PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921. A" '.' '''t- ?; i In a i new size I M V' 400 Women's, Children's Hats Some lees than cost. Hair switches Black's Millinery, 115 street. East Second 11S MARSHFIELD PLANS FOR BIG ELKS' CONVENTION LUCKY STRIKE 10 cigarettes for 10 cts Handy and convenient; try them. Dealers now carry both sizes : 10 for 10 cts ; 20 for 20 cts. t It's Toasted NEW YORK LETTER can you imagine how fur behind the lines the generals will be in the next war?" NEW YORK, May 1C The days j New York may tighten up on the when fathers began to train their liberality with which she hr.s been eons at childhood to follow in their J throwing around "the freedom of steps as fellow craftsmen have not tne ty... Aldermanic President La entirely passed. In one profession Quardia presented a resolution to at least a New Yorker is holding to ( thut effect at the board meeting them. Louis McCarthy, who is paid lho other nlgnt. Maybe he thought $75 a day for scaling church spires J tne cty didn't have enough free and skyscraper towers to paint their (iom to be giving It about so care flagpoles and the trimmings is al- lessly; maybe he didn't want to ready seeing to it that Louie, Jr., j embarass visitors by having inqui aged 15 months is prepared for the ; sitive aldermen ask who they were the summer industrial course to be ' Wasco, Moro, Grass Valley 8tage given at Bryn 'Mawr. college, this leave'? Motor Service garage 7:30 a. summer. This course, which was m. daily. 16tf founded by the National Board of j the Y. W. C. A., as a war emer gency course, was such a success! from the beginning that money has' been given from the Laura Hellman endowment fund to keep it going. I It will open June 15. The course which aims at a practical but not,'. materialistic education, is under thei ' . auspices of an administrative com- MARSHFIELD, May 16.-Thc an mittee made up from the college and mml ,meetin of the state Relation representatives of women ln indus. of Elks will be held in Marshfield, Au try. They consider women of from'eust 18' 19' ilD(1 20 aml the Ilara- 20 to 35 years of age the most de- t,ons being ma(,e are elaborate, tan sirable students, but will take girls lnS ln a11 the natural advantages that of 18. The course consists of classes Coos count' has to entertain visitors, in English, p-jblic speaking, liter-' There is no doubt but that this con nture, history, labor movements and vent,on be lhe b'ssest thing Coos labor problems, industrial organiza- count' has ever attempted. More than lion, elementary law, hygiene, and 5000 are expected to attend, a few other branches. There is a Warships, hydroplanes, water precedent for it in the Kuskin Col-1 sPrts' ocean trips, baseball, shoot lege at Oxford which was establish-1 inS matches and many other events ed by three Americans with much ' enliven the Ihree days. the same purpose in view as had . The Elks of Marshfield have a beau-1 those who instituted this work at i tiful home that was built at a cost of Bryn Mawr. It is, hpwever, the first ' aD0t one hundred thousand dollars time such a plan has been tried and it is the center of the activities tion of visitors will be fed on delict cies o.f the bay and sea. This dinner.' alone, it is estimated will' cost, about, three thousand dollars. The Coquille valley Elks will give another dinner ojtr dairy foods and there will be an "abundance of all the good things that are necessary to make the meeting the most successful ever held in Oregon. out in the United States. The Slacker List of preparation for the convention iOne of the special features will bo I a sea food dinner at the ocean when I ' it is expected that the entire delegi- i Job. "Sometimes I hold him out of a fourth story window by tho wrists, for one thing," explained the steeplejack. "Ho's never yet shown tho slightest sign of fear at it. And we encourage him to climb any thing there is about that Is climb able." It's about tho only trade in whicli competition doesn't worry a fellow all the time McCarthy argues, and as only, a half-dozen when proposals for its bestowal came up, as happened recently, when one of them said, "Who Is , this Dr. Einstein?" However, as some one pertinently inquired, , "When you get this 'Freedom of the city' what have you got?" Everyone knows that women keep their youth much longer than they used to. But if anyone doubts it, 1 1 J..l ,!. 1 .. V. Bicuiuu juc ...u uiHi-u .....uuk uiu (jt (for tnore are nQ ,.hers n trl Attn 1 . t.iljmlinnn' consider the case of 10,000,000 names in the telephone l,ooks of New York and its suburbs it seems that ho is correct. Every college has the im petus of higher education duo, pre sumably, to the war. But Columbia University is faced by such a record ,no breaking attendance at this sum mer's course that she has resorted to registration by mail to facilitate matters. There aro already 12,000 applicants, and one of the most in teresting things about it is the un usually largo porccnlngo from busi ness men and women. Corporation finance, advertising, banking, eco nomic geography, and subjects of that kind are being grasped at by people of early middle ago who have already achieved some busi ness success, to a degree unknown before. who doubt) Miss Mary Sherwood, of this city, aged 50 years, who has just, been adopted as daughter of Henry C. Webb. Almost 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Webb lost their only child, a little girl. Soon after they six-year-old Mary Sherwood. The "Life-Saving" suit Is tho lat est Invention among tho early season crowds at tho beaches hero abouts, It hasn't exactly Ate chic look of some other costumes wo have observed, but it certainly is nractlcal. A splashy group of youths alarmed the fishes as well as tho beach onlookers the other Sunday at Coney when (hey merrl ly walked forth into very deep water Indeed, and never made a move to swim. The suits aro of rubber, alr-tlght, and, according to their wearers, unsinkable. An officer of tho Seventy-first Infantry, at tho Park Avenue Ar mory, was recently drilling a mounted troop at Van Courtlivnd nark by wireless telephone. A num ber of tho rank and file wore watching htm with Interest as h. shouted his commands Into the transmitter. Then as tho ovperl lent came to au end, away off In the crowd a voice was heard to remark, "If a Captain can drill his troops by this thing 10 miles away, ANNOUNCEMENT Until wo establish headquar ters in Tho Dalles, wo will bo glad to hear from prospective Overland and Willys- Knight car buyers. Write to Elliott Overland Co. Hood River, Ore. Phone 3M4 They "borrowed" her from time to time to play about their lonely homo and eventually sho became a permanent member of the household. So now, 14 years later, upon per mission of Surrogate Foley, sho has been legnlly adopted. "The 40Q," Tor so long tho conn try's term for New York society has been disclaimed by Its social lead ers nowadays. "Four hundred, In deed," they exclaim, "There are not moro than 100 of us. Certainly not. "Of that 100, they put 50 Into tho real backbone of society, tho "con servative" and tho other 50 into the "cafe set." And this Inspito of the fact that the Social Register lists 5000 names. New York women closely interest ed In tho Industrial world aro show ing considerable enthusiasm over The Chronicle disavows responsi bility for this list, which is sub mitted by headquarters, Ninth Unir ed States Army Area, San Fran cisco. The list, after careful check. is presumed by army authorities to be correct. The government allows not to exceed $50 for expenses in curred in capture of these men. Morrow County Laurel Eden Barger, lone, Or., Ar lington, Ore. 'Leonard Blake, Lexington, Ore. lEd Bowman, Jones Boro, Tenn. Ellas Bowman, Jonesboro, Tenn , Heppner, Ore. John Galloway, Irrigon, Ore. Pat Pat Jackson, Heppner. Ore. Jesse Willis Judd, Lexington, Ore. Alvln J. Martin, Nye, Ore. Johnnie C. Morris, Lexington, Ore. Hugh McNerney, Wallowa, Ore. George Wynn, Heppner, Ore. Sherman County Frank Craft, Grass Valley, Ore. Oscar Selin, Grass Valley, Ore. Selin Oscal, Oscar Selin, Yamhill County Richard Bullivant, Broadmead, Ore., 162 West Park St., Portland, Ore. Eugene Fischer, R. No 2, Gaston, Ore. John Itkonen, R. F. D. No. 2, Sher idan, Ore., Portland, Ore. Roy Cecil Rogers, Cove Orchard, Ore. Hood River County. Iloyd Reed Cascade Locks. IHHI LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR- SALE Buick "40" touring. $275. Telephone 31F14. IS WANTED Middle-aged woman for general house work on ranch. Write Tl, care Chronicle. IS FOR SALE 1920 'Monitor six, run 3,000 miles. Bargain for cash. Tele phone red 3392 afternoons or even ings. 18 FOR 'REN T Cof (nbl yf iTrni s he d housekeeping rooms. 115 East Sec ond street. 21 FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet touring, first class shape, good tires, extras Call 516 West Thirteenth, or phone red 2342 after 6 p. m. 19 FOR SALE Cut flowers for Memor ial day. 901 Liberty street. IS FOR RENT 6-room modefn house, 410 West Fourth street for sale. Apply at house. NEW STOCK OF Monarch Ranges MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES INSURE SUCCESS IN COOKING AND BAKING The record of the Monarch Malleable Range for long life and thrifty performance cannot help but carry conviction to anyone seriously considering the selection of a kitchen range. Malleable construction insures lasting tightness. Vitreous Enameled Linings prevent rust damage on the inside. Maier & Schanno Heat of Red Peppers Stops Rheumatic Pain FOR SALE For immediate removal the old Central Feed Barn build ing at the corner of Third and Fed eral streets. Walther-Williams cop pany. 18 The penetrating heat of "Red Pep- moment you apply Red Pepper Rub Furniture Per Rub"' will bring almost instant you feel the tingling heat. In three 17 reuei irom tne pains or rneumatism, minutes it warms tne congestea backache, strains, sprains, sore mus- When you are suffering so you cles and stiff aching joints. can hardly get around, Just get a Penetrating heat immediately frees jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, the blood circulation that carries off made from red peppers. It costs lit- the congestion and pain is gone. tie at any drug store. The quickest Nothing has such concentrated, fillet1' lafcown awaits you. Use u al- j penetrating heat as red peppers. The ways for colds In chest.. Adv. Twenty-five percent discount on cut glass bowls for this week only. Llndquist's Jewelry store. 21 There's " Difference If you've been a "rendy made" man n the past, be a "made to order man' tn the future. First class hand tailor prt suits to measure, $35,00 and up. W tt. Webber, one block east of pot office. 6tf The Economy Shop Ladies' and children's hats at very reasonable prices. Organdie collar and cuff sets and embroidery yarns. A fow roady-to-wear infants' dresses. Ladies' silk and voile dresses, also house drosses, nprons and underwear. Children's drosses, boys' blouses and infants' wear made to order. Mrs. Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite postoffico. Telophono black 3171. 20 Self Respect increases with each dollar you add to your savings. The man who saves regularly is developing a confidence in himself fully as valuable as his balance in the bank. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts " THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon ' P 6" I-C2-? Ladies-Your Opportunity Lady-Lyke The Most in Corset Perfection. A Real Innovation in Corset Value Giving. Direct from Our Factory to You with all middlemen's profits eliminated." Think of it! High grade, hand laundered Corsets, perfectly boned and reinforced to withstand hard wear. 98c t0 $2.98 Other Prices $1.49, $1.98 and $2.49 These low prices are possible because we take the entire produc tion of the Lady Lyke factory, selling thousands of dozens annually in our 312 stores. Lady Lyke Corsets fit perfect!". Made of high grade materials rust proof and give long service. Daintily trimmed and finished. ) J 312 DEPARTMENT STORES THE LARGEST CHAIN Dr.P ?J?,:iKT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD" SELLING MOST WE XEM. FOR LESS