THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE Established 1890 The Dalles. Ore. Published Every Evnnlng Except Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing company Ino MARK THE WAY Ben It. I,ltfln Guncral Manager Entered In Thu Dalloa posteftlce as econd class matter. United Press and United New Service Uombur of Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance . $5.00 Biz months. In advance... .X0u Ono month .60 DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL Ono year. In advanve. $6.00 Six months, In advance .J2.50 One month .60 WEEKLY CHRONICLE Ono year, In advance . $2.00 In ordering chango of address, sub scriber should ulwnys give old aa well as now addreBs. TELEPHONES Editorial Ilooms niack 111 Business, Adv., Clr. Depts Red 111 Subscribers to the (.ronlclo aro guar anteed service. Prompt and regular de livery of every subscriber's paper is the aim of tho circulation department. The Chronicle carriers aro required to put the papers on thi porch or wherover tin lUDscribor wishes '.ho paper delivered. THE ELECTION Eight measures arc submitted to the voters of Wasco county. Five propositions will be voted upon by tho slate at largo. In Wasco county, tho additional measures are, in rank of importance, first; The Dalles-California highway bond issue for $800,000; second, the increasing of salaries of county of ficials and third; the fixing of tho salary of the justice of peace for , Tho Dalles district. ' The five state measures as listed on the ballot are: Establishing the duration of the legislative session at not more than 60 days, limiting extra session! to 20 days, fixing compensation of members thereof at $5 a day, and ' giving mileage of $3 for each 20 miles traveled In going to and from Salem. . Thia measure also prohibits 1 introduction of any bills after the 40th day of the session, excepting1 appropriation bills and bills npper-l taining to the defense of the stato or nation until the consent of four fifths of tho members has been ob tained on a roll call. Tho second measure is a const!-, tutlonal amendment providing a' stato aid fund for Teterans of the world war, from which those en titled may bo loaned not more than ' f 15,000 on preferred socurlty, or from which bonuses of not to exceed $lf) for each month of service aro to bo paid. Thu recipient may elect either thu loan or bonus. Ho can not havo both. An additional tax lory of two mills to pay principal' and interest will bu levied if the i llH'l'B 111(1 pauses. Tho third amendment submitted to tho voters will give thu governor llio power to veto emergency clauses in bills without effecting othur pro-' visions of tho bills. This power is to bo In addition to the power of tho governor to veto single Hunts in Appropriation bills. j Applicants for marriage will be roiiulrod tu puss physical uiuiuiii nttotis In logurd to their health from n standpoint of coutaglous or ooui-' amicable t en oral disease and mon-, (allty, If the fourth measure car ries. In oaso of failure tu pass thu examination, the applicants are pro hibited from marrjlug unless one er both of the coiitractluu parties are rendered sterile. An. appeal from the order of thu county clerk deny lug thu license u provided for, This is commonly known as Dr. Owens Adair's bllL Tho fifth of tho statewide meas ures will permit, it It passes, women to servo as Jurors, and will require that at least one-half of the trial jurors in criminal action!! Involving a defendant under IS years of age, or a minor complaining wltnts, be women. The time for consideration of how ono will vote at tho election Is short. In the next few days, The Chronicle proposes to discuss each moauuio in some detail, Considering the Importance of thu bills tu bo paused upon, the apathy existing over thu state Is marked. A heavy vote will likely bo polled In Wasco county because of the 600,000 road bill, ICIsowhere It is not likely that anything approssu ing a uormul vote will be cast, as thoro la little opposition to several of the proposed measures. In all the planning and construe tlon of the new automobile camp grounds, the committees have done well. "The Dalles Illahee" is a monument to the foresight and com munal effort of a group of business men In the city wlilch has not been approached by anything previously undertakdu. One thing will complete the job. The park has not yet been marked. The fact that the location of the camping grounds is more or less of a mystery has been brought to the attention of The Chronicle in half a dozen ways recenlly. Specifically, in two instances, tourists have stop ped in tho office to Inquire the way. 'litis appeal Is no presumption that the detail of marking has been for- j gottem Doubtless it Is already plan- J ned. It may perhaps be worthy of j I suggestion that directions to the park be placed in conspicious places on Second street, for information of tourists coming from the east. Similarly, ' the tourist should be guided to the park along the Colum bia river highway from tho west. The Dalles-California highway (if it Is over built), should be equipped with ysigns. It is reasonable to sup pose that as many tourists may come into the city fiom the south as Journey this way from tho east. In this connection it will not he amiss for tho Chamber of Commerce literature being prepared to contain allusions to the automobile camping facilities here. The investment win be useless, if it is not advertised. Tourists will come here, and stop for night and days, spending their money with merchants, if they know in advance there 'are facilities (or their conrenience. In a few years automobile tourists will pay for "The Dalles Illahee," If they come in suf ficient numbers. Advertising the park and advertising the city will help to bring them. and came the whole distance into harbor under sail. Under ordinary circumstances a sailing vessel can not enter a port without the aid of 1 a tug, because few channels will permit the tacking necessary, and , tho wind is seldom exactly favor-, ! able. Special prices on Japanese tea pots. Lindquist's Jewelry store. , 21 BOARD OF TRADE PLACED UNDER 8TATE CONTROL SPRINOFIELd7IH., May 18. The state senate Wednesday passed the Lantz bill, placing the Chicago board of trade under the control of the stato agriculture department. Members of the board say that this means the abolition of tho Chicago exchange. Classified Advertisements FOR RENT FOR RENT Clean rooms and board, 722 East Third street. 26 FOR RENT Front sleeping room, 615 East Fourth street. -19 Wanted WANTED Five-room modern house. Telephone main 6441, 21 i WtAlNTED Farm work by experien ed man. Call red 1441. 20 FOR (RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 320 East Third street. Tel ephone red 6941. 20 LOOKING BACKWARD (From The dhroniclo, May 19, 18!'.) I'articB from Antelope speak in terms of tho highest praise of liie new Shearar grndo from Bnkoovau to Cross Hollow. Tho road avoid. I ho former and much-dreaded nakeovon hill, which was very bad. The road through to Antelope has been ropa rod and Improved, and is in first oiaus traveling condition. lllsa Florence Lewis of thl.i city hos boon engaged as a primary (etch er in tho Antolopo public souoo'. Prof. H. O. Lako of Wamic will be principal. "Cyclono" Davis of Txn.i spenfcs Friday night at the court house under tho auspices of tho Populism state cen tral committee. About 100 Good Templar and their friends mot at Fraternity h?.ll Monday ovenlnu lo tako part In the lotlg? un cial that had been previously an nounced. Tho early part of the even ing was spent in social onnvers tin til the program commit te was ready to proceed, and then a short but verv fine program wai presented, Walter Reavli acting as chairman. The first number was a piano solo by 'Mrs. Var ney, rendered In that lady's best style. Fred Snipes' ba?s solo, "Cast Aside," was well rocelved. Walter Ueavls ren dering the recitation, "Flying Jim's Last Uetp," affected many In the an dlonro to tears. Mrs. Hrlggs told an Interesting romance In connection with the singing of "Coming Through the Rye." Mrs. Yarnery'a vocal solo, "Murphy's Daughter, Nell," was a comic song which nil enjoyed. Mrs. Donnell went to White Salmon this morning. Mrs. J. II MoMor returned home to day from a visit to hot- daughter, Mrs. F. 1'. Taylor, who Is quite ill. WINDJAMMER ENTERS RIVER UNDER OWN POWER nr UnltHi rrfH ASTORIA, Ore., May 18, Astorian.' who were admiring I ho sunset acrotia rroat harbor at tho mouth of tho Co lumbla river were recently treated to a rare slslit when the schooner Kd ward R. West, with all sails drawing, enrno as.tlllng out of the sunset, to drop anchor of tho city. Wholly unassisted, tho windjam mer accomplished what la consid ered Impossible In most seaport. FOR RENT Furnished cottage. Mod ern conveniences. Inqiure 422 West Eighth street. 21 FOR "RENT Largo three-room fur nished apartment. 819 'East Third street. Telephone red 1282. 21 WANTED TWork with large team of . horses. Call red 2821. 21 WANTED Work with team. Farm or orchard work preferred. Write box 56. R. F. D. 1. 25 FOR UENT Comfortably furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 East Sec ond street. 21 FOR RENT Front housekeeping room, downstairs, and sleeping room. 104 West Third. 31 FOR RENT Clean, newly-palntel light housekeeping rooms. 304 East Eighth street. 19 FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms. Adults only. 1003 Alvord streot. Telephone red 4561. 24 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford bug. Inquire Roy al barber shop. 25 WANTED Position as cook In gener al house in towa, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Addrees James T. K 31-1 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 LOST OR FVUND LOST Auto license plate No. 96857, Ore. Return to Welcome Restaurant 20 TAKEN UP Brown mare, weighs about 900 pounds. Branded 23 on left shoulder. J. Q. Snipes, R. 4. 19 LOST Gold watch on Mill creek, May 8th. Return to 70S West Tenth street, f 5.00 reward. 23 FOR SALE Woman's new cape. Call red 1441. 20 FOR SAILE Cut roses. 911 Pine street. Telephone block 3162. 19 FOR SALE Car cheap. Inquire 702 Webster street. 24 FOR SALE Used flour sacks, 49s and 98s. Diamond Flour Mills com pany. 24 FOR SALE Oarages, 98.00 and up. Half cash and the rest on easy terms. Call main 731. 24 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, 11150; second growth, $12.60. Dollv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf LOST Army blouse with C. O. D. book and receipt book on Dalles Meat company. Telephone red 1971. 20 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl tura ud plan saeriag. Freight hauled and general express bust aees. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1862. J. E. Henzte 11 tf HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Molina, 607 Union street. Jo HEMSTITCHING Plcot edgiag. Mrs. L. M. Beethay. 3 Washington street. Telephone main Ml. tf FOR SALE Bicycle In first class order. Reasonable. Inquire 409 East Fourth streot, or telephone red 1941. 20 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS FOR SALE Ford sedan, practically new. Real bargain. Terms. Tele phone Main 661 between 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. 19 FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet touring, first class shape, good tires, extras. Call S16 West Thirteenth, or phone red S42 after S p. in. 19 1921 FORD SEDAN Left with us for sale. Has 1921 license and Is 9S percent new. Can be bought right. WALTHBR-WILLIAMS CO. 20 FOR SALE--Modern I room house, Ninth street; full basement, street assessments paid. $1760. Easy terms DARN1HLLH BRO. 405 Washington Main 1831. 1 FOR S ALE We s 1 1 ngh o u s electric range, good as new. Cheap. Also electric water heater, all wires and connections. 412 East Second street. Telephone red 991. 19 FOR SA1.14 sparge aad tsaall tarn and erchard tracts. ReaseaaMs prices, ge4 tersts, W. C. Haaaa, Dufur, Ore, lltt FOR SALR 128 foot of ono-half Inch, 105 foot throe-quarter Inch, 206 feot one Inch used pipe In good condi tion. J20.00 for tho lot. "Frank Wil son at Dalles Garage. 21 FOR SALE Five room houso with four lota, barn, chicken house, two chicken lots, wood shed and thirty flvo fruit trees. Garden in. Inquire J. W. Connoll, 816 W. Thirteenth. Telephone red 6322. 21 TOirSALlT2 9x12 rugs: 1 enamol dressing table; 1 dresser; 1 couch; 2 rocVera: dining chairs; ..mary table; 1 range; 4 lampa; 1 dlm.t table; 1 stand table; 1 commodo; 1 piano; 1 Ice box, 2 Iron beds; 2 coll bed springs; 2 mattresses; 1 music stand; 3 60-gallon vinegar barrels; 1 carpet sweeper; kitchen linoleum: 1 sewing machine, Inquire W. L, Swearlngon, ratio oouth of town on Three Mile road. 20 Portland-The Dalles Truck Service General freight hauling. Leaves Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, 1:30 p. m. Dally service. The Dalles telephone red 6741. Portland tele phones, Marshall 1355 or east 3990. J17 PIANOS TTNHUJ aad repaired, ac tiea regulating aad reflalshlng. Flayer aotleas a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. Dockstader. Cor aa kfaalc store. 32s Fast Secaad street. Telephone stain 1061. tf White Truck Lin-lH-eiaai aad express between The. Dalles aad Wasce, Mere aad all way touts Leave The Bailee, 9 a. m dailr e asset Suadey. Leave Mere 1:M p. m.. Leave Waaee, 2:M p. n. B. M. Ptoses, proprietor. Telephone eUek HeJ or saata 471- tf FORD Specialist Whitney Repair Sep 7M Bast teeend at VENZ BAUER General real estate, Insure ace. aad leans, leek Kaat Sweena street. Tele phone stale 1671. Mtl LUCILE CUMMINS Teacher of Piano Summer classes open June 1. Tele phone black 6231. Studio at '201 Woji Ninth street. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by. BOB WERSCHMUL Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre PtaaUi SECOND HAND ST OR I Furniture Repairing. Packing. Crating. Carpet Cleantof. All work guaranteed. to Court Street -.,;: j;i:.'::tt J SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to August 15th inclusive. Lim it three months from date of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. Canadian Pacific Railway E. E. Penn, Gen'l. Agt., Pass. Dept. 55 Third St., Portland Oregon i I!: GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mile paved read connects MaryhUI and Qoldsndale FERRY RATES 91-25 per ear and passengers one way. f&00 fer round trip, 10-day limit. I Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist We are equipped to give your eyes the very best of care. Eyes tee ted. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half . Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50e to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wac The Dalles LULU O. CRANPMLL, Manager srt Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Kiahalmere, Established 1M7 Dufur Woman Attsndant Mm, M. J. Wlllertoa Telephone Red 1711 Motor Equipment Telephones Day Red M1 Night Red 1 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowers Dr. T. DeLARHUE Evesisht Snecialiil Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 17-lg vogt B IK Over Crosby' Drug Store Phone Black 1111 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn i Paint StoreMain 3121 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF