PAGE FOUR THE DALLE8 DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE Ratohllahori 1)100 Th& Dalloa. OtH Published Kvery Evening Except Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing company Ine Ben R. Utlln .General Manager Entered In The Dalles posteffice as tccond class matter. United Press "Und United News Service Member of Audit Uureau or uircuiaiioBs nAII V CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance js.ot Six months. In advance. $3.00 One month nAII V CHRONICLE BY MAIL One year, In advanre J5.00 Six months, In advance IZ.6J One month - 0 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advance -$2.00 In nntnrlnir hnneo of address. BUb crlber should always give old as well as now addross. TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms- Bfcck 111 Rod 111 Business. Adv., Clr. Depts.. auhnnrttiM-.q to thn Chronicle are guar antecd service. Prompt and rcgulnr de livery of every subscriber's paper Is the aim of thu circulation dopartraeat. The Chronicle curriers are requhrud to pul the papers on the porch or wherever th ubscrlbur wishes '.he paper delivered. SCAMPERING MICE If this story hns a moral, it is, don't fall ill of smallpox or diphtheria in The Dalles. Hero is n graphic talo told good na turodly by a recent patient of tho iso lation ward up hack of the 'Historical society building on tho bluff south of the city: "One word describes tho place, mice, lots of mice, little mice and big mice, nil scampering playfully, nil so hungry that they'd eat anythir.c. When I went there, I saw that they ' were hungry. Food had been sent up for me. But the authorities had reck oned without tho mice. The little rod ents got a good part of the food sup plies beforo my arrival. "In the night time when I doeed off, they'd come out and caress my ears tenderly. Scamper, scamper sounded the music of their scurrying feet. Tho nights woro long so perhaps tho hour ly exercise of knocking, them off tho coverlet helped to kill time. I wish however, that I could have killed a few mice. But then a sick man can'! be expocted to do a great doal. "Tho second night I was there. I he mico changed their attack. They want ed to nibble at my pink toes.' I ha! to unroll tho bed almost continuously to guard my pedal extremities. "Coupled with thn invasion of mice, tho water on tho outside of tho Iiouhp, tho toilet on tho outsldo nnd the gen eral unsanitnry condition of tho place added to my intorcst." Tho city has tried to secure another isolation ward. Money was voted for tho purchase of a house across tho tracks from tho Libby, McNeill & Lib by cannery. The house- contained 12 rooms and would have been Ideal for a city hospital whore contagious disease patients could have been treated. But at the last moment, tho owner of tho building backed out of his bargain. Now the city has no post house, other than' tho one which a recent p-.i-tient so glowingly described. Tho city h alert to secure some other isolation ward. The mayor and tho council and tho city health officer I fully realize tint tho present shack Is j no fit place for a well person, to say ' nothing of an 111 one. In tho meantime ono will 1n well not to contract smallpox or diphtheria MOST CONTEMPTIBLE We nominate for tho meanest, most c;utemptiblu person in tho world, tho fellow who takes his grudge against panuits out upon tlu'lr Innocent children. Oh, yes, Ihis species f Insect inhabits tho' turth, along wJU thu crawling fuzxy worms and ill.' miliaria carrying mosqul toes. Children ;iru not responsible for what their parents do, lmluoil be canso ono differs with grown men ' and women, should bo no cause for venting spite a gal nut them. Every one Is entitled to his or hvr opln Ion. Everyone has built up his or her viewpoint out at his or her own oxpprlo'.icrs. If you nro mentally tie--rulopod at all, you'll have charity jor'tho other fellow. Hack of every wrong net of the other fellow la a Icy jig chain of circumstances which o. plains why ho did tlie wroni? thing ut Uo wrong time. Perhaps the m I take which tho other fellow made developed hU nature to a state j where he will not commit the breach of conduct again. But even if the parents or parent should come in for censure, their or his children, should not. They are little lives In themselves. Each poss esses a spearate soul, a bit of God. Why then 'should you make an Innocent child suffer for a wrong, real or fancied, in the committing t which the cniiu naa absolutely no part. How foolish it Is. Little children are like tender flowers. They cannot' be cruelly or spitefully dealt, with unless they are broken a bit by the rough usage, any more than a flower can with stand the crunching of a strong shoe without being bruised nnd broken In its dainty petals. Wo nominate for the meanest, most contemptible person in the world, the fellow who takes hisl grudge against parents out upon their Innocent children. Of course he's safe in doing this, tho coward, because little children don't fight hack, can't fight back. Usually they don't comprehend what it's all about. But the fellow who strikes at pa rents through tender children is so much lower than a crawling fuzzy worm or a malaria carrying mos quito that it would take him two million years of steady climbing to attain the level of tho commonly considered lower forms of life, LOOKING BACKWARD (From Tho Chronicle, May 12, 1896.) A marriage license was issued in tho clerk's office yesterday to William Kennedy and Fanny A. Ordway. A very pleasant birthday surprise party was given Miss Grace Glenn and 'Misses Effio and Vesta Bolton Inst evening. With games, music, and lunch the young folks onjoyed them selves thoroughly until a Into hour. Those present other than tho hostess es were: Grace Hobson, Male Bar nett, Lena Thompson, Jennie Young, Maude Gilbert, Maude Kuhn, Martha Schooling, Lena Licbe, Hattle Cram, Sibyl Cushing, Edie Fisher. 'Edna Van flDuyn, Jtiko McCowan, Will Mickel back, Chris. Schwabe, Archie Barnett, Charles Schmidt, John Fritz, Georgo Wolgol, Clarence Gilbert, Roy Grimes. Charles Campbell, Victor Sampson, Alfred Barzee, Leo Newman. iMr.s. Newman loft this morning for llanford, Cal. Airs. A. Henderson of this' city went to White Salmon this morning on a visit. .Mrs. John Wood, wife of tho butch er .went to Santa Hnsu, Cal., today on a visit to relatives. Taxi Mdyfleld! Velophono main 5021. axl 27tt THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday COMING SATURDAY CECIL B. DeMJLLES juxDuorxor IXDRBIDDEN FRUIT 22 Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Classified advertising 1 cent per woro each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or more, 3-4 cent a word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the offhfb. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms , 508 Washington; plenty of hot water. 14 TOR RENT Sleeping room, 506 East Fourth. 13 FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms -In private home. Conveniences, 322 West Sixth street. 18 FOR RENT Five room house, fur nisheH. Telephone red 2801. Inquire 804 East Third after 6:30 p. m. 12 FOR RENT Six-room modern house, down town. Furniture for sale. Ap ply 403 East Fourth street. 14 FOR RENT Six room house. Prac tically new furniture for sale. 410 West Fourth. 12 FoXTwiNT FurnTsIied housekeeping rooms. Also sleeping rooms. 520 East Third street! Telephone black 3201. 1G FOR RENT Two very desirable sleeping rooms, bath and telephone. Black 1402420 West Second street 12 FOR RENT Pasture, lots of fine pas- hire for h or see and cattle at $2.00 per head. J. W. Perdue, on old Sarri John's place, Mill creek. 12 FOR RENT Two room new house, good garden planted. Seventeenth and Mt. Hood streets. Call at Vens Bauer's Real Estate office for key. 17 FOR SALE FOR SAL-E Milch cow. Reasonable. Inquire 725 Fair street or telephone red 4032. 18 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak. 111.50. Scccmd growt. 12.6. Deliv ered. Call 80F28, after . m. tf FOR SAL.E Cheap, card writer's air brush outfit, tank, gauge, outfit . complete, F. W. "Woolley. 12 FOR SALE Holstein and Jersey cow, gives six gallons per day. A. B. Fine, telephone 17F11. 12wl9 FOR SALE Business lot,, 50x120, heart of city. Must raise cash. Communicato with owner. Tele phone black 4661. 13 FOR SALE: Few stands of bees. Place orders promptly so they can be . filled before honey flow. . Call main 3711. 18 FOR SALE New Russell 27-Inch sep arator, wind-stacker, feeder and bagger, 150-foot belt. Terms. Inquire Wnsco County bank. 17 FOR SALE Five room plnsterod house, sleeping porch, nlcoly , lo cated. $1400. Terms If desired. Veni Bauer, main 1571. 17 FOR .SALE Ford sedan In good con dttlon, equipped with starter. Terms if necessary. Telephone main 661, between 7 n. m. nnd 6 p. m. 12 FOR SALE Small house, lot 50x100, water on lot nnd good gardon. $350. Terms if necessary. See R. II. Fish, Sixteenth and Bridge stroots. 14 FOR SALE My household furniture at bargain prlcos. Inqulro Alvin L. Bucklln, 412 West Seventh streot. 14 FOR SALE Whl to Ivory bedroom suito, Thompson plnno, nnd other furnlturo, and Ovorland model 90, painted and overhauled. Inquire at 1009 Jackson street. IV FOR SALE Flvp-room modern houso and ono lot, on Calhoun streot, some fruit and good garden soil. Trice f'500. Columbia Realty & Loan I company, 30S Washington streot. 12 I F?nrisAiJEIjwnniir small Varm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. V. C. Ilannu. llufur, Oro. IStf. , FOR S.VLE-Rargn!n If taken at once. now two room house, lot 50x100, good garden. $100 down, $25 n month. Apply W, E. Glllott, Seven toonth ami Mt. Hood. IS h. Dr. T. Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays 17-1 Voot Blfc Over Crosby's WOODAKD & TA ySC'HER . Contracting: Bricklayers'. and Plasterers All kind of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Etlmtea furntahtd fret of efcarf. Ail Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main M1 V Call at Gates Block 1912 PACKARD LIMOUSINE Left with us for sale or trade. This car Is priced right for quick sale, must be seen to be appreciat ed. WTALTH ER-WILLI AM S CO. 14 FOR SALE Wasco county wheat ranch 240 acres, complete with stock, equipment and buildings. Will take 'Dalles property up to $7,000 In partial exchange, or small ranch close in. Address "box 714, city. IS FOR s'AlJETwoacreV in the "city limits, set out to fruit; five-room house, barn and chicken house. Ex cellent location for persons desiring a city homa which will yield an in come. We have good values in res' identlal properties, from $1300 to $6600, also lots from $150 to $800 Dalles Realty company, black 6691, 13 FOR S ALEOacesTwO peTacre 25 acres in wheat, 15 acres more just cleared, about 500 cords of wood, steady market for wood, load ing track just off place; house, barn garage, biaclcpmlth shop, 2 young marcs, 2 colts, wagons, harness, farm machinery, stump pullers, saw rigs, all kinds of tools almost ev erything new, including buildings. All goes. $1500 down. Address A. H. Yeck, Friend, Ore., box K42. 12wl9 WANTED LA. WANTED 'Position as cook in gener al house in town, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Address James T.' K.. 311 Perklna Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Moline, 607 Union street. J5 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture ami piano moving. Freight hauled aid general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. K, Ileuale. lltf HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Bootbby, 38 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TCNED JtuQ repaired, ac tio regulating and reflnlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor .sob Music store, 320 East Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf Whit Truck Lime Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. ,m, daily except Sunday. Lecrve Moio. 1:30 p. ra. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. if FORD Specialist Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. VENZ BAUER General real estate, Insurance, nnd loans. 100J East Seccmu street. Tele phone main 1571. -Stt POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WEKSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist. .! . JtV ' a.-..l . ttllS FftOtlOIt ; t:i.- ..i..t tijt. ii, -'ht-r iltvensee put . . .iiii' tu! v.jrt 't was sup ;.iu't t.- ru IX curs pirncrlbed iwiu unif,li'. iii.-i lv iun:tiintiy falling o i 0' ; treat .idiu. rronruncovl it Incur ili!.-. I'r.tarr.'i la a local disease, lirontly tniluun.-uo bv constitutional con 0ltkm: Mtl tluvluo rewires constitu tional "lalui.-nt llnll'a Cfiturrli Medi cine, iv-MHU'.U'turoit by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, lu a constitutional lvineily. Is taki'n Internally and acts thru the Ulood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Syotein. One Hundred Dollars re ward It offered for nay case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls t cure. Send for elrouUrs and testimonials. F. J. chkngx co., Toieao, UBIO. fold by Dtumleta. 76c SaU's raaUljr Pflla tor oeasUpaUes. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 With All Cheese Dishes for lunches, suppers, special occasions. For rarebit instead of toast, because they're richer and daintier and for toasted cheese they're incomparable. Snow Flakes are truly a unique soda wafer. Made from finest ingredients in modern, sunny bakeries. Their wholesome ,ness and invariable freshness will delight you. 'At your grocers. In red pack' ages and family tips- p5m PR0DUCT P- C. B. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRES AnotbttP C B product A wonderful dilnly onftien Aa idol deuert At 7 oar grocera Pacific Coast Biscuit Go. TP Ouch! Lame B&ek Jt Rub backache. Lumbago, Soreness ylbv CC T of Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches nnd twinges? Now lis ten! That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll got blessed relief the moment ycu rub your back with soothing, penetrating "6t Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lamehess and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub in oa and out comes the pain. It Is per Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a, m. to 12 p. m. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 1BS7 Woman Attendant Telephones Mrs. M. J. Wlllcrton Day Red 351 Telephone Red 1781 Night Red 352 J. H. Harper. Dlack 2152 Motor Equipment Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF Bri I m Don't ask for crackers say SNOW FLAKES Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist We are equipped to give your ayes the rery best of care. Eyes teeted. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles fectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the ksin. Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store, and after using it just once, you'll forget that you ever had back ache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never disap points and has been recommended for 60 years. Cut Flowers . 1 ! I i i