PAGE SEVEN, TRAVEL TRANSPORT has been imbedded in the lining and is pressed against the drum when the brakes are operated. Usually this dirt They reduce the number of guards and operate an Insurance for the curs the leakage will hecom? greater, the pressure on the gauge will dro; Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist property they protect. Heavily armed slightly. may be washed out with kerosene, guards ride on the inside. Our weekly DON'T Don't allow oil to leak out at main and connecting rod bearings. The oil gauge on the dash may often the employed as a rough check on the tightness of the bearings of the engine, if the crank Bad roads must go! This is the ul timatum of people living in Dixie. That they are alert to urgent need of good roads is attested by the tre mendous sums voted in recent state and county bond issues. Over $278, 000,000 is now available for good roads expenditure in the south. Texas leads with $97,772,000 and Virginia is second' with $50,000,000. but if it is so firmly intrenched that it refuses to come out with this treat ment a little rosin mixed with castor oil and applied to the bands will cure the trouble. Brown's Dufur Stage Tim Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bant hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p.m. Leave Dufui 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. J There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man in the past, be a "made to order man'' Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenlnas by Anoolntment J7.1I Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phono Black 1111 WOODARD & TATTSqHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates fur'nlehed of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block Bullet-proof armored motor trucks are rapidly becoming common sights on city streets. To provide safety and service in the transfer of pay rolls and money banks, public utilities and other concerns of size are pur chasing them in increasing numbers. shaft la hollow and oil is delivered through it from the main bearings to the connecting rod bearings. When in the future. First class hand tailor Jhe bearings are tight, the leakage will be small and the pressure of the ed silts to measure, $36.00 and up. W. Chronic squeaking in the braking system is generally due to dirt that H. Webber, one block east of post- gauge will be normal, but as wear 05. office. 6tf i HE DALLES DAILY .CH.RONlCLE, , WEDN E$D AY. flAY 4, 1921. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified adrertlslas; 1 cant per wora FOR SALE dLarge aad small farm each Insertion, u inseriee e umes. or noM. 3-4 cent a. ward. Moathly pubU cation rates on application at the office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms, 80'J Jackson street. 6 FOR RENT Two furnished bed roomB. 811 Case street. 5 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 507 East Fourth street 7 FOR RENT Garage at 322 West Sixth street. 6 and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Haana, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALES Horses. 1 havo a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, eaat end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 1 . 26tf LOANS. WANTED WANTED Waitress at Obaiv hotel. Telephone black 4631. 5 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, electric cook stove, reasonable, tele phone red 3991. 700 Case street. 9 FOR RENT Seven room furnished house. References required. Apply 313 East Fifth street. 4 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 620 East Third street Phone Black 2301. m5 FOR RENT Advertising ground space, along Columbia and The Dalles California' highway road. Phone Black 4881. 6 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also small house, suitable tor baching, 111 West Second street. 7 FOR RENT Furnished bedroom in modern home. $12 r month. 122 IWest Seventh street. Telephone . black 3601. 4 FOR RENT Room with board in modern home. Lady or gentleman. Phone red 3491, 1000 Fulton street. 7 WANTED To do dressmaking and sewing. 607 East Fourth street. 7 WANTED Position by practical nurse. Call red 4192. 4 WANTED Stock to pasture, splendid gras3, running water. Write R. R. 2, box 93. 4wl8 WANTED Work by the hour. No washing. Reasonable rates. Address P. -W. 10, care Chronicle. WANTED iWork on ranch or cook for camp. Woman and boy. Where no woman oversees. Inquire 203 East Fourteenth street. 6 WANTED Position In The Dalles by girl of 17 as helper with light housework in small family of aduiU. No washing. Write Mary Mar' In, box 72, Maupin, Ore. 6 WANTED Dressmaking, fancy ging hams and organdies a specialty. Pat terns cut to measure. Reasonable prices. 1512 Pine street. Telephone red 3181. 10 FOR SALE FOR SALE Castle Gate Utah coal at Maier & Schanno's. 10 FOR SALE Eight room modern house and acre of ground. Apply 1396 Fair street 6 FOR SALE Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Telephone black 3962. 4 WMVWWMMWAAOAAAAWWAAAAAAAA FOR SALE) Fresh milch cow, four-year-old. Gives six gallons per day. A. E. Fine, telephone 17F11. 4 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old caK, $11.50. Second growth, $12.60. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Good second hand De "Laval cream separator. C. J. Corson, 320 East Second street. 6wl8 FOR SALE Young Toggcnburg milk goats with kids. Rosemont Goat Dairy, 295 East 69th street north, Portland, Oregon. 5 FOR SALE Irrigation outfit consist ing of pump, gasoline engine, and large quantity of 1J inch iron pipe. See Attorney Frank G. Dick, The Dalles. 6wl8-19 FOR SALE Slightly used, lates. moctel Underwood typewriter. Call red 2211, or sea .Too Mclnerny. 7 WJANTED To rent 6 or 7 room mod ern house by June 1. Will lease for one year. Give best care. Address reply to A. M., care of Chronicle. 4 WANTED Lady housekeeper, light work for single man, house well fur nished. All replies will be promptly answered. Alfred Nichols, Prine ville, Oregon". WANTED To mow your lawns, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to keep busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone L. A Mathews, 602 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf LOST OlTVoUND FOUND Bunch of heavy keys, in cluding switchmen's keys, near high school. Owner may claim at Chron icle office. 5 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Thoroughbred Duroc hogs for good milch cow and calf. F. A. Bushey, up Chenowith creek, route 4. 1 FOR SAI-E Goat's milk, also fine bit ly kids from four to five quart dams, Seanan breed. W. W. 'Nich ols, 1205 Ljncoln street. 10 FOR SALE Three level lots with fruit, eight room house with mod ern conveniences, full basement, in good residential section. Price , $4000. Dalles Realty company, black , 5691. 6 FORALE Good level lots, good soil, in Fair street. $160 per lot. Call 1418 Bluff street or telephone black 1441. 7 FOR SALE Lot and 12-room house, 318 Calhoun street Sale oh prem ises at public auction on Friday 'May 6, 1921. John Gavin, admlnls trator. 5wl8 FOR' SALE 20 acres of good land, un improved, three miles west of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms If desired. Write owner, P. O. box 67, Trarer, California. 10 IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Feel Like Lead or Bladder Bothers. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, torpid livec acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kid noys active and clean, and tho mo ment you feel an achn or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drag store here, take a tablespoonful In a glass of water beforo breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flno. This' famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with II? b and is harmless to flush clogpc.1 kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activity. It also neutralizes th-1 acids In the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpen sive; makes a delightful efferve scent llthla-water drink which every body should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus a ing serious complications, A well known local says be sells lots of Jad Salts to folk who believes in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble..'. , TO LOAN $1600 on real estate se curity. Inquire Carlton L. Pepper. 6 MISCELLANEOUS VE1JNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218 East Third street. M6 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1362. J. E. Hemsle. 11 tt HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street Telephone main 6681. tf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre PianiBt FORD Specialists Whitney Repair 8hep 709 East Second St PIANOS TCNlflD una repaired, ac tion regulating aad reflnlahlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Docketader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street Telephone main i061. tf VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 1001 East Secon street. Tele phone stain 1571. Mtf White Truck Line Freight and express betweea The Dalles aid Wasco, Moro and all war points .Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m daily except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone Hack 14 or main 471. tf SULPHUR SOOTHES UGLY, ITCHING SKIN The First Application Makes Skin Cool and Comfortable. If you are suffering from eczema or some other torturing, embarrass ing skin trouble you may quickly be rid of it by using Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, because of its germ destroying properties, seldom fails to quickly subdue itch ing, even of fiery eczema. The first application makes the skin cool and! comfortable. Rash and blotches are healed Tight up. Mentho-Sulphur is applied like any pleasant cold cream and is perfectly harmless. You can obtain a small jar from any good druggist AdY. fOVJNDEO WHY A BANK ACCOUNT COMMUNITY STANDING YOU always find the E"bstantlal citizen, the busi ness man big or little ; maintaining a bank ac count and connection. A Btep in that direction for YOU Is the opening of an account at the French & Company bank. We have Been and HELPED many balances be come bigger. 4 Paid on Savings UstSMSIk iVIIII lllFnSIIII!HII RKSStlM E. H. FRENCH, PAUL M. FnENCH, Vice-President V. H. FRENCH. Secretary J. C. HOSTETLER. Cashier FRENCH & CO BANKERS THE DALLES INC. OREGON Wasco Hotel 624 E&t Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. CR AND ALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles. LULU O. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensee) Embalmere, Establishes 1SS7 Dufur Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. WlllerUn Telepnon Reel 1781 Motor Equipsastnt Telephones Day Reel Ml Night Red Hi J. H. Hsrper. Slack 2182 Cut Flowers BHgpMsa. BJBS, .now lowm! BBJ BBBj a fMj.Aiir Bfl BBBi AaAHb. BBJ BBH ur.miu4Mk BB3 BB! Miii lut BBJ ggj. "i!,3Sn5afc" has BBBj . flbu , BBJ gK Miiirim iii riT ' BBI ctLao-soLA co. BBJ BBBJ,ort BBJ Remember the Label. 8ee that It bears the young squaw. Accept no substitutes. SUFFERED FOR YEARS; NOW ABLE TO EAT MOST EVERYTHING Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, of Beaverton, Oregon, writes: "Having suffered for a number of years with indigestion and constipation, I was advised by my friends to try your BARK ROOT TONIC, and It has helped me won derfully. Can eat so many things I was not able to eat for years. Am glad to Bay I can eat most everything now. Gives one a wonderful appetite and drives away that tired feeling. I consider? ,it an exceeding good tonic." Bark Root Tonic A Mild Laxative; An Appetizer A wonderful Tonic for strengthening your run-down system and an excellent blood purifier. If suffering from indiges tion or constipation glvo DARK ROOT TONIC a trial. Sold by all reliable drug gists, or write Celro-Kola Co. PORTLAND 8ole Mfgrs. OREGON Millions of persons have carried Travelers Cheques to every nook and cranny of the earth. Inexperienced travelers as well as veteran globe trotters have found this form of self-identifying travel funds es sential to their comfort. When you buy Travelers Cheques at this bank you con vert your travel money into a form of currency which is readily negotiable anywhere, and, yet which can be spent by no one but you. Travelers Cheques are popular with tourists because they positively safeguard travel funds. They are popular with hotels and railroad and steam ship companies 'because they are not alluring loot to thieves and becauso they eliminate embarrassment and hazards incidental to cashing personal checks. We regard tho sale of this International currency as one of tho most important phases of our complete banking service. It costs little to Insure your funds against loss by pur chasing Travelers Cheques at this bank. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . The Dalles, Oregon f MRS. BROWN'S I I SECRET OF SUCCESS 11 BOARDERS WANTED - Can C I I I accomodate two more first-class I I I C. boBFdar afttr ntxt Monday. "7 I I I I t Excellent table. horrie cooklnd, II l I 1 J prompt acrvica. Mra, L.H.Brown I lC"" ) NO VACANT CHAIRS If , CHRONICLE WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. 0