PAGE EIGHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY I, 1121. SEAMEN'S STRIKE PARLEY IS OFF LITTLE HOPE HELD FOR EF FECTING 8ETTLEMENT OF MARINE TIE-UP. $15,000,000 WAS BRIDE'S SURPRISE By United Press WASHINGTON, May G Negotia tions between the government and seamen's leaders are virtually at a standstill. As far as the unions are concern ed, negotiations are ended, William S. Drown, president of the Marine Engineers' National IJcnovolcnt as sociation said today. At the office of Secretary of La bor Davis it was said that no plans have been made for any conference for at least two days. Davis and Hoover seemed to have little hope of effecting a settlement, although neither would say directly that there had been a breaking off of the negotiations. Taxi Mayfield's Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tf Brown's Dufur Stag Time Table Taw lound trips daily. Leave Baak hotel, It. a. in. and 4 p. ni. Leave Dufur l.'M a. m. und 1 p. ui. tt ' ' Wj?! ..V.V.VV. "jf 1 ' ' t ' ' ' ' STADELMAN AND McCOY TO START BALL GAME Mayor P. J. Stadelman, pitch ing, and E. O. McCoy catching, will Inaugurate the first baseball game of the season in The Dalles M Sunday, when the local nine M clashes with the fast Maupin ag- -ft gregation of swatsters. Local players are spending -ft -K their evenings in putting the old -fc baseball field In shape, prepara- tory to Sunday's game. For the accommodation of spectators, the grandstand is being remodel- -fc -K ed. The game will start promptly -K at '2:30 o'clock. , ALLIES SERVE (Continued From Pate 1.) PORTLAND FIRM (Continued From Page 1.) in the city. Tho floor will be of finest hardwood. A gallery seating 300 persons will bo provided, giving non-dancers a place to sit and lis ten to the music. A special seat ing arrangement tor the orchestra will bo made in tho gallery. Tho coil ing of tho ball room will bo clear of all obstructions, permitting perfect acoustics. Numerous other rooms and depart ments will probably bo included in tho. completed plans, whon worked out by tho architects. Among feat ures under consideration arc rooms for American Legion headquarters nnd offices for Tho Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce. Tho .architects will start work up on tho comploto working plans at once. Actual construction of tho building will not start until somo ll:no in tho summer, howevor, as the building site will not bo vacated until Juno 1 under tho terms or its sale to tho city. , Tho following persons served on tho auditorium plaiiH comniltteo: W. J. Souforl, chairman; A. W. Man chester, Dr. Fred Thompson, Dr, n. C. Olingor and II. S. Klco. Dick Pagan, of Ft. Worth, Tex., junior at Darmouth College, didn't Know when he persuaded eighteen-ycar-old Katherinc Stevens, of ,1 Jrooklyii, to elope with him, that he was marrying $15,000,000. But it so developed, because Katherinc was the daughter of the million aire hermit Calvin A. Stevens, who up until his death in A' arch lived just off Wall Street, in New York City, while his wife and daughter resided in a very unpretentious and common home in l'roo!:fyn. Pareiits of the two say both must finish tfir college courses. He informed the members of the al lied demands and they at once began discussing them. The completion or a new German cabinet to supplant the one just re signed was to be determined today at a meeting of the reichstag's foreign committee. It was'belleved the ministry will bo coalition. Majority socialists showed a desire to avoid responsibility for the grave decision which must be made soon In regard to reparations. tails flying. In addition to music by the dance orchestra, a clown band, well versed in the art of enticing wlerd noises from wlerder instru ments, will appear in concert. One number per square mile rendered by this band is expected to result in an epidemic of insomnia. The entire hall has been turned over to the mercy of tho entertain ment committee, with Instructions to go the limit. The majority of he "ac 'tion" will occur on the second floor, although several dark secrets are ru mored to be in hiding in the basement. For Elks and their ladies only, is the decree of the committee, which adds that local and visiting "Bills" are in for the "biggest time In the his tory of the local lpdge." ' . OREGON'S TAX (Continued From Pago I.) Deschutes, $1118.62; Douglas, $5936. 23; Grant, $2544.56; Hood River, $134,. 34; Harney, $82.44; Jackson, $6256. 56; Jefferson, $1189.45; Josephine, $1869.87; Klamath, $2535.04; Lake, $1271.33; Lane, $5565.18; Lincoln, $1138.22; Linn, $3437.50; Marlon, $792.68; Morrow, $936.36; Polk, $339. 80; Tillamook, $3913.98! Umatilla, $1045.92; Union, $2787.41; Wasco, $973.57; Wallowa, $1440.81; Washing ton, $3287.52; Wheeler, $1696.63; Vamhill, $1002.03; total $66,583.61; to tal last year, $59,684.94. DOLLAR STANDARD (Continued From Page 1.) CHIVALROUS MAN IS ACCUSED OF HAVING 3- WIVES By United Press SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 5 to get some more. The more he make3 the less he lives.' "Too much money is at the bottom of a lot of misery In this country. Par. ' ents with money dress their girls In suggestive -modern styles, and then wonder why they get into trouble. Parents with money give their sons high-powered automobiles and wonder why the sons go to the devil. "Thero's too much money int the schools working harm. There's too much money in tho churches them selves working harm. "Wo are in clanger of domination by the dollar. If we would keep our civ ilization from following those of past ages into oblivion, we must overcome . the single Idea of tho monetary stanr Linn 769,260.60 1,048,702.18 Malheur .... 563,839.04 783,714.57 'Marion 1,340,460.34 1,694,327.99 Morrow .... 366,727.89 543,744.33 Multnomah .11,988,925.91 14,776,313.46 Polk 413,868.24 656,677.63 Sherman ... 263,250.06 365,661.1fi Tillamook .. 613,949.90 801.390.10 Umatilla ... 1,288,026.38 1,649,967.70 Union 575,681.77 685,861.89 Wallowa 398,778.66 501,941.87 .Wasco 511,312.96 . 686,416.16 Washington. 792,817.45 1,073,194.00 Wheeler ... 117,589.13 151,382.23 Yamhill 635,948.54 781,970.55 Totals . .$32,596,695.03$41,117,397.71 Patrol Levies Heavy. The additional amounts that are levied this year for fire patrol in those counties where such levies are made are: r Baker, $965.09; Bonton, $2084.13; Clackamas, $1728.45; Clatsop, $3383. 16; Columbia, $1679.96; Coos, $2709. 35; Crook, $415.02; Curry, $2423.60; Long Business Distance by Telephone There seldom is a business transaction between men in different places that cannot be completed by telephone and, in many instances, in less time than it takes dictate the average business letter. Consider the time taken by correspondence and the unavoidable delays of the mails. Try the long distance telephone in your out-of-town business transactions. Recent improvements in transmission have made it possible to talk satisfactorily to any point in this country. Long-distance service is the direct and economi cal method of communication and does away with undue expense and delay. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company When a, girl expects a man to marry dard and bring back respect for into? Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Hauin, chiropractic physician. Third and Washington, main 501. if POLISH FORCES (Continued From Pno 1.) InBpnrtyTTwo Polos woro killed and othor casualties were Inflicted. (Martial law was declared in Kntto wltz, Ploss. Rybnlk and othor towns, but tho Polos disregarded tho de crees. German representatives in upper Si lesia doclarod tho Polos woro attempt ing a fait accompli, hoping that if they seized portions or tho region tho nlllos would bo Influenced to disre gard tho recent ploblslclto. At tho foreign office hero it was stated that tho country around Hon thon Is In tho hands or tho rioters. Tho railway brldgo at Olelwltz was said to have been dynamited and railway and telegraph service Interrupted. her, the man must be chivalrous and not disappoint tho young lady, John William Murray of New York be lieves. That was his explanation today of tho ' charges reported to have been made ngalnst him in New York of j marrying three wives without or divorces. "Tho girls expected mo to marry thorn," ho declared. "What else could I do?" "No bigamy has been committed," ho added. "Mario Pavis is tho only Veal wifo.' " Murray, nccording to news dis patches from Now York, is accused there of having married Mario Pavis, now a Los Angoles motion picture actress; Mario Dougherty, a former war worker, nnd Anita Southwlck, known on tho stage as Anita May Warwick. So far as the local pollco know, warrant charging Murray with rlty and respect for vested rights." LOCAL ELKS (Continued From Page 1.) no any offense has been Issued in Now York. "I am perfectly willing to go to Now York to faco any charges thoy might want to prefer against mo," Murray declared, reiterating a flat djnlal of all tho reported charges. for use by persons wishing to "play the wheel" an dother concessions. i Don racics, cine anu Knuo, prop- h0t,.clc-g barkers, sandwich and soda- I pop vendors, toy balloon pedlers the list goes on indefinitely these will give the affair a real holiday spirit. Holiday spirit will be the only brana J served, however, the committee stern ly declares. An old-fashioned bar, the kind rated 13 to tho block in the pioneer days of The Dalles, will bo installed, however, for tho sake of bringing back fond momorios to the old-timers. Soti drinks of various kinds will bo served over the bar, Including Elk milk and other fraternal delicacies. There will be dancing, from nine until twelve each evening, to the strains of tho no wlO-plece Elks' or chestra. This orchestra Is the largest strictly fraternal dance orchestra which has ever played In The Dalles, and is guaranteed to produce music which will make grandfather forgot his "mis'ry" nnd step out with coat- MAN SHOT DEAD (Continued From 1'k l J found tho driver dead In his wagon. Pollco uro working on tho theory thai one or McDonough'a rivals for tho hand or Tholnin Shono, south side hello, did tho shooting. RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS BACKACHE Concentrated Heat Penetrates Right Down to Pain Spot Brings Ease at Once. Hheumiitism, lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff nock, sore muscles, strains aching Joints. When you are suffering so you uin unruly got ui omul Just try "Hod Poppor Hub," and you will have the quickest re lu'f known, Nothing has such concentrated, renotratlng huat us red poppers. In slant relief. Just as soon as you up- rly Hod .Popper Hub you feel the tingling heat, in tnreo minutes it warms tho sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up congestion ami pain is cone. Howies Hod Pepper Hub, .ratio fioni red poppers, costs llttlo ut Miy drug store, Got a Jitr at con Duo II for colds la chest. No mutter v,i.u you have used for pain or ouiivosimu don't fall to try Red PeiUK-r ',.t. EMPRESS The Superfeaturc House THURSDAY FRIDAY m Mary Miles Mmter IN "TheLittleClown" By Avery Hopwood V Author of "Fair and Warmer," "The Gold Diggers" and other famous hits. A picture for old and young A circus and picture in one. Back to the days of real sport with a de lightful comedy. COMING "FORBIDDEN FRUIT." THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT f STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE' WORLD These Beautiful Newl SILK DRESSES AT $11.90 each ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN Ladies who have seen these wonderful values! can hardly realize how we can offer such exception al values. It's the combined purchasing power of 312 stores! buying millions of dollars worth of ready to wear that does it. Our buyers never bought better valr lies' than these . . , -, TAFFETA - GEORGETTE Its CREPE DE CHINE FOULARD AND ! ' MIGNONETTE Dresses in all latest styles and patterns. Don't delay but see them now. They will, not last long.. .UVINO H II art r,mmwm ,a:m selling SELL 312 DEPARTMENT STOIiSS F0R LESS iriE LARGEST CHAIN UtTAKiKitm STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD I