The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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To Repeat Picture ninety Btere
qptlcon pictures o Armenia and Chi
nese life will be repeated at the Bap
tist church, tonight.
Women to Svvim Tonight The high
school swimming tank will be ' open
for women, only tonight, under the di
rection of Community Service. The
water will be warm tonigh, it is as
sured. Methodist Men's Club to Meet The
men's club of the Methodist church
will meet at the church at 7:30 to
night. H. W. Arbury, representative
of Community Service, now in Th(
Dalles, will be the speaker.
Axle Holds Up Motorists Mr. and
Mrs. A. Garrison and Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Gorman of Portland motored
from Portland to Celilo Sunday
where the axle of their car broke,
necessitating the calling of a ser
vice car and an enforced . sojourn
in the city over Sunday' and Mom
day. They will return to Portland
Scenes at Union Station "Scenes
atjunion Station," a home talent play
put on by the ladies' aid society of
the local Congregational church, wjll
be; tomorrow night's attraction at the
Casino theater, it was announced to
day. Manager Clyde Seitz has turn
ed' over the theater to the ladles for
the entire day and will shbw"no mat
inee. Miss Halght's Party An enjoyable
bltthday dinner, in honor of Miss Mil
dred Kckht, was given Sunday, at tho
country home of 'Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Haight. Among those present were:
Misses Ruth Wallace, Florence Wood
ford, Lucille Frizzel, -Melba Creighton,
Mabel Johnson, May Brookhouse,
'Katy Brookhouse, Mae Remington,
Marion Martin; Messrs. Glenn' and
Leland Fulton, Harry and Harvey
Stone and James Fulton.
Loom la-Wilson Leas Garage J. H.
loomis and J. H. Wilson have leased
the garage part of the Motor Service
company for a period of two years,
and are now operating the garage
as the Motor Service garage, Loomis
& Wilson, proprietors. The change
took place Saturday. Wilson has been
in The Dalles since last fall. He came
from Portland, where he was a sales
man with the Garford truck agency.
Loomis has been an automobile sales
man in The Dalles for the last, six
Lewis Alphonse Sandoz Dies Lewis
Alphonse Sandoz; 70 years old, died
this morning at the family home on
Mill creek, following an extended, ill
ness. Sandoz was a native of Switzer
land, coming to this country 54 years
ago. He had lived on the ranch where
he died for 43 years. He is survived
by three sons, Arnold, Edward and
Rollen, all of The Dalles; and two
daughters, Mrs. C. W. Turner and
Miss Isabelle Sandoz, both of this
city. Funeral arangements ' have not
been made, as yet. The body is at'
the Burget-Mogan company's funeral
' Sorosis Club Takes First Orphan
The local Near East Relief commit
tee reports that a number of organiza
tions have already expressed their in
tention of caring for one of the Arme
nian orphans this yoar. Among the
organizations which have adopted
this plan are th'e Christian church
Senior Christian Endeavor; iBaptist
church Junior B. Y. P. U.; T. T. W.
No. 9; high school Y. W. C. A. club.
Cash contributions and checks are
coming in to the drive headquarters
at the Y. W. C. A. rooms. The first
orphan in the county to be adopted,
was taken by tho Sorosis club. James
Price of Seattle is in The Dalles for
a few days, assisting in putting over
the drive.
Car. of FeedWheat Due--The carof
Condon wheat ordered by County
Agent E. R.iJackmari and sold in Was
co county for stock and poultry feed1
lng purposes, is expected to arrive in
The Dalles today.. The wheat wa
slightly damaged in an elevator fire
near Condon, the damage making it
unsuitable for milling purposes, but
leaving 'It all right for poultry" and
stock feed. The entire car of wheat
is already sold, one buyer alone wish
, lng to purchase the entire consign
ment. The wheat was sold for $25 a
ton. Persons who have ordered wheat
J from the car are asked by Jackman
I to, get in touch with him regarding
its delivery.
M. 'til. Buriner of Dufiir was in
the city yesterday enroute to Port-
"Godless Men"
i coming to Casino Thursday.
Do You Enjoy A Good Laugh?
If you do, don't miss the senioi
play. A good laugh is good for the
I health. The senior play is full of
I laughs. Friday and Saturday, nights at
the high school auditorium.
Milk Users, Attention
The public is no doubt aware of the
fact that when they purchase a bot
tle oil milk or cream at some store
and make a deposit for the bottle, that
this does not make them the owner
of the bottle.
This is merely a guarantee that the
bottle will -be returned to the mer
chant. Any person or persons using any
milk or cream bottle with any other
than their own, blown in the glass
is committing a misdemeanor and is
subject to prosecution under sections
87-81, etc., of the state laws of Ore
gon. On and after the 20th day of May,
1921, we, the undersigned herebv
serve notice that anyone found using
bottles other than their own will be
prosecuted under the above-mentioned
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morton ol. Bend
are visiting with friends in The Dalles.
H. D. Hollls of Maupin Is a guest
at the Bank hotel.
(L. B.,Kelly,of Maupin is in ,thls city
today on business.
Walter Gilbert of Big Eddy is at
the Dank Hotel.
Roy Phillips of Quinook is a busi
ness visitor in The Dalles.
J. A. Brawn of Gateway is a gue?t
at Hotel Dalles.
Mrs.' H.' M; LaBertew of Lyle was
shopping in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Joseph Har.tle went to Port-
land yesterday to visit, friends,
Mrs. A. J. Conroy of Shaniko is
shopping ' in the city today." '
' J. F. Austin, of the Five Mile
district, is in the city today.
Konrad Houser of Tygh Valley is
in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kassiug of Du
fur spent the week-end in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morris of
Maupin were in the city yesterday.
Judge Fred V Wilson is in toulem
attending to business matters. He ex
pects to return to this city Thursday.
D. J. Shea, of Thompson's addition,
was called to Port Costa, Cal., Monday
by the illness of his mother.
Miss Ruby V. Cooley of 'Marshfield
is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Lowe for
a few days.
Mrs. William Slants of. Maupin
was in the city yesterday on busi
ness. Mrs. A. F. Hehderman of Camas
is. a guest of Mr. and Mrs, Frame,
Mr. and Mrs. William Rouah . or
GSldendale were shopping in the
city yesterday.
Miss Rush Deardorff went to Hood
River yesterday1, returning in the
Herbert Nunn, state highway, engf
eer, Is In The Dalles today upon offi
cial business.
Miss Burteena Woodard of Hood
River was a week-end " guest at the
home of iMrs. W. O. Hadley.
Donald and A. Morrison, both of
Shaniko, are business visitors in The
Mr., and Mrs. T. W. Alley of Moro
are visiting with friends in Tho)
E. Davidson of Bandon was in The
Dalies yesterday attending to business,
J. H. Dunn, who has been visit
lng Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sexton, rc-.
turned to his home at Medford yes-1
"Godless Men"
coming to Casino Thursday.
Special Sale
Universal aluminum ware. See our
window display. Stadelman Bonn
Hardware company. 10
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf
The Economy Shop
Ladies and children's hats at very
reasonable prices. Organdie collar
and cuff sets and embroidery yarns. A
few ready-to-wear infants' dresses.
Toadies' silk and volln dresses, also
house drosses, aprons and underwear. I
Children's dresses, boys blouses and '
Infants' wear made to order. Mrs.
Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite
postoffice. Telephone black 3171. 20
(Continued From Pae ! t 1 M
hanging until i o'clock In theafteri
noon in order to give the doomed man
further chance for life1
According to Davis' story, the jur
ors were deadlocked, some faVorlng
hanging and others life imprisonment.
It was finally agreed to draw lots.
Death won.
Brown's Dufur stage Time Table
Two round trips daily. .Leave Bauk
hotel, 9. n. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Oufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.' ' tf
, . i
"Godless Men"
coming to Casino Thursday. 11
Monte Blue at the
EMPRESS Thursday
THE first thing you
want in foods and the all
important thing is purity.
Foods should be nourish
ing. That s what they are
for to build up strong,
sturdy bodies.
Calumet Baking Powder
is pure in the can. It is made
in the largest, cleanest, most modern
Baking Powder Factories on earth
only of such ingredients as have
been officially endorsed by United
States Food Authorities.
costs down
It's pure in the baking. Cal
umet never fails to produce the
sweetest and most palatable of
nourishing foods.
It has more than the ordi
nary leavening strength. You use
less of it That's one reason it is the
most economical of all leaveners.
Another reason is it is sold
at a moderate price you save
when you buy it
Pound cap of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in
12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure
you get a pound when you want it.
Calumet Waffle
2 14 cups sifted
pastry flour, 3
level teaspoons
Calumet Baking
Powder, V2 ea
spoon salt, Wi
cups milk, I
tablespoon sug
ar, 2 tablespoons
of melted but
ter, 2 eggs beat
en separately.
Then mix in tha
regular way.
Motor Service Garage
We Give Superior Service '
Announcing the fact that we have 20,000 square feet of concreted floor
space available for storage purposes.-
Our. basement is concreted, heated and frost proof. We are prepared
to accept anything for storage at reas'v.ibJc iv.tes, from a trunk to a truck.
Our Specialty is Serv-c: ci the Gas Tank
: 0 s
flQfap.D- M Loomis, Props.
Successors to Motor Service Co.
this, t
You risk your dollars on, qrdi
nary shoes don't know how
they're going to wear trust to
luck they won't lose their shape
and but why all these chances ?
will really give you satisfaction
plenty of wear, style, and save
you money in the end
You don't buy ordinary shoes
here you buy Regal shoesl
wnen uou nunjc uru qocws imnK,
The Little House with the BIG Pictures
t n m n p t) n w
The Ladies' Aid Society
Congregational Church
Scenes From The Union
, 'f Mown u M miMiM''iw
' Ps