THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921. PAGE THREE OREGON'S ELECTION FRAUD LAW POTENT UNLIKE FEDERAL CORRUPT PRACTICES, STATE STATUTE UPHELD. (Chronicle's Salem Bureau.) SAiLHM, Ore., May 16. (Special) Any doubt that may have existed about the power of the Oregon pri mary and corrupt practices laws, or their ability to stand up in any court, Is brushed away by the decision of the United States, supreme court In the Newberry case. Senator Truman H. Newberry was prosecuted and con victed under the federal corrupt prac tices act. The United iStates supreme court set aside the conviction and declared the federal corrupt practices act unconstitutional. Relative to the Oregon corrupt practices act the following reflec tions, backed by the best legal minds of the land, serve to establish Its un questioned potency: The federal constitution is a grant of power. Congress may enact such laws as the constitution says it mav enact, and no other. The federal con stitution does not say congress may enact a corrupt practices law. Hence the law was declared unconstitutional in the Newberry case. Act Plainly Sanctioned. The state constitution, unlike the federal constitution, is a limitation of power. That Is, the state legislature may enact any law that is not ex pressly or by plain implication pro hibited by Oregon or the United States constitution. There is no pro hibition In the constitution against a state corrupt practices ac. This alone would serve to give validity to the Ore gon law, even if the state constitu tion did not go further. But it does go further, and expressly directs the leg islature to enact legislation to pre vent corrupt practices relative to elec tions. (Article 2, sections 7 and 8.) The( Oregon corrupt practices act then has the plain sanction of the state constitution of the United States supreme court, however, there was i division of opinion with four of the nine justice" holdlnT the fefleral coi rupt practices act constitutonal. They were Chief Justice Whto and As sociate Justices Pitney, Clarke and Brandies. Opinions Differ. They, apparently were reasoning un der article 1, section 4, of the federal constitution, which provides that 'the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representa tives shall bo prescribed in each state by the legislature there of; but the congress may at any time by lav make or alter such regulation, ex cept as to the places of choosing senators." Apparently the four justices held that this section would warrant con sress in imposing a federal corrupt practices act. The other five Judges apparently held that such an interpre tation would give congress a power -over primary elections, which under the seventeenth amendment to the federal constitution, the direct elec tion amendment, it is not supposed o have. According to press dispatches, the court's decision was that the direct election amendment does not affect -article 1 of section 4, which, the ma jority opinion said, while it gives congress the power to regulate the manner of holding elections, does not confer on it authority to control pri maries or conventions. Junior Week-end, the programme' this year will be better than any previous year. A distinctive feature of this Jun ior Week-end will be the first con vention of Editors of High School Press associations. The whole pro cession of events during the week end will be filmed, and released throughout the state. The canoe fete, one of the most beautiful and time honored events of Junior Week-end is to be oriental in atmosphere this year. Lanterns will be hung along the mill race. Search" lights will be thrown on the floats as they ' pass the Judges' stand. Arrangements are being made for six hundred couples at the Prom, and the committee reports that it is'to be the most gorgeously deco rated Prom in the history of Ore gon. According to custom, the awards of scholarship, and other cups will be made during the dance, by President Campbell. This is the first year that the Pacific Coast tennis tournament has been held in Eugene. The tradition al burning of the freshman caps marks an epoch in the life of the frosh. The contest between O. A. C. and the varsity promises to be keen and interesting as usual. It has been announced that the Order of the O will have charge of the under class tug of war, and that whatever class wins, the frosh will be mill raced. A good time awaits the prepper who comes to Eugene to enjoy a taste of University life during Week end. Following are the committees in charge of the various events: Canoe fete Wayno Akers of Was- c o. j Campus Day Arthur Campbell, of j Heppner. Campus Luncheon Margaret Phelps of Pendleton, Marvel Skeels of Coquilla. Y. M. C. A. Reception Owen Cal laway of Eugene. Junior .Prom Elston Ireland of Hood River, Floyd Bowles of Portland. accept the ambassadorship to Japan, it was learned here today. At tno same time it was learned that Hill may be made ambassador to Germany when relations with that government are resumed. "Boss of the Rdad," and "Can't Bust 'Em," bib overalls, $1. 49. Maier &'.Bottingen company. 17 Taxi MayflelcTs Taxi Telephone mala 5021. 27tf HILL DECLINES JAP AMBASSADORSHIP WASHINGTON, May 16. David Jayne Hill has finally decided not .o GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Granta and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mile paved road connect Maryhlll and Goldendale FERRY RATES $1.25 per car and paaaengera one way. $2.00 for round trip, 10-day limit. Main C0G1 Benneti Taxi Main 01. tf JUNIOR WEEK-END IS LAVISH AFFAIR ENTERTAINMENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS BY U. OF O, TO BE SURPASSING. (By Marion Lay) University of Oregon, Eugene, Way 16 May 19, 20, 21 and 22 are the dates for Junior Week-end. at Eugene, Oregon. Thi.s annual week end of festivity, held each year during May Is for the purposo of establishing a closer relationship between Oregon university, axxaf advanced high school cludtnis all j over the state. According to Ogden Johnson, of, Portland, general chairman for SECOND HAND tTORI Furniture Repairing. Packing. Crating, Car Cleaning. All warfc guaranUatf. 2M Caurt ttraat EMPRESS Home of Superfeatures "BLACK BEAUTY 99 .'''' A FAMOUS STORY MADE INTO A MASTER PICTURE. Black Beauty lives in the hearts and minds of countless millions of . ;' kindly human beings. " Black Beauty engages the affec tions and eager interest unquali fiedly though published forty years ago. Immortal work of ANNA SEWELL which has thrilled millions, faithfully presented on the screen. SHOWING THREE DAYS, BEGINNING TUESDAY -Known and loved for forty years. -A master play, better than the book. NOTE This picture will be shown at advance prices in Port land, and showed for two solid weeks in Seattle. ji Gjaramouity$rtcrafl (picture TONIGHT What's Worth While 99 A.Lois Weber Production A drama that unveils the primitive forces which lurk in the hearts of even the most civilized. It is the drama of every wo man's battle between what she really wants and what society demands she shall have. Coming "THE KID" "THE KID'S" Coming