THE DALLES OAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1921. PAGE THREE Do you know you can roll SOgsod cigarettes for lOcts from ono bag of HBHBlPVHB BL WILL FAVORABLY REPORT DYER BILL CHINESE TRADE MEASURE PROVED BY SENATORS. A P- GENUINE "Bull'Durham TOBACCO GRASS VALLEY HAS TWO 100 9r SCHOOL CLUBS OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, May 17 Nine 300 per cent boys and girls' clubs, with membership ranging form 5 to 19 have finished their projects for the year and have turned in compi-t3 reports to II. C. Seymour, btate club leader, located at the Oregon Agricultural College. Cooking and sowing clubs are the only ones that are included in the list. Cooking clubs have earned the 100 per cent certificates in Mohler, Tillamook, county with Ella R. Sperry, leader; Grass Valley, Sher man county, with Marion White, leader; Boardman, Morrow county, wltk Frances Beebe, leader; and Collego Crest, Eugene', with Miss L. Lucy Jay, leader. The Greenwood school near Inde pendence, Polk county, has a 100 per cent sewing club under Mrs. J. W. Walker, leader, and Mrs. Anna Huntley, teacher. Other sewing clubs are Azalo, Douglas county, Mrs. Frank Albro, leader; Grass Valley, Sherman county, Marguerite Ferrin, leader; and Canyonville, Douglas county, Mrs. A. L. Miller, leader. (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, May IS. Oregon will have much to do with the pass age through congress of the Dyer act; now before a subcommittee of the senate judiciary committee This bill deals with the incor poration " of the United States trading companies for tho purpose of doing business in China and grants them privileges under taxa tion law which enables theiu to compete with similar companies doing business in China financed by Belgian, French and English and manned by citizens of those coun tries. As the bill, if it becomes a law, would encourage and. develop a large additional trade with China, which is unusually friendly to tho people and merchants of the United States, the whole Pacific Coast has been strongly urging its passage. It is understood that if the1 bill should become a law, a large amount of Oregon capital, together with large sums from other states on the Pacific Coast, will bo avail able for the organizati&n and main tenance of trading companies under this act for the development of Chinese trade and that it will bring a great additional amount of com merce to Portland and other Pacific Coast ports. Former Senator George E. Cham berlain has given a great deal of time and assistance in regard to the legal phase of the proposed bill and is now preparing a brief for submis sion to the judiciary subcommittee and the judiciary committee itself. W. D. B. Dodson, general manager of the Portland Chamber of Com merce, who was sent here from Portland at the instigation of his organization, appeared before the subcommittee and urged tho imme diate passage of this legislation for tho reason that .every delay gave the commercial competitors of the United States every advantago and WELL DIGGER jiTS IN U. S. SENATE When Peter Norbeck from South Dakota, took his seat recently in the U.. S. senate, it marked tho rise of another poor American youth from ob scurity to success; and exemplified again the wonderful possibilities open to all youths of this land. When he was 25 years old, Pete Norbeck bor rowed $150 with which ho started in the business of digsing wells. Today, his firm is known throughout the mid dle west as the best artesian wells digger in the land. Ho stuck to it i and his friends brought the' political honor to him. the University of Chicago's national collegiate championship meet. Rules for the meet limiting tho entries to eight men from a single college will make it "inadvisable" for the big eastern schools to go west, several of the coaches say. If western coaches had seen tho same disadvantages in entering n small team, the Penn relays would have been of an exclusive eastern color, which, however, might havo been more to tho liking of the east since the small band of westerners made such a wonderful showing. Not a western school at the "re lays" had more than eight entries, some of them had two men and some only four. Yet the west scored first, second and third in the discus; first in the shotput; first in tho four mile re lay; first and second in the high jump; first, third and fourth in the polo vault, and seconds in tho 100 yard dash, 120-yard hurdles, the javelin and the two-mile relay. It is hard to tell what would havo happened to the east if tho west had sent an entire team to the re- , lays as the cast wants to do in the" "nationals." Twenty-five percent discount on cut glass bowls for this week only. Lindqulst's Jewelry store. 21 Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phono main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf made it more difficult for the United States to get its share of the trade in China. He pointed out that under the present conditions, trading companies in China of for eign countries have been relieved of a large part of the burden of taxation by their homo countries and that the least the United States could do would be to enable American enterprise, ana American capital to compete with" these for eign companies on an equal footing. EAST WON'T COMPETE AT CHICAGO MEET (United Press StIf Correspondent) NEW YORK, May IS. Western athletes who. came to the Penn re lays and gave the east a trimming probably will have to be content with those laurels for the season. Eastern coaches say "for several reasons" they cannot journey west to Chicago on Juno 11 and moot tho westerners in their own haunts at Goodyear Tires That Are Even Better Than Before MMHMUIIH Htl UMim mtlltWItl HWHM WHIWWHint II I W HmilHMtl tlMI lltMMH rn Ht IM I It MlitMl M MU IHI II I II HI 1 1 II ru Ul I IHH1I n) HI H III 1 1 1 1 lllin H II tlltl miff We are building better Goodyear Tires for passenger cars today than we have ever built before. In the past few months we have added to their value time and time again making them larger, stronger, heavier, and even more durable. We believe we speak truly when we say that no where in the world will you find their equal in endurance, mileage, and sustained economy. You can get these tires from your Good year Service Station Dealer now. Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company of California The LITTLE House with the BIG Pictures MELODRAMA , till you gasp and grip your chair arms. SPECTACLE till your vision is overwhelmed. COMEDY till your sides ache and the tears roll down your cheeks. MACK SENNETT4 Presents J1 'ilr. w A SMALL TOWN IDO ft' THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY The most stupendous production ever conceived by Mack Sennett or anyone else featuring BEN TURPIN MARIE PREVOST CHARLIE MURRAY PHYLLIS HAVER