THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1921. PAGE SEVEN Travel & Transport Topics Conducted by'Coodrich Aerial transportation will begin be tween Cleveland and Detroit on May 15 and between New York and Chi cago on June 1, operated by the Great Lakes Airways and the Lawson Air Lines company, respectively. Later lines will be established between New York and Atlanta and between Pitts burgh and St. Louis. HOME SWEET HOME by JACK WiLSON HEY Pop, LET'S GO FISHING!.' a! AT YA ;Av 7 rtOj T BEUEVE IT'S ?(WtfAt?AlNl ZL l bbbbbbbbbw l YoO CALL UP THE PoSTcf pCE AM' ASK WHAT XTH' WEATHER. FO(?CAST fOLjS WHILE I DIG SOME MORt WORMS V' 'IS ',f.OK rift mm e C ALL More business but less profit. That is the story of the Fifth Avenue Coach company, which operates 271 busses in New York City. At the closj ot "their fiscal year, their records show ed that 6,064262 more passengers were carried than for the previous year. A total of 42,552,709 passengers were carried 8,796,195 omnibus miles. Increased maintenance costs and larg er wages contributed to the shrink age in earnings. The high cost of motoring has tak en a tumble! A big Akron tire manu facturer has announced a reduction of 20 percent in the price of tires. The announcement said that you can now buy five tires for the price of four or get your spare tire free of charge. With the price of gas steadily recede ing things are beginning to look up for the eight or-nine million motorists of the country. One of the biggest motor organi zations of the world is the TI Can Tourists of the World, with a mem bership of nearly 50,000 extending into every state in the Union and Canada, Mexico, Australia and England. The T. C. T. W. is devoted to the interests of motor camping tourists. The na tional officers are: G. 'M. Tremain, 'NX, IS IT CjOMNA J -.'N or Mot ? they haven't made up their mind yet -they ape unoecioed:: y w , r 1 1 THA'5 FONNYj T nIevER. HEARD OF SUCH A FORECAST,-WHAT say? )$ y j5sn j Fredonia, N. Y., royal tin can opener; Mrs. "W. H. Husselman, Butler, Ind., royal secretary; and Mrs. J. L. Trues daye, Minneapolis, Minn., royal treasurer. The moot neglected man in the en tire realm of motordom is the race mechanician. Although the driver gels all the credit, it's his "helper" who does the real work. He sets 1ft percenl of the money in ca3c Mm.- win and 90 percent of the blame If they lose. He must -watch a dozen dials on the dash; he must read the signs of the pit men; he must watcli the tires; and if the car gets in a spill he must stay by the wreckage white the driv er struts before the cheering throngs. A. W. Campbell, dominion commis sioner of highways, says that Canada's 17,000 miles of Interlocking highways will" te completed in 1923. The total cost will be more than $50,000,000, vo bo partly paid for by the provinces based on population. Of this the dominion furnished $20,000,000, while the provinces supply the rest. Wheat straw gasoline! Ever hear of it? The United States department of ngriculture says that one ton of wheat straw will produce the equiva lent of 40 gallons of gasoline. Kansas, In 1919, with an acreage of 11,640,000 could have produced the equivalent of 46,000,000 gallons of "gas." It may not be many years before farmers will throw' straw from their threshing ma chines into stills. The present bug bear is the cost of production. In no uncertain terms President Harding expressed his opinion of tho automobile, motor transport and good roads in his first message ,to congress. He said: "The motor car has become an indispensable Instru ment in our political, social and in dustrial life .... I know of nothing more shocking than the millions of public funds wasted in improved high ways wasted because there is Is no policy of maintenance. Highways must be patrolled and constantly repaired " Our weekly DON'T Don't allow your piston rings to becomo ineffi cient. Losses through leaking piston rings commence with the suction stroke when there is a vacuum of as much as ten pounds per square inpn, slightly decreasing and debasing the incoming charge. On the compres sion stroke the leakage Increases, un der a pressure o fas much as 0 or 70 pounds. On the power stroke the pressure is quadrupled and here oc curs the greatest losses through leakage. There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" niaa In the past, fee a "made to order man" la the future. First olaes Band tailor ed suits to measure, $35.0$ and up. W R. Webber, one block east cf post office. 6tf Typing and Stenography 4eae at reasonable rates. Rosiaa A Fleck. Office Hetel Dalles. Bes! (ftatce akenc red 2332. tf - 400 Women's, Children's Hats Some less than cost. Hair switches. Black's Millinery, 115 East Second street. IS CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BaBBHMvaHWIMHBSjaiejBMaMaweBBWa FOR RENT FOR RENT Front sleeping room, 615 . East Fourth street. 19 FOR JIENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 320 East Third street. Tel ephone red 6941., 20 FOR ilENT Large .three-room fur nished apartment. 819 'East Third street. Telephone red 1282. 21 "FOR ItENTomfortabiy Yurntehed housekeeping rooms. tl5 East Sec ond street. 21 FOR ItBNT Front housekeeping room, downstairs, and sleeping room. 104 West Third. 31 FOR RENT Two' 'Sleeping ' rooms hi private home. Conveniences, 322 West Sixth street. li FOR REST' Twol 'urnlshed house keeping rooms. 322 TaBt Third street. 18 FOR RENT Clean, newly-pninte i light housekeeping rooms. 30 1 East Eighth street. 19 f7)RTUSNT Three furnished house keeping rooms. Adults only. 1003 Alvord street. Telephone red 4561. 24 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, $11.50; second growth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR RENT Unfurnished four room room apartment, Federal street. In quire 417 Alvord street, side door. 18 FOR S ALE-I U c h co w . Ttca snTblc, Inquire 725 Fair street or telephone red 4032. 18 FOR SALE FOR SALE Cut roses. 911 Pine street. Telephone black 3162. 19 FOR SALE Cut flowers for Memor ial day. 901 Liberty street. IS FOR SALE Buick "40" touring. $275. Telephone 31F14. IS FOR SALE Two setting hens. Call black 4691. 18 FOR SALE Weanling pigs. W. J. Means, telephone 26F11. P. O. Boyd, Oregon 18w20 FOlTsALE Car cheap. Inquire 702 Webster street. 24 FOR SALE Garages, $98.00 and up. Half cash and the rest on easy terms. Call main 731. " 24 iwjxruT-nj-u-u-Lrrir-t . irrriinn nn n n nnnfifn -tarirwv FOR SALE 128 feet of one-half Inch, 105 feet three-quarter Inch, 206 feet one inch used pipe in good condl- tion. $20.00 for the lot. Frank Wll son at Dalles Garage. 18 FOR SALE Ford sedan, practically new. Real bargain. Terms. Tele phone Main 661 between 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. 19 FOR SALE 1919" Chevrolet tour in f,, first class shape, good tires, extras Call 516 West Thirteenth, or phone red 2342 after 6 p. m. 19 FOR SALE 1920 Monitor six, run 3,000 miles. Bargain for cash. Tele phone red 3392 afternoons or even ings. 18 FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell "rutT 5000 mile3, first class shape. Need money. 1119 Bluff St. after 5 p. m. 13 FOR SALEFew stands of bees. Place orders promptly so they can be filled before honey flow. Call main 3711. 18 FOR SALE Nino acres growing wheat. Will make three tons hay to (the acre. Three miles from Tho Dalles. Telephone black 4131 be tween 6 and 8 p. m. 18 FOR SALE White ivory bedroom suite, Thompson piano and other furniture, and Overland model 90, painted and overhauled. Inquire at 1009 Jackson street. 18 FOR SALE Wasco county wheat ranch 240 acres, complete with stock, equipment and buildings. Will take Dalles property up to $7,000 in partial exchange, or small ranch, close in. Address box 714, city. IS WANT ED HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed. Mrs. A. - J. Moline, 607 Union street. .15 HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main P.fiSl. tl PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TUNIC I) rtnfl repaired, ac tlou regulating and reflnlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S, A. Dockstador, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1001. tf 1921 FORD SEDAN Left with us for sale. Has 1921 license and is 98 percent new. Can be bought right. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 20 FOR SALE Modem 8 room house, Ninth street; full basement, streot 9 assessments paid. $3750. Easy terms DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main 6831. 19 FOR SALE Wes t ingiiou ise electric range, good as new. Cheap. Also electric water heater, all wires nnd connections. 412 East Second street. Telephone red 991. 19 FOR SALE Large and tmal! farm and orchard tracts. Reasonabls prices, good torms. V. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore.' 18tf. FOR Va LE FcVlm ed 1 a to r ernovoi . the old Central Feed Barn build ing at the corner of Third and Fed eral streets. Walther-WUIIams com pany. 18 WANTED Middle-aged woman for general house work on ranch. Write Tl.'care Chronicle. IS WANTED Auto trucks to haul gravel ' i-1 -, i r.1 .....11 . . ' tractlng company, Celllo, Ore. IS WANTED Farm hands. Must under stand horses. $40 per month. 615 Webster. 18 Whifte Truck Lime Freight and exprebs botween The Dalles nnd Wasco, Moro and nil wa points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m dally except Sunday. Loavo Moio 1:30 p. ra. Leavo Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf WANTED Position as cook in gener al house in town, gentl6manly, hon est Japanese youth. Address JameB T. K 31-1 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 LOST OR FOUND LOST Auto llcenso plate No. 96857, Ore. Return to Welcome Restaurant. 20 TAKEN UP Brown mare, weighs about 900 pounds. Branded 23 on left shoulder. J. G. Snipes. R. 4. 19 LOST (Silver locket with gold flow er. Return to Chronicle office. Re ward. ' 8 LOSTGold watch ""on Mill creek. May 8th. Return to 708" West Tenth streot. $5.00 reward. 23 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl turn and plane moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Hen tie 11U FORD Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. VENZ BAUER General real estate, Insurance, and loans. 1001 East Second p.treet. Tel phone main 1571. SHtf LUCILE CUMMHNS Teacher of Piano Summer classes open Juno 1. ToU phono black 0221. Studio nt 201 West Ninth street. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WEKSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet .Cleaning. All work guarantee. 20 Court Street JUST WHAT I NEED aVBB IB "U M iO lTVl lM ATfyftf a of Atcotwl Aa Ap tur B B- Uw, tVl sad StoMcb B Hl WbJcftmprsitfcttttuM IB i Aacntvrt, Clerboaft, i rw(fca tad Cawara. B Iwtisrst?Zi' m C UW I 4bI i fluid wi 1H I CCUtOKOLACa Remember the Label. See that it bears the young squaw. Accept no substitutes. Says Mr; R. Sturdivant, 490 Clay Street, Portland, Ore Who writes: "I am now getting close to forty years of age, and up to my thirty-fifth year, I had never known a sick tfny. Just about this time I began to bo troubled with con stipation and bllllousness, and It was not long before the trouble became so aggrav ated that I felt almost unable to stand up under tho heavy work that 1 was compell ed to do in one of our local steel plants. 1 hardly know what a full pay check look ed like. I tried every thins, that was rec ommended to me, and none of them af forded me any more than temporary re lief, and they always left mo worse off than I was before. "Several months ago, k friend of mine told me to get a bottle of Baric Root Tonic and give It a trial. I did so, and I will never again bo without it. It is just what I needed, and I believe that it has per manently cured me. , "I would not hesitate to recommend It to anyone who is suffering as I was, and if you desire to publish this lotter you have my permission to do so, as I feel that I owo a debt of gratitude to your wonderful tonic." . Bark Root Tonic A Mild Laxative and Appetizer Why suffer with stomach troubles, in digestion, etc., which result in nervous ness and sleepless nights? No griping or purging. What it has done for others, it will also do for you. Be convinced and givo it a trial. Sold at all druggists, or write. CELRO KOLA COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY . A 10-mile paved road connects MaryhMI and Qoldendale FERRY RATES $1.25 per ear and passengers one way. 9C.00 for round trip, 10-day limit. 3 B Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse 1 eSaaaff0 1 I JLwV A Eve Specialist TTElVrfflH We are equipped to give yeur HHnflTHHHH eyes the very best care. Eyes HVVVtnVnVVfl tested. Glasses ground. HHHvTflH 8econd and Washington Streets Xmmwmmmmmm I -rne Dalles Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. in. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 187 Dufur Woman Attendant Mrs. M. .1. Wlllerton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Telephones Day Red 351 Night Red 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowers Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Eveninaa by Appointment 17-1 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF