P.AOE THREE Dress Money WE KNOW OF NO MOREj CONVINCING WAY TO DRIVE HOME THE FACT THAT OUR PRICES ARE MUCH LOWER THAN OUR COM PETITORS, THAN TO ASK YOU TO MAKE YOUR OWN COMPARISON. WE KNOW WE HAVE BEST QUALITIES and LOWEST PRICES BUT WE ASK YOU TO BE YOUR OWN JUDGE. THEN WE KNOW YOU'LL BUY IT HERE. THE DALLKS. CA1LY CHRONICLE. -FRIDAY; MAY: i; 1121. ft 3-3-i3-E3 Well For Less i 1 -a .if .,1 JL 'i For Nei's High Grade Suits YOU GET -QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES HERE The Top-notchers in the tailoring trade make our clothing. We believe No Better Clothing Can Be Made at the price. A good suit of clothes costs you less here because . we buy in large quantities for 312 stores. we buy for cash and sell at small profits we buy direct from the manufacturers, thus eliminating Mid dlemen's profits. . Our economical, conservative method eliminates waste, credit losses, collection expenses and turns these savings back to you in lower retail prices. YOUNG MEN'S MODELS Double Breasted and Sport Styles Chevbits, Flannels, Fancy Unfinished Worsteds, Cassimeres. Tweeds, Herringbones, Hairline Stripes, Mixtures Grays, Greens, Browns and Blues. Priced at $14.75,419.75, $22.50, $24.75 to $39.75 GIRLS' OXFORDS Another shipment of those excel lent Brown Kid Oxfords for grow ing girls just arrived today. Brown Kid leather, English last, durable 'sole, low heel, sizes 21) to 7. Pair. $3.98 WOMEN'S OXFORDS Ladies' Brown Kid Oxfords, mili tary heel, welt sole. Pair..,...$5.50 MEN'S OXFORDS 1 Men's Brown Calf Oxford,. Eng-1 lish last, welt sole. Pair........$5.90 v CONSERVATIVE MODELS Strong Jn their appeal to men -with conservative and semi-conservative tastes. Three-button Coats Two-button Coats All Wool Worsteds Gray and Brown Mixtures. Priced at $19.75, $22.50, $24.75 to $44.75 NEW PIECE GOODS FOR SUMMER FROCKS i-1. we in in ft Mmammmusm V Mf HSmWJWH r-uiili" I NEW ORGANDIES 39c Yard Crisp new colored Organdies in the lead ing shades of Pink, tBlue, Rose and Nile. 40 inches wide. Per yard 39c 32 IN. FRENCH ZEPHYR GINGHAMS 35c Yard Beautiful dress plaids in all colors and an excellent quality for service. JAPANESE CREPE 33c Yard Best quality and excellent for its tubbing qualities and service. Pink, Blue, Yellow and Green. 27 INCH DRESS GINGHAMS 16c and 19c Yard Well known standard makes such as Red, Rose. Utilities and A. F. C. in checks1, plaids and stripes. 36 INCH PERCALES 16c and 19c Light and dark colors in standard quali ties of good serviceable Percales. LADIES' BUNGALOW APRONS 89c Each Made of good quality of Percale in light and dark patterns in all sizes. An excel lent house apron. Neat and durable. x. incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS THE ADVANCE The .new advance style in men's Felt Hats. A hew shipment in today High grade Felt, silk lin ed at a price that saves you dol lars. ' . $3.49 Each j LEAVES DAUGHTER IN CARE OF JEWEL THIEF ;H. B. Warner Starred in Jimmy Val 5 ' ' entine Role. From tho experience born of a life of crime, Bill Preston spoke to .his daughter on his death-bed. "There's only way to beat this crook ed game, Nancy. Keep out of It!" Old Bill had kept her out of the game so far, but when he was gone, would David and Joe protect her? He distrusted Dave because he had seen in his eyes a flame of passion. Joe was greedy and treacherous. He would betray a pal. . fjp Jimmy Doyle was tho only one to be trusted Jimmy was clean and played the crook game "straight." He has boen like a brother to Nancy, and to him Bill entrusted his most precious possession. Jimmy and Nancy are the leading characters in "Dice of Destiny," "starring H. B. Warner at the Casino Theatre Wednesday. This story by John Moroso is said to be even more powerfully gripping than "Alias Jim my Valentine," which won stardom for Mr. Warner when he created that beloved rogue on the stage. the most mutinous character aboard being his own son Red Pawl. He had taken his boy at tender age on a , voyage and only to return and find the mother with his little daughter had eloped with another man. From that moment lie denied tho existence of God and taught his son the gospel of hate. TOM MOORE SETS SWIFT PACE AS A STREET-SWEEPER HERO Goldwyn Star Scores Decided Hit in Unique Film Story by Rupert Hughes, "Hold Your Horses." "GODLESS MEN," A SMASHING TALE OF LOVE AND HATE AT SEA There is the twang of the sea, the thrill of human combat with the ele- HB- WARNER in, DICE Of DESTINY ments and the drama of red-blooded sailors in "Godless Men," the Regi nald Barker Production, a Goldwyn offering. This pliotoplay is a film adaption of 'Ben Ames Williams' story "Black Pawl," which appeared in the Satur day Evening Post. The action cen ters about a brutal old sea-dog who has been called 'Black Pawl." He rules his ship Deborah with fear, r-- "4 fta i '"" ci I A story unique in theme and filled with dramatic and humorous situa tions is told in Rupert Hughes' "Hold Your Horses," a Goldwyn pic- RUSSELL SIMPSON '"'Gbdlese Men" ture starring Tom Moore, which will A Reginald Barker production' be seen al the Casino. Theater for oolowvn two days, beginning Sunday. 'Naomi J- - Chllders, luminous beauty of the by a Victoria occupied by Beatrlca screen, plays opposite Mr. Moore, Nowncss (Naomi Chlldors), a wealthy and others In the excellent cast are society girl, and Rodman Cadbury Sylvia Ashton, Bertram Grassby, N. Ill (Bertram Grassby), her' very E. Stinson and Sydney Alnsworth. proper suitor. When Cannvan came E. Mason Hopper directed. 'out of the hospital he didn't havo Daniel Canavan'(Tom Moore), "tho enough nervo to go back to tho man who has his way," started life 'crowded streets, so ho took a Job as an Irish immigrant employed as with a blasting gang. Tho flagman a street cleaner in New York City, having got drank, the foretniin thrust He was a shy, weak-kneed fellow, 1 a red flag into Canavan's hand and whose domineering, husky wife Ho- told him to kcop back tho traffic, nora (Sylvia Ashton) used him as a The timid Canavan was afraid that target for skillets and pans. tlto traffic wouldn't heed him, but While about his street cleaning du- he soon found that It would. Ho even ties one day Canavan was run down stopped Miss Newness and Hodman Cadbury. And a cop hud to obtty his order. U was his first tasto of au thority. From that moment ho was to become a different man. While ho had "such a grand runnln' start" ho went home and gave his wlfo a dose of her own fistlcs medicine. Canavan's growing aggressiveness attracted the attention of Jim James (M. B. Stinson), political boss, who saw a need for tho man's fists nnd pugnacity In politics. Janios' confi dence was well placed, for his pupil rose rapidly and becamo tho city's chief political boss. It was in his new authority that Canavan next met tho beautiful girl who had run over him on tho street. Sho had now become Mrs. Rodman Cadbury III, nnd tho purposo of her visit was to Induce the political lcad tr to use his Influenco to provent Cadbury from being indicted for his financial jucgling. After Canavan had porformed this favor, ho got to know Beatrice better and to like her bettor. So when Cadbury whs carriod off in a polo accident and Mrs. Canavan departed this life by the becoming medium of indigestion, tho widow and widower wero married. Tlioy Journeyed to Italy on their honey moon, but Beatrice's training und broedlng rovolted against Canavan's table mannots .The matrimonial sea was getting rather choppy. Then Canavan got a cable saying that Horaco Slayton (Sydnoy Alns worth), who had succeeded him as New York's political boss, was try ing to lay a political scandal at the former's feet, Canavan wired that ho wuh on ids way back to Now York I i mm and that ho was going to clean up tho town. After his arrival tho first stop In this renovating process re quired him to use his fists on Slay ton. Ho tlion returned to Ills con temptuous wife and promised to use similar tactics on her If site did not chango her attitude. This transform ed her contempt Into love. Canavnn had his way. And when ho went Into dinner thnt night ho ato with tho first, fork he picked up! "DICE OF DESTINY" WITH H. B. WARNER Now Playing REGULAR PRICES 9c 22c Plus War Tax CASINO