PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. FORECASTS CUT IN FIRESTONE PRICES 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT EXPECT ED BY MANAGER OF PORT. LAND BRANCH. Lclnnd Sparks, manager of the I'or' land agency for Firestone tires, was In The Dalles Thursday and said that a sweeping reduction In prices will bo announced by his company next week. It is expected that the new prices will ,bo about 20 percent below those an nounced May 1, by the other big tiro producing concerns. Sparks drove up from Portland, making tho trip over the Columbia River highway from Mosler to The Dalles. He proceeded on into eastern Oregon. PORTLAND TRIP. (Continued From Pace 1.) highway to Portland. This all happen ed about 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Other tourists with "Welnle" wore Judge Dlakeley, Miss Elizabeth Har rlman, Harry Walther and u member of Tho Chronlclo staff. As a caged animal, "Weinie" quick ly began to develop (symptoms of rest less. Ho refused to stay put, and every bump of tho rough macadam between Ohenowlth and Mosler brought forth a howl of protest. His racket was so Incessant that no one else could be heard, and to emphasize his dlspleas n ro he insisted on reaching forth an astonishingly long fore-paw and sink ing his claws Into the plcco of human anatomy. .Barring this interruption, the trip to Hood Itlvor over a stretch of the high way which has been bugabooed as a fierce stretch of automobile traveling was almost a joy, True enough tho road is rough, but no huge boulders oar the way, as some would have it. Tho road has just been opened last Sunday, and It has since been Improv ing steadily. With a few more Ironings Xrom a road roller it will be just as good as tho stretch of macadam be tween Mosler and Hood Illver. MIrb Harrlman drove nil tho way to Portland, and got through to Hood Hlvor In one hour and 15 minutes. Af ter breakfast, tho trip was resumed, and the sedan was sailing the cir cuitous roads of Laurelhurst at 11:30. "Welnlo" was released from the box at Hood Itlvor for tho sake of peace with tho rest of tho party, and having achieved his object, chose to survey tho scenery for tho first 20 milos, draped liko a fox fur across tho shoulders of those in the rear seats. Presently ho grow tired of taking in view property and snuggled down for a snoozu on tho seat. It was well for "Woinlo," however that ho was overcome by drowsiness and couldn't see what was happen ing, for tho passage over tho well, oiled highway was full of thrills. Whon a hundred thousand earn, unoro or loss upced over any particu lar stretch of highway, and ovory one leavo n fow drops of oil snmiwhero, that road Is going to bo pretty slip pery on rainy days. Tho highway was no exception, leaving Tho Dalles, whero rain and Biinshlne are said to meet, tho sun was shining. Tho sun mot tho rain some, whore down below Hood Itlvor, and thereafter tho skating was fine. Tho road was ollod glass, but the hand at tho wheol was expert and nothing outside of a few skipped heart-boa's occurred. Harry Walther drove back Sunday night, leaving Portland about 7:20 and getting to Tho Dalles at 11:45. Tho rain was left behind at Hood River, and the old road over Seven Mile, which Whither knows like a book and could negotiate without headlights at night, was followed In from Mosler. Seven Mile was in excellent condi tion, but up on top one still sees relics of those hectic days in Febru- ' ary and March when happy-tho'-crazy 'motor fans who Just knew they could negotiate Seven Mile finished out 'their voyages in the rear of a sturdy team of horses or two. Timbers along 'the road, 'big tire holes, now easy to avoid, and a few miscellaneous parts of cars are silent reminders of those perilous times. Speaking by the way, It may be ob served that Wasco county needs con cede nothing in the way of a beauti ful highway to the lower counties. Just west of town there Is a straight-as-an-arrow speedway for two miles which will tempt many a motorist to do a lltttle stepping on the throttle when the paving Is In. Going around Crate's Point one passes through a succession of allur ing little pine tree parks, with the river below and the lofty hills beyond. Soon comes the figures 8 that lead up and around Rowena Point, and when that, stretch Is completed, there will bo nothing finer along the high way. The vista from the place where the road bends around the cliff at tho highest point Is every bit as dominat ing as Crown Point. In fact, many thing It Is superior to Crown Point. And going down Into Mosler touiis's are going to see the most beautiful or chards thati exist In the land. Alto gether, "Wasco county has a very sat isfactory bit of highway to be proufl of. 80,000' TRUCKS IN RURAL DISTRICTS POTENTIAL MARKET 8AIO TO EXI8T FOR MORE THAN SIX ' MILLION TRUCKS. Travel & Transport Topics Conducted by Goodrich Nearly 80,000 trucks are now used m rural communities, which, accord Ing to figures compiled by the Na tlonal Motor Truck committee of the Automobile chamber of com mcrce, Is 10,000 more than are em ployed by next, nearest class of users the manufacturers. Figuring from a basis that there are 6,351,502 one, hundred and forty acre farms in the United States, and that farms of this size or even small er can use a motor truck to advan tage, it is evident that there Is a potential market for more than six million trucks. Immense savings in shrinkage of livestock and perishable farm pro duce have been effected by the use of trucks in general farm hauling. As an instance or tne saving oi snnns ntie. the incident is cited In which 6,800 hogs valued at $200,000 were hauled into the stockyards at In dianapolis in one day by 500 motor trucks, which traveled 2,500 miles. Also, at St. Louis, Mo., and at Omaha motor hauling as a means of safe hauling with a minimum loss or weight is daily proving of adcantage. The fruit grower also has his mar kets literally moved miles closer to his orchards and the question is not, can lie afford a truck, but can he afford to be without one Not only does the farmer find that the truck is saving him time in transportation along the highways of the nation, but also in his general utility work on the farm itself, where by motorization, both time and money are placed on the credit side of the farmer's ledger. vulcanized piece of rubber is com pressed beyond its power of resist ance it will break down. It is evident, therefore, that solid tires are not only destroyed by continual overloading but by overloading them once. The tires should be sufficiently large to take care of the greatest load the truck will be subjected to. 0 PERCENT GRADE IS EASILY SCALED DODGE BROTHERS CAR, WITH SPECIAL TRACTION GEAR, CLIMBS STEEP SLOPE. Now York state has more motor vehicles than South Dakota has in habitants. Tho figures aro: Now York, 658,155 motor vehicles ano South Dakota, 653,047 persons. New Tork leads all the states in ownership of nutos and trucks while South Da kota has more cars in proportion to population than any other state. She has one car for overy 5 2 persons. Socrotary of tho Interior Fall says tho govorntnont Is doing overythlng 'posslblo to oncourago private motor travel. Free camp grounds In each of tho national parhs are provided. In 'thotn are proper sanitary facilities; garbago is collected and disposed of ench day; pure water Is piped whom ever nearby streams aro polluted; flrowood is provided for cooking pur poses and small evening camp fires. Who does not want to be the proud owner of an automobilo? "JJhose who haven't one yearn for a car of their own, and the majority of those who already havo a car hanker after a 'new an dbotter one. It's human na turo and we aro all victims of it. Af- 'ter all, what is more exhilaratlnj than Jumping into a new he-man auto mobile, pressing the starter and gild ing away into the country? Approximately vd In 7,000 people gather- In Japan you must bo a man of means to own an auto! No gentleman, though It may bo sporty to drive his own car, over goes without a chnuf four. Tho Japanese invariably havo two moil, one to drive and anothor to perform that heavy chore of opening and closing doors, also asking direc tions and running ahead to measure tho street to determine whether It Is wide enough. Wi TRUCKS NOW LISTED IN OREGON WASCO COUNTY HAS TOTAL FOR ALL CLASSES OF 169. Spotlight, please! For the motor car. A fow of tho many reasons fol low: Nearly 500,000 passengers arrive in New York by automobile dally; without uutos city rents would quick V double; without antes thousands of muib j.oiiiu, vai., recently 10 s,ii,nilmii tiiii, wnni.i i ,.,,,. inm,l . mim-HH a mil eiiiiio sucu as mm never before boon attempted In an highway transport reduces the coat and Increases the pleasure of living; automobile, the climbing of a 70 per Lu ..,. , , , . , , . .? . tnu automobile Industry pays tho rail. r rSaTTr",rslu ""rao or ,umu Dodge llrothera touring car. Tho only way which tho car used; Privately conducted tours are no differed from an ordinary touring longer restricted to steamships and car was In the wheels, which were! foreign countries. A Now Jersey or equipped with steel bands in which ganlzatlon will conduct two American were Inserted lugs 4 1-8 Inches apart, coast to coast tours this season, us A track up tho grade had been pro- lng rtKar touring enrs. Knch will vlously constructed, Its holes exact-, C4rrv four j,orsona ln adlU,ion to tho y fitting with tho lugs, thus form.; ,,rlvcri Tho say that manv ng u means of securing traction for more Un(8 of mtorost can be iMn car' , , , Und explored that would be passed Tho climb wua wade from a Bland-V ..,... K ., Of ull possible abuses to solid motor iUK start, the little car In low gear r.ootlng up the steep acclivity wtlh Utile apparent effort at a spe-M of truck tires, overloading Is toe piost 15 miles an hour. disastrous. The first time a properly SALEM. Ore, May 7. (Special.) A total of 0870 motor trucks had been registered ln Orogon up to March 15, according to a table just prepared by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state Multnomah county hoads tho list with 4461 and Marlon county is second with 601. The llghtor trucks prevail, with those under one ton and from one to one and one-half ton capacity leading by many hundreds above all others. Tho different classes of trucks to tal as follows: Undor one ton, 3905; one to one and ono half tons, 3842; one and ono half to two tons, 966; two to two and one half tons, 362; 'two and one-half tons to threo tons, 202; three to three nnd one-half tons, 390; three and one-half to four tons, 53; four to four and one half tons, 3; four and one-half to five tons, 147. By counties the totals for all class es are: Baker, 84; Denton, 148; Clackamas,. 455; Clatsop, 378; Columbia, 102 Co6s, 214; Crook, 30; Curry, 32; Des chutes, 144; Douglas, 229; Gilliam, 32' Grant, 22; Harney, 32; Hood Ulvor. 171; Jackson, 271; Jefferson, 24; Jo sephlno. 119; Klamath, 99; Lake, 24; Lane, 336; Lincoln 23; Linn, 223; Mai. hour, 74; Marion, 601; Morrow, 36; Multnomah 4461; Pork, 119; Sherman 42; Tillamook, 140; Umatilla, 363; Ui ton, 111; Wallowa 28; Wasco lt)Y Washington, 320; Wawltr. 28; Yam hill, 197; total, 9870. lH The Riding Comfort of the Nash Six Equaled Only by Higher Priced Cars One quality that impresses you with the fact that the Nash Six is the greatest value fruits price field is its exceptional riding comfort. Low hung and nicely balanced upon its staunch chassis, this roomy car, has unusually long springs, and its broad, restful, deeply cushioned seats are thickly up holstered. Compare this quality of the Nash Six with that of other cars costing from $100 to $600 more and you will have one reason why, from the time it was first introduced, this comfortable automobile has been a sales leader. Fisk Tires ACCESSORIES W. A. Johnston & Son Don't Forget That T ires Firestone Have Reduced In Price v Watch for Announcements , Next Week See Us Before Buying Walther-Williams Co.