The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 11

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',4 i
Br United Trent
WASHINGTON, May 7 The senate
agriculture committee today voted a
favorable report on the Norrls bill
for the federal regulation of the pack.
Ing Industry.
tNorrls said that he would try to get
his bill taken up in the, senate soon.
.As originally introduced, tho bill
proposed the creation of a federal
livestock commission, to have charge
of government regulation of the pack
ing industry.
The committee amended it to cro
ate one livestock commissioner, ap
pointed by the president.
today with a population of 105,0.- for his connection with the same
000, we have a Presbyterian poplvj&mse. It is possible that he may , be
latlon of more than 2,000,000. Last) paroled at some future date,
year Jim himself carried the word. Union labor leaders of San Fran-
of God to 40 prisons in 28 states.
"I handed 56,800 Bibles to men
behind the cell doors," he declared.
"I agree with President Harding
men are good in proportion as
they know and understand the Bible.
That's the point I'm going to spread
And Jim Hicks smiled again
Ilk) smile of a crusader.
Cisco whq knew McNamara are Bret-
paring a welcome for him on the
day he is released.
Carpentering and building. C. H.
Merryman, telephone red 6741. M30
(Continued Prom Paso 1.)
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays' and Thursdays.
Dr. Bauni, chiropractic physician,
Third and Washington, main 601. if
Main G0C1 Bennett Taxi Main 01. tf
By United Press
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 7 Rev.
Andrew J. Stover, age 85, will mar
ry Mrs. Sarah G. LoMaster, 65, ac
By. James L. Kllgallen
'United News Staff Correspondent)
CHICAGO, May 7 - Jim Hicks, ,,,,, Wa8,, on Saturday.
whose photograph adorns tho rogue's. Roy gtover camo to Vancouvcr
gallery here, has come to tho Point ed h,B ,lcense today
The two were sweethearts year3
in his turbulent career where he Is
in communication with the president
. of the United States.
V The correspondence pertains to
the Holy Scriptures und how to
help men live better, cleaner lives.
- Jim wouldn't have believed it
once he wouldn't have pictured
'jhlmnelf writing to the president. He,
a jailbird of tho most pronounced
fjtype, with a record as a pickpocket,
3forger, gambler and gunman. Up to
it "1913, when he reformed, he had
ft-"done timo" In 19 prisons!
ago. As a result of a youthful quar
rel, they parted, each marrying.
Last Chance To Save
50 percent on shoes at our sale this
week. John Wernmark, opposite Bank
hotel. 7
By United Press
WASHINGTON, May 7. Relief for
f- Jim, who is 43 and slightly bald, j 11,0 irrigation fanners of (ho woe I
Lwas all smiles when a United News Provided for In a resolution by Sen
ator 'McNary, of Oregon, today pass-
reporter slipped into his dingy lit- ntor McP"
tltlo mission on West Van Huron i ed by the senate. It provides that users
tstreet to Beo how ho was getting ! ' water from government irrigation
,-ion as superintendent of tho Prosby- projects who now owe for water nl-
torian Bible Society of America.
a' "Say, I'vo great nows read this:
ready furnished, shall not be cut off
from wator this year but shall contin-
A letter from tho presldont!" ho receive water, notwithstanding
feoxchiimed. "And to mo, old Jim ' arrears. This will permit many farm
Hlcks, tho ox-Jall bird!" ers to continue operations this year
j The communication read: who otherwise Would have to. qui',
ijjj j "I havo always believed in tho In- business, McNary said. Houso action
aspiration of tho Holy Scriptures Is now necessary.
whereby they have become the ex-
agression to men of the world and.
Swill of God. I belidvo that from
' Ordinance No. v 263. Section 18: It
f q'vory point of view tho study of .shn.u 1)0 unlawful for any person or
si.i. . .. . . . - nnranna ir -rlnnrvilf n hnv alt-ant nllnv
jinu uiMic is one oi mo most wormy i""-" j
"to which men may devoto them-! or Pbllc Placo within the, corporate
Helves, and that, In proportion as llm,ts of Dall3 City any boxes, cans,
jthoy know and understand it, their P'lPor, dirt, trash, manure, straw or
lives and -actions will bo bettor. rubbish of any kind whatsoever and al-
L "Vory Blncoroly yours, low tno 8111110 to romaln In such place
j Warron G. Hurtling." lor 11 longer tlmo than 12 hours, and
j "I'm going to spread tho presl- nny person violating any of the abovo
dent's iriOBHiigo broadcast," said Jim urovialons Hhall', on conviction thereof
Monthiuilastlcally. , I Ho rocordor, bo fined not less
I1 1 Jim's 1921 ambition, ho assorted, ' than five nor more than 20 dollars
is to distribute 250,000 Bibles, 250,- for each violation of this section and
if 000 pocket Testaments, 500,000 Cos- shall bo imprisoned In the city jail
pels mill 100,000 religious song books until such lino bo paid. This ordinance
jfoln tho jails and prisons of tho will bo enforced.
United States.
Smith, manager of the Journal Travel
bureau of Portland, and succeeded In
getting his assistance.
Numerous papers, affidavits and
birth certificates were prepared to
show that Molinaro was capable of
providing for and e(Tueating the child
ren. The entire passage money was
The parents , have been patiently
waiting since October for the final ar
rangements permitting the children to
come. At last the local Red Cross was
'notified' that if some one would agree
to look after them on board ship that
they could come. Some one volunteer
ed to do-this an they arrived in .Bos
ton last week where they were cared
for by the Boston Red Cross and were
put on board train for The Dalles,
The trip across the continent was
hard for them, since they did not un
der stand the' English language or
know American customs. They, were
afraid to leave the coach for food and
so depended upon the fruits, candles
and nuts which' are regularly sold
through the coaches. The conductor
brought them sandwiches once.
Mrs. Saul and the family met Mon
day's trains, but the children did not
against me we hope to. wltstaad.the
shock. ,
"Our immediate need is foreign
recognition. With this prestige the
other provinces would rally around
my government."
PEKIN, China, ,,May, 3 Militarists
making their headquarters here are
alarmed at the success of Sun Yat
Sen, president t of the republican gov
ernment at Canton, and ar.o resort
ing to a campaign of vindication.
There are indications of ,lhe pos
sible esta llshment of two republics
in China as an outgrowth of the
present situation.
The strongest Chinese patriots,
however, disapprove of 'such a plan
and continue to seek unification of
China under one strong government.
4, ,
Typing and Stenography
done at reasonable rates. ,Rosina A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Rest
dence phonn red 2332. tf
artiiU ef international, renown, ,.lt
is no, wonder that, the public 're
sponds generously.
The singers will present in cos
tume a repertoire of grand opera
and popular selections at the Em
press Theater today aad' tomorrow.
This will be in connection with the
regular picture program. ,
Taxi Mayflslcrs Taxi
Telephone main 6021.
There, is an evident desire for
good music, andv this is particularly
noted .as the enthusiasm for the en
gagement of the Sonora Granfl.
opera singers increases. Ten years
ago the cities that would make a
season of a grand opera a financial
success could be counted on the
fingers of one hand. . '
The urban population are demand
ing more and better amusements
and Imnrnsarins and mnnnpora nf
arrive until early Tuesday morning, j the old school are nonplussed with
when there was nobody to meet them.
Their ingenuity was then put to. a
test for the next move. The eldest
boy carried an envelope, containing
tho name and address of his father,
which had been sent from the local
Red Cross months before. 'Seeing a
taxicab waiting, he presented this
envelope to the driver and they Were
motioned into the car and taken" to
tho home on. Mill creek
They nre wildly enthusiastic about
America and say that they have no
desire over to go back to Italy. During
the war, their grandmother's homo
was occupied by soldiers and the fam
ily forced to sleep in tho cellar, with
Inadequate bedding and, clothing, and
very llttlo of the coarsest food was
given them. Since the war economic
conditions havo been so toad that their
circumstances were far from pleasan'..
Card of Thanks
We 'have drank deeply of tho cup
of bitterness and woo, but "God moves
in a mysterious way, his wonders to
the wonderfui demand for music of I
-. . . i
tne Higher order. The question arises
as to what we can attribute this
sudden Interest in things musical.
Have the movies been a factor, in
popularizing a number of the great
grand .opera artists in picturlzing
them on the screen? Or can we
give credit to the popular Vlctrola
for of a surety the phonograph rec
ord Is found today in almost every
hqme. The. wonderful Prologue, from
PagliaccI, the Miserere from II
Trovatore, and many other selec
tions from grand opera are as famil
iar today to the classes as Every
body's Doing It, or "Thero'll bo a
Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.
When one knows that .one is go-j
ing to hear the most popular se-i
lections from all well known grand '
operas as given by the Sonora
grand opera singers, presented .by ,
400 in Bible School by Children's Day
Christian Church
Mothers' Day Programme
May 8, 1921
Observe Mothers' Day by attending the morn
ing service, and wear a Carnation in Her honor.
Bible School, 10 o'clock.
Children, 'Bring Your Mothers.
A prize will be. awarded to the one bringing the
largest number of children and adults in a single
Morning Service, 11 o'clock.
Theme: "MOTHER.".
, "My Mother's Songs" Choir.
Solo, "Mother Knows" Mrs. Dr. Brown.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30. All young neople are
invited to attend these interesting meetings.
Big union service at the High School Auditorium
at- 8 o'clock. B. F. Irvine of Portland, will be the
speaker. One of the foremost men of the north
west. The Church with a Cordial Welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Walker, Ministers
Residence, The Condon, Apt. No. 6
Telephone Black 4811
400 in Bible School by Children's Day
perforin," and wo bow with humblo
FRANK HEATER. Chlof of Police 9 ftllllllllaulnn In Ilia will nf Mini
tf" . ! f '
..o ...uii in vued wane, Jim ox- 'MMV nnvi F! i dooth all things well. Tho sainted
plained, and by way of illustration, j L00K OUT . FOR JIMMY DYLE LplrU of our dear wlfo aml lother hns
I ho pointed out that In 1880. when' lioteotlves and tho pollco are puz- been called to Its eternal home. We
four population was 51,000,000, tho j-ied over the mysterious disappoar-l wish hero to express our heurtfelt
, i riHUHurinn population was DG.000:(anco of Jimmy Doyle, the famous thanks to each of our many friends
--- ---j .. rrt jewel thief. Doylo has not boon seen I who in any wny did acts of kindness
Thomas Meighan
"Frontier of
The Stars"
Has the underworld
thrill of "The Miracle
Man" and tht tondfr
cbarm of "The Prince
during this direful hour of woo, and
also for tho many words of sympniny
wo'havo received whilo wo mourn our
almost unboarublo loss.
for six, months, his IuhI appearance
being on tho day of his relcaso from
tho penitontlary, when ho pulled a
daring coup on Dotectlvo Tlornoy
that enabled his -gang to escape just
us It was about to be arrested.
Whoro .Jlitimy Doylo has gono,
why, and tho outcome of his efforts
to go straight for tho sako of a girl, j
will bo shown at tho Casino Theatro government which is opposed to the
tonight with tho popular II. 11. j canton government) whom Japan
Wamor In tho rolo of Jimmy Doylo. !imt in office, but America did not
In this Jesse D. Hampton-Patho feu-' know.
turo Mr. Wainor is given tho splen-, "Wo desiro proper foreign aid and
did support of Lillian Rich, Howard favor a consortium but monoy loan-
(Continued From Paco 1.)
"Montho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream,'
will soothe and heal skin that Is ir
ritated or broken out with eczema;
that is covered with ugly rash or
nimnles. or Is routrh or lrv. Noth.
ing subdues fiery skin eruptions so 1
quickly, says a noted skin special
ist. I
The moment this sulphur prepar
ation is .applied the itching stops
and after two or three applications,
the eczema is gone and the skin
Is dellghtfuuy clear and smooth. '
Sulphur is so precious ns a skin '
remedy becauso ft destroys tho para-j
sues tnat cause tne burning, Itching:
or disfigurement. Montho-Sulphur al
ways heals eczema right up.
A small jar of Montho-Sulphur
may be had at any good drug store.
The First
Mothers' Day Service
Roil Call and Reception of Members, 11 a.m.,
A good' day to join the Best Institution in
the world; the Church, of Jesus Christ.
Pleasant Sunday Evening Service
The Great Hero of Childhood
An Educational Picture in Four Reels
You Are Invited
Time of Evening Service, 7:30 o'clock
Davit's, Claudo l'ayttin, Rosemary
Thoby, .1. 1. Lcknoy und othors.
(Continued From 1'ako 1.)
a man capable of taking caro of my-si'lt."
Thoro was a pause.
"Ami will you bo glad to got out?"
ho wan asked,
"That's what has boon keeping- mo
alive thinking of tho day whon I
would again boconio a froo man
able to go my own way," tho man
In prison grey replied,
"Onu heats so much and so llt
tlo of what Is going on outside,
that, nfter an actlvo lifo, n prison
torm Is an intellectual doath," ho
"Wo hear so much now of wars
and rumors of warn that it is nl
most appalling to think of facing
tho ago old conflict of man and his
brotaw. Hpn
"With labor troubles paramount
In this country, disputes tearing Gu
ropo, strife U the keynote of tho
world refrain."
Originally sentenced to a 15-year
loriii, the board of prison directors
have ordered McN.vmars released af
'or sorvlng 10 years, part In San
Quontln and a few months in the
eosty Jail ta Lm !. Oi ss
havlor and strict compliance with
Ml rules earned the rtfUe.
Mis brethsr. Jvmm MrNaawra.
od to il'ekin will injure Instead of
help, for I'ekin Is powerless In the
luuulsi of militarists.
"Tho provlnco of Kwangsl now Is
mobilizing against Canton. Thoy
havo about 50,000 troops. This be
ing tho only section now striking
I'M the houso physician you
should send fo' immediately
when one of your water, steam
or gtta pipes go on a rampage
or when you have mado up
your mind to Install some new
kitchen or bathroom conven
iences. That supply lino is one
place whoro wo .shine.
PKm n4 Ml Th OatlM'
Six Pounds of Coffee
For the Cost of Five
During the Next Two Weeks, Ve Want You to Become Better Ac
quainted with the Merits of
Dependable Coffee
Vacuum Packed in Air Tight Containers.
- None of the Goodness can Escape.
s We are Making a Special Offer, Beginning Monday.
and Receive Six Pounds
We we giving you FREE, in. this Offer, One Pound of Dependable
Coffee,' Worth 45 cents.
Pallor Grocery
watt sentenced to life latprlsosmtat It