PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1821. MOVIE MOVES SEATRIZ PIZZORNI 13 SOPRANO EXTRAORDINARY Prominent among the song birds to appear with the Sonora Grand Opera singers is beautiful, Btatoly Beatrlz Plzzorni, lyric soprano, whom music lovers of this city will remem ber as Leonora In "II Trovatore" as presented by the Sonora Grand Opera company last year. .Miss Plzzorni was born in Milan, Italy, her mother being Madame Gin', one of Italy's great singers, who won fame by her remarkable creation o Uioconda. Her father was Tenor l'ls zorol, one of the best teachers of singing In Mexico City. Beatrlz Plz zorni made her debut in Mexico with Tosca in 1915, and notwithstanding her youth, she sang to instant suc cess. Since that time she has por trayed the principal roles In every well known opera which calls for a lyric soprano voice, much of this timo having been spent as leading so prano with the Sonora Grand Opera company on tour in the principnl cit ies of the United States, Canada, Mex ico and South America. Many nice things have been said concerning this young artist by emi nent musical critics throughout the United States, where she has been re ceived with open arms by tlioso who know and recognize tho wonderful qualities possessed by her. Miss Plzzorni is one of the principal stars of the Sonora Grand Opera com pany who will present a program of operatic and popular selections at tin Empress theater for an engagement of two days starting Friday. This will bo in conjunction with the regular feature picture program with a change of program each day. She will sing arias and parts from her greatest op eratic successes and the many music lovers are looking forward enthusias tically, to this musical treat. up between the railroad employes and employers. Jewell closed the case of the shop crafts before the board, In the hear Inn of employes who are contesting the railroad petition 'for permission to slash common labor wages. The four big brotherhoods are to start presenting their case against wags cuts tonight Warrsn Stone, W. O. Lee, W. D. Carter and L. E. Shep pard, brotherhood heads, will argue. Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911. res. main 1691. ''stf RAILROAD LABOR BOARD ASKED TO DELAY WAGE CUT By United Pren CHICAGO, May . B. M. Jewell to. slay asked the United States railroad labor board not to order cute In com mon labor wagea until a new set of working agreements could be drawn GRAND FRIDAY and SATURDAY- Thomas Meighan IN "Frontier of the Stars" Has the underworld thrill of "The Miracle Man" and the tender charm of "The Prince Chap." The man had sprung from the gutter. Gangster, gunfighter, spawn of a great city's slums. The girl, an invalid, lived on a roof-top. Below her, the roar of the world. Above her, the stars, the infinite blue and the God of her innocent faith. One day the man, pursued by police, rushed into her lonely life. What comes after thatyour heart will cherish always. A Paramount Picture as t8" a ' First: It is sold at a moder ate price. You save ,when you buy it Second: It has more than the ordinary leavening strength; therefore, you use less. Third: There are no failures no spoiled bakings. Nothing is thrown away because it always makes the sweetest, most palat able of foods. Fourth: It is used by mil lions of housewives leading do mestic science teachers and cook ing experts. W7 OU SAVE TTTTTTTTTrrnT fwrnrnffl mm iTmrnr "IINHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI WAlITUtTllli m II IBBB) I lllliW?r71ilT nrTmi m I nmnn Fifth: It's the best Baking, Powder that can be produced. Wa9 given highest awards at World's Pure rood Exposition, Chicago, Paris Exposition, Paris, France. Sixth : It contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by the United States Food Authorities. The finest quality Baking Powder at the most economical cost Strictly pure -cbsolutely de pendable. 'The Biggest Bargain That Goes Into the Kitchen Today." A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 02. Somt baking powders come in 12 oz, cans instead of 16 oe. cans. Be sre you get a pound whsn you want it tttat CeeUe Recipe M Cup butter, If Cup sugar, 2 Egfje, H Cup flour, 1 Level teaspoon Caluraet Baking Powder, X Cup cnopped nut 1 Teaspooa lesaoa juke. Thea nix ha taw regular way s 'BaaaaaaaaaV '.eeaaBBBew .sBBBBBBev BBBBBBBBBBB j Are You Paying Too Much For Your Groceries? We have many new customers every day who have been reading our advertisements, who claim they are reducing their living expense 20 per cent. Now of all times is the time to cut the cost of living. Our store is stocked with groceries and displayed so as to make your shopping a pleasure. JUST A FEW SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW RUMFORD BAKING POWDER... i2 lb. 15c; 1 lb. 25c; 3 'lbs. 70c CAROLINE MILK, per, can 10c. G; NE SUGAR, per sack $8.25 G. R. OATS, per package .. 30c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, per dozen 30c SWIFT'S BREAKFAST BACON, per lb 35c USE YOUR TELEPHONE WE DELIVER FREE AND FAST J. & Miller Grocery Company .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVliaaaaaaaaaf BaaaaaaaaaaaaaV -.saVaaaaaV 1aaaaaaaaaaaaPP'.saaaaaa I eaBaaaaBaaaaaa UBaaaBeBaaBsaaroiH To the Workers o f Oregon By Otto RHartwig President, Oregon State Federation of Labor, TURING these days of reconstruction and uncertainties, it becomes more than ever necessary for the citizens of Oregon to -patronize the industries of Oregon by buying such prod ucts as are made in this state. Industries of Oregon cannot be expected to grow and furnish continuous satisfactory em ployment to the workers of Oregon if we spend our money for products manufactured else where. It is a well known fact that on the whole, Ore gon workers are receiving better wages and working under more satisfactory conditions than is true of the workers in many of the eastern centers where a good deal of the prod ucts that the careless purchaser buys comes from. It is the height of stupidity and selfish ness to demand decent working conditions from the Oregon employers and then tum around and use the money earned in Oregon to buy products made under sweat-shop condi tions that exist in many of the eastern and mid dle states. ASSOCIATED 1NDU8TKIBS Of OKBOON 762 OXEGQN BUILDING PORTLAND