PAGE EIOKT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1921. J I" ft fi' 1-if THYE UNO YOKEL BATTLE TO DRAW MATCH QOE8 TWO HOURS WITH OUT FALL ON EITHER 8IDE. . Sherman, 820,000 bushels; Gilliam, !' 600,000; Wasco, 310,000; Baker, 164, '000; Umatilla, 25,000; Morrow, 1,000, '1)00; Wallowa, 90,000, and Union, 245,-000. By United Press PORTLAND, May 4 Alike Yokel or Salt Lake and Ted Thyc of Port land can each continue to call him self tho middleweight wrestling champion of the world, and defy tho other to disprove It. In fact, It looks as If the terrestrial sphere now had two middleweight champions, follow ing a match last night between Thye and Yokel which was to have de cided tho conflicting claims. Tho match was a herculean one, going two hours without a fall on either side. Referee Herbert Green land pronounced it a draw. There was not a shade to choose between tho two, tho aggressive and defen sive constantly switching. Both work ed out of tight holes. Two thousand persons witnessed the match. The Senior play Is coming 'May, 13 and 14. "Nothing But Truth.'' soon. The 7 ALLIE8 DEMAND (Continued From Pago 1.) GRAIN GROWERS (Continued fcYont Pane I.) and Idaho, If tho national consolida tion ia made, will have to accept the contracts offered by the state associa tions, or stay out of the pool. iFourth, all contracts seemed by tho respective state associations after consolidation with tho national will contain clauses providing lor tho membership of each grower with the national as well as the state organ ization. tPlflh, a zone agency of the nation al, with officers, employes and bank ing facilities, will be established In Spokane, to bo ready by July 1, 1921. Sixth, members ofstale associa tions will not bo required to pay mem bership fees in tho national, but mem bers secured after tho consolidation Is effoctod will have to pay a $10 fee to tho state association, and a por tion of this -will go to tho national. iSoventh, statu associations will bo required to canvass their members for subscriptions to stock In tho fl- nanco and export corporations. .Eighth, s'.ito iiswh'lom will onjov prlf'llogos nnd usage of the finance and pxnnrl corporations. 'Ninth, all farm organizations in tho rospectlvo states will bo advised of the resolutions and conditions of consolr conferred, with the supremo council to day. It was reported that Germany had submitted a new offer approximating the allied demand. This was denied by; the foreign office. The report was characterized as "a German Inven tion." IBorlln, it was stated, .realizes that the now allied terms are more favor able than those proposed at the first Paris conference on reparations. It was believed by attaches that Germany started the rumor of a new offer to conceal what satisfaction she feels in the new allied proposals. A copy of the allied ultimatum will bo sent to Washington simultaneous ly with Its dispatch to Berlin. The supremo council's labors were reported to have been completed ex cept for a decision on naval action in case of Germany's rejection of the ultimatum. It was stated that Wash ington will bo consulted before war craft arc sent to blockade German ports. much money has been spent In the development of the Mare Island yard, but owing to the shallow water between Mare Island and San Fran-( clsco Bay, there has been much agi tation for a yard at Alameda for the accommodation of battleships and other large sized craft. It quite apparent that congress must PRE HISTORIC PERU 18 LAMED FOR SHIMMY By United News NEW YORK, May 4. Pre-hisloric Peru not California's iBarbary coast Invented the Jazz band and the shimmy. Charles W. Mead, assistant curator either establish this proposed yard of the department of anthropology Jn or expend large sums of money In the American Museum of Natural His the improvement of the channel to tory, has made the discovery on not- Mare Island. tery fragments In his care. "The last congress authortzed the Pictures of ancient Peruvians shim location of a submarine and destroy- mying to the tune of -drums, prehis cr base and aviation station at the toric saxaphone3, oboes, rattles, cyril mouth of the Columbia river and bals, plpe3, and trumpets prove It. made the initial appropriation for be- and the ladles wore bell3 on their ank ginning the work. This action was les and rattles on their wrists, taken with the understanding that , t the people of Astoria would furnish) Dr- s- Burke Massey, dentist, First the necessary site free of charge to National bank, rooms 307-308. Tete the government. This was agreed to, 1 Phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf By Carl D. Groat (United Press Staff Correspondent) BERLIN, May 4 Germany Till yiold to allied Indemnity demands be fore submitting to further invasion, it was believed in well-informed circles today. If tho present government will not sign, a government will be found which will sign. There were numerous declarations that Germany will roject the allied de mands. Her capitalists 1 were among those determined Mo refuse to pay. Hugo Stlnnos, recognized as the real leader of this faction, was reported to have been approached by French agents who wished to learn his atti tude on tho threatened invasion of the Ruhr valley. Stlnnos was said to havo rebuffed tho agents with tho asser tion: "You will havo to come and see me lntor. Anyway, you will find that American coal will put the Ruhr mines out of business just as they havo tho 'Saar coal. "You may mako a beggar out of me, but there has been a tedious delay In the matter of conveying the prop erty, although it begins to look as though formal conveyance and ac ceptance will be an accomplished fact within a few days. The bureau of yards and docks announces that the work will begin just as soon as the property is' formally accepted by tho government. "Tho mouth of the Columbia river is unprotected except for a few anti quated guns at Fort Columbia and Fort Stevens. There has been an argent need for better facilities for many years past, but congress did not recognize this need until last year, when the now naval estab-j Hshment was authorized. The mouth of the Columbia is the key to the1 great Columbia river basin, and it! is of the utmost Importance that it bo amply fortified and protected. "I am not a jingolst, nor am I un necessarily alarmed about war JURY IN CASE OF YOUNG BOND THIEF DISAGREES By United Presa CHICAGO, May 4. The jury in the case of William Dalton, 17-year-old employe of the Northern Trust com pany who walked out of the bank with , ?772,000 in Liberty bonds, reported a I disagreement today and was dis charged. i The jury had been out since 1 p. m. Tuesday. ' It was understood that, the jury was evenly divided. ll'.ness contained a poison other than nicotine. The pills, according .to the city chemist, contained no alkaloid poi soning, such as found in her organs at the autopsy at Chicago. While ostensibly "tonic" in nature, glowing words of. the great blessings awaiting on the distant coast. The vessel was built at a cost of $18,000. Nautical experts say that It will not float. the pills effect. were in reality deadly in ARK ABOUT FINISHED; DUSKY BUILDER HAPPY By United Presa LOS ANGELES, May 4 The day of days is here for The Rev. James Lewis and his -band of dusky castle builders. j For down at Terminal island, everything is in -readiness for the1 launching of the "ark," a queer shaped hulk of wood and cement, which will soon slide into the waters of the Pacific to embark on a voyage to the golden shores of Afrfca. The Rev. Lewis, skipper, sky-pilot and modern Noah, is busy offering final words, of encouragement to the group of missionaries and speaking He's a likable, lovable, gay and dashing crook. He'll win your heart. H. B. WARNER as Jimmy Doyle in "DICE OF DESTINY" CASINO THEATER DEMPSEY HAS OLD SOCK SO HE'LL WIN SAYS RUTH By United Presa WASHINGTON, May 4 Babe Ruth, champion home-run hitter: "Dempsey will beat Carpontler. Ho will knock him out because It's the with old sock that wins In every sport' and Japan, but I wish to play safe, not Dempsey has the sock. I've never only with the Japanes, but with any j seen this Frenchman, "but they tell other possible enemy that might at- me he will run away in the first tempt to attack any portion of our rounds. Well, he won't have much coast line or seek to land an army room to run and Dempsey's ,kind of on our shores. We are not going to fast himself. It's the old cock and lessen the prospects of war with Ja- Carpentler hasn't enough." pan by heeding the lamentations of the little navy fellows." GERMAN PLANTS DEADLY PILLS ADD TO I GIRL'S DEATH MYSTERY By United Press I ''LOS ANGELES, May 4 Mystery surrounding the death of Miss Marie Vance from nicotine poisoning deep ened today with the announcement that chemical analysis of tho white pills administered to her during her (Continued Prom Pag 1.) paper money'. ifthis goes on the currency will have no value. The government will be compelled to al low some now form of valuation. Currencies havo been nbandoned be fore, nnd I presume the time is com-j fflfv wlinn 1 1 1 n nupmnno will peUed to abandon tl.ik" 88 FLOWERS MOTHERS' FOR DAY Sunday, May 8 Wear a Carnation on that day as tribute to Mother. Your most fitting gift to Mother -will be flowers of any kind, either cut flowers or potted plants. There will be plenty of flowers, all varieties, to meet your demands for Mothers' Day at Elizabeth Hall's Floral Shop In Corson Music House dation, and urged to assist In tho or- I but y0U wlH como to ,no ,ater' novo! gnnlzation work, In order that the largest, possible amount of wheat nuiv 'bo placed under contract this sea son. Tenth, that the general uningor of tho 'Spokane zone ugoney is to bo named by tho state associations In tho zone, 'selection to bo approved by tho national. Elovcnth, slulo association? aro to ho given until July 1, Will, to outer into tho contract with tho national. Tho president and secretary of tho national aro empowered to oxoeuie this contract with- tho northwestern associations, subject to tho approval of a committee consisting of J. U. Howard, presldont of tho Amurlc-in Farm 'Bureau federation, U. L. Bur dick and W. V .Schilling. This com mltteo will mnko personal investiga tion In tho northwest, and will prob ably bo in The Dalles soinutlmo this month. Kor tho selection of district dele gatus of tho Oregon association, s.ule wide primaries aro to bo held .Mav 24. Tho Willamette valley m mbershW campaign In opening thin weHc. a di" egatlon of organizations having al ready started to work In Washington county. Tho slato assocla'lon now has ;! 1117,000 huhol r:- ';.u under 1. 1!" contract, liy em.:" l ' i i t as fo'lown: .Tof f '-p-mi i-t.i thcless.' BUFORD'S BOATS (Contlnued Prom Page 1.) with nitrate, when it wns scon that the vessel was doomed nnd an SOS was flashed. There was an explosion and tho wireless winit out of commission. Tho first call, however, had been picked up by tho Buford. A swell was running and tho To kuyo's small boats wore bobbing about In danger of being swamped when tho Buford hovo to nnd picked mom up. M c ART H UrTro "FIG H T (Continued Front Pago 1.) Ladies' and children's hats. Also j hair goods at reduced prices. Black's j Millinery, 115 East Second street. 5 '! JUDGE LANDIS of tremendous (Continued From Pa?e 1.) give up tho bench. Since the attack was made upon him in congress bo cnuso of t ho fact that he held two po sitions, tho judge has planned to quit tho court. Ho would not quit undor fire, however, and would not leave while tho Impeachment proceedings were ponding. 'With tho resignation of Judge Lan dls, tho federal court will lose ono , of Its most picturesque characters. His ready wit, Ills broad-spoken humor, ' his vigorous, out-spoken method of doaling with attorneys, wltnesse-?, court attaches and those on trial be fore him, made him nationally known. Tho Judgo in leaving tho bench gives up a salary of $7,500 a year. His course, Is a point strategic Importance, "It would bo tho key to tho Pa cific In tho ovent of war with Japan or with any foreign power that might l)a" H baseball high commissioner Is Black Taffetas "Just the Qualities that are Desirable Come and see the exceptional values we offer in full yard wide, extra good Black Taffetas at , $1.69, $1.89, $2.39 And $2 ,75 FOR MAKING UP Velvet Sport Jackets Be sure to see our fine Imported Costume Velvet in Black, Navy, Brown and Plum. Full 36 in. wide. $3.95 seek-to attaek us from tho west. "Tho navy yard at Bremerton. nsl: should bo enlarged and made equal to tho best yards on tho At lantic coast. It has tho best depth of water of all of our yards and many other natural advantages. Congress has already authorized largo expendi tures for tho devolopmont of an aviation base, a destroyer and tor 'hmIo station, training school and ma Ino barracks at San Diego, and f-U'.&uu a year. Landls has boon sotting dates en all cases for decision ahead, not lat er than Juno 15. Ho has started mak lug arrangements to obtain a few mo. inontos from his court room. They i:s cludo his drsk, n chair and a fow trinkets. Judge l.andis said today he had not roslgnod yet. Main fiOfil Benne it Taxi Main 01 tf THE OTHER WOMAN IS ALWAYS THE FATTER, OF COURSE WANTED To Move Two Cars of Good 10 inch PINE WOOD at once $12.00 PER CORD, DELIVERED Phone in your orders, they will receive prompt attention. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. 800 E. Second St. Main 2911 Bed Spreads EXTRA GOOD ONES. AT PRICES MUCH LESS MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW BEVERLY fine Crochet Cotton Bed Spreads, fuli double bed size. Exceptional values at.. $3.29 ALDEN superior, full sized Spread. Very service able quality and exceptioal value at $3.50 NEWTON extra full sized, good weight Crochet Cotton Bed Spreads, in exceptional designs $4.00 Best Quality Satin Bed Spreads in lovely new de signs. All full double bed size. See our special val ues at $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.75 to $9.00 Full assortment of scalloped and cut corner Bed Spreads, $3.50 to $10.00. FINE COTTON HUCK TOWELS Large Size 15c GOOD FULL SIZED BATH TOWELS Each 25c VIGILENT BED SHEETS Size 81x90 $1.09 WOMEN'S GAUZE SLEEVELESS UNION SUITS 39c Each WOMEN'S FINE COTTON HOSE In Black, Whjite and Dark Brown. .25c WOMEN'S FINE GAUZE UNION SUITS All styles. 59c WOMEN'S GAUZE SLEEVELESS VESTS 15c EDWARD C. PEASE CO.