THE DALLE DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. PAQE THREE OREGON WATERS TO ATTRACT FISHERMEN ROGUE RIVER AND CRATER LAKE '.ARE VERITABLE TROUT PARADISES. (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) . WASHINGTONNMay 10 According' to Information reaching the national bureau of parks, fishing will be bet ter than ever before this year at Cra ter Lalce and on the famous Rogue river, and It is expected that they will be visited during the season by ang lers from all over the country. Trolling is the method employed at the. lake, and with the right kind of tackle the limit of fjve.a day has been easily caught in past seasons. The trout range in weight from one and one half to four pounds. Whilo good results are also often obtained by the use of the fly, the anglers who always get the limit gen erally use a spinner, copper on one aide and silver on the other. The Rouge river enjoys national renown as a fishing stream, for it is one of the exceptionally few streams in the world where steelheads will strike at a fly. 'improvements Expected. Although "fishing on the Rogue for several seasons past has 'not been as good as of oId,wing to cannery op erations at its mouth, regulations adopted a year ago as to these oper ations resulted Jn the restoration or the steelhead. run last fall, and this .spring. According to information re ceived here there was a phenomenal run last fall, and it Is expected the run this year will bo even better. Tho season opened April 15, and continues until November 30. June and July are the best summer months for fishing and September and Octo ber the best fall months. In addition to steelheads the Rogue is reported this year to be teeming with cutthroat trout. i In anticipation of the rush of tour ists to .the lake this year elaborate preparations are heing made for ac commodating and entertaining them. The hotel at the lake is being enlarg ed and put in' first class condition by a new company-thn recently acquired the concession. Its capacity, is being doubled, and when complete it will rprovlde accommodations for as many "a3 300 people. An entirely new scenic feature In connection with tho resort will bo. the. ."new automobile driveway around Me rim of the lake. The new manage ment has .also acquired launches and other boats for operation on the lake. The' hotel will open.. July 1. "Fishing "also promises lo be one of the great sports in the other national parks this 'summer. Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table . Two round trips daily. Ieave Ban hotel. 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. ' if GASOLINE PRICE CUT IN BRITISH4 COLUMBIA By United Press VANCOUVER, IB, C, May 10. The price of ' gasoline in British! Columbia has been cut from 43 to ii cents an imperial gallon. Just before the war, gasoline was selling here at 18 cents, an imperial gallon. . Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician, l'htrd and Washington, main 601. it Taxi MayfleKTs Tsxr Telephone main 5021. papers reminded her of her loss by ance that was to be made throughout frequent references to the qbserv- the city, . i "Godless Men" coming to Casino Thursday. 27tf 11 There's A Difference U you've been a "ready made" mm 1n the 'pasC, be a "made to order man" In the future. First class hand tailor ed suits to measure. $35.00 and up. W, Webber, one block east, of po- 1 R office. Btf 9ksBMbb HR' bbbbbHbtHHbH S4L9SW SBslnBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBn' ICASiNOl The woiisi'i wonder junglft pfctuvtV GIRL INCONSOLABLE ON MOTHERS! DAY; KILLS SELF By United News NEW YORK, May 10. Melen Field er, an attractive young singer, brood ed over tho loss of her mother, and just before she was due to start to church on Mothers' day to participate in, a procession for everybody's best friend, she ended, her grief by drop ping out of a fifth floor window. Men with white carnations in. their lapels rushed, to aid her but she died in a few minutes. Mrs.. Thomas De Glacomo, a girl hood chum of MJas Fielder, said the young woman had been Inconsolable as Mothers' day drew hear and the mere Is -more Cat.nriT. in this sectlok of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local 'remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by' constitutional Con ditions ;ind therefuro requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured t.y V. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, is u constitutional renvdy. ia taken ItUernally , and acts thru the -Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Ora Hundred Dollaia re ward is offurpd for any cak that Hall's Catarrtj. Meil'ltt rills to cure. Send for , !lrculars nnrt ''.lir.nuilals K J. tCHKNKV e CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by rr:iRcristH, 75c. Hall's Famllv Pills for constipation. THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS .Thursday Hereto an unparalleled spectacle--t sight nfcver to be forgotten one of nature's most stupendous wonders. The Grand Cajiyon is about 250 miles long with a width at the top varying from S to 12 miles. At some places it descends to a depth ofe mile below the plateau surface. Its best ef fect, as revealed by extreme depth and brilliancy of coloring, Is from a point opposite the Kaibab Plateau about 65 miles northwest of Flagstaff, Arl sona. Motor roads lead to the Grand Can yon through Ashfork, Williams and Flagstaff,' Arizona and all the way you, can get "Red Crown"," the all refinery gasoline. YouH be glad if you make your Grand Canyon trip a "Red Crown" trip. Look for the "Red Crown" sign on service stations and garages. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Gflft Gasoline ol J e YTf TaWt rum I ill is ssi sss i r T EMPRESS The Superfeature House TONIGHT- Douglas MacLean IN CHICKENS A Thomas H. Ince production from the Satur day Evening Post story 'Yancona Yillies," By Herschel Hall A Paramount Picture " WEDNESDAY- r Dobee Brothers . SEDAN ' I In the average home the Sedan ' has become so indispensable that jjj the very thought of trying to do 1 , without it is viewed a hardship. hSj I -The gasoline consumption la unusually low , ' , III In 'tTtie tire mileage la unutuall high ' Iffll I WALTIJEil - WILLIAMS CO7 . The Dalles, Oregon 1 Constance Talmadge "The Love Expert You Can't be Fooled By a He Or She Vamp If You See this One V First National Attraction COMING "BLACK BEAUtY", ( v -' GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY A 110-mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Qoldendale FERRY RATES $1.25 per car and passengers one way. $2.00 for round trip, 10-day limit. Knights of Pythias SPRING FESTIVAL Attraction BOUCHER-FRENCH GREATER SHOWS BEAUTIFUL CARRY-US-ALL GIANT FERRIS WHEEL GOOD SHOWS LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS ALL FOR FUN All This Week jgrfcjUcUt Jtfftrson Stmt