The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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tobacco makes 5Q
flood cigarettes for
PORTLAND, Muv 17. The IuiiiIh
cut. of Oregon and Washington, ac
cording to reports just, given out by
(lie Portland office of the United
Statos Forest. Service, wan larger than
that for any preceding year, amount
ing to 8,842 million board feet. Ore
gon's cut wuh 3,1117 million, while that
of Washington was 5,525 milljon feat.
Thcso reports are. based on statis
tics compiled by the forest service In
cooperation with the lumber industry.
Four species made up the bulk of the
cut: Douglas fir, 0,022 million; west
ern yellow pine, 908 million; western
hemlock, 584 million; and Sitka
spruco, :i57 million Shingle produc
tion amounted to 5,130 million shin
gles, which is less than the 1919 cut,
wore than the 1918, and not much
more than half that for 1909.
Tor the past several years produc
tion of lumber in Oregon and Wash
ington has shown a steady increase.
Those state produced about 8 per
cent more lumber in 1920 than In
1919; Oregon about 10 per cent more,
Washington about 8 per cent more.
There's A Difference
H you've been a "ready made" man
tn the past, be a "made to order man"
In the future. First class hand tailor
ed suits to measure. $.15.00 and up. W.
H. Webbor. ono block east o.' post
office. 6tf
will meet
419 West
St. Paul's Guild
with Mrs, C. A. Johnston,
Third street, Wednesday
United Artisans Attention
Members are requested to moot at
K. of P. hull at l::i( p. in. Wednes
day, '.May lvS, to assemble for the fu
neral of Hrother Dennis A, Hunnell. 17
Mnhonla Club.
Mrs, Anna Kinerstey will entertain
the Mahonla club Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. T. 11. Hudson, 17
Elks Notice.
All members urged to at
tend the regular meeting
Thursday, May 19. Inlta-
" k Hon and a special good
time In assured.
HOY F. 'PAY LOU, Kxultod Huler. 19
Sated convocation, Wed
nesday evening, May IS.
Worlc in U. A. degree. He
fie 'diluents.
Secretary. IS
Retail Clerks' Association
Special meeting of retail clerks ol
the Union tonight at 7 : itO, In Schun
no's hall. All members requested to bo
present. Special business.
IIAUHY HAU'M, soe .-turns. 17
United Artisans, Attention
Regular meeting, United Artisans
Wednesday evening at S o'clock.
There will ho roll call, when It Is
hoped those who cannot poasib'., at
tend will send a written response.
Special attention has been given to
staff practice for Initiation. Commun
ity singing and other attractions at
the close of the meeting. Refresh
meats. A splendid time is assured to
everyone. IS
Hy United News
NKW YORK, May 17. Georges Cat'
pentler, that foreign prize fighter, has
moved into the old Matthews plao
just opposite Louis Sperry's place on
the Manhassat turnpike, and raised
Old Xed with the farmstead. The old
Matthews south forty that was the
finest pasturage within five miles of
Manhassat has been surrounded by a
high board fence and the cows have
been chased out so that this Cm pen
tier and his trainers can go through
a lot of running and jumping and i
rasslln' to get into good' condition
without folks lookin' on. The French
man starts right out being ur.neigh
borly. ' Georges arrived in New York Mon
day and tarried around town Jong
enough t,o have lunch with his Ameri
can representative, Captain Mnllctt,
and talk things over with Tex Rick
ard. lie seemed drawn pretty fine which
may have been due to seasickness,
iinu uuuur as a inn nencn or tne su
premo court which may have boon the
character part becoming an invading
IWlien he was asked who'd win the
fight ho astonished the world by re
plying, "I will."
The Matthews placo on the Manhas
sat turnpike lias been occupied by
Gus Wilson, a Frenchman, who is
'Carpentier's trainer, for the last eight
days, and Wilson has done things so
the old homestead, the barn and the
'south forty.
There's one big new bed in the right
'front bedroom on the second floor.
That's Carpentier's. It stands almost
as high as an upper seven because
Georgio likes high beds.
In the room directly behind Geor
ges' there's a rough, wooden frame
table covcrqd with a thick, soft mat
tress. That's the rubbing table. Op
posite the table Is a stout shelf cov
ered with bottles and pots medicated
alcohol, witchhazol, smelling salts,
mid court plaster, friction gloves, onit.
monts, liniments, salve and society
water. This Is the challenger's drug
Gus Wilson sleeps in this room and
om him sleeps Paul
berlng French heavy-
Bob Martin at the
Inter-allied games and who is now
with Georges as a sparring partner,
lie is bunked with battling Maicet,
a French middleweight, who is both
chef and sparring partner to tho
'French ehirtnpion. Then thero's a
house boy, picked up In New York.
The bouse stands about 20'l rmt
back from the road a small, comlirt
able farm house about ;io yoar.i old.
Carpentier will allow few people to
watch him train and will make no
charge to those ho does admit. He
will do little running on the road, but
lulte a lot of walking and, an unusual
thing for a fighter, bo will go In lor
high jumping, hurdling and rowing on
the machine, as part of his routine
Tho gear for these collegiate pur
poses has all been arranged for y Mus
The Frenchman iloos not look his
best now but Wilson thought ho look
ed far better than when he fought
The work will start In about a wook
.. T n ' 1UL.V A
v.iua tviimm muep:
1 across the hall froi
Journeo, tho lumbei
weight who lost to
I It! I Ot.Il 11 (ml (riimno
NKW YORK. May 17, Jack Curley,
wrestling Impresario anil close frieed
of the Frenchman:
"Carpentier will win the champion
ship. Ills speed and skill will counto'.
act what weight and .strength advan
tage Dompsey will have over him. Car
penter has as much imimc'i as Doinp
soy and can hit morj iceuratel.v. Tho
fight may not bo Ions. The ' more
roitnMs It goes the -.iMor it will be
for Curpimticr."
Farmers, Attention I
County meeting, farmers' union,
Wednesday, May IS, at 10 a. m., at
Nanseno local. County court will bo
present to oxplaln the $800,000 road
bond Issue and Statu Secretary V. A.
Slkoa will also attend. Other very
Important business. Do not forget
tho date. j
V, H. HlLLGKN, (
-7-911-13-16wl819 Secretary
Uy United i'ri8
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 17
Jake Schaofer, San Francisco, es
tablished a world's 1S.2 balk-line bib
Hard record hero yesterday when
he piled up 400 points in three in
nlnns against Kdoniud lloreinaus,
Belgian champion, The latter scored
111 points In two Innings.
saying he wants a chance to clear
himself before playing again, Eddie
Cicotte has also retired, although he
has been offered $5,000 for the season
by an independent cluu of Brunlng,
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, roomB 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf
Men's tennis shoes, $1.25. Maier &
Bettingen company. . 17
By United News
VASHINGTON, May 17. We're
now approaching a time of i.".a.i
mum sunspottedness cays the United
States weather bureau .tonight.
The public, says the weather bu
reau, need feel no concern as
spite of the persistent efforts of the
most enthusiastic students it has
been impossible to demonstrate more
than the minutest possible connec
tion and that quite uncertain, be
tween sunspots and weather.
The sunspots may have something
to do however, with, the recent earth
current, -which have tremondously
disturbed all wire telegraphic, tele
phonic and signal services.
"Sun spottedness," says the weath
er bureau, "is more or less related
to auroras, earth currents and mag
netism but the nature of these re
lations is very complex, puzzling and
more or less unknown."
TwAntv-flve nercent discount on
cut glass bowls for this week only.
Lindqulst's Jewelry 3tore. ' 21
Hero is Jack Dempso's famous right as it looks coming head on. The
fight fans of France say It will never reach its marl:. That Carpentier is
fast enough to keep out of its way. A merican ring fans know it can travel
far and qiuck and hard and they ar e backing it to win. Dempsey is doing
light training at Summit, ,N. J., for tho defense of his title at Jersey City
July 2.
live years ago, will try to make ficlally put before the city council. Al
Ralph de Pal ma and other speed ' dennan Govier introduced a resolu
den.ons eat his dust on the Indian-' U(jn ask, revocat!oa of license t0
apolis motor speedway May 30. j
The youth is Jules Ellingbee, Prank' P' Conrov' who operates the
whom a race promoter picked up park where the "Black Sox" play, con
from the farm and developed into 'tending the reputation of the players
king of the dirt tracks. Now Elling- are being commercialized. Alderman
bee is seeking to take the crown Lyle, speaking in objection, demanded
in the greatest automobile race of that Govier withdraw the resolution
all time the 500-mile international
sweepstake two weeks hence.
Flashing around the two and a
half mile brick oval, he shaved the
track record in a trial spin. Ho
traveled 101J miles an hour and his
time for the 2J mile trip was 1:29
flat. This is two-fifths of a second
slower than the track record.
Ellingbee drives a Frontenac.
ALLENTOWN, Pa., May 17 Bill
Brennan, the Chicago heavyweight,
knocked out Jack Burko, Chicago, in
four rounds hero last night.
which he declared "unfair and creat
ing prejudice before the courts decide
players are guilty." A resolution was
referred to the judiciary committee.
A few weeks ago they passed resolu
tion barring any player from playing
for or against those under indictment.
The "Black Sox" have been making
money, however. One magnate implor
ed "Buck" Weaver to join his team,
according to Weaver. Weaver has al
so declined to join the Black Sox,
9 .:::;ns.
!:' .si!:i:ii::i:i!::;i:::i
To Eastern Points Through
Tickets on sale June 1st to
August 15th inclusive. Lim
it three, months from date
of sale, with final return
limit October 31st. For full
particulars write, telephone
or call at office.
Canadian Pacific
E. Penn, pen'l. Agt., Pass. Dept.
55 Third St., Portland Oregon
i "'Tmr-n 1 iiirm
H flPV f fla
By James L. Kilgallen
(United News Start Correspondent)
CHICAGO, May 17 The Black Sox,
togged out in now green and grey uni
forms, are playing to capacity crowds
every Sunday a mile or two from Com
iskoy park, where in 1919, It is alleged,
they threw a world series.
. It is an astounding fact that in Sun
day's game they drew as many peo
plo as tho undeniably clean White
Sox, if not more.
Calling themselves the South Side
Stars, the indicted players have ob
tained a ball field at East Seventy
fifth street and Greenwood avenue.
In Sunday's game they played to
more than 7,000 paid admissions while
1.000 or "more fans who could not get
Into tho park, viewed the same from
an embankment.
At Comiskoy park, whore the Whito
Sox woro playing the Athletics, the
crowd was one of the smallest In the
history of tho park.
No one has yet had the temerity to
shout language that might bo used to
a porch climber.
Joe Jackson is tho-team's clean-up
hitter. He bats fourth, following
"Swede" Rlsborg. "Hap" Felsch hits
fifth, and "Chick" Gandll sixth. Felsch
made two homers and was idoliz
ed by the crowd. Claudo Williams did
tho pitching.
Tho success of the Indicted players
in staging games has brought fiirth
'agitation and counter-agitation which
has gono to tho extent of being of
no Silvertown Cords
fOLe included in the
FOR SALE Cut roses. 911 Pino
street. Telephone black 3102. 19
WANTED Farm hands. Must under
stand horses. ?40 por month. 015
Webster. is
FOR RENT Cloan, nowly.painte I
light housekeeping rooms. 301 East
Eighth street. 19
1AKH.N up Brown mare, weighs
about 900 pounds. Branded L'3 on
loft shoulder. J. G. Snipes. R. . 19
MACHINE LOST -Silver locket with cold M.n.
or. Return to Chronicle offlco Re
ward. . is
Uy United Press
young man who followed tho plow LOST Gold watch on Mill crook, May
horses In tholr slow, heavy stride! 8th. Return to '70S WVst Tenth
on a farm near Crookston,
street, 5.00 reward.
'o Goodrich
lire Price Reduction
Among tires SlLVERTOWN is
the name that instantly conveys
the thought of the highest
known quality. Their genuine
value has given them first place
in the esteem of motorists. s
Motor car manufacturers and
dealers are quick to emphasize
to their prospects that their cars
are equipped with Silvertowns
knowing that neither explana
tion nor argument is necessary.
This makes all the more impor- .
tant the fact that Silvertown
Cords are included in -our re
adjustment of tire prices which
took effect May 2nd.
eAkron, Ohio ,
Your Goodrich dealer it prepared to upply you with
Goodrich Silrertowa Cord, Goodrich Fabric mad
Goodrich Rad ad GnyTubM at th 2Qf price radudioa.