r PAGE SIX THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. .WILL ALLOW CHAMP TO SHOW SYSTEM ENGLAND CONDEMNS CARPENTIER'S MANAGER DE CLARES EARLY STRATEGY WILL WIN BELT. (Continued From Page sions" to the rebels if order is re stored. The Polish "irregulars" in action are for the most part war veterans well armed, well organized and al ready in control of a greater part of the disputed territory. Austen Churchill, speaking in the Dy United Press i house of commons Wednesday, ad- OAKLAND, Cal., May 12 Willie ' milled the strength of the Polish Median, California heavyweight, who forces, and declared that the move holds a decision over Jack Dempsey: ment constituted a deliberate at "Dompsoy is the greatest in-fight- tempt to frustrate the operation of j or over developed among the heav- io Vorsailles treaty and added that ics. I fought him five times and the event would in no way influence should know. I saw the Frenchman the entente to depart-from "a just fight Lovinsky. He hasn't a thins execution of the document, although that Dempsey should fear. Dempsey a difficult and delicate situation has will break Carpenller in half be- been created. i lie admitted that "practical pro posals" wore under consideration. The British generally regard the Korfanty coup as an established TONY D'ANDREA VICTIM - OF AS8ASSIN8' BULLETS By United Press CHICAGO, May 12 Tony D'An drea died today, as "a. result of 13 shots, pumped Into his body by gun men In ambush. Twenty-five persons have been arrested In connection with the murder. Shotgun suTiads patrolled the "Bloody Nlnteenth" ward today to prevent further outbreaks ' in the feud which resulted in the shooting yesterday of Tony D'Andrea, "Lit tle Italy" chieftain. foundthat she - had. .married Paul Southard, a petty officer on the U. S. S. Chicago of the Pacific fleet. Southard was transferred to Hono- (lulu December 26. Mrs. Southard following three days later. The chief of police of Honolulu was cabl ed last night to . arrest her and re' plied that the woman was already in custody. Dr. S. Burke Masaey, dentist, First National bank, roams 307-308. Tele phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday Main C0G1 Bennett Taxi Main 01. tf SOLONS BEGIN (Continued From Page 1.) fore he has gone two rounds. By Francois Descamps (Written for United Press,) LA GUBItOHE, Prance (By Ma'l) and," repuahttlng the French at- Carpentler will let Dempsey nika tltude, consider the Germans as In the lead during the early stages or ""cent victims of unwarranted ag the fight on July 2. gresslon. Ho will try to feel out the cham plon during the first round, dtawlng: St. Paul's Guild him out to uncover as many of his J will hold a cooked food sale at boxing tricks as possible. He will Dochorty & 'Barnett's store, Saturday, flirlit ji nnrnlv defensive battle Until MaV 14. 1;J ho gets a line on Dempsuy's style. Between rounds we will decide upon our own plan of attack in meet 'no champion's game: We have never seen Dempsey fight but wo have a fail' idea of his methods .from the pictures of his contest Willi Jess Willard ana Bill Bronnan. Of course, wc know that Hie pictures .vro not bos. moans of drawing conclusions. We have heanl a lot thai t:u' champion was off L.rm in his li.iut with Hrcnnnn an I have ta'uvji uuifl of our suggestions of his uty.e from his fight against V, lll.ird. We figure that he Is a rushing ag gressive fighter and that is, just what we want. Wo know that Car pentler lias enough endurance and Hklll to hold off tho champion for n few rounds and within that time ctlon of freight rates on perish wo feel sure that Carponlioi can aml vegetables from tho learn what to do to beat him. Demp. ,,,l,!,t,c coast ,0(lay brightened with nov didn't train properly for Il.cn- Uu Btiilomcnl of II. M. Adams, vice nan and made a bad showing Per- l'lsedent of the Union Pacific sys-, haps It was a Hltlo bit of strategy to". "u, railroads fully ap carried out to make us think that precluto the situation." ho was through. But If that was tho Adums testified before Henry J. purpose it failed. Fml- lopresontatlve of the inter- 4 Dempsey will train for this fight. B,wl commerce commission, admitt v.o know, and he'll bo in bettor con- llmt lie country could not pros (mjon per under advanced ratc3. He said, If ho Is not, ho surolv will lose however, that the roads are even tho championship. UtrA '"lb,u t() 11,001 "pomtlng costs. II labor Is reduced, the roads will ' voluntarily adjust the rates, he said. Nothing But The Truth Can you tell nothing but the truth for 24 hours? Come and see how they do It In the high school senior class play, Friday and Saturday nights. 13 HOPE FOR RATE CUT IS BRIGHTER UNION PACIFIC EXECUTIVE SAYS RATES WILL LOWER WHEN WAGES ARE CUT. liy United lress YAKIMA, May 12 Hopes for re other bonded warehouses shall have been reduced to a quantity that in the opinion of the prohibition commission er will, with liquor that may there after be manufactured, be sufficient to supply the current need thereafter for all non-beverage purposes." Greater restrictions on the use of al cohol in the making of patent medi cines. . ''' Extension of the law to the Virgin islands and Hawaii. COMPANY CLOAKED (Continued From Page 1.) ZBYSZKO'S CROWN STILL RESTING FIRMLY liy United Proas COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 12 Stan islaus ZbyszUo's newly won heavy weight wrestling crown was still In place today. The Pole twisted championship Cnrpcnloiiiig and building. C. 11. Morryman, telephone rod 5741. M.10 Aluminum Percolators make appropriate wedding gifts. Get one dining our special sale. Stadel-man-Bonn Hardware company. 12 closed its true nature, according tr federal officials. The men wanted in addition to Sullivan, are James Collins, James Hennessy and John Friedman. PROSPERITY (Continued From Pae 1.) his friends insulted. He then struck her in the face, knocking her down upon a pile of rocks and bruising and blackening her face and body. "And tho said defendant has not stayed at home since that time." 'During their married life together, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin accumulated property to the value of $10,000, all of which tho wife helped to earn, the complaint goes on. Mrs. Conklin asks half of the property, $75 a month .ali mony and suit costs! There are no children. L MEETING NOTICES Pythian sisters Regular meeting at K. of P. Thursday, May 12, S p. m. hall, 12 Christian Church Business meeting, All members of tho Christian church requested to be prosenl Sunday morning for the pur pose of calling a minister. 14 aspirations of Cihiito Kntsonaris out LIBRARY IS LOVELY 1 of shape with a loo tioo'l ill two falls BOWER OF FLOWERS hero last night. The llrst came arier' FROM CHILDREN'S HANDS 55 minutes and". tho second in 1'! minutes. A ttlo i,Uottn in the Ptiblk I Library tabulates somo of the many SCHAEFER LEADS BELGIAN ; services given the library recently. IN BILLIARD TOURNEY u h labelled "Library Service Bui lelln" and running down the list liy Unit.-u Pni j l)t- "Bood deeds" and reading tie- SAN FUANCISOO, Cal., May 12 twcon hi, lines tho observer sees With Jake Kchncfer far In iho load;! ,.,, wm aml flitoruHt in the library hopes were considerably dampened on tho mu.t of yom,B uml (0,rt today for Kdouanl Moronisms, llel-j Tlu, llbnu.y ,, ,.. glan bllllnidlsl, who is playng a ,,. ..... ,,lf,s ,lf ..,.,..1,,,, ,,.. four-block match with Scha-for here. wlltl ,owois which have called rorth Tho first block was won by Schaor-1 many oxlVBBiH , ,ipBlit and or yesterday a.flernoon. 100 to 41), 1 .l,imuolllilllloil ,,., m,nu.v ,mtwlB and in the second block .last niuluw,(l flowers that aiv not so com JJchuefor made tho scoro stand SOU 1 111()Illv Ht)(. ,,,. ll8 niiiluiiis. adder Tho executive board of tho Wasco County Sunday school will meet Fri day, May 13, at t lie Baptist church to arrange tho county convention pro gramme. George Spickernmn, secre tary. Is to 32S. Schaofer ran out last nignt in five Innings, although Horomau's had the high run of ISO, v AROUND COAST BASES Hy United I'ivhh SAN KUANOISOO, May Vi Tho Seals had another field day yotordu the coast leaguo leaders winning from Salt Lake. 11 to 7. Thirteen Seal hits ' wore responsible. j Sacramento treated Los Angeles still more cruelly. Kleven to two wut tho score by which the Solons won. Sacramento nutdo five of Its runs In tongue, whortled rlco root iind cam mas, have been brought in by chil dren and older people who Have found them oh tides or hikes. One boy" and hl.i sister kept one large Jar of blue Iris supplied for a week by bringing in a few' fresh blossoms every few days. One small boy came In and divided flowers that had been given to him, leaving the larger half for the library. There Is a record of a book saved I from a watery end by having been rescued by a boy who had seen It thrown from thu window of a burn ing house. He turned it in to the Attention, American Leoion Members of The Dalles post No. 19. The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion, to whom has been assigned the Lewis and Clarke group in (he hisiorlcal pageant, to bo pre sented May i!7, asks tho Legion for 30 men for tho various groups. All Legion members who will volunteer for this work are nsked to leave thoir names with Iho undorsignod. RICKARD INSURES SELF FOR CHAMPIONSHIP GO Hy United New 'XKYV YORK, May 1. -If Jack Demp sol or Georges Carpentler breaks a leg between now rnd July i', Tex Rick ard should worry. Tho promoter of' the million dollar prize fight has In sured himself against Injuries to tho i-oii and will collect ?100.000 if either hi disabled before the fight. This would just about get Rlekard "off the nut" for the o.vprndituro on the stadium and for incidental oxpensos of promotion. WOMAN FACES the sixth Inning and l.os Angeles librarian saying "I brought In tie- never had a chance Portland shook Itself a bit and beat Vernon, 5 to 1!. Tho Beavers seemed to have the number of Slim Love, Tiger pitcher. They hit safely ten times. Seattle pulled lis game with Oak. land out of the fire In the fifth Inning when, with Oakland three runs ahead, tho Ralnleis drove four men across the plate, Thu final score was Seat tle 8, Oakland C, THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue it tht EMPRESS Thursday cause 1 dliTu't like to see it getting kicked around an water soaked," Sumo other gilts that have been much appreciated are some copies of several recent books, as tzioy help la supply the present demand and save some of tho library's book fund for other purchases, The donor said "1 have read them and I might a great deal bettor give them over to tho library than have them stand on my book shelves." There's a Difference If you've been u "ready made" man :i ib past, ho a "inado to order man" a the future. Firat clasa hand tailor- j d aulta to meaaare, fM.M aad a W. ( Webber, one Block eaat of poat office. ttf (Continued From Pnsro I ) had been exhumed and nrsenre found In their systems. The trail led to Los Angeles, where tt was Coming: to Empress During the fruit season save your best linens, use Japanese Lunch Cloths Attractive Designs Al Quality Buy Your Summer Supply Now. 72x72 inch size ....$2.75 54x54 inch size $1.75 45x45 inch size $1.25 SCARFS, 16x54 69c NAPKINS, set of 6 for 50c Black Taffeta Silks Our superior assortments enable you to find the weight and quality you desire. Some of the season's most stylish frocks are shown in Black Taffetas. See our excellent assortment At $1.69, $1.89, $2.39, $2.69 and'$2.75 Yd. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK SILKS Full 36 in. wide. Per yard $2.75. FOR SPORTS JACKETS Beautiful Imported yard wide COSTUME VELVETS Blacks, Navys, Browns and Plum. $3.95 PER YD. BEAUTIFUL GINGHAM PLAIDS For Dresses and Aprons 32 inch fine quality Dress Ginghams, extra good qualities end patterns to choose from at 29c and 35c Per Yard 27 Inch Fancy Dress Ging hams in wonderful colorings and designs. 19c and 25c. Good Looking PLAID SKIRTINGS 39 inch Worsted plaids in Black and White, Grey and Blue and Brown and Tan combinations. Also fancy checks. $1.39 YD. FANCY DRESS VOILES At 39c Yd. Extra wide and splendid quality, dainty designs for Summer Dresses. The best wash good values in town. ROYAL SOCIETY CROCHET COTTONS 15c Ball Always best finish and. boil-proof colors. The most satisfactory of all Crochet Cottons. Eld w. C. P Co. Twentieth Anniversary Next Friday and Saturday . Just twenty years ago, the lusty infant was born that today supplies you, and millions of other smokers, with their favorite "smokes," and to celebrate the occasion, we( will give all day on next Friday and Saturday TWELVE UNITED CERTIFICATES with each dollar's worth purchased at our Cigar Department. This is six times the number given out ordinarily. These Certificates are equal to 12 per cent discount, which means that each dollars worth of cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, candies, gums, pipes, and everything in the line of smokers' supyics will be sold for S8c, for example. CIGAR SPECIAL ORLANDO Anniversary Regularly 2 for 25c. These two days only BOX OF 25 $2.50. .20. Less 12 $2.24 net. Humbert's Cigar Store 1 A