The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 09, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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To oal In lh
dollolous Burloy
lobaooo flavor.
It's Toasted
Mrs. Pllcher and I hope that
through the columns of The Chronicle
we may express our appreciation of
' the great kindness and friendly help
we have found nmong so many peo
ple of The Dalles. We left for Ever
ett, Wash., Sunday, with real regret
at the -parting. We have found a great
Interest In community music In The
Dalles, as well as remarkable talent.
, We had the pleasure of listening to
the ladles' chorus under Mrs. Carlton
P. Williams' able baton. Their forth
coming concert will 'be a real treat.
The men who have sting In the chorus
now forming display splendid voices,
and I am sure the membership will
increase steadily In this group. There
are several very capable directors
' among the men I have met herd, any
one of whom I should be glad to sing
"Your Community Service Music
committee, Mrs. Carlton P. William?,
chairman, has decided to continue und
develop the community sing, and have
selected next Wednesday nights as
'the first sing. Two or three local lead
ers will direct, and the new song
books, "Twice 55 Community Songs,"
1 1 will be used. At this sing the Edw.
C. Pease company, the J. C. Penney
company and the A. M. "Williams com
pany, will be represented by the per
sonnel and their friends. It is intended
cessful continuance of these, sings,
with an Increased atendance; a., great
'pageant, a rousing Fourth: of; July pro
gram, a music memory contest in Oc
tbber and the organization of Christ
mas carol singers.
With many thanks to The Chronicle
for the generouB support we have re
ceived, 1 am,
Sincerely yours,
"Godless Men"
coming to Casino Thursday.
(Continued From Page 1.)
ment has been conveyed to Germany,
but it Is assumed that the petition
has been made known 'to American
Commissioner Dressel at Berlin, and
by him outlined to Germany.
(Continued From Page 7.)
"Godless Men," a Reginald BarKer
production, with a Goldwyn all-star
cast, Is a story whore men meet their to havo n s,ng,ng contest between
sou.s ,aco 10 lace anu sneer inem- these threo stores declgion wm
serves on to actB ot norror; wnere
they grapple life with ruthless, de-
established for the killing. According
to an underworld story, the two Mac
edonians Implicated charged that the
girl had "done" them out of a sum
of money by trickery, and threatened
to "get her" to even the score.
be given as to merit.
The community chorus, or sing, Is
not intended to supplant any organ
ized groups, but rather to afford an
opportunity and a fooling of welcome
to all who would enjoy the pleasure
of singing for its own sake. With the
splendid and unusual voices In this
city, as well as the general Interest
shown by the community-minded, the
sing will succeed and be a real com
munlty asset, If supported and attend
ed by those to whom we all look up,
the responsible business and profes
sional men and the progressive wom
en of The Dalles.
Community singing Is taking a very
definite place In the progressive cities
of the country. It has been found of
tgroat recreational value, as well t!h a
medium for developing community
consciousness. It Is in addition a mu
sical Inspiration. Community choruses
are developing appreciation of the
better music by conducting music
so forth. Simpson has boon trained to j ,nomory contests, music weeks, Easter
the point where "Black Pawl" la a . simris concerts, fihrlnfmnn parol ainir.
struct! vo hands. It will be shown at
ike Casino theater for three days,
commencing Thursday. Russell Simp
son portrays the loading character,
"Black Pawl." As "Black Pawl" he
defies God and for years sails the
sea a terror to every man before the
mast. The history of those sinister
sea captains who ruled by spilt blood
and fear is all combined In the life
of "Black Pawl."
"Black Pawl" ia a character few
'men could handle. Its very scope of
dramatic possibilities would bowllder
and overwholm the ordinary actor.
The force of the story stuns one In Its
mere skeleton outline and brought
to life In Its every detail on the screen
it is snld to bo the greatest sea pic
ture ever produced. Through his pre
vious work In such plays as "Tho
Branding Iron," "The Barrier," "Out
of the Dusl," "Breakers Ahead," and
living, breathing, stupendous portray
al of character In his hands.
ing 'by Bmall groups. The remarkable
Easter sunrl3o concert in Hollywood
.1 .1 1... f)A AAA , 1 - V.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart and family ! work of the Hollywood community
moved to Colilo last week. Mr. Stuart ! cnor"3 wmc'1 8mneu wun a emoer
la working on tho railroad there.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Douglas are plan
iitag a trip to Warm Springs. They
will leavo in a fow days.
Tho Rev. John L. Boguo gave a short
lecturo at ThotuiMon's nililltlon school
house Thursday night, Illustrated by
storeoptlcnn slides, on tho noo' -f aid
ing tho starving Armenians and Chi
nese. Tho lecturo was followed by
Bhort talks by Mr, Roberta and Mr.
Price on tho sumo subject.
The Parent-Teacher nssocla' Ion was
formed In Thompson's addition and
has most of tho mo'hcr: and lathfis
on Its membership roll. The patrons
nnd teachors of tho school aro hcail
ily In favor of It. Tho now association
will moot Thursday nr,'.' n.wii nt 3:;0
o'clock, May 12, in tho assembly room
at tho school house. '
ship of eight people, nnd now has an
average- attendance of 1200. The
Dalles may nover havo so large a
regular attendance, but should havo
not leas than 250.
Wo leave hoping to hear of the sue
Until we establish headquar
ters in Tho Dalles, we will ho
glad to hear from prospective
Overland and Willys-
Knight car buyors. Write to
Elliott Overland Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Phone 3524
Monarch Ranges
c m
The Economy 8hop
Ladles' and children's hats at very
reasonable prices. Organdie collar
and cuff sets and embroidery yarns. A
few ready-to-wear infants' dresses.
Ladies' silk and voile dresses, also
house dresses, aprons and underwear.
Children's dresses, boys' blouses and
infants' wear made to order. Mrs.
Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite.
postoffice. Telephone black 3171. 20
(Continued From. Pact 1.)
enough to end it with vOi; bio w
!He who "touches" first in that way
will not need' to strike again.
The element of chance consequent
ly will play a prominent part. The
exigencies of the ring are never
certain and even the best of fighters
is liable to leave an opening once
in a while.
Once will be enough for Dempsey
on July 2.' '
. -
Tnere will be actual energy ex
panded and more force In blows ex
changed in these hypothetical eigh
teen minutes of fighting than any
of the old time champions expanded
in four or five times that many
Dempsey can hit harder, than any
boxer America ever produced.
Carpentler can hit just as hard
as Dempsey.
I know this may surprise some of
my American readers, because Jt is
gene-rally supposed that Carpentler
13 mienor to Dempsey in strength
What Carpentler may lack in pay
l'.at strength he makes un, for with
a super knowledge of how to hit
p.m'1 where to hit.
EM Beit E S S
Superfeature House
Taxi May f lelcrs Tax I
Telephone mala '5021,
Farmers, Attention 1
County meeting, .farmers' union,
Wednesday, May 18, at 10 a. m., at
Nanseno local. County court will be
present to explain the 800,000 road
bond issue and State Secretary F. A.
Sikes will also attend. Other very
important business. Do not forget
the date.
5-7-9-1M3-16-W18-19 Secretary.
"Oodles Men"
coming to Casino Thursday.
ii tit i i.
(Continued From Pago 1.)
The duties on wool textiles and oth
er goods have been increased cor
The cotton duties will be .'
ly under the Payne-Aldrich rates,
although the rates on finishea cot
ton textiles will be higher.
The sugar duty will be two cents
a pound for imports from countries
other than Cuba and 1.6 cents from
Cuba. These are virtually the Payne-
Aldrlch rates.
The tariffs on agricultural pro
ducts will be somewhat lower than
the emergency tariff, provides. -
WANTED At once, by public lit -
directory of The Dalles for 1911. !
Break Chest Colds
With Red Peppers
Passionate Pilgrim''
Revealing some little-known angles of newspaper
life, and a big 'city's underground polities'.
AthrilL witlv mystery, daring and love, in a ven-.
turous' game for power and millions.
A brilliant cast, including
' Rlubye de Remer and Matt Moore
A Paramount Picture
Ease your tight, aching chest.
Stop the pain. Break .up the conges
tion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in
just a short time.
"Red Pepper Rub" is the cold
remedy that brings the quickest re
lief. It cannot hurt you and it cer
tainly seems to end the tightness
nnd drive the congestion and sore
ness right out.
When heat penetrates right down
Into colds, congestion, nching mus
cles nnd sore, stiff joints, relief
comes at once.
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers.
The moment you apply Red Pepper
Rub for colds, backache, sore mus
cles, stiff neck, lumbngo, or the
pains of rheumatism or neuritis, you
feel tho tingling heat.
In 'three minutes the .congested
spot is warmed through and through.
When you are suffering bo you can
hardly get about, just get a,ja.r of
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made Trom
red peppers, at any drug store. You
will have .the quickest relief known.
Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye Specialist
We are equipped to give your
eyes the very best of care. Eyes
tested. Glasses ground.
Second and Washington Streets
The .Dalles
k vis)- , 2ris
sy' ...
0 lammowtlimi
' pidure Jm
The record of the Monarch Malleable Range for
long life and thrifty performance cannot help but
carry conviction to anyone seriously considering
the selection of a kitchen range,
Malleable construction insures lasting; tightness.
Vitreous Enameled Linings prevent rust damage
, on the inside.
Maier 4 Schnnno
THE man with a growing bank account is always
Independent. He who doesn't think It necesstuy
to spend tho tlmo and patience -to build one, 13
Usually a 'leaner dependent upon others sooner
or later.
The French & Company bank, has watched many
boys and accounts In The Dallea grow together.
These boys are successful and useful citizens today,
4 Paid n Savings
FRENCH. Iraili
PAUL M. FRENCH, Vlce-Freeldn
V. H, FRENCH, acrUry
J. C HOSTtTLER. Caehltr
III ifn.. K. H
SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. good
Glenwood Hotel
202 Union Street
Half Block from Station
Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night
Frora 50 to $1.50 a Nifht
$2.50 to 5.00 a Waek
-t 'j.i ; or yu tjvm hjt - ; r.ti V7 j. ul