The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 09, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . .
V ' . r.
Service On Dutch Flat A special
preaching service was held yesterday
afternoon at the Dutch "Flat school;
Several auto loads of city folks at
tended the meeting.
Slmmons-Bucholtz License . A
marriage license was issued this
morning to William Ernest Bim
mons of The Dalles and Gertrude
Elizabeth Bucholtz of Grass Valley.
Stereopticon, Picture Tonight Seventy-five
beautiful lantern picture will
be shown Monday night in the United
Brethren church, and Tuesday night
in the Baptist church. The scenes are
of Asia Minor and China.
Allen Pays for Speeding C. M.
'Allen, driver of a light delivery
truck, paid a fine of $5 Saturday af
ternoon for speeding on Second
street. Motorcycle Policeman Crof
ton made the arrest. .
Class Visits in Hood River The
"Bees" a Sunday school class of young
girls taught by Mrs. Roy Hill in Cal
vary Baptist church went to Hood
River yesterday and attended the
school in the Baptist church there.
Fifteen young folks were in the party.
Gilson Face Statutory Charge
Charged with a statutory chargej
Lewis Gilson was arrested at his
home in Tygh .Valley Saturday and
brought to the local cdunty Jail,
pending investigation by . the grand
jury. The" case is. said to involve
a prominent Tygh Valley girl.
Ladles' ChorusA coming event of
interest in musical circles is the
chorus recital under the direction of
Mrs. Carlton P. Williams, which will
be. held next Monday evening, -May
16, at the Congregational church. -The
soloists will be Mrs. Harlan Fancher
and Miss Jeanette Crosfield. Invita
tions will be sent out soon.
Money Jo- Spent Jiu Cltyr-Al
money contributed to the relief of the
Near East and China famine relief
will be spent in this" city for flodr,
.which will be shipped in carload lpts,
to Seattle from which point it will,
be sent by water, June 16. Floyd
Sims of the First National bank has
been appointed local treasurer and
the First National bank will act as
depository for "all funds. All checks
1 M'
Prices effective immediately F. O. B. FACTORY:
r ) t
Model 490 Chassis, now $595.00
Model 490 Touring:, now. V....... $645.00
, Model 490 Roadster, now.... $635.00
Fully Equipped, Including, Electric Starting
I 520 East SeM. Stret ! I ,The DsUss, Oregon i ;
ishould be made payable to'elthef Mr?
iSims.or the frJear Bast relief, or China
m m r,,..;. aia o-..-.
rtnv nt fho fnmllv Tinmn In Hnf Titv
following a hri.f MnMa
services wer held thin mornlmrl
.from the Dufur Catholic church, un -
der.the direction of the Cfandall
undertaking company. Burial was in
the Kingsley cemetery.
Chevrolet Price Drops 21 Percent
A 21 percent drop in price of thetHou,e A new "fad" haa Deen es
smaller models put out by the Chev
rolet' ,Motor company, was announc
ed vtqday" by C. L. Strange of Strange
and West, local dealers for the
Chevrolet types. "We have been ex
pecting a drop in price of Chevrolet
cars, but' did not expect it would be
so great," Strange explained. "De
crease in material prices ami in
creased factory efficiency are given
as the reasons for the slash in
Didn't, Make Good, Boast Pugilis-
tic ambitions and denatured alcohol
last night resulted in the Jailing of bearing the names of the donors,
John "Rusty" Trent upon a chargeJwin be placed upon the competed
of drunkenness. Several drinks of
the alcohol had caused Trent to ex
press publically that he could "lick
any policeman who walks." Officers
Densmoor and McClaskey accepted
this challenge,, placing the wonldrbe
pugilist behind the bars without any
difficulty. He paid a "fine of $10 in
the police court this, morning,
. Dalles Loses, 12 to 0 As a base
ball game, yesterday's exhibition be
tween The palles rind Maupin teams
was a good exhibition of fighting.
Incidentally The Dalles lost the
game, 12 to 0. All progressed well
until the fifth Inning, when Frank
CulKns, shortstop, took, exception "to
certain actions on the part of , the
Maupin first baseman. Culling regis
tered extreme displeasure with his
fists, receiving as good as he sent.
Spectators and players separated the
two. The" Dalles team, following the
fight,, played a very ragged game of
IbasQbalJ, being unable to make any
'progress in the scoring line.
To Poison State-land Rodents
iP.oisoning of state, lands near Tygh
Valley, for the purpose ,0 killing
squirrels- and other .harmful rodents,
will shortly be undertaken by ranch
ers living in the vicinity affected, un-
Prices Cut to Pre-War Level
Carrier and Speedometer.
Can Make . Immediate) Delivery
der the direction of E. E. Hortie, mem
ber of the United States; biological
survey. Poison will be furnished bv
fP escaped in the, general county
yuiouu vauiyuiKua, muvmg iruni uieir
state home to the land of adjoining
wfaen grain, is ripening. WJtn
luul" BUU ,,rivul? """"" covereu
ihe ' po,80n campaign, it is thought
inai aa.mage & destructive
rodents will be minimized.
Johnston and Son Give Shelter
tablished in The Dalles. It is the
giving of shelter houses, for use in
the new city auto' park. W. A. John
ston & Son, local automobile deal
ers, today joined the ranks of per
sons who have taken up this new
fad, by authorizing the construction
,of yet another shelter house, the en
tire expense of construction to be
paid by them. John Van Dellen of
the Van Dellen lumber company in
augurated the shelter hotfgfe don
tion fad, followed shortly by Mrs.
e. M. Williams and today My W. A,
.Tnhnntnti a-
First Wife May Have Pension
Claim When Lewis Fairqhlld, civil
war veteran, died in Portland a. short
time ago, he left, behind him a situ
ation which has been puzzling gov
ernment pension experts since, M.
M. Brower, federal pension investi
gator, explained today. Brower is in
The Dalles' looking for some trace
of a Mrs. L. L. Latham, who is said
to have taught school in The Dalles
in early' pioneer days. Fairchlld, the
records show, was married to Mrs.
Latham and later divorced. Follow
ing his recent death, the second Mrs.
iFairchild made an application to the
government for the dead soldier's
pension. The 'question that is now
worrying pension officials is wheth
er Mrs. Fairchlld the first is still
living, and if she is, Whether or not
she has any legal claim to the pen
sion which Mrs. Fairchlld the second
is now claiming.
"Godless Men",
coming to Casino Thursday.
Just Received
Norfolk olive drab automobile suits.
Retailing at' $23.00. Cohen Clothing
store. ' i 10
Model 490 Sedan, now
Model 490 Coupe, now :
Model 490 Delivery, now
1-Ton Truck, now ,.
Lighting System, Demountable Rims, Tire V
Dr., H. C. Dodds of Bend is in The
Dalles on business.
F. F. Hockman is registered at
Hotel Dalles.
M. N. Fisher of Walla Walla is a
business visitor in The Dalles. '
H. I. Ramsey of Rufus is" a guest
at Hotel Dalles.
J. W. Hawk of lone Is a visitor
in The Dalles today.
Andrew Scott of Antelope is at
Hotel Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blau of Was
co are business visitors in tBls" Oliy.
Mrs. May Miller of Friend is vis
iting with friends in The Dalles.
F. J. Richards of Friend, was a
guest last night at the Bank hotel.
S. C. Adkins of Culver was a busi
ness visitor to the city Saturday. '
(Miss Winifred Woelk, a local nurse
is on professional duty at Centervllle
Mrs. I. Danis of Dufur, was shop
ping in me city uaiuruay. i
Miss Frances Morrisy is visiting
friends in the city.
Carl Nys of Dufur transacted busi
ness in the city Saturday.
Frank J. Stark of Dufur was 'shop
ping in the city Saturday.
Georgq, Adams of Yakima is visiting
for a few weeks in the city.
'Mrs. F. S. Lamborn of Wasco was a
Dalles visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Si Covqy of Boyd is in the
city, on business.
Mrs. Charles Stanborough of Bend
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward
Kirrlin at the Court apartments.
Mrs. Hi H. Hartley of Goldendale,
Wash., was shopping in the city Sat.
, P. C. Ross of. the United Cream Sep-
arator company, is visiting C. 'J. Cor
son. Mr. and Mrs. Klnley Adams cf
Eighth street motored to Sunnyslde,
Saturday where they will spend sever
al days visiting among old friends.
' 'i
f jf
' Donald Morrison and A. M. Mor
rison, . bothi of. Sbanlko, are guests
at the Bank hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Birdsell of
Bend are in The Dalles visiting
with friends.
B. Harris of Glenwood, Wash.,
was in this city yesterday visiting
with friends.
Miss Flora Robinson and Mrs. Fran,
cos Jordon of Mnryhill, Wash., were
in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Ida Sanders of Columbus,
Wash., Is visiting her son, U. J. San
ders, who is in. the employ of A. M.
Williams & company.
air. and Mrs. Homer D. Angell and
Mrs. Frank Bowen and two children,
alloi Portland, drove over the Colum
bia River highway, to spend the week
end as guests of Mrs. Ella Robertson.
The Rev. Baker of Iowa is visiting
for, a few weeks at the home of his
niece, Mrs. A. F. Watson, of (West
(Sixth street. The Rev. .Baker preach
ed Sunday evening at the Free Meth
odist meeting in Thompson's addition.
' Dr. and Mrs. T. DeLarhue, Miss
Amy Davidson, Mrs. Berrie Mosier,
Miss Jessie Ferbrache, Miss Lois Du
ree and Alvin Nielsen spent yesterday
on the Columbia river and "at Hood
River. The trip was made in Dr. De
Larhue's launch.
The Rev. Carl E. Walker went to
Montavllla yesterday to fill the ap
pointments of The Rev. Carroll C.
Roberts, who is here in the interest of
the Eastern relief work. The Rev.
Roberts filled the pulpit of the local
Christian church for The Rev. Walker.
"Godless Men,"
coming to Casino Thursday.
"Scenes in Union Station"
at the Casino Theatre' Wednesday
evening, May 11. . 9
Our stock of men's and boys' elk
and mule skin shoes .is now complete.
You will find these good wearing
shoes and reasonably priced. Edw. C.
Pease company. 9
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and. Thursday's. ,
Dr. Baum, chlropractlo physician,
Third and Washington, main 601.' it
Carpentering and building. C. H.
Merrymnn, telephone' red 5741. M30
400 Chevrolet is a product of the Gononil Motors Corporation
as such you are insurod of the bust of construction. TIumo aio
2700 satisfied Chevrolet owners in Multnomah county.
if you desiro to purchase on tlino.
Some Day You Will
Ride in a Chevrolet
Notice. '
Ordinance No. 263. Section 18:, It
shall be unlawful for any,, person.1) of
a- j .. .' l
persons 10 aoposu n any street, auey
or public place within tho corporate
limits of Dalles City any boxes, cans,
paper, dirt, trash, manure, straw or
rubbish of any kind whatsoever and al
low the same to remain in such place
for a longer time than 12 ours, and
any. person violating any of the above
provisions shall, on conviction thereof
before the recorder, be fined not less
than five nor more than 20 dollars
for each violation of this section and
shall be Imprisoned in the city jail
until such fine be paid. This ordinance
will be enforced.
FRANK HEATER. Chief of Police. 9
"Godless Men"
coming to Casino Thursday.