The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 3

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Social Activities
and Other Things
Girls Make Flowers.
Miss Miriam Aldrich and Miss Hes-
ter Gram were hostesses 'Tuesday
evening to Beveral girl friends at the
Court apartments. The evening was
spent In a social time and In making
organdy flowers. Dainty refreshments
were nerved. Those present wero
(Misses Opal Coleman. Vera Gray,
Ixulse Jeffers, Orion Fruge, Jessie
Ferbracho, Amy Davidson, Miriam Al-
drlch, Heater Gram and Mrs. Bessie
. .
Dancing Class Feted. j
Miss Harriet Schrum invited the ,
members of her dancing class to her (
borne Sunday afternoon for a May,
day frolic. Games and a May pole '
dance delighted the children; and a
lovely surprise was tendered them
when Miss Schrum gave to each one
a dainty, 'May basket containing a
dollar blll'Yor their savings accounts,
Refreshments were served. Those
present were: Glenva PIckcl, Doro-
thy Loomis, Margaret Hedges, Mar- (
EU(ui r runn, jii'ieu ueurgu, juunuu
Hennecko, Hazel Cochran, Margaret
& tevens, Ada Honnccke, Vera Frank,
Jean Thrall, Arline 'Loomis Zelda
Bchrum Margaret Laurence Helen
Reed, Maxlne Sheldon, and Vornajhome Thursday. Tulips and lilies of
Enjoyable Bridge Party.
MrB. Sidney Bloom and Mrs. W. L.
-Crichton entertained the Billtken and
Tuesday Tea club at Mrs. Bloom's
home Tuesday afternoon. Blue and
lavender were used for the decora
lions. There wero eight tables nt
bridge. The hostesses were assisted
by Miss Jane Harrlman and Miss
Beatrice (Harden. Mrs. Harlan Fan
cher won the guest prize and Mrs. A
. Esson, the club prize. Mrs. J. H,
Weiss, Mrs. C. A. Johnston and 'Mrs
T. Madden were guests to tea. Those
who played bridge were: Mesdames
John G. Odell, J. B. Kllmore, J. T,
Henry, T. H. West, Clyde Seltz, W
C. Waldron, R. L. Kirk, George W.
Groble, H. E. Greene, W. H. Hobson
George C, Blakeley, E. C .Pease, L. A
fccaanno, F. L. Phlpps, Arthiir.Seufert
Roy Entler, L. A. Booth, Edward Seu
fert, W. J. Soufert, J. Minor Booth
loren Roberts, Elliott Roberts, John
van Dellen, J. R. Docherty, Bert
Thomas, W. W. Hnrt, J. I. Chambers
ThomaB R. Hudson, John Will, Bar
tholomew and Miss Elsie Reuter.
Delightful -Dancing Party.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. Carlton Williams gave an in
formal dancing party at the K. of P
nan Monday evening, Forns and
palms wore used for decorations with
purple Iris in the dining room. Miss
Beulah Patterson nnd Mrs, J. W. Con
don served punch. Music was render
ed by Richards' orchestra.
Visitors are Honored.
Mrs. W. II. 'Moody of Shaniko, Mrs.
J. W. Hill and Mrs. W. R. Abrunis of
Tortland, who have been visiting tholr
ulster Mrs, E. C Price, have .boon
the honor guests for a number of do
llghtful social functions during the
(Mrs. H. o. McCoy gave a bridge
luncheon Monday at Hotel Dnlloi.
Seventeen intimate friends A the
honor guests wore prosent. The
luncheon tablo was beautifully dec
orated with bow-knots of green tui-ti
and with a largo bronze centerpiece
baHkot filled with sweet peas. Dainty
place cards and corsage bouquets' of
sweet peas woro at each place. A five
course luncheon was sorved, after
which the bostons Invited the guests
t her homo Tor bridge. The living
roointi wore decorated with purplo Irh,
white lilacs and carnations Mrs. L. A.
Schanno won the high scoro The In
vited guests wero: Mesdnnion J, W.
Hill, W. 11. 'Moody, V. H. Abrnms. 12.
C Price, Mary Logan, Kinnm Carlisle,
E. 11. French, 11. 1 Ketchum-, L. A.
Schanno, F, L. 'Houghton, A. 13. Cros
by, H. L. Kutic, L. Illinium, J 10. Bar
A. Uottlngen and Mrs. Myers of Sa
lem, Mrs, D. 1'. Ketchum mvu bridge
luncheon Tuesday at he' homo, honor
ing Mrs, Moody, Mrs, Abrams and
Mrs. Hill, Charming variety was giv
en by tho use of u different color
scheme for each table nt bridge. Mrs.
II, A, Harden won the high score
prize and Mrs. Anna Klnuersly, the
Mrs, Mary Logun nnd Mrs. Emma
Carlisle wero hostesses Tuesday even
ing honoring Mrs. 'Moody, Mrs. Hill
and Mrs, Abrnms nt their hone. The
wearing was spent with bridge and
refreshments were served.
Missionary Meeting,
Mrs, J. W. Ward enterta! the
teaks of Christian Woman's Beard of
Missions at her home Tuesday after-
noon. Mrs. IB. A. Amy, Mrs. J. WCur-
tiss and Mrs. Arnold Wyss asited
the hostess. An interesting foreign
mission program, wan followed. Al
30 ladles were In attendance,
Near East Dance.
. The Near East benefit dance given
by the Pythian Sisters, Thursday
evening, was well attended, about 75
couples being present. A 'feature
dance by Berhlce Roberts and Mabel
I Williams, and a character dance by
the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Crelghton were greatly enjoyed. Rich'
ards' orchestra furnished the, music.
Social Evening,
An enjoyable meeting of the Young
Married People's Sunday school class
of the Christian church was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fuller,
Wednesday evening. A short business
session was held after which the time
was spent with music and games. Mrs
j, w. Harris rendered some very
pleasing piano selections. Refresh-
ments were served
Blue Bird Luncheon.
Mrs. Thomas R. Hudson enter! nin-
1 ed the Blue Bird luncheon club at her
the valley were effectively used.
;Luncheon was served at 1:30, blue
bird place cards emphasizing the club
idea. The afternoon, was spent at
bridge, Mrs, Chauncey Butler receiv
ing high score. Those present were:
Mesdames Chauncey iButler, Ben R.
Litfln, Thompson Coberth, G. Pearson,
J. I. Chambers, Don Yantis, Foster
Ralston, Carol Patterson and Thomas
R. Hudson. .
Fifth Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kargl observed
their fifth wedding anniversary last
Sunday evening when a number, of
friends were invited to their home.
The evening was spent in playing
five hundred. Mrs. Frank Cotty won
the high score and Mrs. G. B. Corson,
the consolation prize. The guests pre-,
sented Mr. and Mrs. Kargl with a
beautiful cedar chest in commemora
tion of the event. Those present were:
Mr. and .Mrs. .Frank .Termann, August
Jermann, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Cotty,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. c. Waldron, Mr. and
Mrs. V. V. Courter, Dr. and Mrs. T.
DeLarhue, Mr. and Mrs John Miller,
Mrs. George Hurdle, Edward Harrison,
Mr nnd Mrs. H. J. Curl, Dorothy Curl,
Corbln Corson, Mr. and 'Mrs. G. E.
Corson and Mr. amWMrs. Paul Chll
ders. Enjoyable Party.
An enjoyable dancing party was
given at the Nielsen home on Mill
creek last Saturday evening by Mtas
Ruth Nielsen, Mrs. H. E. White,
Kllndt Nielsen and Alvin Nielsen.
Those present were: Misses Louise
Becker, Anna Beckor, Wllhelmlnn
Becker, May Fowler, Gertrude 'Fow
ler, Edith Bugger, Pearl Coonmns,
Amy Davidson, Messrs. Frnnk Beck
er, Paul Fowler, Albert Hazon, Ralph
Hnzon, Earl Curtiss, Donald Curtiss,
Albert Francois, Cecil flyers, and Ar
chic Averlll.
Sorosis Club.
The Sorosis club met in tho Y.
W C. A. rooms Tuesday afternoon.
After the regular order of. business,
ten was sorved and a social tlmo en
joyed. Mrs. J. Minor Booth became
" now member of the club. Mrs. Lulu
I). Crnndnll tola of tho plans for tho
Historical pageant and spoko of tho
proposal to have tho Sdrosls park
on the hill, the Union Street park
and the new auto park officially
named. She spoke of tho fitness of
the name, "Union Street Park," ns
It has commonly come to go known.
Tho account is that In former yean!
when the streets of The Dalles wero
being platted the well known pion
eer, Victor Trevltt, named Lincoln,
Liberty and Union streets, sny'ng
Hint Lincoln, Liberty nnd tha Union
wero the best names ho knew; and
so they were called,
Community I uncheon
rite Community Luncheon of this
week at tho Y. W, CI. A. rooms wus
an excellent Indicator of the grow
ing popularity of Community Ser
vice in the city, since It was the
best attended of any luncheon yet
given. The music was of fine qual
ity and the addresses revealod tho
better vision of tho town's people.
S. P! letter conducted tho song
program. The double quartet's ren
dering of "Tho Oregon Song" and
wHt Adeline," were especially
pleasing. Carlton Pepper presided.
E. r. Van Scaotck told of the com
mercial vahie of the Historical peg-
east to The Dalles v and tuoted the
Pendleton Round-Up, Ike - Portland
Rose Shefr and the Cheyenne Fron
tier Day M examples. Mrs. Joseph
Stadelman-Very ably told' of the re
sults of Commnnlty Service, as re
lated to child welfare. Mayor P. J.
Stadelman told of his conversion to
Community 8ervice and the work of
the Y. W. C. A., emphasising his
desire to see the movement on a
substantial working basis.
Roricks Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rorick enter
tained Saturday evening, honoring
Mrs. W. H. Merrick and Mrs. W. B.
Bope, friends from Michigan, who
have been visiting them. 'Mrs. Rorick
was assiste'd by her daughter, Mrs.
C. L. Condon, Mrs. Jay Rorick and
iMrs. Ward Webber. Those Invited to
meet the honor guests were: Mrs.
J. L. Thompson, Miss Laura Thomp
son, Mrs. Anna Lindsay, Dr. and
Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Leon Curtiss,
Mrs. Johepha Fulton, Mrs. W. A.
Johnston, Mrs. A. W. Moore, Mrs.
Mary Logan, Mrs. Emma Carlisle,
Mrs. D. M. French, Miss Anne Lang,
Mrs. J. W. Condon and Mrs. J. C.
Hostetler. .Mrs. Merrick and Mrs.
Bope spent the winter in
nia and stopped here to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Rorick on their return . to
Michigan. They have traveled ex
tensively and enthusiastically de
clare the Oregon scenery surpasses
any they have seen. They resumed
their Journey Monday.
Mahonla Club.
Hfi-o A TO rMV..f nnlni'lnlnViil tfia
' Mnhonla club at her nome ThurBda
evening, Mrs. W. H. Moody of Shan
iko, Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. J. W. Hill
and Mrs. T. Baldwin, of Portland,
were honor guests of the occasion.
The rooms were beautifully decorat
ed. The evening was spent 'at
bridge, Mrs. D. P. Ketchum winning
high score. Corsage bouquets of
sweet peas were given the honor
To Give Recital
An event for anticipation in musi
cal circles is the recital and class
demonstration which Miss Luclle
Cummins' music pupils will give May
23, in the high, school auditorium.
Daughters of King.
Miss Laura Thompson entertained
"The Daughters of the King," an
auxiliary of the Episcopal church,
Monday evening at her home.
Eadea Parties.
Mrs. Guy Eadea entertained with
Bridge at her home Wednesday af
ternoon. Sweet peas and lupin were
used for the decorations. Mrs. W. C.
Waldron and Mrs. R. L. Kirk as
sisted the hostess. Mrs. George C
Blnkeloy received the Mcheu .core.
The invitational list included: Mrs.
John G. Odell, Mrs. J. M. Kllmore.,
Mrs. J. T. Henry, Mrs. T. H. West,
Mrs. Clyde Seltz, Mrs. W .C. Wal
dron, Mrs. R. L. Kirk, Mrs. George
W. Groble, Mrs. H. E. Greene, Mrs.
W. H. Hobson, Mrs. George C. Blake
ley, Mrs. E. C. Price, Mrs. L. A.
Schanno, Mrs. F. L. Phlpps, Mrs.
Arthur Seufert, Mrs. Roy Entler,
Mrs. L. A. Booth, Mrs. Edward Seu
fert, Mrs. W. J. Soufert, Mrs. J.
Minor Booth, Mrs. Loren Roberts,
Mrs. Elliott Roberts, Mrs. John Van
Dellen, Mrs. J. R. Docherty, Mrs.
Bert Thomas, Mrs. W .W. Hart. Mrs.
J. I. Chambers, Mrs. Thomas .R
Hudson, Mrs. John Will, Miss Elsie
Reuter and Mrs. Barthlomew.
Mr. and Mrs, Guy Eades entertain
ed with bridge Friday evening with
the following guests present: Mr.
nnd Mrs. R. L. Kirk, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. C. Wnldroh, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
G. Odell, Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Lydin,
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dellen, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ben R. Litfln, Dr. nnd Mrs.
Thompson Coberth, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis V. Gnlloway, Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney ( Bloom, and Mr. and Mrs,
R. C. Bradshaw. Mrs. W. C. Wal
dron assisted tho hostess. Tha high
scoro was won by Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Van Dellen.
Nydla Club.
Nydln club was entertained this af
ternoon nt Hotol Dalles parlors bv
Mrs. J. S. Jensen, Mrs. A. B. Shelley
nnd Mrs. C, C. Young. About 40 guests
woro present. Hefreshmonts were ser
ved. Dance at Elks Tonight
Dost floor nnd best music In city.
Admission $1,00. Dancing nt 9.
Flowers For .All Occaalons
In buying direct from the grower
you are assured of fresh flowers. We
serve to sell you again.
The Keenomy thea
Ladies' and children'! hate at very
reasonable prices. Organdie collar
aad cuff sets and embroidery yaraa. A
few ready-to-wear lafanU' dreeeea.
Ladies' silk and voile dresses, also
house dresses, across aad aaderwear.
Children's dresses, boys' blouses and
infaats wear siAde to erder. Mr.
Weaver, S9t Ualoa street, opposite
pestoffice. Telephone black S1T1. SO
Seventh and Case streets. Services
11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m. Wednes
day. Reading room maintained by the
society, in room 607 First National
bank building- is open to the public
daily, except Sunday, from 8 a. m.
to 6 p. m.
Lincoln streets. Morning services, 8
and 10:30. Evening services, 7:30. Al
tar society "first Sunday of month. So
cial circle, firet Thursday of month,
foung Peoples' club second and third
Mondays. Knights of Columbus, first
and third Mondays. Rev. P. J.
O'Rourk. pastor.
Ascension I. Holy communion, 8 -a.
m. Church school, 9: 45. .Morning pray,
er, 11. Evening service, Friday, 7:30.
Rev. G. Q. Hoisholt, rector.
ington street. Meetings: Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m.
Holiness meeting Sunday, 11 a. m.
Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Young peo
ple's meeting, 6:15 p. m. Salvation
meeting, 8.
Morning service, 11. Mother's day ser
vice and m roll call. -Evening service,
7:30. A program in motion pictures.
"Robin Hood and His Merry Men."
Bible school, 10. Christian Endeavor,
6:30. Rev. B. Goudge, pastof.
Bible school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior
B. Y. P. V., 6:30. The senior society
will meet with the league in
the Methodist church In the evening
this church will unite with other
churches in the Near East union ser -
vice at the high school.
Thompson's addition school house.
Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching at
'11; subject, "Weakness and Infirm
ity." Young people's meeting, 6:30.
Evening service, 7:30. Thursday even
ing, May 12, will be the district quar
terly 'meeting Instead of prayer meet
ing. Rev. E. N. Long, pastor.
Union street at Seventh. Mother's day.
, Bible school, 10. Morning worship, 11.
Theme of sermon, "The World's Un
crowned Queen." Prejude, (Gal-
I ' J"11!1" ""a". ."
(Treharne), Mrs. J. M. Lowe; offer-
Ptlude, (Scott). Luther league de-
it A U-.tkHlA n I O 1 1 1
votinal meeting, 6:46, Miss Ethel
(Johnson, leader. No evening service.
Union meeting in the high school au.
ditorium at 8 o'clock. Rev W. I. Eck 1
Elm nnd G streets. Sunday schobl, 10,
Short Mothers' day program. Wear
a flower in honor, of mother. Morning,
service, 11; subject, "Love and Loy
alty." Junior Endeavor, 6. Interme
diate Endeavors unite in union ser
vice at Methodist church, 6:30. Con
gregation unites in union service nt
Jlicr is more Catarrh in this sectloi.
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and tor years It was sup-
ftoecd to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed
ocal remedies, nnd by constantly falling
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it Incurable. Cntarrli ia a local disease,
greatly Influenced by contttltutlonal con
ditions tnd thOHHOM retilr?a constitu
tional trt-ittnent. H.-.ll's Catarrh Medl-clm-,
manufactured by F. J, Cheney A
Co., Toli-da, Ohio, is a constitutional
r-?mi jy, ts tukon Internally nnd acts
tlu-'j the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of tho System. One Hundred Dollr-rri re
ward la offered for any capo that Hall's
Catarrh MiMhsine Mli to cure. Send for
circulars nnn u hii.ipiiWIb.
F. J. CHUNK V CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by OruKglstti. 75c.
Uall's Family i'llla tor constipation.
. Is Tomorrow
Give Mother Potted Plants or Flowers
A Fill Supply For Every Need at
Elizqpetfy Hall's Floral Shpp
ir, ,.xik'.-.
high school auditorium, 8. Ladies' Aid
monthly social at the church 'Wednes
day, 2:30. Mid-week service, Thurs
day, 7:46. Rev, G. K. Hartman, pas
Ninth and Court. Bible school, 10.
'Morning service, 11. Theme, "Mother."
Anthem, "My Mother's Songs." Solo,
"Mother Knows," Mrs. Dr. Brown.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Union even
ing service at high school auditorium,
8 o'clock.4 B. F. Irvine will be the
speaker. Rev. Carl C. Walker, pastor.
The Senior play Is coming soon.
May, 13 ;and J14. "Nothing But The
Truth.?' V
Brown's DUfur Stage Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leave Bank
hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave DufuT
7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. :
J. B. Small of Dufur was a business
visitor in The Dalles yesterday.
R. Youngfellow of Dillon is a busi
ness visitor in this city today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson of For
est Grove are guests at Hotel Dalles.
R. E. Kenney of Walla Walla
registered at Hotel Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Burdick of Pendle
ton are visitors in The Dalles today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coon of Grass
Valley are visiting with friends in
this city.
Mrs. W. G. Manning of Bend is
spending the week-ond in this city
visiting with friends.
,David and William Taylor, both of
Walla Walla ,are in The Dalles today
attending to business matters,
Miss Mabel A. Bennett, principal of
' the Mo8fer nSh school, is spending
the week-end in this city.
Mrs. D. J. Cooper went to Portland
yesterday for an indefinite visit with
' relatives
Mr. and Mrs. J. Schassen returned
yesterday, after a week's visit in
southern Sherman county.
L i
With H.
Tom Moore
"Hold Your Horses"
Tom Moore who as "Daniel Canavan" does the
best acting of his career.
The Little House with the BIG Pictures
In Corson Mwic Howe
Mrs. R. L. Smith of Dufur i3 a guest
at the Bank hotel.
Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Barnes are In La.
Grande today, attending the funeral
of Dr. Eames' brother.
Vernon Banta is convalescing in St.
Vincent's hospital In Portland follow,
ing an operation.
C. C. Springer, principal of the Du-
fur high school, is a 'business visitor
in The Dalles today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Evkk returneo!
from Portland Thursday evening.
They were in attendance at the Odd
Fellows' convention held in that city.
Mrs. Ora Lehman ia the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Chris McClay. She has
been visiting relatives in Kansas and
expects to return to her home in the
WUllamette valley soon.
Dance At Elks Tonight
Owing to additional expense caused
by new city regulation requiring li
cense fee and hiring of dance chaper
one, the admission price of the Sat
urday night dance will be raised from
75 cents to $1.00. Richards' five-piece
orchestra plays for these dances. You
are welcome. ,
Artisans Attention
Special meeting at office of the Co
lumbia Realty & 'Loan company, 308
Washington street, Saturday, May 7,
at 7:30 p. m. 7
County Sunday 8choot
executive committee meeting will be
held at the Baptist church at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon.
( , Secretary. 7
Farmers, Attention I
County meeting, fanners' unloa,
Wednesday, May 18, at 10 a. m., at
Nanseno local., County court will be
present to explain the $800,000 road
bond issue and State , Secretary F. A.
Sikes will also attend. Other Terr
Important business. Do not' forget
the date.
5-7-911-13-16-W18-19 Secretary.
B. Warner
trm vi ii ii,ip tfU