RAM POUH -ME DALLES DAILY CHRONICjLE, ATJLppAV, MAY7,Jg1- THE DAILY CHRONICLE f "heth'r ,the cTemanl, w" " was cruel to the woman of bis choice Bstabllahed HW The DaOea, Or. Published Kvery Evening Hacopt Sunday by the Chronicle Publtrtring oempany Ina Bn K. Litfln Alrln Li. Bucklln to the extent of bashing her over the . . c i I .General Manager neau anu maicmg conquest 01 ner in Classified Advertisements that way. Entered in The Dalle poatefrtee aa xhe more primitive and savaije a tecond claaa mattae. i 1 'b 1 raco is, the more keen are they in the United Pre and United Newa Serrlce ' Member of Audit Bureau of ClrcuaUlaae art of wooing. The Mexican peons, DAILY chronicle v CARRIER ' who 80 fas 88 culture and refinement SS" mVSbl ind rf-jfffi and entttl nb,lity simply are not-can Ono month , , .00; ahnu hn nvorncrn r.lvl1l7(ri man many DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL One roar, in advaave.. Six month. In ad ranee.. one month WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year. In advaaca. -f,0 subtle things in the business of woo-. - Ing fair women. He is a past master. of this process. "If I B SESSB3g-S In ordariac change of adores, ub-1 As ve recall the cave man is sup- ertber thould alwaya sIto aid aa well , . ... . , , . v,,,, aa new addraaa, posed to have been developed to about TELEPHtNEI ' th StagG 01 the Dresent daV aneS- The Exmonai lloom Bualneaa, Adv., dr. Dcpta.- Subaortbers to the Ckronlote art guar, an teed aerylce. Prompt and regalar da Uvery C erety uaacrlber'a taper Lb the aim of the circulation departaaeat. The Chronicle carriers are required t put the paper on the porch or wherever ta uMcrfber wlabea '.ho paper daUvered. MOTHER BfeS5 1H i ape, should Bervo then as indication wltOQ 111 1 of how the cave-man wooed. The ape, according to Dr. Elmer S. Riggs, fa mous paleontologist and assistant cur ator of the Field museum of natural history in Chicago, is a gentle wooer. In fact he says that all wild animals are kindly disposed to the mates of their choice. All the evidence seems to indicate that the cave-man never roughed bis sweeiie. Why should he? The girl no 'doubt felt her heart pound a bit hard er at the approach of the stalwart husky she had been admiring and dreaming about. She may have sent him a sly glance with the battery of her beautiful eyes. Yea, it seems that a lot of our pre conceived notions about life on this old planet before history clearly reo Wherever you are tonight, sue thinks lovingly of you. Distance .may separate you. Mountain ranges may lift their giant peaks between you Seas may roll restlessly between you. , But distance and mountains and seas are as nothing. Her love bridges them. In spirit she is always with you. She is the one friend, the one pal, the one love that never deserts, that is constant to the last. It makes no difference what you have done. Acta of yours may have bowed her, ords 11 nre d"e tor 'he scrap heap old gray head in sorrow. Deeds of yours may have wrung the stout old heart with intensest anguish. Bven the buffets of time cannot alter or change one whit, the love she bears you. Perbap you have gone wrong. You may have double crossed friends. You may nave been on the inside looking out for of feoaee against society. You may have sunk so low that the very dogs of the street pass you by whinlngly. But she remembers you tB you were In childhood, pure and sweet and good. She loves you tonight, no mat ter what your lot with the same LOOKING BACKWARD; Ctasalfled adverUatac 1 east par worn each laawrUaau If Inserted time ar more, 3-4 cent a ward. Moataly puh catlaa rates oa appMcatUa at the atfloa. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. In quire 1314 Jackson street. 10 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 507 East Fourth street. 7. (From The Chronlclo, May T. 1896.) Dr. Logan went to Salem cn the local train today and will return Sat urday. He will attend the silver wed ding of Dr. J. A. Richardson and wife. The doctor was a former; partner of Dr. Logan. The Dufur Dispatch issues its Hnst number today. D. C. Ireland of the Moro Observer prophesies that steamers will pass intensity of affection that shielded !u!h. the.Coscade ocks Jun - i loso. ine oniy way u can oe none is you from harm years ago. for tne wateI. ,0 fee so high that inn Looking back on your life, you jocks will be completely covered so realise that the principles which she'' that there will be no obstructions for taught you to respect have brought the boats. And then the Days, or tho you whatever succcsb you ma ybe. .'"eers, wo'd try to collect toll. These principles taught you in your 'A pnrty Just arrived from Prinevillo rannrtft that Hrrnlf rnnrt la -ntfll In made you decent and fair and hon- 'Be8Bloni ,Each ovenngi aftel. adjourn. you whatever success you may bo. est. If you have achioved a place in the sun, sho had a big part in your present advancement. She pointed the way. Sho gavo you the formula. Study history and you will find that men aro great not of themselves but because of mother. Yob, it is of mother we jipcuk reverently tonlRht. Sho is the great est and deareBt and best pal in all ho world. Many friends you may have, good und loyal and helpful, but you can have only ono mother, super pnl marvelous. Tomorrow is Bet npurt as a day to do hor honor, llo mindful of this fact. Write to mother tomorrow. Think of mother tomorrow. Visit with mother, if you can. Hqar ad ment, Judge Bradshaw and II. S.Wil son nre Been out on the desert south 'of town rolling rocks at greitsowood pins, tho sheriff and bailiff boins kept busy "sotting 'em up" on tho alley. The champion score will be knocked Into a cocked hat upon the Judge's return. We can almost hear his, "Give mo a strike on the spare," at this distance. (Mr. John Roth has filed notlco of his Intention to run Independently for sheriff on tho Populist ticket. Ho was kept very busy until 2 o'clock this morning answering telephone mes sages of congratulation, urging him not to withdraw and promises of hearty support from all over tho county wore given him. Ho will got tho Dufur vote solid, ho believes. Tho hnrdost Jolt was purported to ho from tho regular nomlnoo on the Pop- dresses about mother. And above all ,,Bt ,,cko, und John wntl m'etty m"d l Af tin turn i it i t tin rnnnl vtw nil IIIUWIV 1111 llllllf-t l VMW wvr tho telephone. John Is vory popular, so much so that ho did not have to pin a carnation Into your coat or - to your waist so that ull men may ,know surely that mother is greatest pal, greatest inspiration, truest love. 3 o UNSTABLE MYTHS j We've boon told that tho prehistoric if cavo-man was a brutal fellow who bo lleved In direct action to get lusulln. JVo'vo been told that this cavo-man an. , co3tor when ho saw n BWoot youug thing who pleased IiIh fancy, then and S thoro selxed a trusty club, approach- eil her and without further parley I smashed her a lusty clout on the dome of thought. Then he took her uncon- ! sclous body to hU lair and thereafter i the wus hla. AVu suppose all this Is sot forth In explanation of tho rages civilized nnn Is seliod with at times, There must i ?bo some way to account for losing control of one's self and doing the g violent und foollMi thing, We have the caveman wno was tne cany exponent Of the treat 'em rough doctrine to lse for all our depart wm from kiclvllUod uiaBBera. l But triatly ipadklM Tory solicit names on his petition. They camo to him, and naturally he was much pleased, Any man would be. and It didn't take moro than a mlnulo and a half to show his appreciation, too. l)r, S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele tione main 3911, res, main 1691. 8tf LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER FISHERMEN ON .STRIKE By United Proa ASTORIA, Ore., Muy 7. Tho fish ermen's strlko on the Lower Colum bia will continue. This announcement was made to day by union headquarters, follow ing a conference of representatives of the salmon packers and fisher men yesterday, which resulted In h deadlock, Tho caunerles are offering 9 cents a pound for fUh. The mon demand ten cents a pound. An effort to compromise on 9 cents met with future. rown' Dufur Mtaaa Tim Tahla Two round tripa dally. Leave Batik aoto), 9. a. m. aad 4 p. . Leave OtHt flH-aV all Be I , B. tf FOR RENT Partly furnished rooms, cheap. Quiet place. No children. 4174 First street. 9 FOR RENT Three furnished house-, keeping rooms. 819 East Third. Tele, phone red 1282. 7 FOR RENT Rooms comfortably fur nlshed for light housekeeping. 115 East Second street. 11 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, electric cook stove, reasonable, tele phone red 3991. 700 Case street. 9 FOR RENT To newcomers especial ly. Seating space in Sunday school classes at Calvary Baptist church, 10 a. m. No objection to children. 7 WANTED General housework ,n town or on ranch. Telephone black 4631. Ask for Mrs. K. 7 WANTED Housekeeping work on ranch or In town by experienced woman. Write I. B. 105, Chronicle. 7, WANTED Messenger boy, 16 years old, with bicycle. Apply Western Union Telegraph company. 10 WANTED To sell, rent and repair sewing machines and typewriters. (Hemstitching done. Phone Coryea. 10 WANTED Work by the hour. No washing. Reasonable rites. Address P. W. 10, care Chronicle. 9 FOR RENT Pasture, lots of fine pa?, ture for horses and cattle at $2.00 per head. J. W. Perdue, on old Sam John's place, Mill creek. 12 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also small house, suitable tor baching, 111 West Second street. 7 FOR RENT Room with board ia modern home. .Lady or gentleman. Phone red 3401, 1009 Fultosi street. ' 7 FOR 8 ALE FOR, SATjE Slightly used Corona Typewriter. Phone or see Coryea. 10 FOR SALEPekin duck eggs for set ting. Apply People's market. 9 FOR SALCh-Caatle Gate Utah coal it Maler te Sohanno's. 19 FOR SALE 21-horse power gasoline engine. Cheap. Telephone black 5432. 10 FOR SALE Holsteln and Jersey cow, gives six gallons per day. A. E. Fine, telephone 17F11. 12wl9 FOR SAiLE Sixty minutes of Bible study, 10 a. m. Sunday id Calvary Baptist church. Your own terms. 7 FOR SALE 00 Leghorn roosters, six weeks old. Make nice broilers. W. Palmer, route 4, The Dalles. 11 FOR SALE Slightly used, latest model Underwood typewriter. Call red 2211, or sea Joe Mclnerny. 7 FOR SALE Cheap drill press, shaft ing, 'belts, pulleys, turning lathe, em ery wheel and other tools. Dalles Foundry. 9 FOR SALE Maytag Electric Wash er, like new; Singer sewing ma chine; quart Mason Jars. 1008 Al vord. Telephone Black 4561. 9 FOR SALE Few stands of bees. Place order promptly bo it can be filled before honey flow. Call main 3711. 11 FOR SALE Goat's milk, also fine bil ly kids from four to five quart dams, Soanan breed. W. W. Nich ols, 1205 Lincoln street. 10 FOR SALE Good level lots, good soil. In Fair street. $160 per lot. Call 1418 iBluff street or telephone black 1441. 7 FOR SA1W Dry oak wood; old oak. 111.50. Second growth, $12.59. DaUv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SAIjE (Large and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Haunt,' Dufur, Ore. 18tt, FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, un-' Improved, three miles west, of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms U desired. Write owner, P. O. box 67, Traver, California. 10 F091 SALE Bargain if taken at once, new two room house, lot 50x100, good gardon. $100 down, $36 a monh. Apply W. E. Glllett, Seven teenth and Mt. Hood. IS FOR SALE Two and one-halt acraa on Cmoaowlth paved road, edge of city. Two room house, clrf watarrj chlc:en house, berries and fralt. Bargain. A. E. Petrie, Chenowlth road. vl WANTED WANTHD Farm hands. Steady year nrouad work. IaejUlro CIS Weba(aa aaa"aaWiaaaa"aaailai mi mmmm0 WANTetD To do dreeaoaaktag WANTED Position as cook in gener al house in town, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Address James T. K., 311 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 WlANTED Your attendance at the regular Sunday morning service of jCalvary Baptist Bible school, 10 a. m. WANTED Dressmaking, fancy ging hams and organdies a specialty. Pat terns cut to measure. Reasonable prices. 1512 Pine Btrect. Telephone red 3181. 10 WANTHD To mow your lawns, fix np your flowers er any ether kind of work te keep busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone. L. A Mathews, 592 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf IWANTED Twelie experienced; "sour dough" prospectors to take part in . Community Pageant May 27. No preparation necessary, except your outfit. Join us in spirit to help make this a success and renew old times. Telephone E. G. Malloy, mala 3711. 7 LOST OR POUND LOST Heart-shaped green moss ag ate scarf pin. Leave at Chronicle office. Reward. 7 LOST Fibre portfolio case on Wasco road Tuesday night. Return to The Maytag company; Portland, Ore. Re ward. 9 LOST If the party who appropriated my hat at the K. of P. hall Friday, May 6, will kindly return same, he can get back his own. R. E. Wil liams, postofflce. 7 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Moline, 607 Union Btreet. ' J5 TRANSFER AND BXPRB8B Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled aad general express busi ness. Telephones: 8tand, red 101: residence black 1352. J. E. Henzie 11 tl HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L M. Boothhy, 398 Washington street. Telephone main 6681. tf PROFESSIONAL AND BU8INESS PIANOS TUNED ad repaired, ac tion regulating aad refinlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S A. Dockstnder. Cor son Music tore. 320 Fast Second otreej. Telephone main 1061. tf White Truck Lin Freight and express between The Dallea aad Wasco, Mere and all wav points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m daily except Sunday. Leave Moro. 1:39 p. n. Leave Wasco, 2:39 p. m. D. M. Pterce, proprietor. Telephone Slack 1V? or mala 471. " FORD Spciftlists Whitney Repair Shop 79 Bjaet Secead ft VENZ BAUER Ueaera) real estate, iasuraace, aad loans. 100 East atocaad street. Tele phone aula 1971. Wtt POPULAR MUSIC Taaadit hy . BOB WERSCHaCUL Leaaaas by Appelatatea Theatre lHaatat SECOND. HANI STORE, lav.. Furniture WoboItIqs. FoohlaBr Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All Xs Special Sale on Lara and Smoked Meats All This Week at the People's and City Markets Best Lard, 5 pounds 90c 1 peunds $1-75 Bring your pail and have it filled with lard at lb. 15c Jewell Shortening, No. 5s -65c 10 pounds ... $1.25 Picnic Hams, pound -20c Kerne Cured Bacon, pound 57c Plenty of Whipping Cream at Both Markets People's Third and Union City Market 314 Eaet Second CRANDAJLL UNDERTAKING CO-, Wasco The DaMos Dufur . LULU a. CRAMAALL, Btawagw Bart Trunin. Aoolotaat o9uBger License Embalmers, latahilehed 1S97 Woman Atooadat Tolophonoo Mr. M. 4. WUIerten Day Red Ml Telephone Red 17S1 Night Red MS - J. H. Harper, alack 2152 Motor Equipaoent Cut Flowers Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF Bbbbbbb Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesicht Specialist Hours 9:00 to S:00 Sundayo and Evenings by Appointment 17-is vogt Ilk Over Croabya Drug Store Phono Hack 1111 II Glen wood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station kr t , FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Nigkt GLEAN ROOMS m From 50c W $1.50 a Nigkt , 12050 to llMa Wot i t 1 DINING ROOM OptM a. . to 12 p, m. , U i 4 m