PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE Established 1890 The Dallo, Ore. Published Bvery Evening Except Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc Ben R. Lltfln -General Manager Entered In Tho Dalles poiUfflce as econd class matter. United Press and United Nowi Service Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance $5.00 Six months, In advance $3.00 One month .60 DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL Cno year, In ndvunve $5.00 8tx months, In advance $2.fi0 Ono month .60 LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, May 16, 1896) The friends of Hon. T. II. Coon filed a petition for his candidacy for Joint representative for Wasco and Sherman counties at the clerk'; office today. His letter of accept once appears elsewhere. Classified Advertisements WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advance . .$2.00 In ordering chango of address, sub scriber should always give old as well as now address. TELEPHONES Editorial RoomH Business, Adv., Ulr. Depts. Black 111 Red 111 Bubscrlbors to tho ChronlSlo are guar anteed service. Prompt and regular de livery of cvory subscriber's paper Is tho aim of tho circulation departmemt. The Chronicle carriers are required to put the papers on the porch or wherever th unscrlbur wishes 'he payor delivered. GOOD BYE The gallery of the armory hall is now ready for rifle practice, and practice will begin tonight, at which time the fieldstaff and non-commis sioned officers will be present. This is preliminary to outdoor practice with targets, powder and balls which will take place at the com pany's grounds two miles west of town early next week. Captain A, Keller is drill master. U. S. Deputy District Attorney Schnabel of Portland arrived on the noon train today and Is prosecuting the case this afternoon of tho Unit ed States vs. Robins, Miller and Templcton for robbing U. S. mails There were quite a number of wit t.ooclltyc, friends. We've been hap- nesscs examined. The trial is being py here. With a feelinc of recrot conducted before Commissioner J. VP Innvn nut rnalra firwl l1vn nut iM. Huntington. The attorneys for inn. th.. nn rn,. Th I "e defense are W. II . Wilson and Roger Sinnott. is sweet and fair. It leads through cool valleys and beside rippling Mr. Chas. L. Major, of the Stan waters. It is tho symbol of new ex- dard Oil company is in the city to perlences. arrange for erecting a large oil n, i . . - tank near I ho railroad track east "i fuuiou iii u way we snail do . I of the city. It will be built of three glad to travel the open road. There; slxtt,enth8 )nch steeI and the Con is something of interest at every tract was let today. Its dimensions turn, some now achievement to be 1 will be b0 feet long by 10 feet In marked down, some new failure to diameter, -with a capacity of 20,000 develon our nni-.irn. All thl . KillIon- Thesc tiinkH hilV0 a,rca,y i been put in at la uranae, uiikbi City, and other towns in Oregon of we shall bo thinking. tmit Sze. An oil wagon will lie run .worthwhile. As wo go of friends in The Dalles. Scarcely a day that is not set apart because of some friend's kindly words, some friend's helpful act. Never in all the days of our life have we lived in any community where we have been shown the consideration and respect and esteem that hero have been shown upon us. The Dalles lo us will always bo the biggest little city in the world, whoso people's hearts aro true and finest. Goodbye, friends. You have made life sweeter and brighter and hap pior. BUCK. from the tank to the stores daily. Mr. D. J. Cooper went to Hood River on tho afternoon train. Miss Eliot, the music teacher, went .to Portland this morning. Miss Nell Michell is down from Columbus spending a few days with relatives. DISTILLATE SAVED DAY FOR WHEAT RANCHERS IN 192,0 One piece of work by thu Utimtllla county agent saved 82 Umatilla coun ty wheat ranchers f 21,724.57 last year In money in addition to a groater sav ing in time, .stagnation of business nntl possible crop loss. This Important economy was brought about through ordering coop eratively twonty-sovon t.ank carloads of distillate from California for use In tractors and trucks. With harvest coin Ins on. Umatilla county farmers found that distillate was off the markot in tho Northwest and thoy would prob ably have to turn to gasoline for fuel. There was also a serious guso lino shoitngo and tho situation looked ' bad. The county agont, howover, located a supply of distillate In California and ns a result twenly-sevon carloads were brought to the county. The to tal cost was J47,37.33. Tho same amount of gasoline would havo cost, JtKl.0Sl.90. All the Umatilla i-ouiity banks co operated in financing tho shipment and not a cent's loss was incurred. Other nearby counties did some of tho work on a smaller scalo. Tho Sherman county agent handled seven loads of distillate, saving the fanners approximately $.5000. In Morrow coun ty five carloads were brought In, sit v. lug more than $4000 One carload of distillate was brought to Union coun ty at a critical time. Four carloads worp shipped Into Wasco county as u result of coopera tion between the county farmers' un ion and County Agent K. It, .luckmau. "It Is difficult to estimate tho saving on this shipment," says County Agent Jackman. "Most of tho men would have been compelled to burn gasoline wheh would cost them $2400 above the price of the distillate. In addition they could only buy a barrel or two at a time and often could get none at alt. Some farmers could only obtain gaso. line, by shipping their drums sixty ', flvo miles and their return was often delayed for many days. This iloluv during harvest would have made con tinuous work Impossible. Ono of tho " gasoline dealers here says that had p It not been for the distillate fow auto , mobiles would have been running dur ' ing the harvest season." ft Kastorn Oregon county Agents In V many counties are working on the same project this year, MOVIE MOVES UNUSUAL RACE IS SHOWN IN BIG CILM Racing for a greator prize than any purso over posted nt a track, Harry Dlomefield rode Black Beauty cross-country against Jack Beckett on Lightning. Again and again tho positions of the racers changed, through many chajice .happenings and desperate risks taken by one and tho the other of the riders. For Beckett, bankrupt and hounded by bailiffs, a fortuno and a girl he de sired depended upon tho outcome of tho race. Harry rode to save Jessie Gordon from a life of misery as tho wife of tho scoundrel. Black Beauty knew well that the winning of the wild race was vitally Important to his human friends, and ho strained every norvo to tho ut termost to catoh and pass tho flylns thoroughbred ridden by Beckett. Lightning k ow only that ho was being cruelly beaten and spurred, and must rt:n his best to avoid pun ishment. Now on the rough road, now clear ing stone walls and hedges to take short cuts across tho fields, tho ter rific, race was run to a wildly excit ing finish. The long race Is an added sceno in tho screen version of "Black Beau ty" prepared by Mr. and Mrs. George Randolph Chester from the world famous book by Anna Sewell. Tho original story left Black Beauty, rapidly recovering "front tho effects of his hardships as a cab horso, at tho Blomcfleld home near Sijulro Gordon's estate, Birtwlck Hall. To that point the screen version ad heres accurately and faithfully to tho Sewell narrative In every detail. Mr. and Mrs, Chester havo perform ed their difficult task with all rev erence and devotion, and the wild lace is added us a dramatic and spectacular climax to tho great Vila graph special production. "Black Beauty" will be shown at tho Kmpress theater three nnys, starting Tuesday. Th motion picture version while Including nil details of "Murk . ty," as written by Anna Sewoll, as an autobiography of a horso, and never departing from the story n.. originally published, tells also ihe "Indoor story" of Squire Gordon, his lovely daughter, Jessie; Harry Bloiu field and Black Beauty's many hu man friends and acquaintances Tho leading human role is played by Jean Paige, who has been familiar with the ways of horses slncu childhood. FOR RENT FOR RBNT Front sleeping room, 615 East Fourth street. 19 FOR RENT Furnished five-room modern house. Phone or see Coryea. 17 FOR RBNT Furnished housekeeping TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl tun; and piano moving. Freight haute and general express busi ness. Telephones: Staid, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. lltf HEMSTITCHING Picot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington rooms, 320 East Third street. Tele- Btreet. Telephone main 6f81. tf hn l694-!' " PROFESSIONAL ANDUSINESS- FOR. RENT Two sleeping rooms In 1 ...-Jin Ll 1 . ,- i'i.,va l'UNiSl) HtiQ repaired, ac- private homo. Conveniences, 322 A. , ., . .,.., x m. .u l is t'o regulating and reflnlshlng. West Sixth street. Id . ., , , , Player actions a specialty. Work FOR RENT Two furnished house- guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor- keeping rooms. 322 Tast Third sob Music store, 320 Fast Second street. 18 street. Telephone main 1061. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also sleeping rooms. S20 While Truck Line East Third street. Telephone black Freight and expre&s between The 321. 16 Dalles and Wasco, Mero and all way m " : polqts Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. FOR RENT Two room new house, ., v . good garden planted. Serenteenth nda"y Suny' Le Mor0' and lit Hood streets. Call at J;30' Wasco' 2:38 p- m Venz Bauer's Real Estate office Pk,r!e' PPrietor. Telephone for key 17 b'acV- 1642 or 03 al" 71, li IMP FOR 8 ALE FORD FOR RENT-rUnfurnished four room Sfoeciaiial room apartment, Federal street. In- quire 417 Alvord street, side door. Whitney Repair 8hoD 18 709 East 8econd St FOR SALE Remington automatic xmmm . shotgun, good condition. L. E. Daw- VENZ BAUER son. 17 General real estate, insurance, and FOR SALjE Milch cow. Reasonable! toans- 100 S001 8treet- Te, Inquire 725 Fair street or telephone phone main 1571. 28tf red 4082. IS t--iisi. .nrTT-T-. TOR BAHB-Drr" a' wo..; .1. LUCILE CUMMINS 111.69. Seoom grwtk, 2M. Bellv- Teacher of Piano ered. Call 3F2, altar p. m. tf tLfxj-u-u-uumj-i j-u-mr r j-n. ..r-n.n - r n - -i -u- Summer classes open June 1. Telo- FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell, run 6000 miles, first class shape. Need money. 1119 Bluff St. after 5 p. m. 13 FOR SA1LB Dining room set, bed room set, kitchen cabinet and lawn mower. All new. 410 West Fourth street. 16 FOR SALE Few stands of bees. Place orders promptly so they can be, filled before honey flow. Call main 3711. 18 FOR SALE .New Russell 27-inch sep arator, wind-stacker, feeder and' bagger, 150-foot belt. Terms. Inquire Wasco County bank. 17 phone black 6221. Studio at 201 West Ninth street. tf FOR SALE Five room plastered house, sleeping porch, nicely lo cated. $1400. Terms if desired. Venr Bauer, main 1571. 17 FOR SAL13 (Large and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tt FOR SALE Nine acres growing wheat. Will make three tons hay to tho acre. Threo miles from Tho Dalles. Telephone black 4131 be twoon 6 and 8 p. m. IS FOR SALE WMto Ivory bedroom suite, Thompson piano and other furniture, and Overland model 90, painted and overhauled. Inquire at 1009 Jackson street. IS FOR SALE 1918 Ford speedster, everything in best of condition. 191S Ford touring, just overhauled, runs likp now. 504 East Thirteenth streot. Black 3262. 17 FOR SALE 2 J acres on Chenowith paved road. Two-room houso with basoment. Price $1,900, Terms. Co lumbia Realty & Ioan company, 308 Washington streot, 10 FOR SALE Wasco county wheat ranch 240 acres, complete with stock, equipment and buildings. Will take Dalles property up to $7,000 in partial exchange, or small ranch, closo In. Address box 714, city. IS Carpentering and building, C. H. Merryman, telephone red 1741. MS0 Wanted WANTKDAuto trucks to haul gravel on highway at Celllo. Shotwell Con trading company, Celilo, Ore. IS WANTED To sell, rent and repair sowing machines and typewriters. Henust Itching done. Phono Coryea, 17 WANTED Position as cook In gener al housa In town, gentlemanly, lion out Japnse youth. Address James T. K-, 311 Perkins Avenue. Pendle ton, Oregon. it LOST OR FOUND LOST New bill folder, containing identification card, John Dickson, Euphrata, Wash. Return to Chron icle office. Howard, 1G MISCKCLANCOU HEMSTITCHING and bnttona cover ed, Mrs, A, J, Mollne, 407 Union street, J5 POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist f STtiopstii of the imnial statement of THE HOMK INSUnANCE COMPANT of New York in tlie ittat of New York, cm the thirty-tint Uj of December. 1920, made to Uio Imuran commissioner of the rail of Oreson, purwwnt j-. Anount of capital "tock paid' up $ 1NUOMK Netrium, '"""T5. .d".,l.602.809.B8 ffii.". 2.600,802.78 Income from other source i- eolrod durmx the year 184.80t.40 Total Incom M8.388.203.79 DISKUUSEMKNTS Uet loved paid durinK Uie year, nsef . . i.m'?:?t- . .".'U9.887.174.71 DlTldnd paM on capital tock during the Tear 1,800,000.00 CoumiU joim and salaries paid duriiiK the year 13.228.34B.80 Taio. Uceruea and fee paid dor- uc the y,r 1,809.868.46 Amount of all other eipendlturei 3.870.079,08 Total expenditures $40,388,408.74 ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) $81,220,447.61 Ilecort-rable for reinsurance on paid loiw 480.682.00 r-li binki and on hand.... 8,316,071.03 Premiums in m of collection written sine September 30, ...... 11)20 4.474, OffS.Ol Intertwt and renti due and ac- crued 844,309.00 Total admitted asset $02,018,138.88 I.IAI11I.1TIES Gross claim for lo-wes unpaid. $ 0,342.779.00 Amount of unearrwd premiums on all outstamliiii: risks 38.080,318.00 All other liabiliUes 2,170,297.01 Total liabiliUe. exeluslr of capital stock $43,803,304.01 BUSINESS IN OKEHON KOU THE YE All Net prvmiuma rrceired during the . ,,r $ 09.701.86 IajvKM paid during the year. . . . 89.939.29 IxMMH incurred during the year. 100,407.90 THE HOME INSUltANCE CO. El.nilUXSE fJ. SNOW. President WIIJTKBI) Kl'UTH. SecreUry. Statutory resident attorney for sen-ice, Helen Ionally. . OharlM W. Saxton Company, Agtnu, Board or Trad. ' urllntppr-Rlehardi Oomptny, AaanU, Northwa ni Bank bids. Wasco Warahous Milling Co., AgcnU, Braro, Or. . I Syn-'P'i4 ' 'he Annual Ntatnnent "f the CAMDEN I1IIK INSl'ltANCE ASSOCIATION of Camdon, In the state of N v Jcr -. nn U.e th!rty-f!rl day uf December, 11-211, mcde to tlie in urjnc.t commls'-toner it lia ,aU ot Urt-koii pursuant to law; CAPITAL Amount of capital iM up $1,280,000.00 INCOME Net premium rccelred drunz the year $8,199,014.48 llitcroit, dltldends and rents re ceived during the year 297.231,40 Income from oUier sources re ceived duruw tlie year 281,304.78 Total Incoms $8.747. 7&O.0U DISlH'ItSP.Ml'NTH Net lows paVI durir.g tlie year, inclu.liii adjustment esiwnsm. $2,446,292.01 IMvideudi lid on capital Uvk during the year 14 4,910.49 C uunl'j.ijin and ialann paid during Ihe year 1,687,006.84 Tsku. IU-enna and fees iUJ dur ing Ui year 187,098.1.1 Amount uf all other expenditure 273,812.78 Total expenditures $4,740,920.33 ASSETS Value of real estate owued (mar ket value) $ 187.800.00 Value of sttvks and bund oeisl (market value) 1,423,673.00 Ijuiis iii mdrtgicea and collat eral, etc. 639,17 8.00 (Vdi iu banks ami on hind ..... 346.333.06 l'rrmluiu in courw of cullectioo wntten since Set't SO, tlUiO. 684,027.42 Interest and rents due and sc-, crued and other asatU 4,844.08 Total adulttixl a -set $7,346,632 86 ' LlAlllt.lTlK nrosa ciilmv for luw uiiiwKl $ 937,372.80 AukHint of unearned premlumi oa all out-tarktlng risks 3,937,436.08 All other labilities 1SS, 376.47 Surplus 1,013.41721 Total lUMUties. exclusive of capital sbwk of II. 230, 000.... $. 090, 035 84 IIC31NESS IN UIUVION r)lt Tilt: YEAH Net prrialunu rreelnd duruuj the year . , $ .46.394.77 Ui Mm aid during the year ... 6 973 61 Uwt incurred during the year . 16..S74 30 CAMDEN riltK INSI'KANOK ASSOCIATION Elrtll SD E. K1UD Jll., lV4UnL JO.SIU'11 K. 8IU1U. SecreUry. Statuton rld.-ot attorney for service; A. C BsKBKH. Imaranee CvuMBl-aipare. .Saleaa. FOUNDED THE man who does business even in a small way finds a bank account indispensible. His con nection, as well as his balance, is a resource to be, relied upon at every turn of the road. Could YOU think of a good reason for NOT hav ing an account at the French & Company bank? We can cite you a hundred reasons why you SHOULD. ttitott Errrr. 1 1 II UI I IRsNilrl WHY A BANK ACCOUNT A BUSINESS ASSET 4 Paid on Savings E. H. FRENCH. Preslotrnt PAUL M. FRENCH, Vice-President V. H, FftENCH. Secretary J. C. H08TETLER. Cashier FRENCH & CO BANKERS iNt THE DALLES OREGON Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hour 9:00 to 6:00 Sundays and Eveninaa by Appointment I7-1S Vogt B Ik Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Dr. Geo. FNewhouse Eye Specialist We are equipped to give your eyes tho very best of care. Eyes teeted. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Manaement Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room is Now Open M. S. Elliott, Mgr. Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. WOODARD & TAUSC'HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charge. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 1M7 Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Willerton Telephone Red 1781 Telephones Day Red 351 Night Red 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Motor Equipment Cut Flowers Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF