PAGE THREE. a Bonjto take care of, stao made her way to this country as soon as dos slble after her release, In the hopu that she could somehow educate him In "the old days" in Russia, she paint ed a miniature of the Czar's sister which received high praise and she has made several members of the Danish royal family. She has two gold medals won by her work in Paris, and now she is making the miniatures for. prices that would seem ridiculous if they did not indicate her extreme necessity. ANOTHER MAT STAR MARKET REPORTS BT WIRELESS TO FARMERS FROM FARM IN WEST 'W f i . -.1 THE DALLE DAILY CHRONICLE. THURSDAY MAY 8, 1921. i 5 .kwAmA; 2. II Wl j 4 ffc::'- '.-!i sBMsfcT'l f'-'v-ByMwiL - XriBBl j BBBBBBB rXY7PnK?7T9VrHpff"fe4to-KH B -. slulHIKHflHdFfflR BvHmHnmBBb1 J t3&SBBh3wBBSBvSvSvSvSB9BB1 : : --4;v'-SSb3?jSBSx BSvSvJ iilBBBK&v'3tfBBBBBBjBEB9 9BBjNHB?BBjBBB1 r t t - -yMuKtk:-- bsbbbbbbbbbKk " VJr araflSIHKH:'' ilsBw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsEflO B wKiHm, ZsBBsHHhlr...'l Mnrkct reports by wireless for all the farmers in the United States arc now being furnished This shows the formal inauguration of tho service roni the Post Office Department Building in Washington, ScM rotarv of Agriculture Henry Wallace, of Iowa, is handing Postmaster General Will Havs the first biireau of market reports which are to be .1 daily feature to the 6.01)0 stations throughout the nation in. the, future , ISacR of Mr. Havs is Charles F. Marvine, chief of the weather bureau' "Whatever are our animals coming to! No matter how queerly and unruly human beings acted, we used to ex pect animal pets to go comfortably on in the expected ways. That was when we never had anything but pussy cats or canaries for pets, to be sure; but the other day, C. D. West, at a meet ing of the Credit Men's association told us about lamp-fighting cats our old friend pussy, taught to jump at a lamji and knock it over the mo ment she was left alone with it. Then her master, who had carefully left her alone, got the resulting insurance. And up in the north end of town a canary who has learned Jazz, from tho phonograph and won't whistle anything else any more. While at Cen tral Park, an Austrian kingfisher bird had been installed in the bird-houso, which- laughs loudly and wildly, an hour before sunrise every moining, regularly. is pucuboro, but it's even funnier than its name un less you live near it around sunrise time. No, the animal world isn't what it used to be! NEW YORK LETTER By Iiucy Jeanne Price NEW YORK, May 5. New York has had some pretty hard wallops lately. What with the state taking a hand in prohibition enforcement, and the republican and democratic, parties both threatened with splits, it thought it had undergonef-enough; but now comes the revelation that the girl sel ected, after., weeks of elimination and choosing.. as the "most beautiful New York debutante" isn't a New Yorker at all, but a Canadian! New York Uni versity staged the competition and Colas. Phillips, whjpapftnds hislife drawldgDeautifur girls "for magazine covers and advertising pages, was chief decider. The "finals" took place at the University concert the other night when eighteen society buds sold programs. "Aha! There she is!" cried Mr. Phillips. "There's the most beau tiful of them all." Whereupon the ex-' cited committee rushed to inform Miss Allison McBain of her fortune and that she was to have her picture paint ed by Coles Phillips immediately. An1 she casually announced, "Of course, I'm not really of New York at all. I'm from Quebec. I'm just here for the winter." It was probably the worst blow our city has suffered since last year when Major Hyland forgot to have the streets -plowed out from the blizzard. It takes so little to amuse the young! A two-year-old baby was push ed through the front of a store by a runaway automobile in East 163rd street, the other night,, and when the wreckage had been cleared away 10 minutes later, the infant was found pounding his fists together in delight over the new experience. He had been sitting peacefully and monotonously, he may have thought In his go-cart, being pushed by his mother when it all happened. Someone yelled, "Look out!" and a big touring car, zig-zag-ging rapidly, bore down upon them ibefore the mother could turn the wheels. One motor car wheel struck the go-cart and through the window went baby and buggy,' with the auto following them. It is well to take note of messenger boys and everyone else in. New York these days. There is no telling, what thir rank may be. Russian refugees of all degrees are finding haven here. Countesses, princes, and mere mis ters and misses have fled to the God dess in our harbor to escape death and the bolshevik!. There are some tremendously interesting and some exceedingly pathetic cases among them women who had never learned to take care of themselves in any way, suddenly dropped into a strange land, homeless and helpless. Through lt? 1 foreign bureau', the Y. W.' C. A. Has become interested in some of these , exiles and has been able to fit them iiiiu u nicne wnere meyi can aajusi themselves to their new conditions. Ono of the most Interesting and tal ented of- them all is the Countess Ma rio de Gradowsky, a painter of minia tures, who hopes eventually to make, a success here. After fleeing from 'Russia, early in the war, she spent 20 months in an Austrian prison. Hor husband having died and left her with " Two. thousand bathers at Coney Is land on Sunday, the park benches fill ed all night, and theatrical reviewers beginning their columns, "It's a good hot weather show and that's the main thing now,'' all mean that summer, not spring, but summer, is upon us. . Thirteen years is long enough for a husband to wait for his bride to kiss him. In fact, it would injure his pride to wait any longer, So says Frederick Richardson and is accord ingly suing for divorce. He says in his petition that having been married in 1908 and not yet persuaded his wife to show that much sign of affec tion, he thinks it is not unreasonable to .believe that she does not love him as a wife should. 4 . Taxl-Mayrleidrs Taxi -Telephone main -5021. . 27tf .' , Brown's Oufur Stage. Time Table Two round trips dally. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Oufur 7:. 10 a. m. and 1 p. m." tt Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. ' Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 50i. if Glen wood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLE. AN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. From the farms of Nebraska-aud Iowa have come the greatest wrestlers the mat game has ever known. Frank Gotch, for years the champion heavyweight, was a farmer boy from Iowa. Stccficr. another farm boy, followed in his footsteps. Then came another mat sensation. Earl Caddock, of Iowa, also a farm boy, who won the championship from Stcchcr Now comes "The Wtsnri Wiz ard," Pat McGill, 21 yews old, a typical farm lad of vVisier, Ne braska. He is a omb' nation of Caddock and Sterner, with the former's manlirss. class and speed, togcthet with the lattcr's strength, and il is being said that it will not V Vong before the. "Wizard" "nil be wielding hisj power from f'ic front row in the; heavyweight division. He will soon enter a tournament of lightweights, and if he succeeds in eliminating all contenders he will be pitted against the top notch heavyweights. Gene Melady, who piloted Caddock, has taken the -management of the "Wizard. ' Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01. tf Special Sale on Lard and Smoked Meats All This Week at the People's and City Markets Best Lard, 5 pounds 90c 10 pounds $1.75 Bring your pail and have it filled with lard at lb. 15c Jewell Shortening, No. 5s 65c 10 pounds .....$1.25 Picnic Hams, pound 20c Koine Cifred Bacon, pound..... .' 27c Plenty of Whipping Cream at Both Markets People's Third and Union City Market 314 East Second Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 17-11 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 BBBBBBBBBbIbBBBBBBLLBB' wfwJBBBlBBBBHBBBBBBB 1 Series 21 Big Six StvifPatngar, 60-hortm powtr, 128-inch uhlka$t $21 SO f. o.b. Datroit J "Something to Crow About" Opening Game of Base Ball The Dalles vs. Maupin Mayor Stadelman to Pitch First Ball Sunday. May 8. Game Called at 2:30 p. m. Old Ball Grounds Bring Yourself and Friends THE BlG-SlX is in every respect a quality car for comparison only with the very best. Due to light weight and Studebaker's manufacturing facili ties, the price is less than other cars of equal quality. "Buy it because it's a Studebaker." i ThU is a Studebaker Year 'til f ;!, THE DALLES GARAGE CO. The Dalles, Oregon fit.,-. ' -v". faiJi'.VI&i PrisM f . k. factory wmmwtg car. mmm mmmaw OUMNO CAR . . : toOmnc car 4.rAS,.ROAISTERS mo SIMS ITN UGHT4IX COUfE ROADSTER UUtlT'SU 9 EUAN speciausix court: EClAls Sfl SIX SEDAN .1st ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES BVLRcfllflBlBlBVBlBflHRlBflBVBlBflBlBlfl