THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. PAGE THREE I), S. ACCUSED OF HAITIAN BRUTALITY i . AMERICANS RESPONSIBLE FOR . 7500 DEATHS SAYS STARTLING ?M PETITIONS By Unltod News WASHINGTON, May 12 Renewing charges of American brutality in JHalti, delegates of the "Patriotic jUnion of Haiti,1' have prepared a mem orial for petition to President 'Hard ing, the department of state, the for eignaffairs committee of the house and the foreisn relntions committer of the senate. The report will be presented Monday. American occupation of the island republic is characterized as the "most terrible regime of military autocracy which has ever been carried on In the name of the great American dem ocracy." Withdrawal of American troops and reparations for alleged wrongs are sought. fThe delegates who filed the report are H. Pauleus Salmon, former Hai tian secretary of foreign affairs, an 1 Former .Minister to the United States. Stenio Vincent, former president of the Haitian senate and Percjval The by, former charge of the Haitian le gation here. Americans, it is charged, were re sponsible for the death of 4,000 pris oners at Cape Haitien, and 3500 at Chabert in three years. Officers and marines are charged with administra tion of the' water' cure, "abominable crimes" and tortures of prisoners. General Smedley D. Butier, with a 'detachment of marines, is accused of' having dissolved the Haitian senate by force. Marines are charccd -with having corrupted elections and wjth I the seizure of $300,000 government1 funds to force acceptance of customs control. Haitians, it is claimed, were refus ed the right to testify at courts of inquiry about numerous cases of "murder, brutality, rape, arson, and so on." These courts of inquiry were con stituted during the democratic admin istration to investigate charges made at -that time. They exonerated the American administration of the island. The effect of the renewed clnree8, It is expected, will bo another Inves tigation. Senator Hiram Johnson of California has offered a resolution prbviding for this-, as has Represen tative Bland of Indiana. There's A Difference If you've .been a "ready made" man tn the past, be a "made to order man"' in the future. First class hand tailoi U suits to measure. $36.00 and up. W l Webber, one block east of post mice. 6ti Brown's Dufur Stage, Time Table Two tound trips daily. Leai'u B.w.'k hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur .7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt around, Just try "Red Pepper Rub," and you will have the quickest re lief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat a's red peppers. In stant relief. Just as soon -as yoi apply Red Pepper Rub you feel tin tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation breaks up the congestion and pain is gone. Rowles Red Pepper rial' ' nude from red peppers, costs little at an drug store. Get a Jar at once. Al most instant relief awaits you. Use it for colds in chest. No matter what you have used for pain or congestion, don't fail to try Red Pepper Rub. Adv. f ;i!5::!i if!:'' .!!:;:!:&: SB RED PEPPER FOR . RHEUMATIC PAIN Concentrated Heat Penetrates stantly and Brings Quick est Relief Known. Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, aching joints. When yen .t'q suffering so you can hardly get THE JUCKLINS with MonU Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to August 15th inclusive. Lim it three months from date of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. Canadian Pacific Railway E. E. Penn. Gen'l. Agt., Pass. Dept. 55 Third St., Portland Oregon Wh ere Shoe Repairing Costs Less Joe Amore Second and Union Streets We are lowering all prices on the cost of shoe repairing, in keeping with the trend of the times. This is our present price list: MEN Old' Price $3.50 full sole, heels.. $2.50 half sole, heels.. $1.75 half sole .75 rubber heels .... .75, leather heels .... New Price $3.00 $2.00 $1.50 65 :. 50 $1.50 new heels $1.00 BOYS $3.00 full sole, heels. $2.00 half sole heels. $1.50 half sole .50 leather heels ... .75 rubber heels ... LADIES $3.00 full sole, heels $1.75 half sole, heels $1.50 half sole .50 leather heels .50 rubber heels . $1.25 military or Cuban $1.75 French heels A full line of men's and boys' dress and work shoes LOWEST PRICES .$2.50 .$1.50 .$1.15 . .35 . .50 .$2.50 .$1.53 .$1.15 . .35 . .50 .$1.00 .$1.50- GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhill on the MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mile paved ro'nd connects Maryhill and, Goldendale FERRY RATES $1.25 per car and passengers one way. $2.00 for round trip, 10-dny limit. The New LlGHT-SlX now holds the five most important automobile road records on the Pacific Coast, a remarkable feature being that all the honors were won by the same car, a stock touring car, within ten weeks 1. Yosemite National Park. A Studebaker Light SlX, piloted by Hart L. Weaver and carrying a crew of five men from the Chester N. Weaver Company, wa3 the first automobile to reach the Yosemite National Park over any one of the three snow covered roads under its own power this year. The car went over the narrow and dangerous Coulterville road, bucking snow as deep as ten feet in some places, arriving in Yosemite Valley, January 16. 2. Round Trip Record Between San Francisco and Los Angeles. On February 2 the same car, driven by Hart L. Weaver and James F. Gurley of the Chester N. Weaver Company, established a new round trip record between San Francisco and Los Angeles, a distance of 864.8 miles, in the sensational time of 21 hours and 23 minutes. 3. Coast Route Record from San Francisco to Los' Angeles. On the round trip record of February 2 rthe Studebaker LlGHT-SlX lowered the coast route record .from San Francisco to Los Angeles by 2 hours, 35 minutes and 20 oeconds. The former record was 12 hours, 47 minutes and 50 seconds, the time of the Stude baker LIGHT-SIX being 10 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds for the distance of 453.7 miles. The pilots were Hart L. Weaver and James F. Gurley. 4. Valley Route Record Between. Lot Angeles, and San Francisco. On February 24 the Studebaker LIGHT-SIX smashed the valley route record between Los .Angeles and San Francisco, running the distance of 411.1 miles in the remarkable time of 9 hours, 15 minutes and 50 seconds. This record was made all the more remark able on account of the car having to go through a dense foe a distance of more than 100 muea between Talare and Merced. The pilots were Hart L. Weavsc and fame F. Gurley. This U a Studebaker Year 5. Los Angeles Phoenix Record. On the morning of March 23 the LlGHT-SlX left Los Angeles in an at tempt to lower the fifth and only remaining record of consequence on the Pacific Coast. The 422 miles of desert trail from Los Angeles to Phoenix were made in 13 hours 16 minutes, and 2 hours 28 minutes were taken from the best previous automobile record. The railroad time is 14 hours 20 minutes, or 1 hour 4 minutes slower than the record established by the LlGHT-SlX. Hart L. Weaver of the Chester N. Weaver Company, Studebaker Distributors in San Francisco, made the following statement after the completion of the Los Angeles -Phoenix run: ' These tests have demonstrated on the road every thing that Studebaker engineers have claimed for the new LlGHT-SlX-cylinder car. When it is remembered that the bore and stroke of this car is only 3 x 4. giving it a piston displacement of 207 cubic inches, and that the car fully equipped only weighs 2500 pounds, these records are all the more remarkable since most of them were formerly held by heavier cars costing much more than the Studebaker LlGHT-SlX. I am inclined to believe that the secret of this car's wonderful perform ance, and readability is due in a very large measure to its remarkable balance. Halved, or quartered the parts of the new LlGHT-SlX would weigh approximately the same. "In making the Los Angeles - Phoenix record I am frank to confess that despite my faith in the stamina of Studebaker automobiles I could sot believe that any car could make the speed over that desert road with its nits and chuck holes that was necessary in order to lower the record by a large margin without falling to pieces. Any automobile, irrespective of weight, power or price class that can lower the record established by the Studebaker Light-Six will have my moat aiooare admiration." otel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room is Now Open M. S. Elliott, Mgr. THE DALLES GARAGE CO. Tk Dalti, OrefM TmmriM Car mmi i TOURiNC CAR ItJi S&X?Mi -ZTimMMC. CAM I'M : &JIa.MrAM. ROADSTERS ITS TOUatMCCAK v ALL ITUDIBAKHK htetUk CAM All EQUIPPED UGHT-trX COUPS ROADSTER IMS UGJflUlX SEDAN StSS 'spsoAusrx cam RPBfUl SPC SSRAM WITH CORD TIERS Knights of Pythias SPRING FESTIVAL Attraction BOUCHER-FRENCH GREATER SHOWS BEAUTIFUL CARRY-US-ALL GIANT FERRIS WHEEL GOOD SHOWS LEGITIlilATE CONCESSIONS -ALL FOR FUN All This Week 'Showf Located at Jefferson Stmt