V PAM POUR THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICL FRIDAY, MAY f, 121. Letter Lucy Jeanne Price NEW YORK, May C. Have you seen what appears to be a corner of a boudoir walking down the street? "Well you eoon will. They are already appearing on tennis courts hereabouts. Cirls in chintzes and cretonnes, with large splashy patterns all over them, exactly like the velour parlor chairs In their summer wrappings, they are, Bright carmine drapery linens with blue stripes and yellow dots, scenic chintzes of huge patterns and vivid hues In futuristic designs showing languorous figures In eccentric poses" are among the favorites not only for sport skirts but for entire costumes, hats and bags. "I never thought of going into the dressmaking business," said an Interior decorator, "but woni- en seem to be buying more large-figured drapery fabrics for clothes than ior houses this season. There are rone designs I will not let them have, though, for such purpose. He showed a chintz enormously patterned with red and yellow farm scenes. "That, for Instance," he added, "one of them was determined to dress herself In that but I said positively that she should not." Another Nov.- York society woman BetB up shop. Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, this time, wife of the author, will open a beauty parlor do luxe. She Insists that she Is largely altruistic In doing It that it is one duty In life to add as much beauty as possible to the world, and that she .hopes to en able debutantes to keep their girlish olor, lines, and lack of lines for add d number of years. It will be a very mart place, indeed, with tea 'served -while one waits and all that sort of thing. To overcome the cruel effects . of golf and gardening upon the hands, there is a recipe straight from all ! the harem. Regardless of how one :- may pity the harem ladles, one Is al- 1 lowed to envy their white hands, and so an American woman who had tea one tlmo with them brought home the recipe they used. Phyllln Ruth Torque sailed on the Saxonla the other day for England up on a full-sized passport and all alone -proudly alone, in fact. Tho pride and thq noteworthlness are duo to tho fact that Phyllis is Just four and one-quarter years old. There is no one on the steamer whom sho has ever seen bo fore. Her father came up from Louis ville to put her safely on board and hor grandparents will meet her after the broad Atlantic has been sailed across. Rut en route, she is cnptaln of herself. Everybody on board from mldshlpmnto to captain, Including all tho passongors wore clalming'tho priv ilege of looking after hor a3 the boat' sailed, but Phyllis explained firmly to them all, "I am traveling alone." Henry Anton Madler declares that ho is not dead, whatever his undue takor may Insist, and moreover tint lie has a very particular grievance. Tho undertaker, so he says, has used his (Anton's) monoy with which to givo a ImndHouio burial, Including cre mation to another man! Eighteen monthB ago, Madler says, before en tering the lnrol Hill almshouse, ho gnvo his, last dollars to the uudnrtak er with direct Ions for their spending. Tho other day, ho wandered Into u gathering place of his old Hobokeu cronies and they jumped upon him with the statement that ho was dead TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .HEMSTITCHING aud buttons cover ed, Mre. A. .1. Mollno, 007 Union street. J6 LOST Klhro portfolio ease on Wasco road Tuesday night. Roturn to The iMaytag company, Portland, Ore. Re ward. 9 FOR RHNT Pasture, lots of fine pus. turo for horses and cattle at $2.00 jper head. J. W, Porduo, on old Cam John's- placo, Mill crook. IS l)S'lv-lf the party who appropriated my hut at the K. of P. hull Friday, May G, will kindly return same, ho un got back his own, R. E. Wil liams, poBtofflce. 7 WANTED Woman or girl to help !n cook house or can use man and wife, F, E, Rlucktnun, 407 Union street, Telephone red 3701. t! -WAITED To" TatiTovoT business proposition with a first class auto mechanic, especially good on Ford cars. Whitney Auto & Elect rio V-wtrks, 70S East Second street. 7 dead and his ashes reposing in a vase in the crematory. He denied It, but they insisted so firmly that he went to see the undertaker about it. Yes, said the undertaker, it was all true, including the fact that his money had been used for the ceremony. The alms house attempted to straighten mat terms, out by explaining to the un dertaker that it was a different name altogether they gave him as the de ceased man, but the undertaker says he understood it to be Madler and he used Madler's money for it .and he doesn't see what can be done about it. Moreover, Mr. 'Madler, he thinks, should .be glad to be alive under the circumstances and not be fussy about a little burial money. Spring house-cleaning time is upon up except with those prompt and early souls who have it all done and winter things well-packed away. Any how, let them and the rest of the housewives of the country think of the New York Hippodrome and be grate ful. Anna Ritterrodt, housekeeper for the big playhouse, Is just now putting away in moth balls for the summer the wardrobe of "Good Times," and here is what it means: 4,000 dresses, 2,500 hats, 3,000 pairs of tights, and 2,000 pairs of shoes and slippers. She has thirty assistant house-keepers to help her, but even so it's a fair-sized moth-ball pob. The elephants only are mothproof. BACHELOR 18 FATHER By United Press NEW YORK, May 6 ftev. Percy Stlckney Grant, bachelor pastor of the Church of the Ascension, is act ing as a temporary father to a baby girl which was left on the doorsteps of the parsonage. ' Typing and Stenography done al reasonable rates. Kosina A. Fleck, Office Hotel Dalles. Real dence phone red 2332. tf MEETING NOTICES Cedar Circle No. 8. (Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet in K. of P. 'hall tonight at 8 p. m. 6 street are held regularly as follows: Sabbath school at 9:45,- preaching at 11 a. m. and Young Peoplo's meet ing at 3 p. m. Saturday. Preaching Sunday night at 7: SO. Prayer and missionary meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:30. The public is invited to attend these meetings. Elder P. W. Province, pastor. Personal address, 420 East Fourteenth street. f making preparations to use the full 'flow of their claims. The state engin eer may receive the application, sub ject to prior rights, and that is about as far as the matter will go. The Dalles cannot Bet up a superior claim THE DALLE8 APPLICATION FOR WATER MERE DREAM Artisans Attention Special meeting at office of the Co lumbia Realty & Loan company, 308 Washington street, Saturday, May 7, at 7:30 p. m. 7 The Good Intent Society will hold an apron and pastry sale Sat urday, May. 7, at Corson's music store. Sale to open at 10 a. m. 6 Regular meeting Columbia hose and chemical engine company, 'No. 2, Frl 'day evening, (May 6, 1921, at 8 p. m. E. J. HANLON, Secretary. 6 County Sunday School executive committee meeting will be hold at the Baptist church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. GEORGE SPIOKEUMAN, Secretary. 7 Seventh Day Adventlst Services at the Seventh Day Adven tlst church, 600 Bast Fourteen ta Although it was announced here last week that the city of The Dalles had made formal application for 4, 000,000 gallons of water dally from the east fork of Hood river to be used In supplying' domestic demand for the neighboring town, the news cheated no flurry among local irrigationists, who characterize The Dalles' plans as a mere dream that can never be re alized. The point is already reached, it !s said, where the waters of the east fork are far from meeting the needs of farmers 'of the east side and Mount Hood fruit sections, and the demands of the Oregon Lumber company, which operates its Dee mill with elec trical power generated by the stream Local folk do not believe that the plea of The Dalles for the water will go far beyond the mere application to the water board. "If The Dalles can show a superior right to the 'stream," said George R. "Wilbur, secretary of the East Fork Ir rigation district, "she can take tbe waters of the stream. But this The Dalles cannot do. At the present time there Is scarcely enough water left in the stream .jo keep a fish alive. The 'Dalles cannot set up any claims super ior to those of irrigationists whose filings date back over a quarter of a century and who are now using or (Boys and girls of this part of the j Atlantic coast are going to be expert sailors by the time they are of boat racing age. The number of sailboats being built this year for school girls and boys is amazing when one con siders the tremendous increase over a few years ago. Two hundred and j, ten of them have been built in shops ! right around New York, ranging in size from the fourteen and one-half foot boats familiar in Oyster Bay, to 16-foot cats for use off Marblehead. Carpentering and building. C. H. Merryinan, telephone red 6741. M30 Bfown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily, Leave Banlt hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. . The Economy Shop Lndles' and children's hats at very reasonable prlcos. Organdlo collar and cuff sets and embroidery yarns. A few ready-to-wear infants' dresses. Ladies' silk and voile dresses, also house dresses, aprons and underwear, i Children's drosses, boys' blouses and infants' wear made to order. Mrs. ' Weaver, 302 Union stroot, opposite postoffico. Telophono black 3171. 20 POUNDED WHY A "BANK ACCOUNT? THERE'S ROOM AT THE TOP THE majority of bank accounts settle to the bot tom of the heap, and 'never seem to climb up tho financial ladder. ... . But that shouldn't deter YOU from making YOURS ' grow head and shoulders above the. rest. In fact, it should make you, determine .to, do it.,, ; And the French & c6mpany .bank is the bank at which to do it. - 4k Paid on Savings E. H. FRENCH, Preslot.it PAUL M. FRENCH, Vice-President V. H. FRENCH. Secretary J. C. HOSTETLER. Cashier wfygp FRENCH & CO. IANKERS INC. THE DALLES OREGON """"MBBBBJMMBMbWMBMBMMBBBJBMII mmmmam ibimm iVBBBBBJBBBBflBBBBBHBBBBBIBflBBBBBBBBBBBBHBHBBBB EMPRESS Extra TODAY Attraction SATURDAY Sonora Opera Singers TODAY Prologuo "Pagllaccl" Leoncavallo Mr. Eduardo Lejarazii O Sole Mio . Capua neatriz Pizzorni Aria "Rigolotto" Verdi Ricardo Clarke Flower Song "Fnust" Counod Sperla Castel Ensemble "Lucia dl Lammermoor" Donizetti SATURDAY Toreador Song "Carmen" Bizet Eduardo Lejarazu Habanera "Carmen" Bizet Beatrix Pizzorni Strida La Vampa "II Trovatore" Verdi Sperla Castel Quest O'Quclla "Rlgoletto" Verdi Rlcsrdo Clarke Ensemble Quartette "Rlgoletto" Verdi IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE ENCORES WILL BE RENDERED IN AMERICAN POPULAR SONGS TODAY'S PICTURE Mary Miles Minter IN- "The Little Clown" for she is in an entirely different wat er shed where she can find enough water to meet her requirements.'" The Oregon Lumber company 'has filed, an objection to The Dalles' ac tion. Hood River Glacier. Free Demonstration OF Diamond W Coffee Packed in the economical fiber containers. Why pay for tinware when you are buying Coffee? Try it tomorrow at the - Parlor Grocery WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST Special prices, one lb. 35c three lbs. $1.00 ANOTHER BIG Phetteplace Candy Sale KISSES SATURDAY, MAY 7 Another Phetteplace Candy Making Triumph. . The Best in Sweets 45c a Pound Ordinarily selling 65c and 75c Tomorrow at the PHETTEPLACE STORES Second and Court 1008 Union SPECIAL ORANGE SHERBET SUNDAY Coming Knights of Pythias Big Spring Festival ALL WEEK COMMENCING MAY 9th BOUCHER -FRENCH SHOWS, GOOD SHOWS PLENTY OF AMUSEMENT BIG UNIFORMED BAND v BIG GALA WEEK Free Exhibition Every Afternoon and Night