PAGE EIGHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921. WOMEN POWERFUL ' IN NEW POLITICS BOOST SEX EQUALITY, DISARMA MENT, PUBLIC SANITATION, MATERNITY BOUNTY. most of the available coal in Great Britain is "black leg." The govern tnent Is expected to insist that enough of it be delivered to keep public util ltles and vital industries in operation A clash over this question might easily precipitate a "triple alliance strike in sympathy with the miners the long predicted industrial war. By William Allen White (Written for the United News.) (Copyright 1921, by United News ) CLIO VIOL AX I), .May 1.'!. The most significant thing about American poli tics Is the activity of a new group of women composing two or three organ izations. The National Women Voter's lea gue, the- Consumers league, and the Women's party hold 'rather different views, but they represent women of the same social caste and Intellectual class, and they are, together, making genuine progress in American politics. These women are brand new ele ments in American political life. The woman who has appeared in politics in other dajs has been more or less typified by tho W. C. T. U the wom en from the church. The women used to fight the saloon with prayer meet ings, who had no particular social standing In their home towns, the women who .wore crusaders and who didn't care whothor or not their pet ticoats showed or their hats were on straight. They have given way to an especially smart woman, well tailored, good looking, and most Intelligent. This new typo of woman is iu the head of thirteen women's movements In America. It is a different and more dangerous crowd thiwi the group of the last decade and the twentieth centurv, but its danger threatens only chose who fear change. This new group is tho business group, and it Is tremen dously effective and extremely lib oral. No group of middle class men is so radical as aro these women. They have small Interest in parties but are excited over issues. They want certain rather definite things and they don't care how Ihoy get these Milngs, whether" by trading In legislators, vot ing in primaries or persuading execu tives and forcing parties. ; 1:1 Thoy desire equality before tho law; nminl mm nl In noli t. nP n, !.., t.i ' pendent rights of cltizonshln no nmt- i Iluild that grain bin and hen house now that lumber Is at the right price Do it before harvest. Hodln Lumber company, box 2G, Waplnltia, ore. 1!) Do You Enjoy A Good Laugh? If you do, don't miss the senloi play. A good laugh Is good for the health. Tho senior play Is full of laughs. Friday and Saturday nights at the high school auditorium. 1 GOETHALS MAY BE INVITED TO RECONSTRUCT FRANCE By Hudson Hawley (United News .Stuff Correspondent) PARIS, May 13 France wants Gen oral George W. Goethals to come to this country to make a survey of her devastated regions and to create a plan tor their reconstruction. Louis Loucheur, minister of recon struction, revealed this fact Wednes day when ho met the foreign corres pondents to discuss the reparations and reconstruction situation. General Goethals, Loucheur declar ed, has been approached through the French ambassador at Washington and hope is held out that he will ac cept the task. r ties In the state, are In The Dalles nt tending the meeting, which Is expect ' ed to last over until tomorrow. and October 22, 1918, He died In dick of Kansas City; George C. Jew Billings, Mont. eti, of Spokane, head of the North- In March, 1919, she became th. west Grain Growers' association; Hec bride of Harlan C. Lewis, bt Bill- tor MacPherson, head of the bureau ings, Mont. He died, after Insuring ot marketing of the Oregon Agrlcul his life, in July of the same 'year, tural college; C. A. Spence, grand mas August 1, 1920, she married Ed- ter ot the granges of Oregon, and ward F. Meyer of Rocatello, Idaho. Ge0rge A. Mansfield, president of the He took out an insurance pollc.v state farm bureau. $10,000 and in September, 192o, O'l , Qram growfera,f,.om Umatllla) sher. In a hosplta here. maQ MorroW( onlRin WnBC0 and ino auempt to collect Meyer s in- other lesser wheat nrniliiclnE- rnnfl. UllK'innn . n r. -t . .1 f I" I , 1 O ouiciiii,u VYua llictUU, UlllUt'iS BH1U. Mrs. I.foyer loft here so.on after her husband's death and was t rled Paul Vincent Southard. In Los , , ",UB k-u.. u- Angeles she was presiding over, the 18 r""" J C Calk, salad counter at a popular cafeteria. I f - W. H RaBsdale, will Powell. V. Authorities declare that the girl, J1' 01"u"' "'mr oayia' uarro1 &ayis' naturally attractive, had no dlff). "'. J. culty in winning succor- i;ib "' lloul' "urry Ke"n. bands. She lived with tbem m ... 1 1 ayne' Fred Cox' U v- Moole' and nnrnnf l,nnnn i, i vwureiicB nwumeua, ministered carefully to their wants until they became ill. Then, it is charged, she would place arsenic in their food or medicine. Death would! follow and, it is charged, physicians tnat the senator ma' be embarking on would attribute it to natural causes.' hls expedition as an unofficial repre- Tho bodies of all five of Mrs. sentat lve of this government. He will, Southard's alleged victims have 1 however, be accorded all necessary een exhumed and examined, accord- credentials and if he desires, certain ing to the county prosecutor and restrictions now Imposed upon A men- evidence of arsenic poisoning found leans going into Russia will be waiv- a year ago are now in service. He mltted to leave the Minneapolis said they were found to be useless.1 field in poor shape for flying. He Eversole was discharged from the said it was common for the men service Wednesday. Recently he, to bet four to one that tne snips jumped from a plane 3,000 feet in the air and landed in a parachute. He said at the time the machine was in poor condition. He was called to Washington to explain why he jumped. Another witness, Paul G. nickel, formerly in charge of the rigging at the flying field, In Minneapolis, tes tified that mall planes had been per- would never reach their destinations. Various other witnesses told stor ies of "booze parties", and midnight orgies at the Checkerboard field. At the conclusion of testimony, chief inspector Charles H. Clarahan announced that the scope of the in quiry would be so enlarged that the committee's report will not be com pleted before June 1. HARDING SENDS (Continued From Pa bo l.V MEETING NOTICES Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Monday, May 10. Work in page rank, iiy order of C. II. RAGGOTT, C. C. 15 v: .:,Y.J I American Legion Special meeting Dalles Post, tonight, 8 p. m, County court room. Elec tion of officers. Ry or der of THOMPSON COBDRTH, Commander in every case Mrs. Southard will bo brought to trial" hero. Extradition miners mi'- re being arranged at Boise, the state capitol. Pastry Sale. Ladies of tho Chenowith Grange will hold a pastry sale at Parlor Grocery, Saturday, May 14. 13 CONSOLIDATION WITH (Continued From Page 1.) iflcatlon. This morning's vote, how evor is indicative that no trouble will be encountered in ratifying the offi cial resolution, it is said. The following national and state ex ecutives are in attendance at today's meoting: W. F. Schilling, head of tho l milk producers' association of Minne apolis, Minn.; J. A. Howard, of Chi cago, president of tho American Fed eration of Farm Bureaus; U. L. Birr ed. Because of his friendly attitude to ward Russia it is believed he will be given opportunities by Lenine and Trotsky to study tho Russian situa tion and no fear is held for his safety. Dance at Celilo Saturday Night Take the old road to Millers bridge then come back three miles on the new Columbia highway. DRUNKENNESS CAUSE (Continued From Page 1.) not more than three of the twemy five De Haviland .planes purchased SATURDAY SPECIAL SWIFT HAM 35c Pound SWIFT BREAKFAST BACON 35c Pound Edw. C. Pease Co. Christian Church Business meoting. All members of i tho Christian church requested to bn ' ter what nations (Imlr ImimIuhwIu ' I'oont Sunday morninir for tho nnr- clalm. Thoy demand sex equality in poso "f ca,1InB a minister. 14 ' i.iarrlago, in age. of consent laws In j p properly rights. J Tll executive board of the Wasco They are dole: mined to have city Cmmt-V Sllliy school will meet Fri playgrounds, public sanitation and liv- llily' 'Mi,y at 1,10 'UllHtIst church to gieno and frankly taught in p-iblic ' a"'anK '"l0 coiml' convention pro schools. Thoy waul federal aid to !-' 8rammo cal Imsnlfnl.'; Hint ' 'al'V. .v,v,wi 1II.IL.JJ IIII.V cases,' wllh what amounts to a boun ty for motherhood, and 'luring thi past six months or so, thpj-v groups have been greatly stirred to demand disarmament. rin.... uuuiKu npicKermnn, secre- Is Seventh Day Adventlr.t Services at the Seventh Day Adven- ir cnurcn. f,t)0 .East Fourteen! U j siiQut aro hold regularly as follows, j Congress Is sure to ,av,, desper- rn,""m" 80' a :. preaching ato time with these women. They arc'"1 11 "' m' iuui Yom,S Peoplo's meu' after the b;;tiui;.i,, ;,..;o .mi wn'h ., at ;! !' '" Saturday. Preaching Ihoir hearts. The inunit.w. niakere cSuniliiy n,hl at ":30. Prayer and may well prepare to dUippi-ar with m,riR,om"'' uu'oting Wednesday even the brewers and tho mounn bull.leis il 7:,!0' Tno l,lll)llc ls invited to for theso women will got eoiiL-i iK. I iUU,,ul 111080 "lootings. Elder P. V. men t 11011 who aro supposed to b innume ,M'lvluC0 l'usior. Personal uddrass, o Inriuonee. in tho middle wesr this!'1"0 I0"sl ''""''"''ooulh street. " niuiiig. siaio inootlngH of Ihew worn-' en In one group or another 1110 being I Farmers, Attention! held and no matter what (he groin! Cl;lnl' meeting, farmers' sentiment for disarmament u 11,!. i 'odnesday, May 18, at 10 a strongest sontlnumt that porslsis They aro making plans 10 g, alter thulr senators and congressmen, not on such highly moral issim ,n v v, C. T. U. UMOd; not by Fending t.Mi., ' nor by holding meetings, hut ny urit ing rather dotormlnod, Intelligent lot. ' (ors, and demanding votes unon tho ' bills. The letters do affect enngiessmen 'and women know It. And ihe.n women havo taken the forethought to enlist many prominent citizens whose sig natures to the letter will count. They "iu not ilghllng tariff. They don't rare for high (axes or low. Theso women "in thinking in terms of women's problems and are getting into politic, not through parties, but through com pact, efficient minority groups that "io well tinitiiced, Intelligently mining, od, and most effective. Theso women's programs aro most lorwaru--moving. They are tho only NOW PLAYING THE CASINO THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY union, m at ...inseno local. County court will bo prosent to explain tho $$00,000 road bond issue and State Secretary P. A. Slices will llltm nllnml Oil..,.. important business. l)'o not forget ' Seas tne SChoonei Deborah, the date. Plunging onward through the treacherous Southern p. 7-9-1 M:M6-w18-19 H. HILLGEN, Secretary. ALLEGED FEMALE (ConllnuoiJ Vroni l'at;o 1.) commanded by the hardest man who ever trod a deck, is suddenly caught in the1 grip of a wild, tropical hur-: ricane. ' Like super-men the crew at a boarding house 1 t'in-Uf fr 1j-i 4- U n u i and her husband worn 1 t-.j i x living. The specific charge against i auoa WI1U UL hor. is that or murdering icdward conies ahotliei', and greater P. -Meyer, her fourth husband, In'StOrm this time a clash of . Twin Falls, Idaho, September 7,hu;iian emotions, father i:'-e. fiom Wednesday where she Women's Summer Underwear The kind and weights you need right now in good fitting Underwear. All styles to choose from at popular low prices. H.osl,lon today to the constructive v , " , "" '?,,nlno n,UU who is contro, or , , 'mi s the career that tho prose- tlo. if the husbands of ' . atton,oy s tlreani of the m.,i 1.., ...mi it would prove Lydla Trueblood- 'an co o he 80 r ! 8,Bn'n' '"K'.vMoGaffoy.Meyei.Sou.hard had ennco or iheso piograms, thoro will bo followed pSlblrlr,,!a!U!,,y,,Ul!i ,hut Wl" S1,( 19 t m Hono. to r r L U.?'l,k'H,'U o late ( iiM pend'ng extnulitlon on charges ... 4 v.uiiu'ii now She arrived here January 13 : pitted against SOU with a lM Mo' I girl as the prize. The ruth- Vi less bravery and sacrifice ictlvo of the victory that befalls daughter of a prosperous farnior to , will eilgl'ave itself f Ol'evei TWIN FALLS, I.duho, May l'rom the role of tho attractive BRITISH RAIL (ContliuirJ Prom Pogii 1.) mi iuuctn oeuig niioii from tho ranks of tho thousands of unemployed. The notion of employers led to the declaration of an Independent rail strike In Glasgow, effective tonight. 8imllar Actios was expected ut Not t tlagham, of murdering four husbands and ono brolher-ln-luw. This, nccordlng to local authorities, Is Mrs. Southard's alleged record: In 1913 she married Robert C. Dooloy of Twin Palls, He and his brother, Edward, took out u joint Insurance policy. Doth became 111 In 1915. First the brother-in-law died and then the husband. in 191 she married Wllllan; Mc Gaffey of Twin Palls, In 1917 he 3 no union minors wot kins, tool: out a ff.OCO Uuumnco pollc;-, on your memory. (xmsm ADAPTED PROM THK WXtAOUr STOKY "BLACK PAWL! BY N AMI WILLIAM" VPKRVlaO AND DIRKCTED DV REGINALD mm COLDWYN JTUBJOr WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Bodice or V neck or round neck styles in summer gauze Union Suits at 39c, 50c, 59c, 75c, 89c, 98c OUT SIZE UNION SUITS 50c, 65c, 79c, 98c, $1.25 . , EXTRA SIZE UNION SUITS In sizes 46, 48 and 50, for extra large women. Splendid, value at $1.00 WOMEN'S SUMMER GAUZE VESTS Splendid values and all sizes at 12 y2c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c, 39c, 50c WOMEN'S OUT SIZE SUMMER VESTS 19c, 25c, 39c, 59c, 75c WOMEN'S KNIT SUMMER PANTS 50c and 59c WOMEN'S KNIT BLOOMERS 48c, 79c, $1.00 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR of all kinds at lowest prices. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Most women prefer them to the ordinary knit garments. They are really the ideal hot weather under garments. Before buying your summer underwear 'ask to see EIFEL MAID STYLES in tailored athlete underwear. All sizes 34 to 44. NAINSOOK tTNION SUITS In Flesh or White. $1.19 Novelty Stripe UNION SUITS In White only. $1.59 Silk Princess UNION SUITS Flesh Pink only. $3.00 SEE THESE LOVELY NEW Wirthmor Blouses $1.00 Made up of lovely Voiles, Organdy and fine Lawns. Attractively styjed and trimmed. They are the greatest values you ever saw. WIRTHMOR BLOUSES are featured exclusively in The Dalles at this store only. . Edw. C. Pease Co.