yorkers, most of them folks with enough money to rig their chauffeurs out in monkey suits, steamed up to tho challenger's barbed wire gato again Thursday. Thero wero some fashionably dressed women in tho crowd. Georges isn't down to vigor ous training yet and neither Is ho Hhowing himself off to tho madden ing throng. distributed In advance to all who Join the conference. Twentv-flve nercent discount on cut glass bowls for this week only Lindnulst's Jewelry store. 21 WOMEN DENIEO VOICE CHURCH AFFAIRS MEN TO RULE, ORDER OF PRES BYTERIAN AS-ASSEMBLY. GOLDENDALE-TH E DALLES GAME WILL BE FAST Working out every day for tho big gamo Sunday wllh Goldendale, Tho Dalles independents baseball team is roundln; into splendid shape, and fast sport Is promised for tho re turn sot-to .at tho old ball p;rk. Manager Fitzgerald announced afternoon that Woolsey will pilch, and cither Hoffman or Wilson will be behind the hat. Woolsey held Goldendale to four scattered hits last Sunday. Taylor, a slahsman of roimto in Klickitat comity, will ho tho mould for tho visitors, Fitzgerald Is out with a plea for support from tho city In holping to inako tho season successful. The town Is going good, ho declares, with everyone in a spirit to Imttlu for Independent championship hon ors. Two games with the fast Hani- man club of Portland urn scheduled for May 29 and 30. Tho Warm Springs Indian team - will he played hero May 2(1 anil 27, as a portion of the pageant program, By Carl Victor Little (United Press Staff Correspondent) WINONA LAKE, Ind., May 20 Women must keep their seats in the "amen corners" and remain without a voice in church govern ment. Tho hand that rocks the cradle may rule tho temporal world, but the authority in tho spiritual world must remain with tho men. Agitation for women's rights, which has placed them In the legis lative hallo and allowed them to don the black robes of the judiciary, has failed thus far to make impres sion in the conduct of ecclesiastical affairs. Returns from the plebiscite taken among the million and a half mem bers of tho Presbyterian church, and reported to tho ceneral assem bly here today, showed that the movement to allow women to sit as commissioners in the assembly was beaten decisively. BILL TO ASSIST LIVESTOCK MEN posited with the cotporatlont and such security shall be a first !tn on the cattle or sheep ia form) ap proved by the corporation." V The Economy Shop Ladies' and children's hats at very reasonable pilaw. Organdie collar and cuff sots and embroidery yarns, A dresses. also 1 (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, May 20 Senator tew ready-to-wea.? infants Robert N. Stanfield will probably in- Ladies' silk and wile dresses. troduce a bill today which has been houB drer-fes, aprwis and underwear as a whole by the war . Childn's dresses, toys' blouse and infant!?' wear made to order. Mrs. corporation,, providing for no . ,, approved finance loans to cauie anu snecp raisers ay nnslnffr,.., Telfiiihonn V.irk S171. 20 COURT ASSAILS (Continued From Paso 1.) i the government ana fixing tne pur- cnase of in. se loans or paper oy banks. The text of ths bill, of which tho senator will try to secure early passage through the senate with the (vas a ,.afleher in the 'Irgh country. aim of relieving sheep and cattle aml lnst November he received a fair- men Of tho Pacific Northweat, RnrlnUHmr nt vntPR ns n "write ln"1 follow. rvinfllrlntn nrr thp tmllnt fhr RTie'rtff. "The secretary of tho treasury Is A 21 ye,tr oId daughtcr was the hereby authorized anu directed to advance or lend to the war finance corporation all funds accrued or ac cruing, from the franchise tax pro vided la tho federal reserve act and acts amendatory thereto- 'The war finance corporation;: shall execute ahd deliver to the, complaining witness. The indictment, which was returned to thV court by the grand jurj a few minutes before McAtee entered" hl3 plea ofgnflty, al leges the specific offense as- occurln? August 15, lfT9. According to Dis trict Attorney Francis V. Q'aTloway,' UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL NOW HAS MODEL BUILDING UNIVERSITY OF OKKGON, UU G'BNK, May 20 The University of Oiogon high school la now housed In its new building, which will be formal ly dedicated May 2T. and which has already created much Interest in Ore gon communities that are planning school buildings in the future. Tho building was constructed for a maximum of 200 students at an approximate cost of $80,000. It Is a brick structuro of tho one-story typo becoming so popular in mild climates in tho past few years. 1 ntif 1int rl 'i 11 frit i irr ft rman mr 1 vu t'ni'C i 1i ft secretary of the treasury Its certin- cates of indebtedness th Motor bear- gr" . Jury" ing interest at the rate of 5 per McAtee a talF.. spare man' dressed cent pen annum, payable annualiy. ' m a rough cordtrroy coat and working Tho advances or loans; shall be-1 clothes twisting: a plaid cap rrervous made as requested by the- war' fy in hi.? hands, was brought iiido the finance corroratlon and. shall be . e0"r- room Just t Boon. At Mr hear ppyable on or before the dates of j tag the indictmwit read, he' waived maturity, specified in tlie certifl-jl rights, for tiunr in which to enter calcs of. indebtedness. j his plea, and slumped heavily rn-to his "The corporation is hereby au-1 chair, when the district atto.urey be- tl.oiized and empowered to pur--gan maiicing nis statement. Hifiso from anv state or national; It was so circumstanced, bank, or from any livestock loan) District Attorney. Galloway, tnht the company:. which is now duly or- complaining witness was just at tlio ganized.' under the laws oil any state age where certain- other charges of in and authorized to make loans upon decent crimes against the father cotila livestock;, paper taken-, by such not be preferred because of statutory bank or company for loans- made to j limitations. Puntsnment for either ot growers, breeders or feeders of j- two other specific offenses, Judge-Wil-cattle or sueep. i son explained, which, were barred by "No paper purchased under the-' tbj3 restriction in? the statutes, caul A provisions of this act sJlall be for' lave Deen hiado much greater-, n period of less than six: months or-j ..R fg a (iOI,iora-ai0 pi ate of aff.'tirs," their dilligence In tlie matter. Tbv had done everything possible, he de clared, and the fault in: the light pen alty to be administered,, was not with) them, but. with the legislature of Ore- "Bnt a sentence will fall upon youi" exclaimed the judge, turning to the de. fondant, who sat with hLs face buried. In Iris hand, gazing at the table, be l'orn' him. "more grieviousMhan any a human judge can give yon. After you lmve- finished this termr y.ou will ai 'ways: feci the remorseful prickings of what is- ltEt of your conscience. You have made of yourself an outcast. You enn never come back hew-when you are tdnough at Salem. It will be im possible for you to return." McAttee has been residing, in The Di'es for seceral years, following re thulnerafc front tho ranch. He is espe cially well krsown in southern Was co county. His artest was brought ,about tUrough the- efforts ? W. G. IjIcLarerc, superintendent of. the Paci- ffc Ooaet; Resiote' Mission l and. Pro tective society nf Portland-Attorney John A. Collier, ex-asslstant- district attorney of Multnomah county,, assLst od District Attorney Galloway, in in- -'Migatibm of tlla.case and Ik the sub mission oL the evidence to Hie grand jury. CoIlFm madte a short stateDaent resarding tile caie before tlue1 d'eCend- ants was asraignetf. None of SfcAMee's ieliitives w.as in the court room. His 'wiKj.'Is said to reside In ItfltHo.. LEAGUE STAND (ContiJiuod Trom Pas? U)i longer l.ilan twn years. "The corporation shall not buy such paper from any bank or coro nanv to an amount greater man fcur times L'te paid u a, capital and:! surplus of the pauy; soiling bank or com- Tho building contains six class rooms, three or wnien aro smucieni-; u' loans or paper purcnaseu un ly large to bo used as rollrooms, an j ,icv tlve p-orlsions of this act shall auditorium, two laboratories, n type writing booth, a library, an art. stu dio, outdoor gymnasium boys and girls shower and dressing rooms, lab oratory rooms, teachers' office, prin cipal's offico, supply room and play porch. bo indorsed on guaranteed uncondi tiomtlly bjr the batdt or company soiling tho same to the corporation, lir Jfdditfon to tho indcrsomert or gjiavantce of the selling bank or crmpaay all sccurlry taken by the selling bank or company shall be de- declared the court', "that siroce 1SG4 no legislature has- seen fit to-pass an amending statute fur the crime of !n- ' cost, making the punishment more rig- orou3. We are confronted lrere with the blackest criro!- fa the human cate gory. Murder is-almost praiseworthy beside it. Unfortunately. t!le court I'rs his hand'' Uounrt by ti e- law. No words can full' express t'rVe- feeling of this court, find his only.- regret Is that a sentence, ot" such sijmJI dimen sion can be inipuaod." Judge Wilsott- commended' tho grand jurors and tlsa district attorney for icn.-iddcsn't menn that we sliail atxu- leclared i'ddra the leaKue." The Daily-News' praised Harvey for not: confining, hlnaself to oanv.eattonal 'courtesies. .Ho knew his hearers want ed to leanr the (ruth, it said. The New1? expressed perplexity- over the American attitutle on tile league, pointing out. that the united' States rej?nts the" league, but wants an asso-ciatlbn- of nations; wants; an. hxterna tiooal' couTt of disarmament, terrt will 'not1 look to- the league for help In that cause. "Is- it policy or polifcs?'" ft asked, "and if politics, is it international or "dtoiesticl" tTh? league. It i utterly absurd, America decided am&t. tQe league by a-majority of seven. Millions. "The present government will not nave anything whatsimver to do with tHe leagne, with any comJiUasion or (jommltlee appointed tliereby, or di rectly or Indirectly, oinly or furtivc- fy responsible for it." Harvey declared lie hoped to 's-engthen the bonds" Jfi friendship aud mutnal helpfulness. between Eng lMd.nnd America, in ortton tlrat the re spective governments may hereafter prefer durable agreements to tenta tive compvomiscs between tliHmselves, and' will approach world' problems fronu the same angle as., inseparable common canceras." The ambassador declared' himselt utterly destitute of thai traditional weapom of diplomacy but' Cully equip ped ' with tile- frankness?, atraight-for-warcMiess ami sincerity which char acterized ths candor of, ttlo British statesmen with whom he'iiati come in contact. He styled himselC an unal loyed American, the same-as-. Ambassa dor Geddes in Washington- Is an unal 16yed'. Briton. . Harvey declared Amarilus was not concerned with the past oirtlie future momentarily, but with the- sentiment of the perilous, present. "I pray that the timers- near," .the Ambassador continued, "wlren Britain' and Wmerfca may master-all' Injustices and ' iniquities of their raue- for. the sake'of their own peoples;, as well as mankind', without sacrificing one jot of imrependence or individuality." BUf, Harvey declared,' England and America will accomplish' nothing until academics are.discarded and realities are manfnlly and umniheingly dis cussed'. The time has come for "prac-ticidg- what you preach,"- he declared. COLONEL HARVEY (Continued Frosii Page- i.) irreduTer. There will' be no Interven ti'on In affairs that tfi not concern the- 'Jhltecl States. Harvey added. Commenting directly upon the le;i jguo of nations, Harvey declared:- "There still remains an impression that America may yet be beguiled Into PORTLAND AD CLUB (Continued From PaRp 1.) Tttft DatteavCalifronaai Highway near Wapinitia. Another connection with the Mt. Hood loop road; which Is entirely feasible and which would be of great benefit to Tire Dalles, is the- route extending up Mill creek,, ficross Mt. Hood flats and through Brooks' meadow, Sherrad explained. Government aid will also be asked ' for the construction' of the forest-reserve- section of" this road, he in formed the secretary. State Highway Commissioner John 's. Yeon, J. H: Booth and Barratt will be in attendance at the big $800,000 road bond rally to be held' tomorrow at 3raupin. if they "can possibly arrange it, they informed1 Van Scholck when, he called upon them In reffwence to hls proposa-.. Have Your Hair Renewed Wo can gtvo you any ohuilo of hair coloring with a famous Franco-Amor- ienn hair coloring which is so perfect that It cannot bo detected from tho natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All linos of beauty culture at tho llotol Dalles Beauty shop. Tolo- nhono main 4051. J17 INTERN ATlONAL'cHILD WEL- FARE CONFERENCE PLANNED WASHINGTON, May 0. Huns tiro being coniDlotod. according to In formation rooolveil by tho II. S. do- partmont of labor for an ititerntilloinl conforenco of child welfare to bo hold in Brussels under tho auspices of tho Bolglan government. July 18-21, 1921. .'.ru'li'i'i i.v.irt!ii)atlou In tho confer ence Is much tloslroil by tho Belgian orvir.i! tco on organization. Tho object of tho conference Is tho (UkcuesIou of a sorlos of questions do..''.;,; ..i ll the physical and moral welfare of children, and tho roaring of Infants. Tho discussion will prowd undo. four general bonds, (1) Juve nile delinquents and Juvenile courts, (2) abnormal children, (3) social hy giene of childhood, and (-1) war or phan'. Foreign and llelslun experts will prepare reports on child wolfaro work in their own countries with spo-i-lul reference to tho question! on the list. These reports will be printed an 4 DRESS 3IQ3 PATTERN BELTOT in provided. Tor tula BurrEIUCIi DTSION HAVE YOU ALL THE CLOTHES YQU WANT? If you have you aren't a woman I If you haven't read this: Do you get excited or wistful or resent ful or just plain determined, when you see iVip bolts of lovelv criso sweetpea-colored or- candy? The puffs of dotted swiss? The. good-looKing linens in .cuiors. ine utuus voiles and English prints? Why, they're all so delightfully cheap, compared to Winter fabrics! They look so easy to work with. The colors are so clear and fresh, and young. And you can just see the rows and rows of adorable little tub frocks they're going to be If you could only sew! Listen ! Have you two hands? And a nice sharp needle? And three or four empty hangers in your clothes close? Then go right back and buy your pattern. Yesterday, maybe, you couldn't sew. But today you can. Be cause there's a new word 13 E L O R (Now included with new Butterick Patterns) The new word inherits everything that belongs to the two other words that mean the most' in the style world Delineator, the maga zine; and Butterick, the pattern. Deltor shows you, step by step, just how the experts would go about it, if they were to make the frock from the pattern. You can do it yourself from 50c to $10 on the material alone. ASK about The Dehor and all the New Butterick styles at our pat tern counter. FROLIC CLOTH For rompers and play suits. 25c yard CASCADE GINGHAM PLAIDS All colors. 19c yard LIGHT AND DARK PEftCALES 36 inches wide. 19c yard PLAIN COLORED VOILES 40 inches wide. 48c yard The Nezv WASH GOODS Are Lovlier than ever this Season You can find .just the designs and materials that are so popular in our large stock of novelties. New Voiles in light and dark colors. 39c to $1.25 yd. New Organdies Crisp and beautiful, best import ed quality in leading colors 79c yard. Fancy Dimities in cool looking designs 69c yd Domestic Printed Organdies Floral design 65c Fancy Floral Batistes very sheer and come in pastel colore 35c yard , White Organdies, Swisses, Voiles, Batistes, Sher ettes, Nainsooks, Gabardines, Etc. Best assort ment at lowest prices. EDW. C. PEASE CO.