THE DALLE DAILY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1821. PAGfe FIVE NEWS NOTES Speeder Fined William J. Gale this morning contributed $5 to the city treasury-, at the solicitation of Motor cycle Patrolman Tom Crofton. Gale was arrested by Crofton und charged with piloting his automobile on Ninth street at a faster rate than the law al lows. May Paint Steeple A contract for painting the steeple of the Catholic church, will probably be secured by E. J. Eckton, steeplejack, in The Dalles for several days practicing "high calling." Eckton has already painted several flag poles standing in various parts of the city. He painted the pole on the Williams' store yesterday. To Act As Judge A. E. Gronewald, county school superintendent, will leave tomorrow for Redmond, where he will act as judge of a tri-county track meet, between high school teams from Deschutes,. Crook and Jefferson counties. He will also judge declamatory and oratorical contests between the various schools represented at the meet. Why People Go Wrong A series of sermons on "Why People Go Wrong," , will be delivered by Rev. G. K. Hart man at the United Brethren' church .; each Sunday evening for the next three Sundays. The subject for next Sunday evening is "Yihy Men Go Wrong." Sunday, May 22, Mr. Hart-, man will preach upon "Why Boys Go Wrong," and Sunday, May 29, on "Why Girls Go Wrong." Final School Examinations Final eighth grade examinations are today being given in nearly all county grade schools, according to A. E. Gronewald, county school superin tendent. The completed examination papers will be corrected by an exam ining board of four teachers, in the county school superintendent's of fice. It is expected that all of the papers will have been corrected and sent back to the pupils by May 26. Securing Payroll Data For the pur pose o'f having available information concerning the monthly payroll in The Dalles, for use by companies and in dividuals desiring information about the city, The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce has asked a'l business houses, manufacturing plants and employers of labor, to turn in such statistics' to the chamber office as soon as possible. Many inquiries are received each month concerning the amount of business transacted in The Dalles, the persons writing gen erally also asking how much the monthly payroll totals. ' New Bus Line Planned Regular au tomobile bus line service between Hood River and The Dalles is to begin Monday, May 1G, with two trips daily each way between the cities. At Hood River, the busses will connect with those running to Portland. Cars will leave Hotel Dalles at 8 a. m. and 2:45 p. m. and they will leave Hood River for The Dalles at 12:40 and 6 p. m. The route over Seven Mile hill will probably be followed for a while until the highway is in good condition The line will be maintained by the Fashion stables, Hood River. Punished For Drunkenness John MoMulIen held lone communion with the "spirits" yesterday, securing a very "exalted" feeling as a result. The spirits were material, however, having been purchased at a local drur; storo in a bottle labeled "denatured alcohol." With about half of the bot tle consumed, McMullen became pos sessed of a feeling of moral uplift, and a desire to lick a policeman. Pa trolman Densmorr objected to this procedure, however, lodging the "spir itualist" in the city jail, after a slight set-to. MoMullen paid a fine of $5 In the police court this morning. Preparing Community Booklet' A list of 101 different things which The Dalles has, embodying all of the industries, schools, amusement places, naturaL resources, scenery and transportation facilities, has been prepared by The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce. Th list will be sent to persons Inquiring for literature about The Dalles. Chamber Secretary Van Scholck will leave for White River tomor row, where he will take photographs of the power plant and points of in terest along the river, the pictures to be reproduced in The Dalles Wasco county booklet which will be issued so'on by the chamber. Lincoln's Story In Films On Sun day evening, May 15. in the Congrega tlonal church a program of moving pictures consisting of four reels will he shown. It will be a continuation of "The Son of Democracy." One subject will be "My Father." Abe's ability to read saved Tom Lincoln, his father, from losing his farm. The chapter is full of action and humorous Incidents. The other subject, "Down the River," describes Mississippi in the olden days when infested by bands of slave stealers. While floating down the rlv er Lincoln becomes the central fig ure. The antics and pranks of Rastu, a little black urchin, furnishes much fun for this picturesque romance of the Mississippi. Athletic Committee Planning A meeting of the newly organized Com munity athletic committee was held at the public library last evening. Robert Murray, chairman, presiding. By unanimous, vote it was determin ed to organize an indoor-outdoor twilight base ball league, and to take steps at once to provide facil ities for volley ball activities. At the present time the Community Service has nut One Volley ball net and ball. It is planned to provide opportunities for both volley ball and indoor-outdoor baseball activ ities on the Third street lot . air joining the First National bank build ing, and this playfield will be ready for baseball, volley ball, quoit pitch ing and hand ball early next week. Government Gets Cigarette Thief Special Agent Malson , represent ing the railroad police of the O. W. R. & N., arrived in The Dalles last night for the purpose of taking Cecil Wishart, In jail here, to Port land to face a federal charge. Wis hart was arrested lest Tuesday by Sheriff Chrisman, charged with breaking into a freight car enroute from Portland to Walla Walla and stealing 22,000 cigarettes. He threw the cigarettes from the freight car east of The Dalles, and then Jumped off himself. He then hid the major portion of the cigarettes in a cache in the underbrush. The cigarettes were recovered. Wishart, who Is still in his 'teens, will probably be charg ed of grand larceny in the Portland federal court. ' Will Be Tried in California A dep uty sheriff from San Jose, Santa Clara county, Cal will arrive in The Dalles tomorrow, armed with extradi tion papers, to take Charles Geary, in jail here, hack to California for trial upon a charge of automobile theft, ac- 1 cording to a telegram received by Chief of 'Police Frank Heater today. Arrested last Saturday by Patrolman McClaskey, nominally upon -a charge of having incorrect license plates up on the car which he was driving, the police found upon getting into tele graphic communication with San Jose officials that Geary is badly wanted in the California city, Geary could be held in The Dalles upon a charge of using stolen license plates, according to D. L. Cates, city recorder. The max imum penalty under this law Is a fine of ?400, however, while the California law upon an automobile theft charge is considerably more severe. Geary is also wanted in Portland upon a boot legging charge, it is understood. St. Paul's Guild will hold a cooked food sale at Docherty & Barnett's store, Saturday, May 14. 13 Pastry Sale Cakes of quality, cannot be excelled in taste, touch or texture. Corson's window Saturday. Christian Church Endeavor. . 13 Make Up a Party and drive up to the dance at Celllo Saturday night. Good time guaranteed. Nothing But The Truth Can you tell nothing hut the 'truth for 24 hours? Come and see how they do it in the high school senior class pluy, Friday and Saturday nights. 13 Card of Thanks Wo desire to sincerely thank our many friends for the kindness ex tended during the illness and death of our beloved father and for the many floral offerings. MR. AND 'MRS. C. W. TURNER, 'MR. AND MRS. ROLLEN SANDOZ, EDWARD SANDOZ, ISABELLE SANDOZ. 13 SEARCH FOR MISSING NAVAL TUG ABANDONED By United Press SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 13. Search for the missing naval tug Conestoga, lost with 30 officers and men. was I today abandoned by the navy depart ' ment, it was announced by Admiral Welles. For 10 days destroyers and seaplanes have patrolled unfrequented lanes of the Pacific ocean, in hope of finding some trace of the missing ver. sell, which was enroute from San Dlego to Honolulu. The Conestoga had Just arrived from the Atlantic coast. It Is now 3u I days overdue in 'Honolulu. Virtually j all men from the Atlantic coaBt be lieve that the ship has gone down.' 00 LATE TO JJLASS1FY LOST Kit of Dodge tools, between Thompson's addition and Washing ton street. Return Xo Ttople's Market. Reward. 1 PERSONALS S. T. Bennett of Tygh Valley Is stay ing at the. Bank hotel. iMiss Nellie A. Emery of Philomath is visiting with friends in The 'Dalles. Mrs, S. W: 'McMellin of Wasco is shipping in this city today. H. A. McGlnnls of LaGrande Is reg istered at Hotel Dalles. H. A. McGlnnls of LaGrande is, a guest at Hotel Dalles. A. D. Davenport of Goldendale " is a business visitor In this city. C. A. Kincaid of Antelope is visiting in The. Dalles today. IB. Y. Davidson of Hood River is registered at Hotel Dalles. France Confer of Maupin was in the city today on business. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Boule of Dufur were In the city yesterday. Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Brooks were In the city yesterday. R. S. Macnab of Wasco was shop lng In the city yesterday. Sir. and Mrs. Grant Led ford of Wanilc are In the city on business. Roy Batty of Waplnltla Is a busi ness visitor in the city today. Job Crabtree of Maupin is in the city on business. Mrs. Wilbur Hendrix of Dufur is In the city today. F. A. Sikes of Corvallls Is a busi ness visitor in The Dalles today. Mrs. Adah Losh Rose of Portland is In this'city today assisting in prep arations for the pagenat. Harold Cates returned today from San Dlego, Cal., where he spent the winter. Mrs. Carroll Patterson returned yesterday after spending several -flays visiting with relatives in 'Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Frazler of Dufur were shopping in the city to day. S. A. Dock3tadfer and Ernest Cram- ! er ment to Badger lake today on a fishing trip. C. J. Corson and George Corson went to Goldendale yesterday on business. Mrs. M. Sigman and Mrs. T. B. Slusher of Dufur were shopping In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Smith of Wasco are business visitors in The Dalles today. Hugh J. Bell of Pendleton is In this city today attending to business mat ters. Mrs. J. A. Conant and Mrs. Alice Wilcox, both of Redmond, are visiting in The Dalles today. K. W. Sinclair, Hood River abstract and real estate dealer, is a business visitor in The Dalles today. J. R. Woodcock and son, Thomas Woodcock of Wamic, were In the city today on business. ,Mrs. A. Sharp and daughters, Lena, I Laura and Margaret, of Pacific Grove, ! Cal., are visiting with friends in this city today. William Norval of Wamlc is greet ing friends on the streets again j after undergoing an operation at the local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wiley of Grass Valley wore in the city yesterday to attend the farmers' union meet ing. Mrs. V. C. Brooks, who has been visiting " in Bend, was in the city yesterday enroute to her home at Harrlsburg, Wash. F. L. Ballard, assistant state lead er of county agents, Is visiting In The Dalles with County Agent E. R. Jack man. ' Mrs. Betty A. Booth returned to her home 'in Metolius Tuesday after spend, ing two weeks in the city as the guest ortftj Uraud tttotbti c ommon Sense Real economy in clothes is a matter of quality. If you get correct style, good fit and worthy tailoring, you are assured of long service and long service means econ omy. That's simple enough common sense. You get all this in Kuppenheimer GOOD CLOTHES They are an investment in many ways because the quality is there. New styles now ready; smart. patterns; fabrics of en during quality. $45-$50 Special window exhibit see it today. Exclusive Agents Manhattan Shirts Exclusive Agents Knox Hats of her son, J. B. Brown, 40S Clay FRIDAY, THE THIRTEENTH street. I IS HOTTEST DAY OF YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomas left yes terday for Portland, where they will spend the week end visitng with friends. Misa Gertrude Hooper left today for her home in Chicago, after spending two weeks In The Dalles visiting with her sister. C. F. Spauldlng, clerk in the local government land office, expects to leave 30on for Visalla, Cal., to which city he has been transferred. Mrs. Spauldlng will nccompany her hus band on the trip. Pastry Sale Cakes of quality, cannot be excelled In taste, touch or texture. Corson's window Saturday. Christian Church Endeavor. 13 Black Friday seemed intent for a while today of stirring up a "hot time" in the old town of The Dalles. Starting as noon as the dew had dried, the mercury steadily climbed in the recording thermometer at the chamber of commerce until it had reached the high mark of 81 degrees. This Is the highest mark recorded this year, making Friday, tho 13th, dreaded throughout tho ages as n day of bad luck and ill omen, a "record breaker." The hottest pre vious day this year was May 11, when the mercury rested on the 75 degree mark at mid-day. Asido from a few wilted collars and a general rush on the soda par lors, no serious damage is report ed as resulting from heat. EMPRESS The Superfeature House SATURDAY CECILS. lH(lfe41 I The most lavishly llf iffPSL beautiful drama of M ' MMMM married life ever 0f v With a Brilliant Cast including Agnes Ayres Theodore Roberts Kathlyn Williams Also Hank Man in "Hands Up" TONIGHT In 30 shivers, 10 screeches and GO up roaring laughs It is guaranleed to smash the blues. W O w Also Mutt and Jeff "Gum Shoe Work" a Qaramomt COMING "BLACK BEAUTY"