PAGE TWO THE DALLE DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1921. THE FORUM Editor, Tho Chronicle: Referring to your editorial in recent issue of Chronicle on tho baseball game last Sunday, and tho unjustified fighting which took place, it 1b true that thl3 is a case where the Individual play or responsible failed to hold him Belt in hand, and the Maupln player involved was guilty of some unfair ness, which resulted later in tho encounter, and in nearly all amateur games, as well as some professional games there will bo found some of this unfair playing. What makes a good team therefore, is 'fair playing and good playing. I do not believe that because of oue mistake, the entire season for The Dalles ball team should be Kpoiled. The player' who caused the disturbance, in a moment of exasper ation, .now realizes his error, and his past record shows that his fu ture actions will riot again bo sub ject to criticism. The rest of tho team cannot bo criticized for the occurence, as the fight was an in dividual one and not general. It is wrong to say that tho game was a boxing exhibition only, as the en tire team were not fighting and be cause the game was poorly played, is no roason to assume that all fu ture games are going to be similar ly played. The team needs improvement, and what the citizens of this city want is a good baseball team. We want to see good games with good teams. We want our team to play good ball, and to play against good teams, so that we wfil see some good games, and we don't mind losing some of the games, if the opposing team earns its victory, and if our team played a good game. Let us givo our team another trial, to show us what It can do. Shall, we condemn it for one failure? Is it fair not to givo it a chancn to redeem Itself? A FAN. MUSIC, CURE FOR (Continued From Pago 1.) factory bands, giving concerts in our plants, playing for our factory dances, and putting pep Into our Industrial baseball activities is do ing more to instill good spirit than any other one thing. "America is only now finding out. the value of community music, something the older countries and our Mexican neighbors long ago ap preciated. Proof of the growing In terest our country is taking in com munity bands, orchestras and aiiia teur performances is shown in the fact that in 1920 when manufactur ers were feeling economic depres sion, that band, orchestra and in struments that can be played in tin home did not fall off in sales." Alexander MacDonald, New York, pointed out that American cities are now taking more interest in the per formances" of amateur musicians than ever before. "What we wtint to teach our peo ple Is to bo performers and not listeners of music," he said "It may be singing, piano or violin, or some band instrument, but whatever it is we must listen to and encourage every kind of musical development. Everybody likes to appear in public and we must not give bo much timo to professional sympathons but to the people in our own midst wnj arc Interested in becoming music ians. Eventually it will highly de velop the musical tendency that Is i apparent in Americans as in any other race." risked her own life in flinglne tlit- j the fire. Chaplin was rushed Into the tlon, an undergarment of asbestos, garment about Chaplin's clothing to studio where first aid treatment was 'probably ,saiyeji.!SiroTO more serious smother the flames. Studio workers and property men dashed (or blankets and aided Miss Purvlance in stifling ASBESTOS SUIT (Continued From Paeo 1.) body that will confine him to his homo for several weeks. Chaplin .working a dual role In "Vanity Fair," was attired in a Prince Albert coat, high silk hat, and doing the part of a "swell." Part of tho com edian's work in the picture was a comic stunt with a flaming blow torch lie suddenly stumbled and pitched headlong into the torch. The white hot blaze ignited the comedian's coat and ho was immediately a blazing torch himself. Miss Purvlance quick ly sensed the critical situation, and tearing a coat from her shoulders she THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday CASINO The Little House with the BIG Pictures "Godless Men" coming (o Casino Thursday. 11 Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips dally. Leave Bank hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur a. m. and 1 p. m. it Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna tibn Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Dauni, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 601. It SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT 3top Eating Meat For a While If Your Bladder is Troubling You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region It generally means you havo been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in (heir effort to filter It from thu blood and they become sett of para lyzed and leggy. When your kldnuys get sluggish and elog you must re lievo them, like you relievo your bowels; removing -all the body's urinous waste, you have hack ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coat vft, and when the weather Is had you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, lull of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you aro oblige to seek relief two or three times during tho night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your pharmaclyl about four ounces of Jad Salts; lake a (ablospoouful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wlil then act fine. This famous salts It made from tho aeld of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, anil has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kid neys. also Ij neutralize acids In the urlro so it no longer Irritates, thus mllng bladder weakness. .lad Salts is a liie saver for regu lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot Injure and makes a delightful effervescent lithla-water drink. Adv. rOO LATE TOCLASSitfY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY "Godless M en From the famous Saturday Evening Post story, "Black Pawl." There is the twang of the sea, the thrill of human combat with elements and the drama of red blooded sailors. . . BIG DANCE TONIGHT- ELKS' HALL Everybody Welcome GOOD MUSIC .LE'SS STEP Music by BOB'S HARMONY FOUR 1UI KlVN 1' S X UHMll HUM. .It lion; 0, down town. Furniture for sale. Ap ply 4 OH Knst Fourth street. . 14 DOM EEJAE22' KOH HUNT--Six room house. Prac tically new furniture for sale. 410 'ost Fourth. 12 FOR SAl.F -- HuhIiiok hit. firtv It'll U heart of city. Must raise cash. Communicate with owner. Tele phone black 4Gtl, 13 J'OH HUNT Two room new house, good garden planted. Seventeenth and Mt. Hood streets. Call at Ven 2 Ilnuor's Heal Estate office for key. 17 THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday Successful Men One indication that a man is success- . ful is ability to spend wisely and save systematically. One dollar started in a savings account here will prove an important milestone in your life. 4(o Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , The Dalles, Oregon administered. Miss Purvlance suffer- burasBe had-donned the garment be ed slight burns about the hands. TheNsMM of" the dangerous feat he had to fact that Chaplain wore, as a precau- perform with the blow torch. ' - We Are Building Them Better Than Ever Before wttitnratmtmuitimuiiui Today, more than ever, Goodyear Tires for passenger cars offer the utmost in economy and satisfaction. Improvement after improvement has been effected in them in the past few months. Our clincher type Cords, for example, are now made larger, with thicker tread and stronger carcass and bead. Our larger size Cords, our fabric tires, and our inner tubes, too, are bigger, stronger, more durable than before. You can get Goodyears, now, from your nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of California go on PVEAR COMING COMING COMING SENIOR PLAY "Nothing But The Truth" Friday and Saturday, May 13-14 IT IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER STAGED IN THIS HIGH SCHOOL DON'T MISS IT A LAUGH IN EVERY SENTENCE! The Senior Class wish to express their appreciation of the services render dered by Docherty & Barnett and the Casino Picture Show. RESERVED SEAT TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE at DONNELL'S DRUG STORE AFTER WEDNESDAY NOON. Get your tickets early. Curtain 8:15 37 Six Pounds of ! Dependable Coffee For the Price of Five ONE POUND OF DEPENDABLE COFFEE OR DEPENDABLE TEA WITH EACH FIVE POUND ORDER Five Pounds, $2.00 Dependable Coffee is just what it name describes, a splendidly flavored product, steel cut and vacuum packed, quality Coffee in every sense of the word. , A FRESH SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED I Parlor Grocery WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST