PAGE POUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. BUICKS CITED BY JAPS FOR SERVICE CAR8 STAND UP UNDER EXACT ING WAR 8TRAIN IN ASIA. During the world war, while atten tlon was focused on the great strug gle that was fcoing on In western Eu rope, a part of the campaign was be Ing curried on In the Japanese army In northern Manchuria and Siberia Muhc of the territory In which fight Ing was going on was far from, tho nearest railroad, and the transporta tlon problem was one of tho greatest Importance, supplies oi au aescrip Hons must be delivered to the fight' )ng forces without delay or serious In terruptlon. Officials must be carried o and fro. Wounded must bo taken o (the rear. The Japanese authorities solved the problem In this case by organizing a motor transport service Easy Rarfa'r Necessary, The car selected for sGl'Vlce of Huch a character must of a necessity be ca pablo of withstanding the greatest amount of abuse and neglect without ceasing to function. It must be eaBlly handled and be free from all compli cation. It must also be capable of be ing easily repaired In case of mishap. To fulfill those exacting conditions tho Japanese authorities chose the Bulck -encouraged, perhaps, by the performance of a fleet of thoBO cars in the Gobi desert In Mongolia, a con quest of impossible conditions that has become world famous. That thotr confidence was not misplaced Is shown by tho fact that the Japanese distributor has received from two dif ferent branches of the service cita tions of the cars used. Superiority Shown. The first citation translated roads: "We hereby certify that tho Bulck cars were in service of the flrsi autn mobile corps during the campaign In northern Manchuria and Siberia, nnd which started for the front In Sep tember, 1918. The Bulck cars proved their efficiency and tho facility of their control and driving, despite the hilly and shaggy roads In tlio terrltor- FRANKLIN RANK8 FIFJH IN SALES OF CARS SYRACUSE, N. Y., May 7. During first quarter of 1921, the H. H. Frank lin 'Manufacturing company of Syra. cuse ranked fifth among American automobile manufacturers on the ba sis of value of sales and eleventh on the basis of number of cars produced. All manufacturers, including Ford, were taken into consideration in this calculation. During the last quarter of 1920 Franklin ranked seventh among-American automobile manufac turers, including Ford, on the basis of value' of sales. ies where they were driven, with standing hard usage even In tho depth ft t I ti t a ur I Mi t lm I n tin fi 1 1 1 rA K ft degrees F. below zero. They have not encountered with any defects In their mochanlsm, and tho fuel consumption waskfar smaller than tho others." First Automobile corps. Mechanism Stable. Tho second citation Is as follows: "Wo hereby cortlfy that t ho Bulck motor cars handled by tho Yanase & company, wore In service of tho Sec- -ond Expeditionary Aeronautical corps, dispatched In Siberia, and proved tho stability of the mechanical functions, ''facilities In controlling and driving. ' "Even In tho Reason, of sovoro cold In tho territories abovo mentioned, thoro was no defect found In tho . mechanism; In short, tho superiority of the car was proved to bo unusuallv . noteworthy." Tho Second Expedition ary Aeronautical forco. Used Trucks Bargains For Someone , We have the following trucks in Al condition, all late models, ready for use in every re spect. They will be offered at greatly re I'.cod prices. "TtfiUS IF WANTED Two ion Denby, new price, $2,700, our price, $1,000. Two ton model 12 Re public, price when new, $2350, our price, $1350. One and one-half ton model 11 Republic, price when new, $2470, our price, $1500. Two ton Atterbury truck, price when new, $3500, our price, $2500. Write Us For Terms Walther-Williams Company HOW LONG WILL BATTERY LAST (Continued From Page 3.) illarly and unreservedly, I will be pret ty apt to get out of It every ounce of performance and lifetime the man- ufacturer puts into it." FRANKLIN ORDERS NEARLY EQUAL PLANT CAPACITY (SYRACUSE, 'N. Y., May 7.' The Franklin Automobile company of this 'city reports that on April 28 orders wore on hand for 885 earn for 'May delivery. Production for 'May will ag gregate 920 cars, or 40 cars daily. t$4 t fU . $ "JACKS OF -ALL TRADES" WE ARE NOT , BUT AUTO ELECTRICIANS WE ARE We guarantee to locate and correct any electrical trouble, whether it be in ignition, start ing or lighting. THE EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE STATION OF WASCO COUNTY R. A. TWISS 505 East Second BATTERY SERVICE n Zfne FRANKLIN tmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmX I I I I I mi mm mmmmmm1mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw nt-MHp'''' '''$3mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmWtmmmmmmmmmmmW&it. '"tIbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl mu I mmmmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmmi aBBLB3BEBBwsaBLH BBBflilDfilMtftiTOnJ WHsiLS&S a" ' "I write to congratulate you em the record your cotnpamy it making. Tour company cm9nm Ottf W 01f0M00l2s? field m an exception of note." A ProatlaaotNawYoik Am mint from on of i Wow all to the nan which tfc Fraaklat Ca fa if km mW from paoafa m mmm ftaach with cfca TIERE is one main reason for the sales records the Franklin has established since the present period ot readjustment set in. The Franklin Car gives exactly the sort of performance the times call for. Men and women, too are applying the same strict standards to their motoring that are being applied to business. The Franklin measures up to these standards. In all its 19 years, it has never countenanced waste in any form. It does not waste gasoline by carrying superfluous weight It does not waste tire and car life through rigidity that transmits road jolt and jar. It does not waste power by employing an inefficient cooling system. Light, resilient and direct air cooled, it turns every drop of fuel into useful work, gets every possible month of wear from the tires, every possible yeaij of service from the car. Inevitably these business advantages are accompanied by more per sonal onaa. Franklin comfort, ease of handling and freedom from worry and work sure out of the ordinary, too. Base your judgments on these actual owners averages: 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation (National Areragm) I ? ' -.-kit.'. 1 .n FiFranklin Motor Car Go. f 'r X i . f i .j t j r! 'i "'ft - - N f f i.f X v Tk DaUaa, Oregon. v i ' """"