The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 14, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Social Activities
and Other Things
Mother Of Mine. .
She healed all the little hurt fingers
With magical kisses sublime,
And rocked mo to sleep on her bosom
That wonderful in V her of mine.
She mimed me throng 1 hea'th and
through sickness,
'With a love no wo,1'! could define;
And bore all my crosses of childhood,
This kind, loving mother of mine.
She faithfully followed mo later,
And on through the cycles of time,
With goodness and kindness and
This true-hearted mother of mine.
And when at. last God shall call her
To (he holy bright city divine,
"May he richly reward and repay her,
That dear, angel mother of mine.
Norma Holman Mangis.
Mothers' Day.
Mothers' day was appropriately ob
served at the various churches last
Sunday. Special music was rendered
emphasizing mother love. At the con
gregational church a white or red car
nation was given each person attend
ing who did not already have one. Sev.
rnl out of town motbors were in the
city visiting sons or daughters. Many
flower gifts were given or sent to the
living mothers, to convey the love in
. which she is held.
After the flower supply was almost
exhausted a tiny tot came into a flow
er shop on Second street with 25
cents lightly clasped in a moist and
chubby hand.
"I want some flowers for my
mama," lisped the little voice.
When told the limitations of 25
cents the little face dropped In disap
pointment and the little girl faltered,
"I want some pretty flowers and it is
to all a surprise for my mamma."
Touched by the little tot's love, the
flower lady brought out a more ex
pensive plant, which was dressed up
In a bright wrapping, ready to deliv
er to Mother and the little girl waB
made happy.
Other littlv tots came, with just as
much enthusiasm, somo proudly stat
ing that they earned the money for
their gifts themselves.
Mrs. Marden's Classes.
It was the writer's pleasure a few
days ago to observe Mrs. Victor Mar
don's class of four year old pupils, in
ho Dunning systom of music. The re
suits accomplished with tho little tots
just out of babyhood are reiuurkahle.
Tho linos of tho grand staff and tho
ledger lines were placed on thu black
board, and these little folks, without
hosltancy, named tho notes which ac
companied each lino or space. A play
device with a blank grand staff so.n
had linos, spaces, ledger linos and
Hpaces correctly filled with the letters
representing tho notes, In a competi
tive game. On this gamo, tho little
homeless notes were sorted out and
taken to their homos by little fingers,
1ho children explaining that notes
-wore picturos of tones. Tho time val
ue of the notes was correctly given
by these Utile people and they demon
strated rythm by Interpreting the lan
guage of the piano. Without .lrovlous
drill they marched, skipped, daneol
or seemed to sloop, as the music "talk
ed" to them, when Mrs. Maiden play
ed the piano, making rapid changes in
tho character of the music. Notes
wore read, then Hounded on thu piano.
Tho children enthusiastically gave
tho name of the first composer of
music, Scarlatti. The singing of then
class song was delightful in Us unaf
fected simplicity.
Stories and songs are given In these
classes to stimulate Ideas and culti
vate Intelligence. Musical principles
are taught from memory verses,
which are easily retained and then
real piano work Illustrates tho?e prin
ciples. Mrs. Maiden told us that sue
has classes of children In the va.-lov.s
stages of development an 1 u class ot
adults who came once ,i week. 'lhe
children are taught the fumli'iueirtai
nf mimic by means of disks, rythm
sticks and movable musical tlurar
Party for Miss Gllhousen
A birthday and announcement p.m
was given by Mrs- AV- K- fill.iouseii
last night fr Miss Leila Gllhouseu.
Tho color scheme was in pink and
white; sweet peas woro the flowors
used. The guests spent tho evening
with their sowing and in a social
time. Little Joan Stadoliiuiu buvo out
dainty corsage bouquets, containing
tlio 'nniiouncoinent of the engagement
of MIsh Gllhousen to Carl Edward
Cwsoa of Portland. Tho wedding is to
..ike place In Juno. Refreshments
i were served in the dining room and
tiny vanity bags were given as fa
vors. The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. Joseph Stadelman, and Mrs. Jes
sie Stillwell. The guest list Included:
Misses Helen Forsyth, Alma Greenlee,
Aver Black, Lois Griffin Opal Cole
man, Hester Gram, Pearl Taylor, An
na Ellison, Margaret McLeod, Lydia
Elton, and Mrs. II. W. Lofton.
Mrs. Gilchrist's Party.
Mrs. Harry Gilchrist entertained
Wednesday evening. Tulips were the
flowers used. Games were played and
delicious refreshments wer.. served
Those present were, Mesdamcs Mar-
I frnref. AVmln Orion li'rnirp. Vprnrm
-w " -
Neeley, Grace Tippet, Charles Frank,
Rudolph Frank, .11. L. Wurtz, Dessifc
Mosier, Misses Ruth Dickson, Mar
garet Sampson, Mary Brookhoiit-e,
Louise Jeffers, 'Leona Comini, an I
Amy Davidson.
To Meet Indians.
Word has come from the Warm
Springs Indians requesting a confer
ence relative to the securing of their
services for the pageant. The Indians
have expressed a willingness and a
desire to cooperate with Community
Bervice in making tho historical pa
geant n realistic and artistic produc
tion. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams
and their little daughter," accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Arbury, will
go to tho reservation Sunday for this
Choral Recital.
Music lovers are looking forward
with great anticipation to Mrs. Carl
ton P. Williams chorus recital at the
Elks' club, Tuesday evening of next
week. Some members of the chorus
have been in the work for the last
fifteen years. Miss Jeanette Crosfield
will bo the soloist and Mrs. Harlan
Fancher accompanist. The members
of tho chorus, who are singing this
year aro: sopranos, Miss Myrtle Mi
chell, Mrs. Hallie Rico, Mrs. Pat Fo
ley, Miss Jeanette Crosfield, Mrs. Jo
seph Stadolman, Mrs. Sidney Bloom,
'Mrs. B. A. Lubbe, Mrs. Ben It Lltfln;
contraltos, Mrs. Roy Marshall, Miss
Prudence Patterson, Mrs. Frances
Galloway, Mrs. Judd Fish, Mrs. Frank
Sexton and Mrs. Clifton Condon. Invi
tations havo been Issued, but anyone
who has not received an invitation
and who wishes to attend Is asked to
call Mrs. Williams and an invitation
will be issued.
Four Bridge Tables.
Mrs. M. G. Lay and Mrs. L. Finley
were hostesses at a bridge warty giv
en at the Court apartments Wednes-!
day evening. There woro four tahles
of brldgo. The decorations were in
pink and white flowors. Miss Laura
Thompson won tho high score prize
and Mrs. C. A. Fritzscho, tho consola
tion prize. Itefroshmonts were served.
Bridge Luncheon Club.
Mrs. Alice S. Sholdon entertained
the Bridge Luncheon club at her home
Friday. After luncheon there wore
four tables at bridge. Sweet peas and
'lilies of tho valley woro effectively
Convention Delegates Leave.
Tho convention season of tho year
has iriived and preparations are be
ing made in many of the city organiz
ations to send delegates to their re
spective conventions. The Rebekah
mid Odd Fellow dologntes to tho
grand lodge sessions at Albany will
leave Sunday to bo away until tho lat
ter purl of tho week. Tho Rebekah
delegates- are Mrs. A. P. Ingram,
Mrs. Albert A'gldlus, Mrs. Frank.lcr
inanii, Miss Ley Pildham, Miss Hat
tlo Wlsnor, Miss Jesslo Wisnor and
Miss Dora Sexton. The Odd Fellows
nro sending Dr. O. 1). Doane, Frank
Jeiinann. Kllndt Nielsen, Antono Paul
son, Hugh Fagan, Karl Vlekors of Ore
gon City and Paul K. Paulson of Al
bany. The last two members are for
mer residents of the city, who havo re
tained their membership. in tho local
Sorosls' Last Meeting.
The closing meeting of the year ot
the Sorosls club will bo held next
Tuesday, when the club member
with their guests will motor to the
W. H. Wilson summer homo, for a pic
nlc luncheon. Mis. Ida B. Callnhau of
Corvnllls. president of tho Oregon
Federation of Women's clubs, lias Is
sued tho call for the twenty-first an
nual convention of tho federation to
be held In Pendleton, May SI, and
Juno 1, 2 and 3. Mrs. F. H. Watts,
president of tho Sorosls club, Mrs.
Grovor Young and Mrs. K G Merrl
field woro elected to attend as dele
gates, with Mrs. Alta Bonn and Mrs.
'.'Mary Logan as alternates. Several
prominent speakers will appear on the
program. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, a
former resident of The Dalles, will
apeak on legislative matters with ref
erence to women's part in Oregon's
laws and lawmaking.
Parent-Teacher Meeting.
The Parent-Teacher association met
at the Union street school Thursday
afternoon. At the close of the meeting
the teachers and parents enjoyed a
game of baseball. Mrs. J. B. Kirk act
ed as umpire. The score was 8 to 8.
The game attracted some enthusiastic
Address On Relief Work.
The business girls' club held their
regular meeting and dinner at the
Y, W. C. A. rooms Wednesday even
ing. An address on the Near East Re
lief work was given by Mr. Price, who
is conducting tho drive here. Miss
Myrtle Carlsen gave a pleasing piano
solo. The regular meetings are held
on the second and fourth Wednesday
evenings of each month.
Williams' Girls Guests.
Mrs. Orion Fruge and Mrs. Margaret
Wade entertained in the Y. W. C. A.
rooms Saturday evening. A delight
ful time was had in playing games,
in a guessing contest Miss Marian Al
drlch won the honors and Mrs. Min
erva 'Neely, tho consolation. The
guest, list Included the young women
from theA. M. Williams & company
store and several friends from the
teaching corps.
Mrs. E. E. iWerlein of the Court
apartments, entertained 'Monday after
noon for her mother, Mrs. E. A. Stand
borough of Bend. The decorations
were in yellow and blue. There -were
four tables at bridge. Mrs. Harold
Maier won the high score, and Mrs.
Elliott Roberts, the consolation. The
guest list Included, Mesdames Elliott
Roberts, Loren Roberts, Clifton Con
'don, George Knebel, Clyde Seitz, Roy
Entler, J. Minor Booth, D. P. Ketchum,,
L. A. iSchanno, "Wilbur Hostetler, L. D.
Wanzcr, Ben R. Lltfln, Sidney Bloom,
'Walter Hart, Hallie Rice. Harold
Maier, Charles Booth
Sunday School Classes Hike.
The Sunday school classes taught
by Mrs. J. Minor Booth and Mrs. Han
Ion, of St. Paul's Episcopal churcn,
went on a short hike Thursday eveu
tag, accompanied b'y Rev. George riol.
sholt. A welner roast supper was en
joyed. Choristers Visit.
Special services will be held at St.
Paul's Episcopal church for Whitsun
day. Tho choir of St. Mark's church of
Hood River will assist with the music.
Cruikshank's communion service will
bo used. Tho Hood River choir has
'been under the direction of Mrs. Scott
Aitken. Among the personnel of the
choir will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Clark, 'Messrs. Aitken, Hand and Ox
borrow, Miss Alice Tompkins, Miss
Doris Gould and Mrs. E. D. Knaga.
Master Tom Clark will be the soloist.
Tho party from IHood river will cpmo
by automobile from Hood River Sim
'day morning.
Pendleton Visitors Honored.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Blakeloy en
'tortalnod with a dinner party Friday
evening, at 'Hotel Dalles, honoring Mr.
and Mrs. S 11. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Collins and Senator Roy Hlt
ner, all of Pendleton. Other guests
were 'Mr. and Mrs. T. 11, West. S. R.
Thompson and ill. Collins are promi
nent wheat dealers of Pendleton and
Senator Roy Ritnor Is president of
tho state senate Mrs. Thompson Is
Mrs. Blakoley's niece, Aftor dinner
tho party went to tho Blakeloy home
whore a pleasant social evening was
Card Parties.
Tho Altar society of St. Peter's
'Catholic church sponsored two card
parties at the Vogt school on the af.
ternoon and ovoning of Thursday. Tho
hall was decorated with purple Iris
and bridal wroath. Bridge was played
during tho afternoon and five hun
dred In tho ovenlng. The committee
in charge consisted of Mesdames A.
Bettlngen, Edward Ball, Harold Gang
er and Bernard A. Lubbe. During tho
aftornoon several pleasing musical
numbers were rendored. Mrs. Sidney
'Bloom sang and Mrs. Carlton P. Wil
liams, Mrs. B. A. Lubbe and Miss
Violet Duelch gavo a trio number.
Sisterhood Program.
Tho P. R. O. Sisterhood held its an
nual Mothers' day program Tuesday
at tho homo of Mrs. Sidney Bloom.
Each member of tho organization
brought her own mother or an Invit
od guest. Tho afternoon was enjoyed
In an Informal way with soveml must
cnl numbers. The refreshments and
decorations woro carried out in tho
club colors of yellow and white. Mrs.
j M. R. Matthew, president, gave an in
leresiing iauc on me nisiory ana aims
of the P. E. O. Vocal solos were ren
dered by Mesdames Sidney Bloom,
Ben R. Lltfln and H. S. Rice. Mrs.
Harlan Fancher gave a piano solo and
there was a trio number by Mes
dames Carlton P. Williams, C. R. Mar
shall and B. A. Lubbe. The
Invitational list included: Mes
damcs Simeon Bolton, J. E. Barnett,
Edward C. Pease, Benton Mays, Bar
tholomew, E. C. Price, H. A. Harden,
C. A. Phillips, F. H. Van Dellen, Alice
Sheldon, Sarah Michell, Lulu D. Cran
dall, Louise DePrez, A. E. Crosby, F.
J. Stadelman and D. M. French.
Birthday Party
Mrs. E. J. Hanlon, Mrs. Leslie A.
Philpott and Mrs. J. Minor Booth
entertained Friday afternoon for
Mrs. Charles Booth, the occasion be
ing the 69th birthday of Mrs. Booth.
Cards and sewing occupied the at
tention of the guests until they
were bidden to the dining room
where tables were daintily set, lav
ender being used as the co'lor
scheme. A big birthday cake, ice
cream, cookies and coffee were en
joyed by all. Mrs. Flndley asslstedf
the hostess in serving, gtvlng her'
rooms for the occasion.
Entertain Guests
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Booth and
?Jiss Wanda Austin of Portland were
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Minor Booth over the week-end. Sat
urday evening Mr. and Mrs. Booth
entertained for them with Five Hun
dred. They left over the highway j
Sunday for Portland. The invitation
list included: Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Hanlon, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Greene,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Booth, Mr. and
J.'rs. C. A. Fritzsche, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Entler, Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A.
Philpott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R.
FHnn, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hostet-
Your Attention is
while we inform you that Betty Compson will make her first ap
pearance In "Prisoners of Love" at the Casino Theatre tomorrow.
Miss Compson was elevated to stardom as the result of her won
derful portrayal of the role of the girl in George Loane Tucker's
"Miracle Man" and is personally producing her own pictures for
distribution by Goldwyn. "Prisoners of Love" is a
entertainment. On the first day that it is shown at the Casino,
drive to the theatre, and after
in a safe place, you can enjoy one of the most delightful photo
plays over produced. After you have seen Betty Compson you
will want to pay
to this wonderful girl, who repeats t'e triumph she achieved in
the "Miracle Man." The picture is loaded, with
and you will be willing to drive
to see It. Don't forget
At the
"Nothing But The Truth
Friday and Saturday, May 13-14
The Senior Class wish to express the;r appreciation of the services render
dered by Docherty & Barnet and the Casino Picture Show. Special thanks
to J. C. Penney and Miss Collier.
STORE AFTER WEDNESDAY NOON. Get your tickets early. Curtain 8:15
)ler, Miss Myrtle Turner and Miss!
oierina ttmmericn.
Dance at Celilo Tonight
If you want to take a nice evening'
drive and have a good time, come up
to the dance at Celilo tonight.
Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01. tf
400 Women's, Children's Hats
Some less than cost. Hair switches.
Black's Millinery, 115 East Second
street. IS
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf
Free .Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractio phyBlclam,
Third and Washington, main 601. if
Typing and Stenography
done at reasonable rates. Rosina A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Real
dence phon red 2332.' tf
! Historical Society. .
, will be guests of the Sorosis club on
j Tuesday afternoon at 11 o'clock. 14
Notice Laboring Men
The Federal union will be formed
Monday, May 16. If you have made
application or wish to join come. Meet
ing at 8 o'clock. Schanno hall. 16
Knights of Pythias
Regular meeting Monday,
May 16. Work in page rank.
By order of
C. H. BAGGOTT, C. C. 15
Christian Church
Business meeting. All members of
the Christian church requested to be
present Sunday morning for the pur
pose of calling a minister. 14
By Umtea Preas
.TULSA, Okla., May 14. Four per
sons will he tried for the death of
Judge John Devereaux, former mem
ber of the state supreme court, who
died Wednesday night from an over
dose of drugs and a blood clot on tho
brain, county authorities said today.
Goldle Gordon, a pretty artist's model,
Mrs. Jessie James and A P. 'Dixon,
an oil man, are now under arrest. Mur
der charges have been filed against
the woman.
The fourth person is merely named
'as a "mysterious stranger."
A Monarch Malleable Range
will satisfy a woman's wishes from
all angles. It Is beautiful and durable;
easy to operate. A Monarch will ac
tually pay for itself in a short time by
the saving of fuel. Maier & Schanno.
Brown's Dufur Stage, Time Table
Two round trips dally. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf
Men's tennis shoes, $1.25. Maier &
Bettlngen company. 17
Last Times Tonight
Plunging onward through
the treacherous Southern
seas, the schooner Deborah;
commanded by the hardest
man who ever trod a deck,
is suddenly caught in the
grip of a wild, tropical hur
ricane. Like super-men the crew
fight tp keep the ship
afloat and win. But there
comes another, and greater
storm this time a clash of
human emotions, father
pitted against son with a
girl as the prize. The ruth
less braveiy and sacrifice
of the victory that befalls
will engrave itself forever
on your memory.
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