THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921 PAGE PIVI NEWS NOTES PERSONALS I - i M. Davenport of Hood River is business visitor in The Dalles. eta trial. Mayeta, proprietor of tho Glenwood hotel, was arrested last win ter In a raid upon his place of busi ness by local and anti-saloon league police officers. The approaching trial will be the second time the stato has sought to secure a conviction upon i the original charge, a jury in the first M,ss Hftzel B- Richardson of Shan trial, after being out all night, report- lko ls reslstered at Hotel Dalles, ing that no agreement as to a verdict e. B. Dufur, Maupin attorney, Is in could be reached. Additional trial The Dalles today on legal matters, dates will be set by Judge Wilson as soon as indictments are returned by 1 Harold Cates left today for San use of their cars for the occasion are the grand jury, which started work, D'ego. requested to meet at tne punitc n- today, brary at 11:30. Cummins' Recital Postponed The recital to be given by Miss Lucile Cummins' music class at the high school auditorium has been postponed. The date will be given later. Sorosis Picnic All who are going to attend the Sorosis club' picnic to morrow, and all who are giving the I Mis. J. J. Miller ol Moody was shop. Northern Lights Vivid Residents of The Dalles who happened to bo ( out taking the air Saturday night be t tween 9 and 10 o'clock witnessed , most remarkable displays of Aurora. Indian Drunks Arrested Big Bear and White Swan, Indians, imbibed over-freely of denatured alcohol yes terday, the resultant actions causing their arrest upon a charge of drunken- Borealis, flashing through the skies, ness. Sobered, they were released this seemingly from each horizon. No long morning upon their promise to leave er could the display be called "North- at once for Tumwater, where they de sire to fish. ern Lights," for the electrical exhibi- j tion converged to the zenith from Meet Jasper tlie soutneast At flrst seemingly but a very origin, cioua lormauon, re- Old School Chums Wrltrht nf Rnnttlo vlslfprl In Tho Dalles yesterday with John L. Gavin, 1 f!60 the rays 0f the ha,t moon ping in thlo city Saturday. Mrs. Victor Smith and daughter were shopping In the city Saturday. Mrs. L. V. Moore was shopping in the city Saturday. Otto Clausen of Dufur was a Satur day visitor in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. 'Wall of Wasco were shopping in the city Saturday. Mrs. William Birgfeld went to Tort land Saturday to visit her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taft of Hood River spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Henry. Mrs. Frank Spakle and Mrs. Harry Hlx of Dufur were Saturday visitors in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wiley of Grass Valley were shopping in The Dalles Saturday. (Mrs. H. B. Plnkerton of Grass Val ley was shopping in The Dalles Satur day. Mrs. A. C. Buckley of Grass Valley visited friends and, relatives over the week-end. : MANUFACTURER DYING FROM MYSTEROUS BULLET WOUND Br United Press NEW YORK, May 16 John H. Reld, wealthy manufacturer of lin gerie, is reported to be dying In the Fordham hospital from five bul let wounds, received at the home of Mrs. Hazel D. Warner, wife of Fred erick B. Warner, according to po lice reports. Detectives are seeking a "Broad way sporting man and gambler," as Ale one who did the shooting. They were told by George Keriger, an un cle of Mrs. Warner, that the house had been invaded by this man, tho shooting occuring a few minutes later. Just a little bean, but what a lot of trouble It caused. See tomorow'B Chronicle. 16 Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bans: hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. in. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. : local attorney. Wright and Gavin are boyhood friends, having gone to the same school together in the east. Wright has just completed a term of teaching in the Boise public schools and stopped in The Dalles enroute to his home in Seattle. Kundsen Funeral Here Mrs. Ka tlnka Knudsen, 73 years old, died Sat urday at Madras, following an extend ed Illness. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Olga F. Glover of An telope. The body was brought to The k Dalles for burial in the Odd Fellows' cemetery beside that of her husband, who died here in 1905. Funeral ser vices were held at 1 o'clock this af ternoon from the Crandall Undertak ing company's chapel, Rev. W. I. Eck officiating. 'Booster Meeting In Maupin A big booster meeting, in the interest of the proposed $800,000 bond issue and resultant construction of The Dalles California highway, will be held at Maupin on Saturday, May 21, It was announced today. It is planned to make the meeting a gala affair, with ranchers from all parts of the Maupin district in attendance. A trout fry will be held at noon, in conjunction with a general picnic lunch, followed by a baseball game in the afternoon be tween the strong Maupin nine and the Warm Springs Indian baseball team. Birthday Party A birthday party was given by Mrs. Joseph Geiger Sun. day afternoon in honor of her daugh ter, Miss Vera Geiger and honoring Miss Helen Schllckeiser. The guests spent the afternoon in outdoor games. A luncheon was served in the dining room. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Kelly. The list of gue&ts Included Margaret Mary Kelly, Bertha 'McGreer, Minnie Carlson, Mildred Bol ton, Vivian Lane, Olga Abbott, Anna McLean, Elizabeth McGInni3, Wlui beth Lawson, Donatile Kelly, Ruth Geiger, Joseph Kelly and Edward tloi ger. Rain At Tygh Heavy Heavy rain last night, the greater part of which apparently missed The Dalles, worked havoc on the county roads east of the city, accordign to C. M. Grimes of Tygh Valley, who drove to this city this morning. The roads are in such a muddy condition that five hours of careful driving were requiredin which to make the trip. Grimes at one stage of the journey was compelled to get out in the mud and put chains on his rear wheels. Grimes but recently con summated a sale in which he dispos ed of all of his Tygh Valley holdings. He expects to take up residence In this city. Mrs. Thrall Passes Mrs. Emma Elizabeth Thrall, 51 years old, a res ident of The Dalles for the last 44 years, died at the family home, 805 Court street, early this morning, fol lowing an extended illness. Emma Elizabeth Vogt was bora in Iserlohn, Germany, June 30, 1S69. She was the oldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vogt and came to The Dalles from Germany with her parents in 1S77, and has resided here ever since. She received her education in St. Mary's academy and was a teacher In tho public schools. She was married Jan uary 19, 1S94, to James Thrall. To this union were born eight children who all survive her. She has been in Invalid for four years but was a pa tient sufferer and was kindly attended by her large and loving family. The funeral will be held tomorrow after noon at 2:30 at Burget-Mogan funeral home. the lights moved higher and north ward with amazing rapidity and soon the brilliant rays swept in every di rection. Later they centered in the north and northeast, where they liv ed up to form as typical northern lights by sending vivid streamers far overhead. One of the curious effects noted was a light formation directly overhead, with bands extending in ev ery direction, like the ribs of an um brella. In the southwest, a red and purple patch glowed In the sky for several minutes. The show was dim med somewhat by the bright moon light, but it was as striking a celes tial display as has ever been witness ed in the city. Miss Lena Gosch went River Saturday. Men's wrapped leggings, $1.45 a pair. Edw. C. Pease company. 16 Special prices on Japanese tea pots. Lindquist's Jewelry store. 21 Boys' tennis shoes, 98 cents. Maler & Bettlngen company. v 17 Brown's Dufur stage, Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. in. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum, chirepractio physician, Third and Washington, main 591. tf Typing and Stenography done at reasonable rates. Roslna A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Reel dence phoni red 2332. tf Send It To The Laundry If you like the work done on your shirts and collars, you will like equal ly as well our family washing worn. Only 9- cents a pound. All fiat pieces ironed, balance returned ready to Iron. By the way, our 'tumbler" sys tem of drying makes '.ho ironing of quite a number of lte..n, 3uch aa socks, heavy underwear, flannels, etc., unnecessary. Model Laundry. Main 41 MEETING NOTICES Notice Laboring Men The Federal union will be formed Monday, May 16. If you have made application or wish to join come. Meet ing at 8 o'clock. Schanno hall. 16 Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Monday, May 16. Work in page rank. By order of C. II. BAGGOTT, C. C. 1 Mayeta Trial Reset Upon the mo tion of District Attorney F. V. Gallo way, Circuit Judge Fred W. Wilson today set Monday, . May 23, as the date for the retrial of Tony Mayeta, charged with violation of the prohi bition law. The trial of Earl Barzee, also upon a liquor charge, will fol low upon the completion of the May- Elks Notice. All members urged to at tend the regular meeting Thursday, May 19. Inlta tion and a special good time i3 assured. ROY F. TAYLOR, Exalted Ruler. 19 IK Masons Attention. Special communication Wasco lodge No, 15, A. F. & A. M., this Monday even ing, 7:30 p. m. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. 'M. RAY HARPER, Secretary. 10 Slated convocation, Wed nesday evening, May 1. Work in R, A. degree. Re freshments. THOMAS R. HUDSON, Secretary. 18 United Artisans, Attention Regular meeting, United Artisans Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock There will be roll call, when ! in hoped those who cannot posajb', at tend will send a written ivsponho. Special attention has been given to staff practice for initiation. Commun ity singing and other attractions at the close of the meeting. Heficsh- ments. A splendid time in asbured to everyone. is Miss Lena Zimmerman spent the week-end in Portland. C. T. Bennett, president of the Mo sier bank, is in the city today. Mr.and Mrs. George E. Corson mo tored to Friend and back yesterday. Fred Read and Mr. Whipple of Port land motored to The Dalles yesterday. D. B. Thomas of Condon is stay ing at the Bank hotel. J. H. Fitzpatrlck of Tygh Valley is a guest at the Bank hotel. B. L. Cook of Redmond is a busi ness visitor in The Dalles today. Mark and Malcomb Crawford, Klick itat county ranchers, are business vis itors in this city today. A. P. Malone and Dave Crabtree, both of Antelope, are In this city to. day attending to business matters. William Rltsche of Centerville, Wash., was a business visitor in this city Saturday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jacob Crocker of Cen terville, Wash., were in the city Sat urday. (Mrs. Fred Yeakel of Centerville, Wash., was shopping in the city Satur. day. Miss Edith Robinson of Columbus, Wash., was shopping in the city Sat urday. Mrs. Rudolph Frank and little daughter, Margaret, motored to Port land yesterday. Miss Helen Clemens, Miss Grace Muir and Miss Esther-Schackman of Klickitat, Wash., were shopping in the city Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Sloper of Independence is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. A. Can-field. At I'C- CllltnHtnnll. C T 1 II f i.wa. iiiui.i oil , Cl lUUlll Ul l Ul UilUU and a former resident of the city, is to Hood n Best ot menus. Mrs. G. E. iSammls of Hollywood, j Cal., is the guest of Mrs. W. II. Young , and Mrs. C. X. Bin-get. ' Mrs. W. H. Herman, who submitted to an operation at The Dalles hospit al last week is recovering satisfactor ily. ' R. R. Butler left for Moro today, where he will try several criminal cases before the Sherman county cir cuit court. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel, of Pendleton, are visiting with friends in this city today. W. D. orris and Mrs. Mabel Hink son, both of Portland, were in The IDplles Saturday completing details in the transfer of the Columbia Soutn-' 'ern hotel at Shaniko. Percy Siscel of Hermiston, was vis iting in The Dalles last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Coleman. Siscel and Mr. and Mrs. Coleman spent Sundav in Wasco, celebrating tho birthday anniversary of Mrs. Coleman's father. Dr. Ivan M. Woolley, surgeon In charge of the city emergency hospit al in Portland, his wife and Kenneth C. Woolley, who is a student in the h North Pacific Dental college, motored to The Dalles Friday to visit their par ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Woolley. They returned last night. Georgette and Minuette Blouses and Waists $2.98 Wasco, Moro, Grass Valley Stage leaves Motor Service garage 7:30 a. m- daily. I6tf 1 1 Our New York representative made a special purchase of Minuette and Georgette Blouses and Waists. A good assortment of styles in all of the season's newest shades. These are especially good quality and style to be offered at such a low price as $2.98. See our window display, and come early while the selection is complete. vviien uou TmnK Dru Goods-XninK7 l-THE DALLES - Oft. I Now Playing CASINO The LITTLE House with the BIG Pictures mm GoobValuesIm USES CARS There is true economy in the purchase of a used car of known value such as a Dodge Brothers motor car. The qualities which make a Dodge Brothers car the natural choice of the ori ginal purchaser, and which so eminently satisfy him that he disposes of one, to buy another, insure satis faction to the fortunate owner of the used car. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. The Dalles CATHERINE HENRY D I H B C T R I) UY ARTHUR R0SS0N Biiraiiuno my GOLDWYN