The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 11, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The other part Is tragic. The Chinese fniversary celebration should be held.
in Mexico are literally playing their H was acknowledged to be one of the
KltfK-SJ FvnExcBundS lives against the dollars in the excit- shortest afternoons ever spent by Mrs.
PubJlshod kvery Evening Except Sunday 's nnnff Mrs Mm Thm-nhnrv
"Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Glenn, Mrs
General Manner They can roll up many seemly Crowe, Mrs. W. H Wilson. Mrs. Hud
pesos ii iney live, out iney son, Airs. Kinersiy, Airs, isn,
by tho Chronicle Publishing ootaptsy Ino jng game of existence
They can roll up many seemly Mjs
Bon H. Utfln
Alvln L. Bucklln
Entered In The Dalle posUfflce a may not jjve chances are, they will Pelors and Mrs. Hohson.
ii' 1 - ' tint ennn ao nna fnnflnn. mnrlo I
rTr.lto1 Hp... and TTnltnrl Nam Hnrvtce i "Godless Men"
Member of Audit Bureau of circulation courageous by a few drinks of barbed comng to casino Thursday
daily chronicle by carrier . wlr0 whiskey sets out to shoot up a
Ono year, In advance $6.00 -inD.a - n uv .rvinff "ln ortmn.
Six months. In advance 8.00 "
One month ..
I body," they think, of the Chinese, in-
Carpentering and building. C.
Merryman, telephone red 6741.
Ono year. In advanve $6.00 offensive little yellow men who are
One month
year. In advance
.60 peaceful. What fun to kill thorn, think
-$2.00 the liquor-laden Mexicans. Straight-
In ordering change of address, sub-, way, the revolting faction hunts out
afnew "uddru."'3'" W " W"U I tlto Chinese and kills them ruthlessly.
A history of Mexican revolutions '.s
Brown's Dufur Stage. Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:3s a. tn. and 1 p. m. tf
Coming to Empress
Taxi Mayfleld Taxi
Telephone main 5021.
Editorial Booms Black 111
Business, Adv., Clr. Depts Re4 111
Subscribers to the Chronlcli are guar
antecd service. Prompt and regalrir de
livery of every subscriber's payer la the
aim of tho circulation department. Tho
Chronicle carriers are required t put
the papers on tho porch or wherever tht
fubscribur wishes '-he paver delivered.
Christian America leads the world
In divorce. You've read about tho
Stillmans and the Stokes and tho ,
Hawleys. You've read lots of them.
You thought of courso that tho mat
rimonially unhappy wore taking their
troubles to court and giving scandal
mongers a chanco to bo pleased with
life. But you didn't think tho divorce
ovil in America wan quite world rec
ord breaking. Of course you didn't.
But the records compiled by the In
ternational Reform bureau covering
tho year 1916, the last figures avail
able covering the whole world, show
that America has passed Japan in un
doing marital knots. Ono rather ex
pects this sort of loose moral standard
and lax family tie thing In Buddhist
But in America the fact In stagger
ing. Tho figures show that 32 states
ranging from Vermont with its 153
divorces to every 100,000 population,
to Nevada with 653, have a higher di
vorco rate than Japan.
Japan's rate was 229 in 1886, but
a federal law brought It down in 1899
to 151 and by 1916 It had fallen to
109, says the report.
The rato for all states In the Unit
ed States in 1916 was 136 dlvorcos for
each 100,000 net population.
Oregon comes in for notoriety in
tho roviow. The report reveals by way
of Interesting sidelights that there
are six counties in fivo stntcs of the
United States which had moro divor
ces than marriages at tho tlmo th
statist les were compilod: Union coun
ty, Orogon 1 to 0.87 and so on. Oregon
hns won note In nlmost everything,
but this Is ono caso wherein Oregon
Isn't vory proud of her high record.
Thoso figures are for tlto year lOtfi.
Since tho world war divorce has beeni
speeded up In tho United States. Real
ly It soeniH that quick marriage Is
more to be condemned than divorce.
Hut at all events tho two go hand In
hand, Besides Judges must earn their
salaries, we suppose,
Whllo America has been going In j(
for supor-dlvorco, Japan, Judging from
tho lowering record In years past hns
been eliminating the ovil there, so
that if America was the champion dl
vorco gelter of tho whole world In
1016, certainly she can claim undis
puted tltlo yet.
The whole thing Is a bit nauseatlnu
to decent people. Yet In this record
of disintegration of homes, wrecking
of the family units upon which tho
greatness of America Is hullded, may
we not find the cause for much of the
prime and degeneracy and vlleness
which Is splotching the life of Amer
ica with dishonor?
IDestroy the home and we destroy
clvll(zod society and all Its represents!
In tho scramble for the nlmlghtv
dollar, men offer up their lives, their
reputations, their hopes of happiness,
Proof of this is to bo found in Mex
ico, Go there and see the Chinese
working In all tho principal cities and
towns. T.hey are there In peril of their
lives. But they stay and others Join
Word has koho out that money Is to
be made In Mexico. Aw Oriental may
work 10 or lfi years, amass a compe
tence and return to China whoro ho
may live out his days In luiury,
But that is only part of the story.
a history of massacres of Chinese.
Thousands upon thousands of the
peaceful yellow men have met death
while seeking tho little round dollars.
Where men go, If ono but look care
fully, will be found promise of dollars
at tho ond of the trail. In the scram
bio for the almighty dollar men offer
their lives, their reputations, their FOR RENT Apartment in the Con
Classified Advertisements
.- , r..m , ,
FOR RENT Sleeping room, 50G Bast
Fourth. 13
hopes of happiness,
don building.
FOR RENT Furnished five-room
modern house. Telephone black
4661. 11
(From The Chronicle, May 11, 1896 )
A handsome monument arrived Sat
urday on tho boat for John F. Huston,
Dufur, to bo erected by the Woodmen
of tho World.
A report was current this morning
that Joe Wndlca's store, next to Koh
lor's grocery was robbed. Investiga
tions proved the report groundless.
Last Saturday a few of the many
friends of Mrs. Crosson, remember
ing that It was tho anniversary of her
birthday, planned and carried out for
hor a surprise that was a successful
one. Tho ladles assembled at Mrs.
Crossen's residence, and spent a very
merry four hours in games, singing,
and in lingering at the table over the
'discussion of a sumptuous luncheon, j
Mirth and merriment reigned su
preme, and to the casual listener at
any ono moment it Boomed as if par
liamentary rules wero smashed to
smithereens during the afternoon, for
at no one times was tho floor oocu
pled with less than seven speakers.
Mrs. Crossen received her second sur
prise when there arrived a handsome
cherry and leather rocker, which her
friends present had designed as a sou
venir for her of this pleasant day.
All prosent voted that birthday par
ties were tho vory best of all, and a
count was made of tho var ious guests' j
birthdays to seo whore tho next, an-
FOR RENT Good pasture by the
month. $2 per head. V. J. Kelly,
red 1891. 11
FOR SALE Few stands of bees.
Place order promptly bo it can be
filled before honey flow. Call main
3711. 11
FOR SALE Charge and small farm
and orchard tracts. Reasoaable
prices, good terms. TV. C. Hanna,
Dufur, Ore. 18tf.
FOR RENT Rooms comfortably fur
nished for light housekeeping. 115
East Second street. 11
FOR RENT Five room house, fur
nished. Telephone red 2801. Inquire
804 East Third after 6:30 p. m. 12
iuk uiflJNT Five room houso on
West Eighth street Inquire at The
Dalles Garage. 11
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. Also sleeping rooms. S20
Mast Third street. Telephone black
1201. 16
FOR (RENT Two very desirable
sleeping rooms, bath and telephone.
Black 1402. 420 West Second street.
FOR RENT Two room furnished
and four room unfurnished apart
ments. Inquire 417 Alvord street,
side door. 11
FOR RENT Pasture, lote of fine pas-
turs for horses and cattle at $2.00
per head. J. TV. Perdue, ea old
Sam John's place, Milt creek. 12
Monte Blue at the
EMPRESS Thursday
FOR SALf -Dry oak wood; old calc.
(11.50. Second growth, 12.S. Deliv
ered. Call 38FUH. after 6 . at. tf
FOR SALS Holstelm and Jersey
cow, gives six gallons per day. A.
B. Fine, telephone 17F11. 12wl9
FOR SA1E Two acres in the city
limits, set out to fruit; five-room
house, barn and chicken house. Ex
cellent location for persons desiring
ft city home which will yield an in
come. We have good values in res
idential properties, from $1300 to
$6500, also lots from $160 to $800.
Dalles Realty company, black 6691.
FOR SAiLE-i-280 acres, $20 per acre,
25 aores in wheat, 16 acres more
just cleared, about 600 cords of
wood, steady market for wood, load
ing track just off place; house, barn,
garage, rjiaclcsmitn shop, 2 young
mares, 2 colts, wagons, harness,
farm machinery, stump pullers, saw
rigs, all kinds of tools almost ev
erything new, including buildings.
All goes. $1500 down. Address A. H.
'Yeck, Friend, Ore., box 542. 12wl9
WANTED Will buy thirty head of
stock cattle, steers or cows. V. J.
Kelly, red 1891. 11
WANTED Elderly Udy to care for
children, few hours daily, in return
for home and small wages. Tele
phone red 1762. 11
WANTED Position as cook in goaer
'ul house in town, gentlemanly, hon
est Japanese youth. Address James
T. K., 31)1 Perkins Avenue, Pendle
ton, Oregon. 26
Furniture Repairing, Packing,
Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All
work guaranteed.
206 Court Street
FOR SALE 600 Leghorn roasters, six
weeks old. Make alee broilers. W.
Palmer, route 4, The Dalles. 11
FOR SALE Cheap, card writer's air
brush outfit, tank, gauge, outfit
complete. F. W. Woolley. 12
FOR SALE Florence oil stove. Per
fectly good box top Singer sowing
machine choap. Telephone black
4561. 11
FOR SVLH Five room plastered
houso, sleoping porch, nicely lo
cated. $1400. Terms if dosirrd. Vein
Bauer, main 1571. 17
FOR .SALE Ford sedan in good eon-
dlt ion, equipped with starter. Terms
if nocossary. Telephone, main 661,
between 7 a. m, and 6 p. m. 12
LOST Between The Dalles and Big
Eddy Saturday evening, dark blue
ailk dress, embroidered in black and
gold. Finder telephone red 6112.
Reward. 11
HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover
ed, Mrs.. A. J. Moline, 607 Union
street. J5
ture aaa plane mevlng. Freight
hauled and general express busi
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1352. J. F. Heuzle.
HEMSTITCHING Plcet edging. Mrs.
L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington
.street. Telephone main f-5Sl. tf
FOR SALE Small house, lot 50x100,
water on lot and good garden. $350.
Terms If necessary. Seo R. H. Fish,
Sixteenth and Bridge streets. 14
FOR SALE My household furniture
at bargain prices. Inquire Alvln L.
Bucklln. 412 West Suvdnth street.
FOR SALE Mirror 32 by 40 tor $15.
Suitable for barber shop or front
hull of residence. This is a bargain.
Black's Candy store. 11
FOR" SALiVhUo""ivory Vedroom
suite, Thompson piano, nnd othei
furniture, ami Overland model 90,
painted and overhauled. Inquire at
1009 Jackson street. 12
FOR SALE Flve-room modern houso
and ono lot, on Calhoun street, some
fruit and good garden soli. Price
$2500, Columbia Realty & Loan
company, 30S Washington street, 12
PIANOS TCNED una repaired, ac
Uoa regulating and reflnlshlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
guaranteed. S. A. Dockstnder, Cor
son Music store, 320 Fast Second
street. Telephone main 1061. tf
Whifte Truck Line
Freight and oxpress between The
Dalles nnd Wasco, Moro and aH way
points Leavo The Dalles, 9 a. ui
daily except Sunday. Leavo Moro
1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m
D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone
black 1642 or main 471. tf
FOR 3 ALE Two acres, eight room
bungalow, peach, apricot, prune and
cherry trees. Ideal place for fruit
and poultry. A. IT. Ball owner,
Thompson's addition, The Dalles. 11
ii-r--irirM-if-ii-i-i"inini nst
FOR SA'LE -Bargain if tnkon at once,
now two room houso, lot 50x100,
good garden, $100 down, $25 a
month. Apply W. E. Gillett, Seven
toenth and Mt; Hood. J3
Whitney Repair Shop
709 East Second St.
General real estate, Insurance, nnd
loans. 100) East Second street. Tol
phone main 1571. 2HU
Taught by
La was by ABpelatweat
Theatre PtuWt
HO u to LAfcT,vt
ml i ImbH '
Remember the Label.
8ee that it bears the
Prominent Ad Writer
Mr. J. J. McCall, president Oregon Ad
vertising, Publicity Service, 415-416 Stock
Exchange Bldg., writes:
"Your Bark Root Tonic was brought to
my attention several months ago as a re
lief for Constipation, with which I have
been troubled for bver a year and have
tried everything I knew or could hear of
and had been to several doctors and could
get no relief. After using two bottles
of your tonic I have at last found the
long-sought-for medicine.
"I am writing this to express my deep
appreciation for the medicine which will
give such wonderful results."
Bark Root Tonic
A Mild Laxative; An Excellent Regulator;
A Wonderful Blood Purifier and
System Builder.
It stands lo reason that If you permit
your system to run down, due to your
neglect of keeping your bowels properly
regulated, you naturally become consti
pated, your blood sluggish and gradually
lose the spring and pep to your former
youthful step.
In practically all cases one's system can
be kept in a wonderful condition if you
will let Bark Root Tonic assist Nature.
Do away with constipation and indigestion,
which eventually bring on nervous head
aches, sleepless nights, backache and loss
of appetite.
young squaw. Accept For sale at all reliable drugstores, or write
no substitute.
Celro-Kola Co., Portland, Or.
Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye Specialist
We are equipped to give your
yea the very best of care. Eyes
teste!. Glasses cround.
Second and Washington Streets
The Dalle
Glen wood Hotel
202 Union Street
Half Block from Station
Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night
From 50c to $1.50 a Night
$2.50 to $5.00 a Week
Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m.
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty
Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. '
Telephone. Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block
Wasco The Dalles
Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager
Licensed Embalmers. Established 187
. Woman Attendant
Mrs. M. J. Willerton
Telephone Red 1781
Motor Equipment
DayRed 351
Night Red 352
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Cut Flowers
, Wasco Hotel
624 East Second Street
Open Under New Management
Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms
50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week .and Month
Dining Room is Now Open
M. S. Elliott, Mgr.
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721
iceuaence Phone Red 1811