PAGE SIX THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE "om the Un,ted statefl- Japan 18 IprinUng' books cheapor than this wutDiisnoa isju ine vauea, ure. i ......... v.. Published Kvery Evening Kxccpt Bunday country can print them. by the Chronlclo Publishing-company fnc g the story goes. Slowly but -General Manogor surely the American standard is be- .-.Edlter ing threatened How Bhaii this na, The Dalles, Ore. , Ben R. Lltfln Alvln L. Bucktln . S,"' ,n Th Da,,e Potfflce aitIon ,noot the threat? Shall we aban locond class matter. t , I don the high standard of life which United ProsH and United News Service . i Member of Audit Uuruati of circulations concedes that every man was en- DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER doWed Wlth an immortal SOUl by the ?.xB i,.1." i5dzrzzzr!l:SS CreEltor and therefore 13 ent,tled t0 "AiL-Hio"NiorrBTMAii: "V fn,r amount of ons,deratlon in Ono year. In advunvu J5.00 this world, 13 entitled to time and Six months. In advance. $!.."( Ono month .go money to develop the God in him? WEEKLY CHRONICLE ' 4 , , Ono year. In advanco 2.00 Shall we cut wages and lengthen r7" hours until workers in industry shall In ordering ierllier should nlways give old as well 0G u-ncc slaves? as new address. TELEPHONES Editorial Ilnntns Business, Adv., Clr. Depts... .Black 111 Red 111 The program is unthinkable. What then shall we do to meet the threat? subscribers to o.u Chronicle are guui-1 Harness the water power and let antced service. rrnmpL and regular dt-1 . livery of every iibsorlber, paper Is the' it work for the upbuilding of Amer aim of tlio circulation department. 'Vlw t Chronlclo carriers nro rcnutn-d to put ica and tho furtherance of the Amer the papers ofi the porch or wherever th ubscriber wishes 'lie paoer delivered, lean standard of life, Our rivers are HARNESS THE RIVERS " now wasting to the sea. They turn no wheel, do no work for man. .", j Through the narrows about five V' In order that the United States miles above The Dalles boils 800,000 'shall continue the type of clvlllza- horsepower of potential energy. Why tlon now manifest here, the Amer- not erect power plants on tho banks lean Htandartl must bo perpetuated. ' of the river to convert the white . i The American standard is rather an coal of tho river into electric units elusive thing when one undertakes which sliaU do the work of man .to describe it. Dut simmered down cheaply and effectively, economical It is tho doctrino of tho square deal. !' If wo can put this water power It says that no man shall bo en- vo work for' use, we can meet tho slaved by work to the extent that menace of competition by forrlgn he shall bo utterly deprived of tho goods produced by low-paid workers, zest of life. It says further that no W'.' can keep American labor free. ' inun shall take from industry that Utilize the tremendous power now .vhicii he does not put in by intolli- wasting to the. sea. The narrows .pent effort. It ays that women shall above The Dalles Is but one project bo proteclod from arduous tasks for tho conversion of water power such as labor of the fluids since up- into electric energy. There are many on the physical perfection of women rivers in the United States, many depends the futuro of tho race. It rivers in tlio northwest. , Make them serves notice that children through work lor mankind. Make them main- being offered a chance for education tain tho American ctandard which is and time to apply themselves to making for the 'Jviiization tho world Btudy shall bo given a. fair start in has over known, this gamo of life. It says that tho Oregon some day when tho rivers head of tho family shall bo paid at 1,ro 1,nod wlth eloctric l),nnta a rato of remuneration which shall wlu bo 113 lhlck'y Populated as the keep his family and' himself In do- e0 states now nro. The Dalles coney and comfort. ' instead of a little city wfll bo a vast 'lf tho American standard is not numufacturlng community whore -maintained, our women will hnvo to srent payrolls keep tho workers con- ''work in tho field liko tho Japanese tontett. women. so that a llvlnir mnv bo mndo You c Slinipao in your mind's eye a great city hero whose life is stirring and fast. You can see nr- for tho family. Our children will at an early ago bocomo work animals tolling from early morning until th6 shadows of evening mnko It Impos sible to attend to tholr tasks. If tho standard Is abolished, men shall bo ovor fopo,Bn 8001,8 l'ro(lllt:u'1 ' and decency out of your heart. The mere fact of making money doesn't indicate this at all. But possession of money sometimes heralds men tal and moral decay at least In the second generation. Evidently, then money Is not nn end to be greatly desired In Itself. You go in for literature and art. Fine. Your nature demands some of the artistic to -unfold beautifully. Beauty of painting and story subtly work .a magic In your nature and you are better for it. But are you just dabbing in liter ature and art. Are you trying to do some great constructive thing? Are you trying to make the world better through your chosen agencies of expression? Or are you just a dabbler, an idler, electing this meth od of getting out of hard work? Mr. Business man, are you so en grossed in your commercial affairs that you crowd out old friendships and new associations? Are you a slave to ambition under your dom inance? Are you forgetting your home, your wlfo, your children in an effort to make your business' grow? The fact that you want to make your business grow is most commendable. Industry is thereby furthered. After all, we. know of no greater monument a man may dedi cate to the community in which he lives than a fine going commercial enterprise. It Is a poem of beauty written, down in commercial lan guage. What are you getting out of ltfe? We are put here It seems for self development, 'soul growth, if you choose and unless wo combine marry pursuits, dip into many fields, keep1 our Values straight, we are failures, no matter whether we are rated in Uradstreetp as millionaires. If we have taken joy out of liv ing and have dispensed helpfulness, t.'iough wo be poor in this world's goods," we are in the truest sense, successful. LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, May 5, 1896.) Mr. T. A. Van Norden has moved his jewelry storn. and now occupies tides of every day uso being mado j very handsome and cosy quarters ad hero cheaply for tho uso of tho mil-' Joining The Dalles National bank Hons. You can see America triumph driven as slaves in industry. They will bo so fatigued that they will ho careless of self culture and development. Hy tho low standards producing foreign nwulo goods, tho American standard of high wages, high Ideals, nrtlstlc homes is thronlonod. To off set tho foreign standards, wo must Imposo protective tariffs, wo must poorly paid workers The American standard of lifo jr must be perpetuated. To do it, har ness tlio driving power of tho rlvors of tho United States. WHAT'RE YOU GETTING? The lathers jire at work on the Max Vogt building, The recorder collected $190 In fines during tho month. A. Kollor has engaged in tho whole sales candy trade and is from now on prepared to furnish dealers with everything required In that lino. Ho will therefore make a specialty In the jobbing business, and is enabled to supply tho beat goods at tlio lowest rates. Kollor is his own advertise ment. 'By a strict regard to tho quality of his candios, ho has risen to first rank among candy makers of Oregon. Tlio numo Keller is a guaranteo of oxcolloneo. and hlo goods will thmv foro bo generally sought. Sinco tho public has domanded thorn, shrowd dealers will do very well to carry in stock Keller's unapproachable can dles. Mrs. J. K, Shorrar went to Antelope this morning, Miss Lois llolm returned today frotm Portland. Sho has been visiting Banker Bul'flngton and family. What nro you getting out of lifo? Face tho Issuo squarely and tin- oust tho speculators and wo must aWor tho question to yourself. No develop power which does tho work ,,'no will know your admission. Are of men. you. a success? Are you' a fniluro? America so far has maintained '0 ,,,. ,U)t concerned with what her high civilization despite tho com- ,i,u community thinks of you. Wo putltlon or low and bestial standards, want yo to tumiy.o your own nc- largoly through making power do complishments. work cheaply. Thus oven though men Al0 you ono uf tho80 Mows who were paid high wages, tlio artlctes Kl,t u,, earIy lu ,ho moniing nrul produced, the crops raised have been uus himself down to his store or dono so at a minimum outlay. ofrlco ,,, factory 0P oul imon hls It . has been estimated that tho broad acres and works and Blnvos average Greek froeilman needed five mui battles? There's a deal worth slaves to tnk euro of himself and whilu in that sort ot thing. A man his family. About .ono slave to ono wil0 lmH K,it mmlRh , Rol at hls free person was tho ratio. Whilu tusks early and fight them hard Is slavery has gone Into the discard as mmlo ot n,10 Hluffi Hn(a off to hlm an Institution American life today .n() you work so hard that when rosls on the principle In a sense. It nt oonios you drag In to homo requires tho energy ot servants to ,i through sheer fatigue forgot that support us-servanta counted In ma- you imvw mllm or n 80-,1? chines. Nation's business says that You're making money, of course, there nro five energy servants ut That la commondable, It means in work for each of us 25 to a family UU probability that you pay your 01 flv0, hills promptly and that in its es- George Otis Smith, director of tho 80nco is being a square shooter. By Ueologlcal Survey points out that paying your bills promptly you are America leads till countrlos In tht making prices cheapor for tho com-! uso of mechanical power to back numlty In which you live. op tho brains and the hands of 1U j sure, but tho more making of Printing J thm SaUtmmn workora' ! mowoy in Itself, is that much of an Who Hag thm Right of Way uui cuuniru'H wuoro goous are pro- tnd? You want to provide for your dured with more sweat and lower children you say. There's love In wages uro gradually overcoming the that effort. So you out fit tho girl Industrial lead of tho United State, with modern doll rags and her silly Uermnny today Is outbidding thl head is turned by the srundour of . . . I i wrc your cu nation ou quotations of steel loco- her garb. You give your boy an auto- cll your gooes. motives and rails. Sho Is outbidding mobllo to jtui around In. He steps' That's l kind ol printlag we do nd i the ptpcr we us. this nation In tiny number of utll- nn tin. ms ami iin ltfirlut iirtlflita Tniiutt ..Ii.mtt . .11, 1... nit... . I vwwwirrie vmi.mi ...wv.v, uufuu ntwi vvi j uiiiuii. i iiu itmsu tiller luunoj may Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table T.vo round trips daily Keavo BanV hotel, 9 u m. and -I p m. Leave Dufui 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. t The Right of Way 181 Your sales tetter in the United States mail has the right of way straight to your customers desk. Strengthen four appeal by using a paper of knowa quanUty Hammernull Bond and good priattac which will attract your customer's attention, aad labor Is inking tho toy trade' away j bo blotting tho kindness 'and love J CHRONICL E PUBLISHING CO. 1 .aB' 'kwswB A New Local Service for Motorists Ttsnken Roller Bearing Hyatt tUMer Bearing New Departure Ball Bearing To provide motorists and others interested in automobile service work in this section with prompt, expert dependable service on bearings, we have established an authorized local service station for the Bearings Ser vice Company. The Bearings Service Company is the national service repaentative for the Timken Roller Bearing Com pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company and New Departure MainrfKturing Company. Supplied with authentic engineer ing records by these manufacturers and having immediate access to com plete stocks of new bearings not reground or second hand stock we can provide service in which you can place absolute confidence a bearing service that is exact, depend able and prompt one that will make it unnecessary for you to be without the use of your machine pending the receipt of bearings from far off factories. WALTHER-WEDAMS COMPANY, Parts Department Authorized Distributors Bearings Service Company Get the Listening Habit It is recounted that on occasion a certain wise man was asked 1 he first rule of getting along in the world of people. The an swer came back "Be a good listener." In these days of modern newwspapers, reading, c o r responds to listening. In the news columns are the printed views and opinions of the foremost men and. women of our day leaders in thought and action. To be well inform ed, you read what they have to say, just as you would lis ten if they were speaking to you. In the advertising columns, you have the opportunity to "listen" to messages that are even closer and more vital to your everyday life. Your own townspeople, as well as men and women from all over the world are telling you their stories. For your benefit There's an endless array of articles from .which you can choose. The choice is simple if you're a good listener the more you listen the more you know and the better able to buy. So get the Listening habit. Read Chronicle advertisements. T LwBk awS i' - I IBlI'