'-s. THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. PACE FIVE TIRE CO. EMPLOYES ALL STOCKHOLDERS FIRESTONE'S OFFER MORE THAN 50 PERCENT OVER-SUB. 8CRIBED. AJCRON, Ohio, May 7. The trend of American wage-earners thought and action toward new habits of thrift and Investment is evidenced in the an nouncement of the Firestone Tire & Rubber company today that every one of its several thousand employes had become stockholders. Within twelve hours after announce ment by President H. . Firestone of a new allotment of employs' stock, subscription records showed that ev ery employe had become a stockhold er, each subscriber taking at least two shares while oversubscriptions on the allotment amounted to almost 50 per cent. This places the Firestone company in a most distinctive position anion.'; industrial concerns employing more than 10,000 people as it is the only organization of its rank on record hav. ing every man and woman on its pay roll a shareholder in the company. It brings the total number of shares subscribed for by employes close to 45,000. So quick was the response to the stock, ownership privilege and so large the subscriptions that officials of the company are expected to con sider alloting an additional amount of share for purchase by employes. In offering the stock to workers in the Firestone factories Mr. Firestone wrote to 'each employe: "For most of us it is not easy to acquire the habit of saving. We need a special inducement and this com mon stock plan is an opportunity not only to create the habit of saving but to become a stockholder in the company." Howard automobile company, Buick dealers, has forsaken the road to be come a city salesman for the com pany in Portland. Thirklll was deal er's representative in eastern Oregon for about four years. BUICK REPRESENTATIVE NOW CITY SALESMAN C.'J. Thirkill, who is well known in The Dalles as territory man for the CONDITIONS OVER TERRITORY QUIET BUSINESS UNCERTAINTY PRE VAILS IN REGION ADJACENT TO THE DALLES. 'IShe's quiet.V That was about all Harry E. Wal ther, sales-manager for the automo bile division of the Walther-Wllliams company, had to say Friday after noon on his return to The Dalles af ter a swing of several days' duration over the territory. Walther, accompanied by John T. Henry, manager of the J. T. Henry Tire company, traveling in a Dodge Brothers coupe, left Tuesday morning, making Goldendale and Bickleton the same day. Afterwards they swung east and south, crossing the river nt Roosevelt and Arlington, (hence vis iting lone, Lexington, Heppncr, Con don, Fossil, Moro and Wasco. Uncertainty over business ccmH-, tions still prevail to a large extent over this district, and The Dalles, Walther said, shows much better bus iness spirit than any of the other places visited. Iln a Bhort time he will leave for Burns and other more distant points to the south and east in the Walther-Williams-Dodge Brothers district APRIL BUSINESS INCREASES f SYRACUSE, May 7. Business done by Franklin dealers during the first 20 days of April exceeded by 10 per cent the volume of business done dur ing the corresponding period of March. TODS OF QUALITY )rj TOR ANY CAP WE KNOW HOW TO DO AUTO TOP WORK. And DO IT RIGHT Top Recovering Seat Covering Upholstering Auto Supplies and General Repairing The Dalles Auto Top Works Jacob Welty 405 East Second Street SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. goods. 1 The NEW LIGHT-SIX now holds the five most important automobile road records on the Pacific Coast, a remarkaole feature being that all, the honors were won by the same car, a stock tpuring car, within ten weeks. Los Angeles Phoenix Record. On the morning 01 March a 0 0 1. Yosemite National Park. A Studebaker Light-Six, piloted by Hart L. "Weaver and carrying a crew of five men from the Chester N. Weaver Company, was the first automobile to reach the Yosemite National Park over any one of the three snow covered roads under its own power this year. The car went over the narrow and dangerous Coulterville road, bucking snow as deep as ten feet in some places, arriving in Yosemite Val ley, January 16. 2. Round Trip Record .Between San Francisco and Los An geles. On February 2 the same car, driven by Hart L. Weaver and James F. Gurley of the Chester N. Weaver Company, es tablished a new round trip record between San Francisco and Los Angeles, a distance of 864.8 miles, in the sensational time of 21 hours and 23 minutes. 3. Coast Route Record from San Francisco to Los Angeles. On the round trip record of February 2 the Studebaker Light Six lowered the coast route record from San Francisco to Los Angeles by 2 hours, 35 minutes and 20 seconds. The former record was 12 hours, 47 minutes and 50 seconds, the time of the Studebaker Light-Six being 10 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds for the distance of 453.7 miles. The pilots were Hart L. ,Weaver and JSmes F. Gurley. 4. Valley Route Record Between Los Angeles and San Fram cisco. On February 24 the Studebaker Light-Six smashed the valley route record between Los Angeles and San Francisco, run ning the distance of 411.1 miles in the remarkable time of 9 hours, 15 minutes and 50 seconds. This record was made all the, more remarkable on account of the car having to go through a dense fog a distance of more than 100 miles between Tulare and Merced. The pilots were Hart L. Weaver and James Gurley. 5. 23 the Light-Six left Los Angeles in an attempt to lower the fifth and only remaining record of consequence on the Pacific Coast. The 422 miles of desert trail from Los Angeles to Phoenix were made in 13 hours, 16 minutes, and 2 hours 28 minutes were taken from the best previous automobile record. The railroad time is 14 hours 20 minutes, or 1 hour 4 minutes slower than the record established by the Light-Six. Hart L. Weaver of the Chester N. Weaver Company, Stude baker Distributor in San Francisco, made the following state ment after the completion of the Los Angeles-Phoenix run: "These tests have demonstrated on the road everything that Studebaker engineers have claimed for the new Light-Six-cylinder car. When it is remembered that the bore and stroke of this car is only 3 1-8 x 4, giving it a piston displacement of 207 cubic inches, and that the car fully equipped weighs 2500 pounds, these records are all the more remarkable since most of them were formerly held by heavier cars costing much more than the Studebaker Light-Six. I am inclined .to believe that the secret of the car's wonderful performance, and roadability is due in a very large measure to its remarkable balance. Halved or quartered the parts of the new Light-Six would weigh ap proximately the same. "In making the Los Angeles-Phoenix record I am frank to confess that despite my faith in the stamina of Studebaker automobiles I could not believe that any car could make the speed over that desert road with its ruts and chuck holes that was necessary in order to lower the record by a large margin without falling to pieces. Any automobile, irrespective of weight, power or price class that can lower the record established by the Studebaker Light-Six will have my most sincere admiration." 0 This Is A Studebaker Year The Dalles Garage Co., Inc. Second and Union r-5 LIGHT-SIX TOURING CAR . $1750 SPECIAL SIX TOURING CAR $2085 BIG SIX TOURING CAR $2559 Prices F. O. B. The Dalles All Studebaker Cars are Equipped with Cord Tires D 1