-ME DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921. PAGE SEVEN WAPINITIA NEWS WAPINITIA, Mfty 2 Several hard freezes occurred heie last week. Sunday uneasiness was felt for the fruit and grain. Old timers here say that this is the coldest spring for years. Mrs. Andrews of Oregon City, a state W. C. T. U. organizer, accnu pnnied by Mrs. Ford of The Dalles, arrived here Saturday evening and stayed over Sunday, guests at the parsonage. At 11 o'clock Sunday morning they gave talks at the church. A W. C. T. U. chapter was reorganized with Mrs. Melvie Magill as president; Mrs. R. W. Richmond, vice president; Mrs. L. W. Rice, sec retary and Josephine O'Brien, I treas urer. About 15 members was secured. A chapter was organized at Maupln with more than 20 members. N. G. Hedin arrived home Friday night from The Dalles where he has spent several days attending the White river water hearings. The stockmen of this section turn ed their cattle on the -reserve Sun day and Monday. More than 900 Classified 44trUMmg 1 cont per wore Mck lBsertlo. If Inserted times w mere. 3-4 cent a wrtL Voathly P- emtio rate oa appatcaOea at th ffica. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms, HO Jackson street. FOR RENT Two furnished bed rooms. 811 Case street 5 FOR RENT Furnished Bleeping rooms. 507 East Fourth street. 7 FOR RBNT Garage at 822 West Sixth street 6 FOR RENT -Three furnished house keeping rooms. 819 East Third. Tele, phone red 1282. 7 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Inquire 417 Alvord street side door. 6 FOR RENT Rooms comfortably fur nished for light housekeeping. 115 East Second street. 11 FOR RENT Furnished apartment electric -cook stove, reasonable, tele phone red 3991. 700 Case street. 9 FOR RBNT Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 620 East Third street Phone Black 2301. m5 FOR RENT Advertising ground space, along Columbia and The Dalles - California highway road. Phone Black 4881. 5 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also small house, suitable tor baching, 111 West Second street. 7 FOR RENT Room with board in modern home. Lady or gentleman. Phone red 3491, 1000 Fulton street. 7 FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Castle Gate. Utah coal it iMaier & Schanno's. 10 FOR SALE Good fre3h Jersey cow. J. W. Connell, 816 WeBt Thirteenth. 6 FOR SALE 500 Leghorn roosters, six weeks old. Make nice broilers. W. Palmer, route 4, The Dalles. 11 FOR SALE Eight room modern house and acre of ground. Apply 1396 Fair street. ; 6 FOR SALE Good seoond hand De Laval cream separator. C. J. Corson, 320 East Second street. 6wl8 FOR SALE Dry oak wood: old oak, 111.50. Second growth, $12.50. Deliv errrt. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Young Toggorlburg milk goats with kids. Rosemont Goat Dairy, 295 East 69th street north, Portland, Oregon. 5 FOR SALE Slightly used, lates. model Underwood typewriter. Call red 2211, or sen .Toe Mclnerny. 7 FOR SALE Few stands of bees. Place order promptly so It cap be filled before honey flow. Call main 3711. 11 FoiTsALE Goat's milk, also fine billy-kids from four to five quart dams, Seanan breed. W. W. Nich ols, 1205 Lincoln street 10 FOR SALFThree level lots witii fruit, eight room house with mod ern conveniences, full basement, in good residential section. Price 14000. Dalles Realty company, black 5691. I head were put out during the tWo days and some more will be turned out -later, , Joe Graham was called to Portland last week on business. E. E. Miller of Portland is spend lng a few days here. Miss Lizzie Delore arrived here last week from Vancouver and is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mose Delore. Jerry Young arrived here from Idaho last week, where he spent the winter with his sister. Whooping cough has made its ap pearance in this community. BUI Foreman and Ben Flinn spent Sunday at Maupin going down In Bill's car, but they had to leave it there, the roads were so slick. The ball game between Maupin and Moro was called off Sunday on account of rain. J. S. Brown was circulating the petition here last week, asking the county court to call a special elec tion for the bonding of Wasco coun ty to the extent of 1800.000 to build The Dalles-California highway. The Commercial club will hold its' annual election next Saturday night. Will Nickelson of Tygh Valley, CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Good level lots, good soil, in Fair street. 16i per lot. Call 1418 Bluff street or telephone black 1441. 7 FOR SALE Irrigation outfit consist ing of pump, gasoline engine, and large quantity of la inch Iron pipe. See Attorney Frank G7 Diok, The Dalles. 6wl8-19 FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, un improved, three miles west of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms if desired. Write owner, P. O. box- 67, Traver, California. 10 FOR SAUB Lot and 12-room house, 318 Calhoun street. Sale on premis es at public auction at 2 p. m. on Friday, May 6, 1921. John Oavln, administrator. 5wl8 FOR SALE (Large and small - farm ami orchard tracts. ReasoaaM prices, good terras. W. C. Hanna. Dufor. Ore. IStf. ujinruLriru TjTjiXLruLTLri rin-iruirui n i n f yi" FOR SALE Dorses. 1 have a number of geod horses for aale cheap. Read's Feed store, east end of Sec ond street, telephone black 6211. 26t( WANTED WANTED Waitress iH Obaiv hotel. Telephone black 4631. 5 WANTED To do dressmaking and sewing. 507 East Fourth street. 7 WANTED Housekeeping work on ranch or In town by experienced woman. Write I. B. 105, Chronicle. 7 WANTED Work by the hour. No washing. Reasonable rates. Address P. W. 10, care Chronicle. 9 WANTED Work on ranch or cook for camp. 'Woman and boy. Where no woman oversees. Inquire 203 East Fourteenth otn-t-t 5 WANTED 'Position as cook In gener al house in town, gentlemanly, hon est Japanese youth. Address James T.' K., 311 Perkins Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon. 26 WANTED Position in The Dalles bv girl of 17 as helper with light housework in small family of aduilc. No washing. Writo Mary Mar' in. box 72, Maupin, Ore. 5 WANTED Dressmaking, fancy ging hams and organdies a specialty. Pat terns cut to measure. Reasonable prices. 1512 Pine street. Telephone red 3181. 10 WANTED To mow your lawns, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to kfeop busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone. L. A Mathews, 502 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf WANTED Twelve experienced "sour dough'' prospectors to take part in Community Pageant May 27. No preparation necessary, except your outfit. Join us in spirit to help make this a success and renew old times. Telephone E. C. Malloy, main 3711. 7 FOR SALE 80 acre3, 31 miles from The Dalles; 175 fruit trees In full bearing, C5 trees not yet bearing; 20 cords of wood now cut and 150 cords of standing timber; 3J acrc planted to different kinds of vege tables; some equipment goes with place. Price, $4,200; $1,000 down, balance $500 a year. Columbia Re alty ft Loan company. whose home' was recently destroyed by fire was hauling lumber from the Hedin .mill last week to rebuild Rev. J. I. Parker preached at the Pine Grove school house Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held a business meeting at the parsonage Thursday. The society has ordered two new rugs, two big rocking chairs and linoleum for the kitchen floor to be paid for with the money that was raised at the bazaar last winter. "Grandpa" Evick is ill. Carpentering and building. C. H. Merryman. telephone red 5741. M30 Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist. First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf Lucky Tlgcp mmm e iimhmm w Positively eradicates 'iHfaur fcalr IniMhiiliiri-illi iliMnsiil '. baattfa-actfanlmaMdtela end neyt t fW.c 4Q . CO, IMM Otj.WU. LOST OR FOUND LOST Heart-shaped green moss ag ate scarf pin. Leave at Chronicle office. Reward. '; FOUND---'Bunch of heavy keys, in cluding switchmen's keys, near high school. Owner may claim at Chron icle office. 5 LOANS. TO'XOAjN $150 on real estate se curity; Inquire 'Carlton L. Peppef. 6 .MISCftLLANEOUS TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl turo and plaao moving. Freight hauled ood aeaeral ' express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1862. J. E. Heaxle. 1 lltl HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L M. Boothfey, 38 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf FURNISHED ROOMS of the desir able''' sort, are in active demand. Many people have recently movod perhaps going to houses or apart ments where' they have no space to spare. Former furnished room ten ants are looking once more for de sirable quarters. Have you anything to offer them? Tell about it in a Chronicle Want Ad. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS IMANOS TUNiop And repaired, ac tion regulating and reflniahlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader. Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 100J East Second utieet. Tel phone main 1571. 'iHU SI I emmiiiiiw w HcMk Rheumatic Pain Bub it right out- Try this! Rheumatism Is "pain only." Not one case in fifty requires in ternal treatment Stop drugging! Rub the misery right away! Rub soothing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil" directly into the sore, surf joints and muscles and relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs Oil" conquers pain. It is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and does not blister. . JVOODARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnlehed free of chargj. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Slock Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF THOMPSON'S ADDITION NOTES Community Service will hold n meeting here Friday evening at the school house. A short program will bo put on, followed by stereopticon slides and a lecture by The Rev. John L. Bogue. Mrs. W. C. Hayhurat, president of the Oregon State Parent-Teacher as sociation, spoke at the Thompson's addition school house this afternoon. Typing and Stenography done, at reasonable rates. Rosina A. Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Real dence phone red 2332. tf If you said "Jimmy Valentine He's a pal of mine" You'll say the same of JIMMY DOYLE CASINO THEATER VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking:, alterations, repairing. 218J Bast Third street. M White Track Line Freight and exprefas betweea The JJalles and Wasco, Mere and all way polntR Leave The Dalles, 9 a. daily, except Sunday. Leave Moro. 1:30 p. wl. Leave Wasco, 2:34 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephome black 144 'or mala 471. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Loosens by Appointment Empress Theatre Plamtot tf FORD Specialists Whitney Repair 8hep 7N East Second St mere ia more OatarrTi in this sectloi of tho country titan all other diseases put tofuther, and for years It was sup posed to bo Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cum w'.th local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh it) a local disease. Kreutly l?ii!uew:r.d by conatitutional con ditlonv ami llieretrro requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's, Cntarrli Medi cine, inur.ufucturcd by F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a con? tltutlonal remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Bysu-rn. Oto Hundred Dollars re ward In ofter-l for nny cn that Hall's Cutnrrh Mmi'ln" p-.I'.h to cum. Send for circulars and 't;tim'nftils. V. J. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by DniKt-lsu, 76c. Hall's Famllv Pills for constipation. 8EC0ND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 20G Court Street Limber up! Quit complaining! Oet a small trial bottle of old-time "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief and a cure awaits you. Get It! "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. mtjWjtr''BtFirW0Wmu ssssssssssssssssssssssf' With Soups, Broihs P. C B. ASSORTED CAKES Aaatbar P. C. B. product A tnly fellfhthl ittckif t'f Ckli CtkM. Ask row irouf fr iktsv Padfo Cosst fttecvit Co. flkBssslsMBM CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO: Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL- Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Cmbalmers. Established 1SS7 Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllertea Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. f MRS. BROWN S f I SECRET OF SUCCESS 1 1 I I s BOARDERS WANTED - Con Q 1 I I I mcoomodote two mare first-class I l I C boerders after next Monday. "7 f I I I , Excellent toble, home cooKlnd. J II ) I 1 3 prompt service. Mrs. L.H.Brown ' I if NO VACANT CHAIRS If, It A I III Chronicle Want Ads and Bouillon Weil begun, indeed, is the dinner which com mences with soup and Snow Flakes the crisp, delicately flavored soda wafer. And for the later coursesoysters, salads and cheese. Sold by grocers in red packages and the family das. Don't ask for craekera say SNOW FLAKES Our FOR SALE ADS wiltteeil your Dufur Telephones Day Res SSI Night Pled StU J. H. Horper, Slack 2162 Cut Flowers Br in it Quick Results