PAGE SEVEN CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921. FOR RENT FOR RENT Clean rooms and board, 722 East Third street. 26 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 722 East Third street. 23 FOR RENT Four room apartment, Federal street, unfurnished, inquire 417 Alvord street, side door. 21 FORWENT FwnisiieTnMsekeeplng rooms. 320 East Third street. Tel ephone red 6941. 20 FOR RENT--Furnlshed cottage. Mod ern conveniences. Inquire 422 West Eighth street. ' 21 FOR SATjE 2 9x12 rugs; 1 enamol dressing table; 1 dresser; 1 couch; 2. rockers; dining chairs; limary table; 1 range; 4 lamps; 1 diniug table; 1 stand table; 1 commodo; 1 piano; 1 ice box, 2 iron beds; 2 coil bed springs; 2 mattresses; 1 music stand; 3 60-gallon vinegar barrels; 1 carpet syreeper; kitchen linoleum; 1 sewing machine. Inquire W. L. Swearingen, mile south of town on Three Mile road. 20 wani ed FOR RENT Large three-room fur nished apartment. 819 'East Third street. Telephone red 1282. 21 "FOR ft ENT Conlonably" Turalshed housekeeping rooms. 115 East Sec ond street. 21 FOR RENT Front housekeeping room, downstairs, and sleeping room. 104 West Third. 31 FOR RENT Nice bedroom in modern home for men or couple. Breakfast if desired. Tub and shower baths. Telephone black 4331. 21 FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms. Adults only. 1003 Alrord street. Telephone red 4561. 24 WANTED Five-room modern house. . Telephone main 6441. 21 WANTED Farm work by experienc- ed man. Call red 1441. 20 WANTED (Work with large team of horses. Call red 2821. 21 WANTED Work with team Farm or orchard work preferred. Write box 56, R. F. D. 1. . 25 WANTED Two horses for use In pa geant rehearsals. Also two tents for use as dressing rooms. Cill Red Cross offices, or see Lynn Roy croft. 21 FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Ford bug. Inquire Roy al barber shop. 25 FOR SALE Woman's new cape. Call red 1441. 20 FOR SALE Cut roses. 911 Pine street. Telephone black 3162. 19 FOR SALE Car cheap. Inquire 702 Webster street. 24 FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire box 67, Kent, Oregon. J20 FOR SALE Dodge touring car, in ex cellent condition. $575 for quick sale. 505 East Second street. 21 WANTED Position as cook in gener al house in town, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Address James T. K., 311 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 LOST OR FOUND LOST Auto license plate No. 96857, Ore. Return to Welcome Restaurant. 20 LOST Gold watch on Mill creek, May 8th. Return to 708 Weat Tenth street. $5.00 reward. 23 LOST Army blouse witht C. O.' D. book and receipt book on Dalles Meat company. Telephone red 1971. 20 FOR SALE Garden tools and house hold furniture. Inquire 503 Fulton street. 23 FOR SALE Used flour sacks, 49s and 9Ss. Diamond Flour Mills com pany. 24 FOR SALE Garages, $98.00 and up. Half cash and the rest on easy terms. Call main 731. "24 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, f 11.50; second growth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Modern seven-room house, lot 50x120, good outbuilding?, fruit and garden. 705 Calhoun street. 26 FOR SALE Bicycle in first class order. Reasonable. Inquire 409 East Fourth street, or telephone red 1941. ' 20 1921 FORD SEDAN Loft with us for sale. Has 1921 license and is 98 percent new. Can bo bought right. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 20 FOR SALE Large ana small arm and orchard tracts. Reasonablb prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE Five room houso with four lots, barn, chicken house, two chicken lots, wood shed and thirty five fruit trees. Garden in. Inquire J. W. Connell, 816 W. Thirteenth. Telephone red 5322. 21 STRAYED OR STOLEN Black mare about six years old, weight about 1400 pounds. Branded S-I on should er. $10.00 reward. Telephone black 3522 or write 813 Federal strept 2lvr21 MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE Rooms with board. 311 East Fifth street. 115 j i.--iru rLr.iAn u nn -n innnrii 1 i ip- MONEY to lend to property owners for building purposes. W. F. Gitch ell, 403 Washington street. 25 HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Moline, 607 Union street. J5 HEMlimTCinNG L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf FDRNTSHED ROOMS of the desir able sort, are in active demand. Many people have recently moved perhaps going to houses or apart ments where they have no space to spare. Former furnished room ten anta are looking once more for de sirable quarters. Have you anything to offer them? Tell about it in a Chronicle Want Ad. SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 206 Court Street TRANSFER AND EXPRES 8 Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 13E2. J. E. Henzle. lltf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS Portland-The Dalles Truck Service General freight hauling. Leaves Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, 1:30 p. m. Dally service. The Dalles telephono red 6741. Portland tele phones, Marshall 1355 or east 3990. J17 PIANOS TONED Jina repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnlsblng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store, 320 East Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 100J East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28tf FORD na. Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. .LUC1LE CUMMINS Teacher of Piano Summer classes open June 1. Tele phone black 6221. Studio at 204 West Ninth street. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist. M&uaifl MaHbunm Stilwell Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. Leschetizky method. Special atten tion given to beginners. Summer term opens June 15. Phone red 3491. Stu dio 1000 Fulton street. J20 WMite Track Lime Freight and exprts&s between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way joints Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf EMPRESS Home of Superfeatures SATURDAY- Lionel Barrymore r IN "The Devil's Garden" The most striking screen achievement of the creator of a hundred dramatic triumphs. One Man One Wife! Enough? Civilization insists on monogamy but men question it! TONIGHT- CONSTANCE BINNEY IN "THE MAGIC CUP" Paramount Magazine COMING "THE KID" CASINO THEATRE NOW PLAYING Mack Sennett's Latest Production ''Small Town Idol FOUNDED WHY A BANK ACCOUNT CONVENIENCE PAYING bills other than by check is a rare thing these days. It is so much moro convenient to write a check than to curry cash. Then too, each transaction is recorded upon tlio check stub for ready reference. Whoever is regularly receiving and paying out money is welcome to open a checking hero at tlio French & Company bank. For others, pos sibly a savings account will be better. i Paid on Savings in E. H. FRENCH, Prwlat.rt PAUL M. FPENCH. Vice-President V. H fflENCH. Secretary J C H08TETLER. Cashier toff FRENCH & CO. SUPPOSE WE HAD 8 DAYS IN A WEEK1 Would you put aside the earnings of that extra day? Many would do this! But since there are only seven days in a week, It is necessary to put aside a certain amount of EACH day's earnings. To make up for the money you would save on that "eighth day," suppose you havo a definite plan and save one-half or one-third of your daily earnings. Deposit it in our bank and watch your money grow! Start sucli an nccount with us today. We pay FOUR percent interest. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Telephone Main 3101 Officers P. J. atadelman.Presldent. Dr. J. A. Reuter, Vice-Pres. H. E. Greene, Cashier J. F. Tureck, Ass't Cashier. Directors P. J. Stadelmaa. Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. Reutsr Dr. D. C. Olingei H. L. Kuck J. O. Holmrkh J. J. Van Dellen WOOD ARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charge. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reaches! the easlost by way of Grants and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mile paved road connects MaryhHI and Goldendale FERRY RATE8 $1.25 par ear and passengers one way. SL09 fsr round trip, 19-day limit. r -M J Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist Wo are equipped to give your eyes the very best of care. Eyes tested. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmed, Established 187 Woman Attendant Telcphoneo Mrs. M. 3. vVillerton Day Red 351 relenhono Red 1781 Night Red 332 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Motor Equipment Cut Flowers Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment I7-1 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DR. AY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phono Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF TODAY AND TOMORROW BANKERS INC, THE DALLES OREGON