THE DALLES DAILY CHR6NICLE, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. PAQE TWO THE FORUM having expressed an idea which he humbly believes is sound, namely: that petty squabbling and fights kill bnsebatl and defeat the end of clean To the Editor: No reader of news- j sport, papers but that seeks his solid rea-1 The editor sought to point out that soning upon important events in the a player should bo ruled by the urn editorial columns of his dally' paper. , Pire, not by his temper. We explain Today any reader of The Chroniclo ed from our viewpoint (it is the view can carry but one thought gleaned point of the average fan, wo believe) from the no-called "cream" of news why fights at ball games injure the iin,a thn hnsnbrtll editorial , sport nuiiiui .. -'r w ' written for last night's paper by Air. Bucklin, Contained in this article was an un- W,e did not intend to cast any slur upon any player. The man who punch ed the Alaupin first baseman is a is wrong. But, be it said, there was no intent to condenfn any player of the team. Wo attacked the principle which makes a baseball game degen erate into a free-for-all fight. Mr Roycroft, unduly aroused, accus es us of killing baseball'in The Dalles. Jf baseball has been killed here, the disgraceful exhibition at the park Sun day accomplished its demise. No. word of ours could add to or detract from that unfortunate incident. Baseball, however, is not dead in The Dalles. The Chronicle shall fur ther the national sport in every way possible. The editorial was a step taken to keep the game alive here not to kill it. ' Brogue Oxfords Shipment just arrived. Retails at 17.00. Cohen Clothing store. 10 "Godless Men" coming to Casino Thursday. 11 This Week Only All aluminum wear one fourth off. Stadelman-Bonn Hardware company. 1ft Carpentering and building. C. H. Merryman, telephone red 5741. AI30 Typing and Btenograpny done at reasonable, rates. Roslna tA Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Reel dence phono red 2332. tf Just' accusation and deliberate attack friend of ours. But that is neither here upon th6 ability and characters of nor there. We cannot play, friends in every player, upon The Dalles team, tho columns of The Chronicle. What Jloviowed from various angles there i" right is right and what Is wrong Is not ono ounce of fact that would Justify such an attack. Thero is no doubt in the minds of spectators and players but that the husty temper of one man caused defeat of the local team and lost tho deserved respect of local fans. However, bnseball and life are very much alike. One must profit by one's mistakes. But for the editor of such a widely read paper as The Chroniclo to make such a howling wreck of an editorial that by all rules should have been In "Tho Forum," and to make sucli an artistic mountain out of a molehill, to bring wide criticism upon Innocent menDbers of a team, and to make hl own paper a source of evil in this lo cality, is entirely Inexcusable. I'll admit having played a poor game, and cverj other player will do likewise. Any team has a bad day In tho field. Any team Is subject to sud den flights of nerves and confidence. Any team may have a weak day at bat. But Mr. Editor, does this justify bucIi an article as you have written? Do you think a disastrous ball game fit subject for your editorial columns? Do you think you have bellied tho en tire community In any respect by ploy ing up such an evil occurrence as a fight to such an extent? , We admit defeat and make no ex cuses. Wo had an off day. We admit the attack of ono player upon another Is unsportsmanlike and an unhealthful example for fans to witness. But wo will not admit you were justified in such an offer of caustic elocution. Your paper goes out to hundreds of readers who beliove your articles. They will absorb wholly what you have said. You havb killed basoball na far as The Dalles Is concerned. No team could win supporters after such abuse. Not a man, on the team but who sacrifices dally and weekly to repre sent this locality. Not a member but is a representative citizen of this city. Wo have purchased our own equip meal, scraped pur own field, built our own grand stand and backstop, work ed tooth and nail to got out a good team. Now at tho first sign of bad form on tho part of ono player you, (tho only ugont for good In tho com munity) howl loudor than any rabid fan dared to howl and scatter your foul seed to tho state, leaving all your renders tho Impression that Tho Dallos is a tough plnco and her ath letes tho toughest of her peo' le, '1 further wish to say that tho of fondod playor of tho visiting team Is a warm personal friend of mine, and ho has said ho was not certain ho had not given tho of lending player ample justification for rescntmont. Tho teams harbor no ill feeling. The whole, thing Simmon down to tho attack or ono player upon another. This is not right, 'tis true, yet R happens ilullv In baseball circle, Cobb, Kvors. Chance, McLean and scorns of others have been fined' and suspended for these acts. It Is not clean sport, vou'ro right, but It will happen whom heat replaces coolness In contests of the head and hand. So, In Humming up, 1 believe jm are wronging ten Innocent men In or der to squelch one. You have niliiea Hunilay baseball hero You have giv en the entire locality a "black oye." You havo used your paper as a gar bage dump, and last, but not least you hnvo dono no lasting good to anv one. I desire and domaml, for the sake of tho other players. that this letter be printed Intact the earliest publi cation of Tho Chroniclo following Its receipt. Yours for cloan sport, i.y.vx Rovcuorr. MEETING NOTie&T ' - - I Artisans' Social PostpsrtMl, ' The social .which was io haye.been held Wednesday evening, Majr ll;.'taa been postponed until the June 'social meeting on account of the carnival. 11 Eastern 8tar. Regular meeting Columbia chapter, O. E. S., 8 o'clock, this evening. 10 St. Paul's Guild will meet at the rectory Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Terrall, hostess., flO P. THC Royal Arch Masons Special convocation, Wed nesday evening, 7:30, p. m. Work in AI. AI. and P. Al. Vlsiting companions wel come. By order of the H. THOAIAS -R. HUDSON, Secy. 11 The Good Intent society will meet in the west room of the church Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30. 10 The Catholic Ladies' iSocial circle meeting has been postponed until Wednesday, May 18, when the organ ization 'will meet with Mrs. J. D. Kelly. 10 iing- of the war, Crown Prince HI-' rohito of Japan arrived In England yesterday. , The prince was' welcomed at Ports mouth by the Prince of Wales ana a group of British officers and was. brought to London at once, where he was established as a guest at Buckingham palace. The royal visitor arrived on .the Japanese battleship Katori, which steamed into the Harbor to boom ing salutes from British vessels and land ' forts. . Long lines of troops in dress uni form flanked the route to Bucking ham palace. UHPJt .jBBjt tro t the .truth Nothing But ' Can you tell for. 24 hours?' 'faBP$fid see how, they do it in the high school senior class play, Friday and Saturday nights. 13 "Godless Man" coming to Casino Thursday. 11 Just RVbolvad ' Norfolk olive drab automobile suits.; Retailing at $23iQ0. Cohen;,' Clothing, store. 10, Get One of those Universal cold water percola tors during this week's sale at the Stadelman-Bonn Hardware company. 10 W. O. W. ' Regular meeting this'' (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of members and the team is request ed. Refreshments will be served. O. D. DOANE, clerk. 10 Regular meeting of the Lutheran la dies aid Boclety will be held Wednes day afternoori, May 11, in the church parlors. ' 10 ENGLAND WELCOMES JAP. PRINCE WITH DI8PLAY By United Preaa (LONDON, May 10. Amidst a regal display unequalled since the begin' tfs'otoiTho editor gets It again for TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY XR SALE Whit o Ivory bedroom Biilto, Thompson piano, and other furniture, and Overland niodol 90. painted and overluuilel lnqMo ' 100!) JacUsou stroit . THE JUCKLINS with ' Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday now Here is welcome news for all tire users. Just when you aie ready to replace your old, worn-out tires with new ones,Diamond answers the call of the times with a Generous & Sweeping Reduction in Prices , of all . Diamond TIRES cthese splendid high-mileage fires are now available at the following prices-. SIZE CORD FABRIC RED TUBES GRAY TUBES SQUEECE-." T 30x3 14.00 2.75 2.25 30x3 25.85 16.60 3.20 2.65 32x3i 34.15 21.00 3.40 3.00 33x4 44.75 29.40 4.25 335 344 51.55 39.80 5.50 4.90 Now is the time to invest in Diamonds THE DIAMOND RUBBER COMPANY INC. cAhpon Ohio 95! Dr. T. DeLARHUE Bp Eyftdght Spciltt Hours 0;00 to 3:00 Sundays and Evlnf by Appointment 1MB Vot Ilk Ovsr Crosby's Dru ttert Ptone Blafc 1111 THE JUCKLINS with Monte Blue at the EMPRESS Thursday iTHE LARGEST CHADrDEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN -THE WOBI.O N G An Extraordinary Purchase of Mew S P R I SILKS Just arrived today from our New York buyers. The most wonderf u) X values you -have heard of for yeaYs. See our window display and comeT L early tomorrow as we do not believe they will last long at this price. i PI Wash Satins Radium Silks Fancy Skirtings Silk Skirtings Tub Silks I' Silk Poplins . 98c 1 ner van Black., Taffetas, Black Messalines Fancy Messpliries Fancy Taffetas 1 Lining Silks 36 inches wide and qualities that you cannot duplicate elsewhere at dou ble the price. Remember we advisa you to come 'early. ' WSFOT A - I n mmmm selung ill kp)1iIf1WUsE most BUYING MOST WE BUY FOR LESS 312 DEPARTMENT-STORES fg nL jm si i HE LARGEST CHAH. Dfcf.Aici:irem fJsrU U)'&S SX0RE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD h fa-aHM 1 W nEMBEIf EDftALRESEi You may be wortn a great aeai, f fn vnur emnlover but if you i u - J . , n r X . " r. . t ..L lUll- a part oi tnem you are uuie to yourself. Why not open a savings account With 'Smp bain ft. ana mase some oi your eprnnigs woi'K ior you: 4?r InwiNtst flfil ij Saylnas