PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1121. Lucky Strike cigarette Uoastedy I IXXJ WAMIC NEWS WIAMIC, May 3. Emerson and Don Aid Wonderley and Norman Ireland, -who have spent some time with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. II linBBWorth of MIddlcbrook. district, left Tuesday for their homes In Port, land. Poad Supervisor P. B. Driver and Frank Mauil! made a trip to Sherar's Tuesday bringing back a truck load of large culverts to be used In drain ing roads. T. M. Swift loturned from near As toria Wednesday accompanied by bis Bother. Mrs. Mary J. Swift. They were guests over night of Mrs, Mar tha Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs. Marion Burllngame and little daugh ter, Marian, who spont several days with relatives here, loft Thursday for Portland. 'Mlos Crystal Pratt accom panied them and will go on to Oak land where she will visit her brother Carl and his family. C. EX Pratt left Tuesday for The Dalles where he was a witaoss In the water litigation. He has now gone to Oakland to the home of his son, Carl Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Patison returned Wednesday from a week's stay In The Dalies. Mrs. Liza Johnson has been very 111 again tho last week but is much improved now. ur. uodUB or Bend was here Wed nesday to troat Mrs. C. S. McCorkle. She is up again. K. M. Fowler waH ill last wook. The delegation of men from lioro who spont several days In Tho Dalles attending tho water case trlnls re turned Thursday, tho litigation suits having ended. Liberty Chnstuin and Re. Now loft Wednesday for Malheur where they -will asslRt Johnny Chnstuin in fencing his honioatoad. They went on horseback, taking a pack horse. John Darnlello of Tho Dallon visited his sister, Mrs. Liza Johnson of, Wa mlc Thursday. Willis Darnlol o and Olcnn Allen of The Dalles camo with him. J. H. Woodcock of Mnupln brought a load of flour from hla mill to tho atoro hero Wednesday, Mrs. Wood cock and daughter, Miss Irono, accom panied him and wore guests of Mrs. A. IP, JLaok. nrad, tho baby of Prof, and Mrs. J. K. Ward, wbb 111 last wook. !jwIs (Jllson or Tygh was a visit or hero Thursday, Tho Ladlos' Social club met in the church Thursday afternoon electing officers. Mm. Georgia Nnrvel was chosen president, Mrs. Nova Driver, vlce-prosldont ; Mrs. Altn Miller, ho retary and Airs. Un Kennedy, treas urer. A finance committee was ap pointed, consisting of Mrs. Lena Woodcock, Mrs. Ada Norvol and Mrs. Mary lloaty. K. M. Swift and his mother, Mrs. Mary J. awlft, loft Friday for Asto ria. While herd Mrs. Swift sold hor hotel to Frank Maglll, for $850. Oeorgo Knd who spent a fow days here, left last Monday for John Day valley where ho bus purchased soino land. Ora Duncan, 14 years old, w:is thrown from a horse on Smock Thur; day on hor way from school, and so rlously hurt. In company with other school children she was riding at a fast gallop, when the liorao s'umbled and fell, throwing her violently to the ground. Dr. J. L. Elwood was summon eg from -Maupln and found several fractured ribs and internal injuries. The child apparently is in a very critical condition. Mrs. Barbara End, who visited at the home of her grandson, Wilbur Wing, for more than a -week, left Sat- 'urday, meeting her son, George at The Dalles on her way home to As toria. Mrs. Marlon Farlow of Sraocft brought her daughter, Ladelpha, to Wamlc this morning. Miss Farlow ,s attending school here.Irma D. Munlor, who spent several weeks here and 'n Tygh, accompanied Mrs. Farlow on hor return to Smock. Lcnore Woodcock and Ivie Mulvany were here from Smock Saturday. Mrs. E. B. Andrews state organizer of the W. C. T. U., was here today from Oregon City and Portland. Sho has visited many towns and cities in this county where she has accom plished much for the cause, doubling In many places the number of mem berships, and organizing new unions. She will hold a meeting at the church tonight accompanied by Mrs. H. M. Ford, of The Dalles. They were guests of Mrs. Emma Chastain at dinner to day. The pony of Gerald, 14-year-old son of Frank WIni;, figured in a dashing runaway when he was frightened Sat. urday. Gerald had .accompanied his brother, Jim,' with a small herd of qattle to the summer ranso on tho re serve and on bis return stopped at I the Joe Wing place, tying tho horse to a buggy wheel. The animal be came frightened and Jerked the wheel from the vehicle. Tho pony skirted tho edge of town, running to the Mc 'Murry place, on the road leading to Tygh, where he was caught. ARI5.BANS DANCE fin HAS SHIMMY DRESS THE DALLES PLEASED . BY QUICK RESULTS Kveryono Is pleased with the quick results of simple wltchhatol, cam phor, hydrastls, etc., as mixed In Lavontlk eye wash. One man's eyes were so badly strained ho could not read without pain, Two applications relieved him. A lady with weak, In flamed eyes wax greatly helped by ONE bottle. We guarantee a small tattle of Lavoptlk to help ANY CASH weak, strained or inflamed eyes. A. X. Crosby, Urugxlst, 31 S K, Second St. The Senior play is coming soon. Mayi 13 and 14. "Nothing But The Truth." ' 7 Notice To Contractors iBIds for the erection of N. A. Bonn residence will be received at the of fice of Vernon t. WllllamB, Arch., Del., 408 First National Bank building, not later than 6 p. m., May 5, 1921, 5 ENDERSBY NEWS ENDERSBY, Ore., May 2 Mrs. L. H. McDonald was quite ill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Darn fell e and children were Dalles visitors Satur day. e John Darnielle, Sr., visited hla sis- n : linrft tintfiinir (n da i ctus wni - . . with our American shimmy dance but has adopted a sliimmy dress; which is sans sleev.esV This new picture from the French style centtr shows the newest frock worn there, sans sleeves: but tin! skirt only 12 inches' Iron tM ground. .. . Miss Vera Preston were shopping in The Dalles Saturday. G. W. Covert of Pleasant Ridge walked here Sunday and attended services. Mrs. Gus, Masquart who is a pa tient in The Dalles hospital expects to return home Friday. Mrs. Pearl Templeton of The Dalles was a week-end guest at the Ray Darnielle home. Mrs. J. Darnielle, Sr., was shop ping in The Dalles one day last week. William Doyle spent Saturday in The Dalles. The surprise Camp Fire party, en for Miss M. Young, whoft1jkhes her term at Endersby this week, was. greatly enjoyed by those favored. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Darnielle and; family of The , Dalles visited with, home folks Sunday. The ChrleQan Endeavor will giro iB .sitirtalnment in The I.' O. O. F. afglMf!ar Dafur, on the evening of May 13. ROYAL CLUB , COFFEE 1 lb 35c 3 lbs $1.00 5 lbs $1.70 ter, Mrs. Liza Johnson, at Wamlc, one day last week.' Mrs. Johnson suf fered a light stroke not long ago. Only five persons were out to hear The Rev. Ford and singers, who came from Dufur Sunday after noon. He is hoping, "the sun will hine" May 15. When he will again be over. The Misses Zula Fargher and Rorie Houston sang a duet, "Whispering Hope," most .beauti fully. Will Endersby motored to Friend last week to spend several days with hiB sister, Mrs. D. C. Heber lein. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilchrist and Miss Ruth Dickson of The Dalles were guests at the Dickson home Saturday evening. Earl Carico was a county seat visitor Saturday. Miss Pearl Ferguson 1b visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Angell and We have the best bulk COFFEE in the county for 20c and 40c Pound IOWA SWEET CORN Per can 15c Per doz $1.75 FRUIT In Gallon Cans Blackberries 85c Pears 85c Cherries 85c Rhubarb 50c Apricots 85c String Beans 50c empress-Two Days TOBACCO Star, Climax and Horseshoe 80c Plug All cans of Tobacco 15c Don't Forget Nother's Day Next Sunday We are sure that father and the boys will be pleased if Mother buys something good for their Sunday dinned. AT DEL MONTE TOMATOES 1 lb. cans, 2 for 25c 2s, 2 for 35c 2i2s, each 20c SUNKIST PINEAPPLE 25c 35c 2s 2y2s SUNKIST PORK AND BEANS COMING r ' $ McClain's Cash Grocery Telephone Main 2041 Free Delivery 623 E. Second FRIDAY SATURDAY Edvardo LeJarazo Baritone Ricardo Clarke Tenor Beatriz Pizzorni Soprano Speria Castel Contralto I. Del CastiUo Accompanist SONORA GRAND OPERA SINGERS In popular and Operatic songs. WANTED To Move Two Cars of Good 16 inch PINE WOOD at once SI 2.00 PER CORD, DELIVERED Phone in your orders, they will receive prompt attention. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. 800 E. Second St. Main 2911 I D0D6E Brothers SEDAN I I ! The Sedan enjoys, everywhere, a I f distinctly high social status;' and j m yet its economy is one of the fi 8 outstanding reasons for its strong I ' , hold on American appreciation.. i f ' .' s The gaaoltac consumption la unoanaUr lew n J The tire mileage la anatmaUr high 1 ' WALTHER - WILLIAMS CO! . I The Dalles, Oregon . X