V. PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921. Newlfork Letter 'Lucy Jeanne Price New York development) of a feminist nge. In a shop in the market district girls have taken the place of men be hind the counters. "Much better than men," Bays the owner of the place. "They don't waste as much meat and keep their chop blocks cleaner. I don't see anything radical about it. I lived on a farm when 1 wus a boy and mother could do this work a good deal I better than any of these girls." of May flowers. Summer sees the same sort of entertainments flourish ing as does any other time of year, 'just as good and almost as many. That is one reason why Manhattan Island. Is coming to be accepted as one of the Bummer resorts of the western hemisphere. Poor Frederick O'Briefi! He made Tahiti and the South Seas famous with his "White Shadows" and now uNBW YORK, May 9. Edward Ho-' we're going to have a guest member- comes wonl t0 New York ,hat he chie Hardy, 12-year-old prodigy of ship for men. Otherwise women who ml,fn. n hnri. (hpr(1 nmi hp.R Columbia University, Is the happiest invite men here will have to sign the ready on the way The shipper of a there didn't for the nicture some rougn treatment no got a tew , en, am mere musi ue some son m O'Brien drew of him and has been days ago. Young Hardy defied the ; check-paying membership for men." awarded by a court at Papeete 10i000 sophomore rule against freshmen -francs dumage against the author. wearing neckties that were not either There must be something particular- ' O'Rrlen's friends horp arc Irvlnn- tn My annoying about having one's own reach him, on board his yacht, warn- property used in attacks upon one. A jng him. to avoid the place he made renting company tried the other dav so romantic to his readers. fto get possession of 200 pieces of por uoiumoia university, is ino nappiesi 1 invite men nuiu win wive m ai,u ic ready on tjje way e boy in the freshman class. All because j dinner checks and later on pay them. tradIng scnooner down ho is still sore in every muscle from ' Wo limit active membership to worn- care at aunot at aj1( fo black or green. A class riot was the result, In which the sophomores tri umphed over the first year boys 'o the extent of kidnaping the prodigy and hearing him away for discipline. He was blindfolded, thrown into a A New York girl travelling along the coast of South America pretty well topped traffic down there for awhile; all because of her dog. Sani tary officials af Montevideo insisted that the dog must be killed because of quarantine restrictions due to a jfest in Brazil where the steamer had stop ped at Rio Janeiro. The officers, how ever, reckoned without the girl Mis Muriel Cornielle. She refused to al low the dog to be killed and put up such a good fight, including the draw ing In of various consuls of various countries that she won. The dog is still alive and still accompanying her trip. If there remains In any mind man's celain valued at $2000 to satisfy a judgment against Mrs. Claudia winu- or woman's a doubt recardlne the tavl. and locked up in a safe deposit r HOr Tartoue, who is suing and being world-wide Influence of the house vault over night! Oh, all the thrills sued by her husband, Pierre Tartoue. J wlfe, in her one role as a housewife, dear to a freshman's heart wore his! fo'r divorce. "My wile never owned that doubt would have fled in de'fent And his happy grin hasn't faded those porcelain sets. They were mine," from the meeting held the other day since! He's now "one of the boys." said Mr. Tartoue. "What do you mean, of the New York City Federation of And he was afraid he never would bo. -they were'?" asked the deputy. "Ah ' Women's clubs. For instance, one uiif? youin nnti me piiniiciiy given nis they are no more," sighed the artist, resolution whic was sent in for their remarxaDie mental achievement iv wif Khe breaks them over mv ,.i,i..h,., ,. . ,i , ' - iiigiuciuuuil iiuu lu uu JJl lliiai Willi head." J the buying of food, but ultimately with . the distribution of the world's news 'One of the most wonderful people throughout the country. Of course in all New York; to me, is Agnes Staf- everyone has been hearing for several ford. When she was five years old, years about the serious shortage of she was stricken .blind and has been newsprint and the difficulties of the completely so ever since. And what newspaper to be going because of do you suppose she does? She weaves! that shortage. But the housewife had Ponntlfnl niittprnn In fhe most ex- not thought of It. ns helnir hor fnnH qumiie uuiui would bo too much to live down, he felt despairingly. "S'all right," he de clared, In un-prodigy-Hke English. "I'm strong for this rough stuff." i Ten hours a day Isn't a minute too much to work if one is hale and henrty and lOfi years old. So says , James Murray, gatekeeper at Trinity , the Job, and has rather got in the i hnblt of it, so it has never occurred to him to give it us or to ask to bo retired for age. "Bite-bars" are the latest. They are Just quick-lunch counters, but be cause so many of them are transform ed bars, 'New York has given them the more roinlnipcent name. New York I likes the sound of the new name bettor. combinations. Never, that such a condition existed. Accord- picks the wrong colors for her weav-! ing to the communication received ings which she shades from the most by the club women, however, she has delicate of pastel tints to the deep- 'considerable responsibility In the mat est. She thinks that she may remem- ter. Only 22 percent of all the paper ber the primary colors from infancy ' used in this country, It was pointed and constructs her "mind-sight" of out, is used by the newspapers. Of the countless hues from that mem- the re3t at tremendous amount goes ory; but she Isn't even certain of that. Into boxboard for cartons and all She Just "feels" them, and if anyone , sorts of containers in which food Is ever suggests a combination that isn't good, she knows it. Last year, the Metropolitan Museum of Art adjudg- sold. The deduction is that because we demand our foods in expensive, dressed-up packages, we have should- ed two specimens of her weaving the ered off the map, the country's sup best submitted in a large textile ex-'ply of paper for the press, hibition in their respective classes. She was the only blind exhibitor. Scene shifting by menns of light Instead of husky shoulders is soon to be the fashion, in at least three New York theaters. Nicholas do Llpsky, Russian artist, has taken the long- known fact that liKht of certain col-1 Baltic, Olympic and Adriatic they , or will wipe out certain other colors, ! were christened; and no 6no broke lyn. Ruth slipped on the fire escape,; . . ... I i ' fnll fin ffwf in tho stnrm nnvement. Ann linn niiniinri if w in rnmiiririi iiin rn. 21 uuLLiti ui uvuii iie.u ciuiiiiuiiKiiu uvci uv - - - ' A disheveled teddy bear is occupy I Ing place of honor now in the home of five-year-old Ruth Bader, of Brook; suits. Two designs are painted on the' same canvas, each in colors which may bo eliminated by light of the them. "They" means three babies landed on tne teuuy near and wancea born on the liner Adriatic which ar-, away unhurt. rived the other day from Cherbourg. other colors. Both dosigns arc vis-' They aro the children of three steer-1 "Two 'Little Girls in Blue," a new Iblo undor ordinary while or mixed light and appear us a confused mass of lines nnd color. Undor the prop er colored light, however, the colors of ono become Invisible and those of the othor take on new shades and up ponr vividly. Madamo Pavlowa dime od, in consequence, the other even ing, in a room of a palace and then In I ho garden outside without over a scene being shifted; Just an Iistnntti. noons change of lights. The idea has been snapped up by Hugo Klosenfold of Iho lllvoll, Klalto and Criterion thValers and will bo developed there by do Llpsky in all Its possibilities. It's difficult to got over the lil-a of lotting men hear the burden t ex pense, Isn't it? Women havo been rather swanky about iho fact that they could take men Into their wom en's clubs for lunch and the men couldn't pity for It. Club rules i!"dn' allow anyone but members to Mgn the cheeks. Hut apparently It w.ts tho novelty of it that appealed to iho new. ly emancipated sex, Kor iho new Woman's Nutlnnal club to be envied hero shortly has taken definite steps to overcome that situation whereby "tho woman pays." "Kxeluslveness Is all very well," they explained, "but ago couples; and Captain iHambloton, Eiianger musical comedy 13 one ot being appealed to for help in naming tho productions just opened for thej them, did his loyal duty to his line summer season. It is staged by Ned of steamers. fWayburn, nnd is ono more piece of 'evidence that no longer does tho Now. Tho femnlo butcher Is the latest York "season" end with the coming Coming to Empress i BLACK BEAUTY Everyone enjoys a horse race. Tho yitelltgent animals in Vitagraph's nig s;iecinl production, "Black lknuity," stage a race that makes the blood tingle and puts every nerve on edge. It arouses all the sportsmanship in the huiiMii belns and holds him in rapt attention. Tho picture Is a series or big Incidents which furnish a number of spectacular scenes. COMING COMING COMING SENIOR PLAY "Nothing But The Truth'' Friday and Saturday, May 13-14 IT IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER STAGED IN THIS HIGH SCHOOL DON'T MISS IT A LAUGH IN EVERY SENTENCE! The Senior Class wish to express the'r appreciation of the services render deretl by Docherty & Barnot and the Casino Picture Show. Special thanks to J. C. Penney and Miss Collier. RESERVED SEAT TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE at DONNELL'S DRUG STORE AFTER WEDNESDAY NOON. Get your tickets early. Curtain 8:15 1 Anyone who travels on a 2 a. m. "train from anywhere to anywhere is ' accustomed to early morning music. ' Jazz bands going home from a dance never seem too tired to tune up a bit and every once in a while a bar bershop quartet gets aboard. But this was different from the music usually heard at. such times. It was on the 2:39 Into the city from one of Man hattan's suburbs; and an earnest look ing youth boarded the train. Careful ly selecting a seat, he drew forth a paper-backed book, entitled, "Forty lessons for bass or baritone voice." Apparently unmindful of his fellow passengers he opened at the first les son and in a perfectly clear voice ran through four exercises before his sta tion was reached. MiBses' and children's brown lace; play oxfords. Edw. C. Pease companv. 18 v CANSUELO VANDERBILT GIVEN FINAL DIVORCE DECREE By United rreaa LONDON, May 13. The Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Consuelo Van derbllt of New York, today obtained a final decree of divorce. She charged the duke with desertion and infidelity. 400 Women's, Children Hat Some less than cost. Hair switches. Black's Millinery, 116 East Second street. IS NOUGAT All the Kinds You Ever Heard of and a few more, at the 27th Saturday Sale Of the PHETTEPLACE STORES . Sale Price 40 CENTS A POUND Freshly made today for the Sale Tomorrow Saturday, May 14 PHETTEPLACE STORES Second and Court 1008 Union Men Who Work SAVE MONEY HERE! U THE LARGEST CHAIN-IJEPMTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD THE J. C. PENNEY CO'S. 31S Retail Stores serve thousands of working men with Quality work clothing at LOWEST PRICES. ' Our buyers know exactly what Is required of these garments and they are made -for us according to our specifications, which means built up to a standard not down to a price. Buying in large quantities for cash makes it possible for us to buy for tess money. Eliminating Mid dlemen's profits selling direct to you over our counters asking and expecting only a fair profit makes it possible for us to sell for less money. You can buy your work cloth ing at a J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE with full nnd com plete confidence that you are getting the utmost In SERVICE AT LOWEST PRICES Big Roomy Overalls T LOWEST PRICES Union made, best T quality Blue Denim fl Bib Overalls. All W standard makes. J. Per Pair $1.19 U KHAKI PANTS qualities in various T weights of khaki. All sizes. $1.49 to $2.49 Pair LOWEST PRICES. On Men's Jumpers Standard quality, best grade of Blue Denim. Cut large . and roomy. Each $1.19 Outfit the boys with Overalls that stand the knocks. All sizes 3 to 16 years. Good heavy Denim with bib. x 89c and 98c Pair HERE IS WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY ON WORK SHIRTS " r ti -ii l trr i ni '..i. i ... . iiueii s rmie iiamoray worn onins gooa quality. Each 59c (ivien s extra good, aouoie pocKet unambray Work Shirts. Cut extral large. Each 70J Men's extra heavy, triple stitched Khaki Shirts, double pocket each 98c iMcn's D!r.ck Beauty Satin Shirts, all sizes ' &qc 5 L 1UYING HWl'lini. most mmb WE I ft H! r I institution - guiaiL cItcorpon.tcct 312 DEPARTMENT STORES I ME LARGEST CHAIN UtTAKlMim STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS