PAOE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. ENDERSBY NEWS FREIGHT RATE8 NOT TO DROP FOR THE PRE8ENT (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, May 12. Congress man McArthur was today advised that no probability of a reduction of freight rates, especially those on ap ples, will be attempted until the con clusion of the senate Inquiry into cost of operation of railroads since fed eral control ceased. WNDIJHSHY, Ore, May 10. Mrs. -George Masquarl, who has been a pa tient at The Dalles hospital, for two weeks, was able to return home, Fri day afternoon. 1. V. Fllgg, Mrs. Kndersby iwid son, Will, were county seat visitors Fri day. The following local persons attend ed the funeral at Dufur of Mr. Qulnn: William Doylo, 0. W. Fllgg, Mrs. Mary Dickson, Mrs. Kndorsby, C. Still, Kov Wagonblast, O. W. Covert, Dolbcrt Dickson, Mrs. h. 11. McDonald and! You will find here "Style Shoes for Dorothy and Ethel Still. The Misses stout Women," that fit the women of Still are grandaughtors of Mr. Qulnn. i(lrgo proportions perfectly and con Dick Darnlollc and children visited tain every stylo feature shown In last week at the J. Darnlello, Sr, sn0e8 for their more slender sisters, home. I5dw. C. Pease company. 12 Ray Darnlello has been engaged In . . finishing and painting his bungalow I Announcement 'Iiulld that grain bin and hen house, now that lumber Is at tho right prlco. Do It before harvest. Hedln Lumber company, box 26, Waplnltta, Ore. l:'. K. .T. iShcrman, representative nt the Knight Shoe company of Portland, will bo at Hotel Dalles sample room 100 today, Thursday and Friday, with a high grade line of footwear. Tho public is Invited to Inspect those MOVIE MOVES which he built last fall. Freddie Abcr walked from The Dalles to Dufur Friday to seo the ball gamo, then over to Fndersby where lie spent the week-end witli his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kndorsby. Sunday morning ho walked hack home nhoca. Open evenings to attend school .Monday. The Hov. Ford of Dufur will preach hero Sunday afternoon, May 15. Harry Covert and Will Fndorsby, on their trip to tho mountains last Monday encountered snow drifts from 10 to 12 feet deep in tho vicinity of "Hodges camp. Mrs. Ira Waterman entertained at dinner Sunday for 'Miss M. Young. Tho following persons were present: Wllber Dickson, Delbort Dickson, Karl Carleo, Mrs. Mar Dickson, Miss Mil ler and Miss Hattle Coon. Jim Lambert and Illaine Simons wore Dalles visitors the first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Angell and daugh ter, Kva, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Angell and Nova Preston motored to Hood ftlvor Sunday. They enjoyod their din ner at tho auto camp and a day of In npiratlon viewing tho blossoming or chards, they Bay. A heavy rain and hall storm hit Kndorsby Tuesday. In some soctlons near water spouts occurred. Don't Forget The special sale of Universal alum inum utonslls this week. Stadelman Bonn hardware company. 12 Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily, fxmre Panic hotel. 9 n. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur V.HU a. in. and 1 p. m. : Send It To Tho Laundry If you llko tho work done on your shirts aipl collars, you w 111 like equal ly as woll our family wr.shlu,; worn. Only V cents a pound. AT flat pieces Ironed, balance returned ready t Iron. Hy the way, our "tumbler" s.vk em of drying make. 'h ironing of quite a number of such as socks, heavy underwent, flnnno's, etc.. unnecessary. Model Laundry. Miup 41. 17 Godless Men" There Is the twang of the sea, tho thrill of human combat with the ele ments and the drama of red-blooded sailors In "Godless Men," tho Keg! nald Darker production, a Goldwyn of fering. This photoplay Is a film adaptation of tho Pen Ames Williams story "Plack Pawl," which appeared In the iSaturday Kvenlng Post. Tho action centors about a brutal old sea-do,'; who has been called "Ulack Pawl." Ho rules his ship Deborah with fear, tho most mutinous character aboard being his qwn son Hod Pawl. He had taken his boy at tender ago -on a voy age only to return and find tho mother with his little daughter had eloped with another man. From that mo ment he denied tho existence of God and taught his son tho gospel of hate. On tho Island a missionary, Samuel Poor, had attended a dying woman who pleaded with him to get her. daughter back to civilization on the first boat. Red Pawl looked lustfully upon tho girl and conspired with a seaman, Spless, to kill his father, that he. Hod Pawl, might be master of the ship nnd of tho girl. On board a puro love affair sprung up between Huth and second mate, Dan Darrln. The girl felt an unaccount able confidence In Plack Pawl, whom everyone else feared. A terrlfflc storm arose and to sus tain his strength Black Pawl drank freely. Ruth attempted to nurse him when, with strength apparently ex 'hausted he retired to his cabin. But liquor had fired the lust In his veins and he crushed her into hie arms. As she tore from him her waist was rent about tho neck disclosing a locket. Black Pawl recognized in this a gift to his wife and discovered this was his own daughter, ' (He realized then that as her pro tector ho had to guard her against her own brother. He went to Red Pawl, told him that Ruth was his own sister. Red sneerlngly retorted that he had only made up the story that ho might have tho girl for himself. Shortly afterward, Spless, who had been egged on by Red Pawl, plunged a dagger In Black Pawl's back. Black Pawl called to Red to give him his gun that "justice might bo done." Red figured that with Spless dead he would be suprome on the ship and gave his revolver to his father. Then Black Pawl lowered tho gun and sont the bullet Into his own son's heart. As 'tho youth dropped Black Pawl yelled 'to Dan to take command of the ship. Then father and son in a last embrace died together. This photoplay is now showing at the Casino theater. TODAY rN CONGRESS SIMPLE WASH REMOVES RINGS UNDER EYES The Economy Shop Ladles' and children's hats at very roasonable prices, Organdie collar and cuff sots and embroidery jams. few ready-to-wear Infants' dresses. Ladies' llk and voile dresses, also bouse drosses, aprons and underwear. Children's dresses, boys' blouses au.l Infants' wear made to order. Mrs. Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite postoffico. Telephone black 3171. 20 Tho Dalles pqoplo will bo sur prised how quickly simple witch hazel, camphor, hydrastis, otc, re 1 eves bloodshot eyes and dark rinss One young lady who had oyo trouble and very unsightly dark rings was relieved by a single weok's uso of Lavoptik. We guarantee a small bottle to help ANY CASK weak, strained or Inflamed eyes. Alum inum eye cup FRKK. A. K. Crosby, druggist. SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 200 Court Street WHY TRAVEL? Before deciding on a business trip, see if the long-distance telephone cannot save you the journey. A long-distance call is a round trip. You start ami return with your errand done, ali in a few moments and without the inconvenienco, expense and loss of time incident to travel. From your telephone you can reach almost every, city, village and hamlet in the United States. The long-distance operator will quote you rates upon request. Get, acquainted with the money and time saving "station-to-station" service, explained on page 2 of tho current issue of the Telephone Directory. Save traveling expenses Ask for Pacific Long Distance. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY By United Press Senate. Debate to begin on naval appro priation bill. Education committee hearings on welfare bill. Interstate commerce committee tr. continue railroad inquiry. Finance committee resumes cod- ' 1 , $"1 continues TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Between The Dalles and Bis Eddy Saturday evening, dark blue silk dress embroidered in black and gold. Finder call at Chronicle of fice with dresa for JIG reward. 13 sideration of charges against David Blair, nominated for internal reve nue commissioner. House. Judiciary committee begins hear ings on supplemental prohibition en forcement legislation. Bergdoll committee takes testi mony of Judge John W. Westcott of Now Jersey and James E. Romlg of Philadelphia. Census committee considers bill NOW PLAYING THE CASINO THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Plunging onward through the treacherous Southern seas, the schooner Deborah, commanded by the hardest man who ever trod a deck, is suddenly caught in the grip of a wild, tropical hur ricane. Like super-men the crew fight to keep the ship afloat and win. But there: conies another, and greater storm this time a clash of human emotions, father pitted against son with a girl as the prize. The ruth less bravery and sacrifice of the victory that befalls' will engrave itself forever on your memory. REGINALD BAROf PRODUCTION OF ADAPTBD FMOM THE FAMOUS TORY "BLACK PAWL! BY IN AME" WILLIAM UMMV1CD AND DIRECTED BY REGINALD EARKB GOLDWYN STUDIO- re-apportioning house membership. House and senate education com mittees consider department of pb 11c welfare, bill. Interstate commerce cominltteo continues hearing on Kellogg cable bill. Naval affairs committee considers bill authorizing construction of air plane carriers. Bill to create Alaskan development board before territories committee. 'Patents committee considers reor ganization of the patent office. THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday COMING COMING COMING SENIOR PLAY "Nothing But The Truth" Friday and Saturday, May 13-14 IT IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER STAGED IN THIS HIGH SCHOOL DON'T MISS IT A LAUGH IN EVERY SENTENCE! The Senior Class wish to express their appreciation of the services render dered by Docherty & Barnet and the Casino Picture Show. Special thanks to J. C. Penney -and Miss Collier. RESERVED SEAT TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE at DONNELL'S DRUG STORE AFTER WEDNESDAY NOON. Get your tickets early. Curtain 8:15 the miVCMSTR tw FOR ONE WEEK ONLY We will have on special sale the model 20 410-gauge Winchester Shot gun at $19.95 during this sale only, the regular price is $30.30. This gun has practically no recoil which makes it a favorite with wo men and children. Teach the entire family to shoot. It quickens the eye and steadies the nerve. A great Orchard and small game gun. Trapshooting can also be enjoyed by every member of the family by using the small hand trap and midget clay targets which we always have on hand, together with a complete line of Winchester Guns, Ammunitions, Fishing Tackle, Flashlights, Tools, Cutlery, and other articles, all of which carry the Winchester Trade Mark. This means Winchester Quality throughout. STADE.LMAN-BONN HDWE. CO. Six Pounds of Dependable Coffee J For the Price of Five ONE POUND OF DEPENDABLE COFFEE OR DEPENDABLE TEA WITH EACH FIVE POUND ORDER Five Pounds, $2.00 Dependable Coffee is just what it name describes, a splendidly flavored product, steel cut and vacuum packed, quality Coffee in every sense of the word. A FRESH SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED Parlor Grocery WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST