r THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921. PAGE SEVEN WAMIC NEWS WAMIC, May 10. Vernon Norvel made a .trip to The Dalles Monday, bringing his mother, Mrs. Willie Nor el, home. She has spent the last two weeks in town at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Fraley. State organizer, Mrs. E. R. Andrews of Oregon City, assisted by Mrs. H. M. Ford, of The Dalles, formed a Women's Christian Temperance Union in the church here Monday night. Of ficers elected 'are: Mrs. Emma Chas tain, president; Mrs. Adelia Driver, vice-president; Mrs. Alta Sillier, sec retary, and Mrs! Nellie Maglll, treas urer. Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Ford were guests over night of Mrs. D. A. Campbell. They left'Tuesday morning -for The Dalles, Arbie Magill taking them to Shearar's bridge. Dr. J. iL. Elwood of Maupln attend ed Miss Ora Duncan Tuesday. She was thrown from a horse and injur ed. J. M. Patison was here Friday from The Dalles making a short visit at the A. M. Patison and I. D. Driver homes. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Norvel and two children, Hilda and Clare, and Mr. Norvel's mother, Mrs. Willle Nor vel were Dalles viaitors Saturday. Mrs. Willie Norvel remained over night. 4 Clifford, the twin son of Mr. and Mrs. (Richard Palmateer, became very seriously ill Friday night at the home of iMr. and Mrs. Howard Black erby. Dr. J. L. Elwood was called from 'Maupin and pronounced his case pneumonia In its worst form. Miss Katherine Marker accompan ied Miss Addle Duncan from Prine Tille last -week and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dun can. The Ladies' Social club met at the church Saturday afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of the Tice-president, Mrs. Neva Driver, where the members of the club will engage in quilting a club or friend ship quilt. Vard Norvel and Belvle Patison went to Maupin Saturday night to at tend the dance given others. Mrs. Joe Wing accompanied Ur. Wing, who drives stage, to Shearar's bridge Saturday. Mrs. Emma Rown of The Dalles visited Thursday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McMurry. Lewis Gilson was a visitor here "from Tygh Friday. i Prof. J. R. Ward made a trip to Dryad, Wash., a week ago Saturday returning Tuesday. He visited his sis ter, and also went to Kelso to see his mother. D. A. Campbell brought a load of coal from The Dalles Tuesday for the Crofoot blacksmith shop. A party consisting of Mr. and 'Mrs D. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Percy ' Driver, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock and daughter, Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Miller and son. Val. and the writer enjoyed an outing yesterday afternoon on Rock creek. Frank Maglll and Mart New spent yesterday on White river at the Ken nedy crossing. Ellis Doughton and Grey Mott of Juniper flat were here yesterday af ternoon. A number of people were rishlng In the Deschutes river in the vicinity of Shearar's bridge Sunday. Thev came from Dufur, Maupin, and Juni per Flat. A local party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson and daughter Hazel, H. E. Driver, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Si McCorkle and Miss Katherine Clemmlns enjoyed the out ing. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Short were among the anglers from Dufur. Hugh Woods, George Burlingame and son of Tygh, -were Sunday visitors to Wamlc. Clarence Alexander and family ot Maupin visited Wamic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and daughter. Irene of Maupin visited at the G. A. Harvey and Richard Ger rlty homes Sunday. John Zumwalt, an old time resident of this place, arrived Friday from Portland. He is visiting relatives and friends. H. F. Woodcock of Maupin went to The Dalles Saturday for a brief visit. J. E. Kennedy made a trip to Tho Dalles Friday", Mrs. Kennedy and Mis? Lucile Kennedy accompanied hin home, remaining until Sunday. Mrs. M. Kennedy went to The Dalles with them for a brief visit. Arble Magill and Miss Alda Norvel went to Tho Dalles Sunday. Mrs. Wll. lie Norvel accompanied them on their return. Road Supervisor P. B. Driver with a force of men was working the road In the Driver and Booth neighborhood last week. - J. R. Woodcock and his daughter, Mrs. Tom Driver, visited at Smock Sunday. ..Glen Lucas, Miss Alma Driver, Miss ciaiice Zumwalt, Miss Fay New wtd Irnia Munler were Tygh visitors Sun day afternoon. A number of persons attended the circus Wednesday at Maupin. Among 'them wore: Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc Corkle, Miss Katherine Clemens, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Crofoot and two small children, Clifford Palmateer Willie and Miss Leona Willard and Miss Eva Mott. Willie Willard, who was working at the Phillip Mott farm on Juniper flat, came over a week ago Saturday. Miss Eva Mott uccom panied him and remained over night a guest of Miss Leona Willard. Much improvement was made on the cross street through town last week, tho work being done by the elderly men of the town. Clarence 'Farger and Miss Ida Dun can of Maupin were Sunday visitors here. Miss Addle Duncan and her guest, 'Miss Katherine Marker, en- route to Prinevllle, accompanied them on their return. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eubanks and son, Vivian, returned yesterday from Junl per Flat where they have been with their son, Floyd, during the plowing season. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Miller and son, Val, made a trip to their farm on Ju nlper Flat Sunday. Milk Users, Attention The public is no doubt unaware of the fact that when they purchase a bot tie of milk or cream at some store and make a deposit for the bottle, that this does not make them the owner of the bottle. This is merely a, guarantee that the bottle will be returned to the mer chant. . Any person or persons using any milk or cream bottle with any other firm or persons name, other than their own name blown in the glass is committing a misdemeanor and is subject to prosecution under sections 87-81, .etc., of the state laws of Ore gon. On and after the 20th day of May, 1921, we, the undersigned herebv serve notice that anyone found using bottles other than their own will be prosecuted under the above-mentioned law. CITY DAIRY. CHENOWITH COVE DAIRY TOM KLINDT, L. C. FALMER, JOHtN RE. NORMAN CREAM CO. 13 FASHIONABLE APARTMENTS ARE DIVORCE BREEDERS By United Kew CHICAGO, May 13. Fashionable venues housing pretentious apart ment houses furnish the courts with most of its divorce cases, Judge Jesse Baldwin of the circuit court has found at the conclusion of 11 years of listen, ing to marital woes. "I have noticed that the fashion able and near-fashionable districts furnish most of the divorces," ho said. "Lack of home environment in ornate but cramped apartments, in one room apartments in hotels; and in rooming houses cause many family failures. Congestion leads to irritation and irritation, like the mole hill, he comes mountainous In marital contentions." Taxi Mayfield's Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tt Carpentering and building. C. II. Merryman, telephone red 5741. M30 WHO IS KING OF SWAT, BABE RUTH OR KELLY? By Westbrook Pogler (United News Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, May 11,-iNew York is having more fun than a matinee girl, with giggles, over certain prodigies performed on eastern baseball arenas by two young athletes named Ruth and Kelly. The question before tho bleachers is whether Mr. Kelly with seven homers Is as priceless a hitter as Babe Ruth with his record of 54 for last season and his total of eight this year. As a drawing card, Ruth is well es tablished and far superior to Kelly. But Kelly with his seven homers has scored 15 runs and Ruth with eight has Bcored but a dozen. In other words when there were men upon the bags and runs were most needed, Ruth has either been victimized by the Inten tional pass or twitted by the pitchers or held to puny performances. So far this year he has not delivered a hom er with the bases full or two on and Just four with one man on base. Kelly hit a homer with basea lull off Filllnglm of the Braves on April 30, and one off Meadows of tho Phillies on April 16, which scored two men. Altogether ho has driven in eight men ahead of him by. homers and a good many others with opportune singles and doubles, Although "Kelly hammered left handed pitchers Impartially last Her. son, getting six from right banders and five from southpaws, he has not been getting the long drives from tho' wrong side hurlers this year. One homer off Mitchell of the Dodgers is all. Tho others were all made off n right hander. Ruth proved last year and Is proving again this season that It makes no difference to his bat which side the pitching arm works from. This year he has made five on, lefties and three on right banders. Kelly is still playing for the Giants and not for Kelly exclusively which makes him a little more valuable to the club than Ruth is to the Yanks for Ruth is pretty well satisfied with his own judgment and not very re sponsive to team management. ' The Babe needed 19 games to get olght homers and Kelly has only play ed 17. He may even It up In his eigh teenth game. The contest Is very close. There Is much excitement at the Polo grounds In uie dairy lunches and on the fire escape landings in the cool of the evening. Classified Advertisements 1 FOR RENT Classified advertising 1 cent per woro each Insertion. It Inserted 6 times or more, 3-4 cent a word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR RENT Front sleeping room, 615 ' Ejst Fourth street. 19 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms , 508 Washington; plenty of hot water. 14 FOR RENT Sleeping room, 506 East Fourth. 13 FOR -RENT Two sleeping rooms in private home. Conveniences, 322 West Sixth street. 16 FOR RENT Six-room modern hoiiFe, down town. Furniture for hr.le. Ap ply 403 East Fourth street. 14 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also sleeping rooms. 520 . East Third street. Telephone black 3201. 16 FOR RENT Two room new house, good garden planted. Seventeenth and Mt. Hood streets. Call at Venz Bauer's Real Estate office for key. 17 FOR SALE FOR SALE Milch cow. Reasonable. Inquire 725 Fair street or telephone red 4032. 18 FOR SALE 'Dry eak wee; els oast. $11.50. Seco grewth, I12.M. Deliv ered. Call 3Fite, after if. . tf FOR SALE Dining room set, bed room set, kitchen cabinet and lawn mower. All new. 410 West Fourth street. 16 FOR SALE Business lot, 60x120, heart of city. Must raise cash. Communicate with owner. Tele phone black 4661. 13 FOR SALE Few stands Of bees. Place orders promptly so they can be filled before honey flow. Call main 3711. 18 FOR SALE New Russell 27-lnch sep arator, wind-stacker, feeder and bagger, 150-foot belt. Termc. Inquire Wasco County bank. 17 FOR SALE Five room plastered house, sleeping porch, nicely lo cated. $1400. Terms If desired. Venz Bauer, main 1571. 17 FOR SALE Small house, lot 50x100, water on lot and good garden. $350. Terms If necessary. See R. H. Fish, Sixteenth and Bridge streets. 14 FOR SALE My household furniture at bargain prices. Inquire Alvln L. Bucklin, 412 West Seventh street. 14 FOR SALE Charge and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terns. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore, 18tf. FOR SALE Bargain If taken at once, new two- room house, lot 50x100, good garden. $100 down, $25 a month. Apply W. E. Glllett, Seven teenth and Mt. Hood. 13 FOR SALE 2i acres on Chenowlth paved road. Two-room house with basement. Price $1,900. Terms. Co lumbia Realty & Loan company, 308 Washington street. 16 1912 PACKARD LIMOUSINE Loft with us for sale or trade. This car Is priced right for quick sale, must bo seen to be appreciat ed. WIALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 14 FOR SALE Wasco county whcit ranch 240 acres, complete with stock, equipment and buildings. Will take Dalles property up to $7,000 in partial exchange, or small ranch, close Jn. Address box 714, city IS FOR SALE Two acres in the city limits, set out to fruit; five-room house, barn and chicken house. Ex cellent location for persons desiring a city home which will yield an in come. We have good values in res idential properties, from $1300 to $6500, also lots from $150 to $800. Dalles Realty company, black 5691. 13 WANTED WANTED Position ae cook In gener al house In town, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Address James T. K 311 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 LOST OH FOUND LOST Fountain pen, between Court , street school and 300 West Ninth street. Return to Chronicle office. Reward. 14 LOST New bill folder, containing identification card, John Dickson, iEuphrata, Wash. Return to Chron icle office. (Reward. 16 LOST Between The Dalles and Big Eddy Saturday evening, dark blue silk dress embroidered in black and gold. Finder call at Chronicle of , fice with dress for $15 reward. 13 -' MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Molina, 07 Union street. J5 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture an piano moving. Freight hanlea aad general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. 11 ti HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Beothey, 398 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TUNED nad repaired, ac tios regulating and refintshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store, 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf White Track Line Freight and expnebs between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and nil wav olnts Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m ally except Sunday. Leave Moro. 1:3 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone lack 164? or main 471. rf FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. VENZ BAUER General real estate, Insurance, nno loans. 1001 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 2Htf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment Smpross Theatre Pianist. SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 206 Court Street Dr. T. DeLARHUE Q Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 17-1 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 1 1 Successful Men One indication that a man is success ful is ability to spend wisely and save systematically. One dollar started in a savings account here will prove an important milestone in your life. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon mhi W9ai'i,vi.vstasaaa WOOD ARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Werk. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charg. All Work Ouaranteed, Telephone Main t4e1 or Call at Gates Block GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhill on the MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mile paved road connects Maryhill and Goldendale FERRY RATES $1.25 per car and passengers one way. $2.00 for round trip, 10-day limit. Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room is Now Open M. S. Elliott, Mgr. "tHPI Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse L MsW A Eye Specialist fMl iTi J fj kTlsM We are equipped to give your HHHCdffirSHHH eyes tho very bost of care. Eyes HSBVUUf3HVH tested. Glasses ground. gHHf!rnnHH Second and Washington Streets I""JM""I The Dalles Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. CR AND ALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 187 Woman Attendant Telephones Mrs. M. J. Willerton Day Red 351 Telephone Red 1781 Night Red 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Motor Equipment Cut Flowers Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DR. AY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF