' I V PAGE EIGHT THE DALLE8 DAILY CHRONICLE, 8ATURDAY, MAY 14, 1921. GEORGES' CHANCES GOOD, SAYS COULON BANTAM PAYS TRIBUTE TO FRENCHMAN'S SCIENCE AND TERRIFIC PUNCH. By Edwin Hullinger (United ITuhh Staff Pomsspondfiit) PARIS, May 11 Johnny Cotilon, a former bantamweight champion, latest victims of the guerrilla warfare. He left the mouth of a mine yester day to procure water for women and children huddled In the mine mouth Ho was killed before he had takon 20 steps Into the line of fire. A score of women and children worn said to be suffering for want of food and water In a mine where thoy. sought safety Thursday morning. Ono wing of the seven-mile fight rages about the mine mouth and their escape Is cut off. The battle opened Thursday morn ing between minors who have been on strike for a year and those who have munlcates the malady to others who are susceptible to It.) Mrs. Southard declared today that her present husband, Paul Vincent Southard, chief petty officer of the U. S. S. Monitor Monterey, did not know that she had had four previous husbands, all of whom died under strange circumstances. Southard to day appeared dazed by the turn of events. He did not go to see his wile and refused to talk to newspapermen thinks that Georges Carpentler has a "good chance" to beat Jack Demp-j taken their places In the coal fields, soy. J Two were reported killed the first Coulon accompanied Carpentier on ; day. Tho casualties were increased bv a two weeks' theatrical tour. "I have seen enough of Ciirpon tier to form a very good opinion of him," Coulon said here today. "In Homo ways hu is better than any boxer in the world and I have seen most of the good ones In my time. Carpentler has more science than any living fighter and has innum erable little tricks that no other box er possesses. "Carpentler also packs a terrific punch that will knock out any living man if he lands it. Of course he is lighter than Dempsey, but if no gets his punch over the champion will go down and stay down. "I discovered that Carpentler has one tremendous asset possess'i-.l by no other lighter I have scon. Ho can hit a tremendous blow while pofcied on the balls of 'lis feet that'. Homothlng that evorv fighter in his tory has wanted to do and couldn't." CARPENTIER LACKS STAMINA By United Press JERSHY CITY, N. J., May II John I3entley, city commissioner and veteran ring follower: "Carpentler has a good chanc to win the world's championship, but I think Dempsey will successfully defend his title. Tho Frenchman ii a smart fighter and a wondorful boxer, but 1 believe he lacks tho stamina and enduranco to stand up under the rushing attack of a strong, hard-hitting fighter liko DempsOy." two yesterday, with reports that at least two other victims were known. RINGSIDE SEATS FOR BIG TODAY IN CONGRESS bill. By United Press Senate. Continues debate on naval House. Agriculture committee continues work of framing packer control b P.. Carpentering and building. C. 11 Merryinan, telephone red 57.41. M30 16 DIE IN GERMAN RAILROAD DISASTER By United Press IfEItLIN, May 14 Sixteen persons were killed and 30 injured today in a train collision near Sorau, in Hrandonburg. "Boss of tho Road," and "Can't. Bust 'Km," bib overalls, $1. 49. Maler & JJettingen company. 17 NEW SITUATION WESTERN RAINBOW MEN HOLDING REUNION By United Press SACRAMENTO, May 14 Veterans of the iRainbow division from all parts of California, Oregon, Wash ington and Nevada, are here for tho annual convention, which opened to day. John Witching of Los Angeles, presided. 50 DIE IN MEXICAN RELIGIOUS-POLITICAL ROW By United Press ,M)13XICO, CITY, Mex., May 14. As many as fifty deaths were reported today to have resulted from roll- GO, $50 A CRACK glous-political fighting in Morclla, capital of tho state of Michloacan "v United Pri-FS i liist night. NEW YORK, May 11 Hoxes and Tho fighting began when a Catho- ringside seats for tho Dompsey-Car- nc demonstration against social! pontier fight at $G0 per are to IjOj tic propaganda was fired upon by placed on sale today in .waiiison j socialist sympathizers and a do Square garden, Tex Rlckard an- tachment of police, said to have in nounced. Lower priced seats were eluded the chief, Vicento Coyt. offered yesterday, but there was no rush for tho pasteboards NEW YORK, May 11 Georges Cnrpenller, challenger of Jack Dempsey for the world's heavy weight championship, will arrive hero Monday morning on La Sa voio. Officials of tho French lino said today the liner wouTil arrive In the lower buy Sunday night and would dock Monday morning. BENNY LEONARD AND ROCKY KANSAS MATCHED Mv United Pivbh NEW YORK, May 11 Meniiy Leonard and Rocky Kansas will meet for the lightweight champion ship In a lU-iound bout Juno s 6 in tho Harrison N. J, baseball milk The managers of the, principals came to terms last night with Pro moter Dave Driscoll. .Many persons were wounded. T.ixi M.iyfielcTs Taxi ''"loplione main 5021. 27tf Dance Tonight at Elks Don't forget regular Saturday dance tonight. Good music, good time. ELECTION OF down's Uufur Stage Time Table Two round trips dully Leave Rank hotel. !) a in. and 4 p. in. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. in. and 1 p. m. U TR00P8 ORDERED (Continued From 1'ngo 1.) I The dawn of l ho third day at fighting In the hills above bore brought re ports hero of six dead and many woundeil, with possibilities that the casualty list would ascend. Attempts at peace lato last night fallo.l when both the warring factions refused to stop tholr hall of bullets until the other sldo was silenced. Tho fluro of revolvers and pistols up and down the Tug river for 12 utiles continued throughout the night. The battle, dlod down soon after mid night but was resumed at daybreak. Communication with tho battle nrou wiih still Interrupted this morning, but tho courso of the fight was plain ly discernible by tho sound of the vol leys and flares (hut wont up from tho snipers In the West Virginia ami Kentucky hills on opposito sides of tho Tug river. Shots continued pouring Into half, dozen little mining colonies In the val ley between tho two mountain sides. Some of tho reported doud wero lying in the range of fire and could not bo rescued, Tho constant exchange of shots prevented tho complete chock of the casualties and Identification of the victims wns Impossible in many cues, Dan Whltt. a miner, U among thei (Continued From Piiro I.) upon plans for Memorial day, and for tho post's campaign for tho bonus bill, coming up in the olectlon of Juno 7. Tho post has appllod for eight army rifles to be used in the firing of sa lutes in tho cemetorles as a part of tho burial ceremonies, anil the guns may bo received buToro Memorial day, for uso then. RETURN OF (Continued From Pago 1.) Imina, North and South Carolina and Florida. A call has boon extended by tho local church to Rev. Carroll E. Rob erts of Portland. It Is not iaiown whether or not he will accept. TYPHOID CARRIER (Continued From Piiko 1.) spoko freelv ami announced what her defense would be. 'U bellove 1 am a natural typhoid fever carrier," she declared. Her statement was mado official by the presence at tho Interview of Chief of Dotectives Arthur McDufflo," who Is In chargo of tho investigation. "All of my husbands died of ty phoid." she said, calmly, with no man. Ifestatlon of emotion. "I hnvo physicians' certificates to provo it, "When Mr. Meyer, my lust husband, died, 1 had threo doctors hold a post mortem examination. "They found at first that he hud ptomaine poisoning, but that acute typhoid hud developed and had caused his death, "Other physicians found that my other threo husbands had died from typhoid fever llkowlso." Then sho paused a moment and add ed emphatically: "I am innocent or any wrong-doing, Rut I do believe that In view of all that I may bo a typhoid carrier." (A typhoid carrier is a person who U immune to the disease, but who curries the germ and innocently com- (Continued From Pago 1.) breaking point, several Paris news papers declared today in comment ing on Premier Lloyd George's speech regarding the upper Silesion situation. At the same time, It was learned from semi-official sources that France is determined to enforce her program of -awarding most of tho industrial district in Upper Si lesia to Poland, which Britain op poses. In tills connection it was stated that Premier Briand will re; fuse to participate in the next meet ing of the supremo council unless he is assured the allies will accept, in principle, his Polish policy. "Lloyd George is taking great risks in provoking reactions danger ous to tho Anglo-French entente," Philippe Millet declared, writing in the Petit Parisien. "Berlin will rejoice and Paris will regret," was the Figaro's comment on Lloyd George's speech. Pertlnax, writing in tho Echo de Paris, declared: "France will not permit Lloyd George to force her hand. Wo liopo France's spokesman will make this known in unmistakeable- terms." "Boss of the Road," and "Can't Bust 'Em," bib overalls, ?1. 49. Maior & Bettingen company. 17 There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man 'n tho past, be a "made to order man' in the future. First class hand tailor Hd suits to measure. $35.00 and up W R. Webber, ono block east o post office. 6tfj GRAIN GROWERS (Continued From Pago 1.) -WWSAA have cot to organize to protect our selves. "It seems to me that tho majority of tho unfavorable sentiment against the pooling plan in Umatilla county can bo directly attributed to the work of a few leaders. All of tho ranchers are not against this plan. Without any solicitation at all a total of 215,000 bushels of wheat has thus far been signed up In that county." Mansfiold went on to say that ho is "absolutely against" tho use of 'wo markoting plans by tho Oregon APPLY SULPHUR TO HEAL UP YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin and Itching Ec zema Helped Over Night. For unsightly skin oniptlons, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms or body, you do not havo to wait for relief from torture or embarrass ment, declares a noted skin spec ialist. Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and improvement shows next day. Becaiiso of its germ destroying properties, nothing has over been found to tako tho place of this sul phur preparation. Tho moment you apply it healing begins. Only thoso who havo unsightly skin troubles can know tho delight this Montho Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right up. Get a small jar from any good druggist and uso It like coM cream. Adv. eO0D PLUMBING IS THE VERY THING- - TO MAKE YOU HAPPIER THIS Spring- plumbing- IN tho springtime everybody and his brother and his cousin BUI are looking for happiness. One way to make certain that you're going to enjoy this sea son of the year Is to Install some good, dependable plumb ing. If you're going to build this sprlns It would pay you to talk over tho specifications with us. JOHN HIKE PLUMIINO A hen Rt4 Ml HCATINC TM Dalle Grain Growers' association; one with a compulsory pooling clause and the other permitting local op Hon. iPermlttlng Umatilla county ranchers to get in under an option al pooling agreement could create dissatisfaction in all of the other grain growing sections of the state and would In all probability wreck the state organization, he argued. S. R. Thompson, president of tho Umatilla county farm bureau, replied to Mansfield, reiterating that farm ers in his county are not In gen eral opposed to pooling, merely de siring "self determination" in the marketing of their wheat. "We think that the Chicago plan 13 best," ho added. In a brief analysis of tho mean ing of cooperative marketing, W. F. Schilling, representing the United States Grain Growers, Int., explained tlves were obdurate in their stand that, as the world's markets now 'against the plan, however, resolute stand, the "farmers are compelled ly voting against the meaaure In a to maret cooperatively or else lose body. their jobs." The big advantage of 1 , , cooperative selling is that the man doing the selling "knows where the stuff he is selling is located. The wheat is all under contract and he can't sell something he hasn't got.' The farmers have been "holding the sack" for years, Schilling continued, and "if they cant sell It after they have grown It, what the Is the use of growing it." Put to a vote as to whether 100 percent pooling, , as permitted by the national organization, should be adopted as the selling plan In Ore- j gon during the next few years, the 100 percent pool won by a large ma jority. Umatilla county represonta- Coming to Empress Jl BATTERY SERVICE Four years of careful and unprejudiced service given to the owners of all makes of Batteries assures our prospective customers of reliable ad vice on their battery and electrical problems by men especially trained in this line of work. ( TESTING AND DISTILLED WATER FREE WE REPAIR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL R. A. TWISS CHEVROLET ANNOUNCEMENT CHEVROLET, PRICES CUT TO PRE-WAR LEVEL Cut of over 21 percent reduces cost to lowest level in three years Prices effective immediately F. O. B., The Dalles. Model 490 Chassis, now $741.80 Model 490 Touring, now $809.05 Model 490 Roadster, now $798.55 Model 490 Sedan, now $1448.00 Model 490 Coupe, now $1406.25 Model 490 Delivery, now $ 792.65 1-Ton Truck, now $1453.95 Fully equipped, including electric starting and lighting system, demount able rims, tire carrier and speedometer. We Can Make Immediate Delivery Strange & West Motors Co. 520 Eftit Second Stmt The Dalle Ore.