THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. , TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921. PAGh FIVE NEWS NOTES r L PERSONALS May Play Volley Ball Work has pro gressed on the playground adjoining the First National bank building to a stage which permits the playing of volley ball. The ground Is fairly Tuesday night swimming class for smooth, the net and ball are ready, shopping in the city. women will hp held nt the hleh Rohnol and men and women, boys1 and clrls a t . mav fineace In this nnnnlni- fnm, ,.f hurray 01 ,ioro is a uusiness Women Will Swim The regular Mrs. Katherine Phillips of Dufur is swimming tank at 7:30 this evening. Mrs. Paul Chllders will be in charge. To Pack For Government Fred .Campbell will leave tomorrow for Cougar, 'Wash., where he has secured exercise by applying at the office of vIs,tor ln The Dalles me neu i.ross in me First National j. E Long of Blalock is registered Danic Building where the equipment is at tlie Bank hotel, kept. It is expected that business men and women will use the court durlnc : chrls McRne of Antelope is a guest a contract to furnish a string of pack tho noon hour The north half Qf (ho at the Bank hotel. horses for use in government survey work. Delivers Baccalaureate Rev. Er nest Goudge returned yesterday af ternoon from Moro, where he preach ed the. baccalaureate sermon Sunday to the senior class of the Moro high school. Taxi Driver Accused Accused of a statutory crime against a 15-year-old girl, Roy Curtiss, taxi driver, was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Levi Chrisman. Curtiss is held in the coun ty jail in default of $750 bail, pend ing action by grand jury. Bible Views Shown Fifty views il lustrating the subject, "The Bible and Missions," were shown at tha Unit ed Brethren church last night. An In teresting lecture was delivered by Rev. John L. Bogue of the Baptist church. Y. W. C. A. Picnic Thursday A pic nic will be held in the Union street park Thursday at 5 o'clock for all the different departments of the Y. W. C. A. Each one attending is requested to bring lunch for one. The foods will all be put together and served In pic nic dinner style. Coal Stove Explodes Accumulate coal gas, In a stove in tho basement of the Royal barber shop, this morn ing exploded with a loud report, caus ing considerable furore among bar bers and customers in the shop above. Several feet of stove pipe, torn from its connection with the stove, was the only evidence left by the explosion. Attend Class Play Mrs. G. M. Blakely and children, Catherine, Caro line and William, together with Mich- ael Allen, motored to The Dalles last Saturday from Portland to attend the high school senior class play. They were guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Merrifield." Mrs. Blakely and 'Mrs. Merrifield are slsteis The party drove back to Portland Monday. Thrall Funeral Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Thrall were held .to day at 2:30 o'clock, from the Burgct Mogan company's funeral home, Fath er J. C. Schmidt of Dufur, officiating. The following persons served as pall bearers: A. S. Milne, John Crawford, M. Z. Donnell, E. M. Williams, Levi Chrisman and J. H. Weiss. Burial was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Deputy Comes For Geary. B. A. Raymond, deputy sheriff of Santa Clara county, California, arrived in The, Dalles today for the purpose of taking Charles Geary, held in the county jail here, back to San Jose for trial. Geary will be charged with au tomobile theft, a mnjor offense in California lot will be surfaced and rolled down 1 for hand ball activities. C. H. Stoughton of Dufur is regis- . tored at the Bank hotel. Bunnell Funeral Wednesday-Dennis Mrs Harry Jomson of Maup,n , Bunnell, 72 years old, a pioneer vIsltiB with friends in this city, resilient oi w asco county, Meet Sun-. day at his home in Baker, following an extended illness. The body was brought to The Dalles for burial. Funeral services will be held tomor row at 2 o'clock from the Cran dall undertaking companys chapel, Rov. G. A. Hartman officiating. Bur Mai will be in the Odd Fellows' ceme tery. Bunnell is surv'ved by one son, Ray, of Portland. Bunnell resid ed in Wasco county during the Greater part of his life, moving to Baker several years ago. Autos In Smash Mrs. Margaret 'Walker, social reporter for The Chron icle, became so engrossed in thinking up a "lead" last night that she ne glected to notice where she was driv ing her "Henry." All would have went well, however, if a tourist from Port land had not chanced to drive into the Second street intersection, from Fed eral street, at the same time Mrs. Walker entered the same intersection, going east on Second street. Mrs. Walker's car suffered a bent steering rod and possible internal Injuries. The tourist got off with a badly bent fen der, a few body scratches and the ruffling of his disposition. To Boost Bond Issue A gen eral campaign of education, in the interest of the proposed $800,000 bond issue, will be started shortly by County Judge J. T. Adkisson, assisted by The Dalles-Wasco Coun ty Chamber of Commerce. Judge Ad kisson will explain the vital impor tance of the passage of the bond issue tomorrow night, at a farmers' meeting in the Nansene hall. He will also speak at the bond rally at Maupin Saturday. An effort is being made to have Highway Com missioner John B. Yeon bo the speaker of the day ai the Maupin meeting. A meeting at Mosler is also tentatively planned. Bert McKinney Freed A not true bill against Bert MoKInney, charged with robbery, was brought in last night by the grand jury as the only re sult of its first day's work. McKin ney was released from the county jail this mqrnlng. He was arrested several months ago by Patrolman Mc Claskey, who came upon him in tho tunnel beneath the railroad tracks near Libby, McNeill & ibby's can nery, engaged in the process of "roll ing" an Intoxicated person. Inasmuch as McKinney only secured 60 cents 'n the robbery, and had already spent several months in jail awr.iting action by the grand jury, that body decided Claskey. He was arrested here i that he had been sufficiently punish ed, It is reported. Several important criminal indictments are expected to- - 1 day. Mrs. DuBois Dies Mrs. Gertrude i t 9 DuBois, 43 years old, died, yesterday I We are showing now styles In afternoon in tills city following an ex- men's, ladies' and children's bjaded tended illness. Mrs. DuBois' home was moccasins.1 Edw. C. Pease compmy. 1 at Vancouver, Wash., but she had been . staying In The Dalles for the last several months for her health. She is survived by her husband, James E. DuBois. Funeral services were held this afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock from the Burget-Mogan company's funeral home, Rev. G. G. Hoisholt officiating. rf niitiin in tun in t- i.- h nniiiaiurv "Boss of the Road," and "Can't Bust 'Em," bib overalls, $1. 49. Maier & Bettingen company. 17 Pageant Rehearsals Tomorrow The Dalles community chorus will re hearse with Richards' orchestra at the Vogt school building at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. As there will be but 'two more rehearsals before the pageant is staged it is quite necessary that all who will help out in the music program be present. The high M'hool chorus, tho grade school singers, the ladies' chorus and the community chorus groups will rehearse with tho orchestra at The Dalles Illahee park on Wednesday evening, May 25. Out Today! Good Housekeeping FOR JUNE MAX GUMBERT Wholesale Distributor Jack had a bean And he was puzzled What to do with it. i . One bean Such as made the navy And the army Famous. If he made soup Out of the bean He. wouldn't have tho bean Anymore. Well, I bet You can't guess' What Jack did With his bean. So rc-ad The Ghronicle Tomorrow And find out Miss Ada Hart of Hood River is a guest at Hotel Dalles. William Staats of Maupin was in the city yesterday Mrs. H. E. Bailey of Mosier was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. Leo Xicho! of Mosier was shop ping in the city yesterday. William Sloan of Tygh Valley was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. F. J. Newkirk went to Portland yesterday to visit friends. M. M. Burtner of Dufur was in the city yesterday on business. James Baxter of Antelope is attend ing to business matters in The Dalles today. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Kelly of Maypin are shopping in The Dalles today. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Corson spent Sunday in Dufur valley, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mead. W. J. Chapman of Antelope is in The Dalles today, attending to busi ness matters. Edgar H. Bloomingdale of Mikkalo is a business visitor in The Dalles today. W. T. Norval will leave this city for his home in Wamic today, after having been confined in the hospi tal here for four weeks. W. I. Chapman of Antelope, was a business visitor in The Dalles today. Chapman has just completed the pur chase of the Occidental hotel at Antelope. 400 Women's, Children's Hats Some less than cost. Hair switches. Black's Millinery, 115 East .Second street. 13 Send It To The Laundry If you like the work done on your shirts and collars, you will like equal ly as well our family washing worn. Only 9- cents a pound. Ali flat piecps ironed, balance returned ready . to Iron. By tho way, our "tumbler" sys tem of drying makes 'he ironing of quite a number of ite..n, 3uch as socks, heavy underwear, flannels, etc., unnecessary. Model Laundry. Main. 41. 17 GERMANS DEFEAT (Continued f)in Pago 1.) does not have the rich coal region as 'one of her assets. A report was circulated hero that the Polish government Is yielding to allied pressure and attempting to have 'the Insurgents withdraw partially from Silesia. Special prices on Japanese tea pots. Lindqulst's Jewelry store. 21 Now Playing CASINO The world's wonder jungle picture. Also ' "The Girl in the Web" 6 Reel The Pageant Story DAY BY DAY The Prologue. lxmg years ago when the world was young, Snhalc Tahee or the Great Spirit entrusted the young god dess Loowlt with the guardianship of fire. As she observed the deplorable condition of the Indians, Loowit be sought Sahale to allow her to present the Indlnns with fire. Her careful guardianship so pleased Sahale that he granted her request and one other gift which she might ask of him. She asked to be changed into a young and beautiful girl. Her beauty and gracious manner soon won the love of all the gren 'chiefs. Two of the mightiest of them, Klickitat, from the north and Wiyeast. from the south, entered into combat for her. This contest so angered Sa hale that he determined to punish .them. He accordingly broke down the great Bridge of the Gods, which spanned the mighty river, dividing the great tribes. He then put to death the beautiful Loowit and the great chiefs, Klickitat and Wiyeast. But inasmuch as they had been noble In life he de cided to erect great monuments over them. Over the graceful Loowit, we now see the stately Mount St. Holens; over Wiyeast, the calm and dignified Mount Hood; and over Klickitat, the rugged Mt. Adams. All three' were then covered with gleaming snow as a finnl tribute from Sahale, tho great spirit. This is the story of the prologue of the Historical Pageant. The dramatlz ation will be preceded nnd Interspers ed with the Dance of the Fairies, the Dance of tho Spirits of Beauty, a solo dance by Loowit, the dance of the Chinook wind, and the dance of the 'Raindrops nnd of the Rainbow, Tho battle between Wiyeast and Klickitat and the anger of Sahale will bo depict ed in pantomine with interpretative music. Typing and Stenography dono nt reasonable rates. Roslna A. Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Reel dence phon red 2332. tf Just on Sale! Hearst's FOR JUNE MAX GUMBERT Wholesle Distributor THERE is a big differ ence between Calumet and all other Baking Powders. First You see it in the cost. Calumet is sold at a moderate price. Then you observe it in use. Calumet has more than the usual leavening strength, therefore less is required. Nextr-you notice it in rais ing quality in the evenness lightness and texture of your bak ings. They look better finer grained. Mi So m e Biscuit! BEST BY TtSt" Finally what a difference in the taste. There is a delicious ness, a goodness that can be had in no other manner. Biscuits, pics, cakes, muffins, doughnuts never were so tasty so all-satisfying. And then there is the satis faction of knowing that Calumet is made in the World's largest, best equipped and cleanest Baking Pow der Factories. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Calumet Bit cod Recipe 4 cups of sifted pastry flour, 4 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder, 1 level teaspoon of salt; 2 rounding table spoons of butter or lard, Vt cup of milk, ?i cup of water. Then mix in the regular way. I ' DOSGE BROTHERS .1 j It attracts especially those who are I I i inclined to look for beauty com- I jl bined with comfort and economy. 'ill ft This is evidenced by the astonishing K number of women who own and drive Dodge Brothers 4 Door Sedan. lH The gasoline consumption is unusually low If 1 1 The tire mileage Ih unusually lil'h II II WAI.THER - WILLIAMS CO. ' The Dalles, Oregon