PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1921. ABOR TROOPS MOT TO POLICE L PRESIDENT REFUSES TO INTER FERE IN CUMBERLAND MINE WAR. By Robert J. Bender (United News Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. May 18. President Harding has 'feulssed upon the Mingo county, West Virginia mine strike sit uation to enunciate an administration policy of non-interference by the fed eral troops in Industrial disputes ex cept as a last resort. The policy, which is of vast inter est to labor and industry and which, too, is of political significance in that it was made something of an issue during the last presidential campaign, sets forth the following: (1) That every state in the union has not only its propor rights but it." proper obligations. (2) That the army is not and must not be regarded as a police force. (3) That federal troops should bo moved into a situation such as has arisen in West Virginia, only when the slate government has utterly fail ed to protect Its rights and fulfil its obligations. In the case of the West Virginia sit uation, it is the belief of the presi dent that the state government there has not utterly failed and hence ho Is not convinced that the government troops should be sent in despite the combined appeals of Governor Mor gan of that state, and Governor 'Mor row of Kentucky. This enunciation of policy comes up on tho first occasion that the govern, ment has been urged to interfere with troops In an industrial conflict. Such a situation has been awaited with no little Interest in many quarters, both labor and political. It will be recalled that during the lato campaign the .fear was expressed by certain interest ed parties, among them representa tives of labor, that republican rule would bring a policy of "arbitration by bayonet" in Industrial disputes. There is no doubt that tho ndmlnistra lion In arriving at its decision in the Mingo county affair has been cogniz ant of the watchful wnlting in certain quarters as to tho policy It would pur sue. Following the enunciation of tho pol. Tcy, Harding, through his secretary, sent a telegram to Governor Morgan late Tuesday, saying: "Tho president directs me to ud dross to you tho statement that fed eral government Is over ready to perform its full duty in the mainten ance of constituted authority, but ho feels ho is not Justified in directing tho military forces of tho nation to enter thu state of West Virginia, ac cording to your request until ho Is well assured that tho state has ex hausted all Its resources In tho per formance of the duty clearly belong ing 'to it, or tho situation has bo como a menace to the federal gov ernment of a hindrance to the per formance of Its functions. "On tho recommendations thus far made tho president is not convinced that West Virginia has exhausted all Its own resources and ho awaits more definite assurances." AT HOME DRESSES WHICH ALL WOMEN LIKE if jrBHHp preparation of tho film version to the final editing of the production, has been conducted, with reverent regard for the cacredness of Anna Sewell's immortal work. 4,000,000,000 BAGS OF PEA. NUTS EATEN EACH YEAR Main GOm llennt'ti Taxi Main 01. tf Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. nauin, chiropractic phjslclan, Third and Washington, main 501. it The Economy Shop LadltM' and children's hats at vcr reasonable prices. Organdie collar nnd cuff sots and embroidery yarns. A low ready-to-wear Infants' dresses Ladles' silk and voile drosses, also house dresses, aprons and uudurweur Children's dresses, boV blouses and Infants' wear made to order. Mrs. Weavor, IIO'J Union street, opposite postofflce. Telephone black 3171. '20 CHEERFUL WORDS From Many a The Dalles Household To have tho pains and achos of a mm hack removed to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous itiii nry disorders, Is enough to make anv kidney sufforor grateful. Tho follow- ing advice of one who has suffered win prove helpful to hundreds of The Dalles readers. Mrs. Max Scherror, KUS Jackson St., Tho Dalles, says: "Doan's Kid ney rills are a household remedy in my home. I know they will do what Is claimed for thorn. I have used Doan's for attacks of kidney com plaint when I would have a dull ach ing across my back. 1 felt dull and sluggish and my kidneys didn't act right. Doan's Kidney IMIls from Crosby's Drug Store have always relloved tho double and put my kid neys In good order." 1'rlro uoc, ax all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kidney rills tho same that Mrs. Schtirrer had. Foater-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. i Every woman welcomes the relaxing hours in a cool gingham house dress, especially for summer wear. Th ese three new models shown at the Hush Terminal Sale- building in New York, depict fashion's trend for 1921. On the left the pique trimming, sash and deep hem are featured. The dress apron shown In tho center Is rick-rack trimmed. The porch of morning dress on tho. right has collar and cuff of contrasting color with bias sash and deep hem and is a very charmin g garment. MOVIE MOVES "BLACK BEAUTY" IS TWO NARRATIVES IN ONE Black Beauty, the most famous horse in the world's literature, had a number of interesting human ac quaintances. Tho wonderful horse, whoso autobiography as recorded by Anna Sewell has run through count less editions and been read by mil lions in the past forty years, knew many things about these humans, and related them, but could not know or relate the Intense drama going on indoors. In preparing the motion picture version of "Black Beauty," Mr. and Mrs. George Randolph Chester have added tho human story, to supple ment the "Story of Black Beauty." The "Indoor Story," however, has been kept entiroly separate from the "Outdoor Story," which Anna So well had Black Beauty tell. Tho film version has been com pleted at last, In spite of almost Insuperable difficulties, as a Vita graph special production, and will bo shown at the Empress tho'itc on three days starting Tuesday, with Jean Paige In the leading hu man role. Contrary to the general supposi tion, the work of visualizing the story of "Black Beauty" waa more a matter of awaiting and seizing op portunities than it was of training horses. In the action of horses described by Anna Sewell there are things which no horses could be trained to do at command, but there is nothing in the story that horses do not do at some time under cer tain circumstances, naturally and spontaneously. It was the author's ability to observe with alert and sympathetic intelligence the con duct of horses under all circum stances, and present her observa tions in a brilliant literary style, that made her book one of the world's masterpieces for all time. After forty years it still ranks among the world's ten most popular books. Tho visualization of "Black Beauty" was no small undertaking, but the splendid result has justi fied all tho thought, energy and money expended in its accomplish ment. The entire enterprise, from tho By United News CHICAGO, May 18. The American public devours 4,000,000,000 bags of roasted peanuts In the shells every year. This makes no account of tho goob er eaten otherwise: salted, shelled, in peanut butter or oil, according to the members of the United Peanut asso ciation of America in convention here. Peanuts eaten in the shell are not our biggest source of demand," said P. D. Bain, Norfolk, Va., president of the association, "but in the ball parks, amusement parks, race courses and such places, about 4,000,000,000 pound 'bajis are consumed annually. The concessions at ball parks and Coney island are profiteering enor mously, it was stated. Tho vendor in the parks does not seem to know that the price of pea nuts has come down," said J. C. Beale, of Franklin, Va., "Peanuts have drop ped from around 15 cents a pound to 4J cents, but the vendor is still get ting a big dime for a 'mighty thin sack of goobers." The peanut business last year was around $75,000,000 it was stated. Taxi Mayflelcr Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tf GRAND Tonight and Thursday J. WARREN KERRIGAN . In "The Green Rame" A story of mystery With thrills and romance. Also Mack Sennett Comedy "OFFICER CUPID" Youll enjoy the sport of rolling 'em with P. A.! EMPRESS Home of Superfeaturcs luium. ana xhuksuay F,v; SPECIAL SCHOOL CHILDREN'S MATINEE Beginning at 4:15 p. m. "BLACK BEAUTY" Known and loved for forty years. With a sensational race of horse and train. Complete with thrills and big climaxes. Paramount Magazine FOUNDED WHY A BANK ACCOUNT THE MAN WITHOUT THE man who doesn't have a bank account and connection is looked askance nowadays. Other feel- that he lacks the first essential of business success the cash and credit resource. On the other hand, he who has a growing account here at tho French & Company bank, and handles his affairs legitimately, needs no further recom mendation. There's room for YOU here. i Paid on Sayings E. H. FRENCH, PrMle, PAUL M. FRENCH. Vlce-Pre.ldw V. H. FRENCH. aeratn . J. C. HOSTCTLER. Cathter FRENCH & CO BANRERSnc THE DALLES OREGON AUTOMOBILES WASHED GREASED POLISHED Auto Beauty Shop Satisfaction Guaranteed Rates Reasonable Cars Called for and Delivered Phone Main 1011 Rear of Motor Service Garage SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. gooda. Print Albtrt It told in toppy rtd bagi, tidy rod tint, hand torn pound and halt pound tin humidort and In tht pound tryttal tlatt humi dor with tpongo moltttntr top. FIRST thing you do next go get some makin's papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your smoke cylinders! No use sitting-by and say ing maybe you'll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going's good, for man-o-man, you can't figure out what you' re passing by! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ness well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented proc ess ! Certainly you ;smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe forget it! You can AND YOU WILL if you use Prince Albert for packing! It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! Copyrlfht 1911 hr r. J. Remold Tobacco Co. WtJUta-5Ua, N C Fringe Albert Me national joy tmokm Self Respect increases with each dollar you add to your savings. The man who saves regularly is developing a confidence in himself fully as valuable as his balance in the bank. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon .i"